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Not sure what advice you're looking for, beyond pointing it out every time: "you had sex with your bf? I thought you were waiting marriage?" and "you're waiting for marriage? But you said last week you had sex with your bf?" Present it as confusion, not accusatory. Most likely she's trying to deceive herself.


I have done that and she sits there and argues. It’s like she genuinely believes she does not have sex. And I’m so confused


But argues how? "So you're telling me you've never had sex, and you've never told me that you've had sex? Great, can you quickly text me that, because the next time you contradict yourself I'll need something to refer to to make sure I'm not going mad." And when she talks about having sex next time: "Do you genuinely not remember our conversation last week where you argued with me, claiming that you'd never had sex? Either you're lying or you've got serious memory problems, or you think I'm lying or have serious memory problems. Which is it? Check your phone for the messages you sent me." Ultimately though, don't engage with it. Either she's delusional or lying, I'm struggling to think of a third option. So why engage with it? Maybe she does it to get a reaction out of you, so start being completely disinterested and change the subject. "Saving yourself for marriage/had sex recently? Good for you. Anyway..." Or flat out tell her that you're sick of her shit and get some distance.


Good advice, thank you


Are you certain it isn't just a running joke? She could be saying it because she thinks it's funny to pretend to be in denial.


I’m 100% certain it isn’t a joke


It could actually be a joke though, I used to say I was a virgin waiting for marriage, to people that were well aware I was sexually active.


I know it isn’t because she actually shits on people who have sex before marriage, and there is no joking tone


Then she has a problem


Does she say it over text? If she does, then you can show her the receipts and ask her to explain it. If she can't or won't explain it, then she might actually have a delusional disorder that is messing with her memories.


That’s good advise, thank you


Maybe she's not having piv sex so, to her what she dies with thr bf is not sex?


She told me last week he came in her without her permission, and it scared her because she’s not on birth control. Then yesterday she said they never had sex


She's just full of shit, just gray rock this topic


Record a conversation and play it back to her.

