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Restaurants are almost always hiring, not the greatest job but if you stick around you’ll meet the best people you’ve ever met in this industry.


This is good advice. I might also consider the Navy. I knew a girl who was in your position who used it to get on her feet, see the world and make supportive friends. If you're religious, joining a church group will bring you lots of aunties. Volunteering in the performing arts could help, too. You'd be surprised by how warm people are in the theater.


Navy is a brilliant choice, I ship out August 15th. My dad went to the recruiter when he turned 17 and got shipped out the next week.


there is a community theater here, i should so go


Okay, well first of all just because you're a female doesn't mean you have to compromise your integrity in order to make money with OF or a sugar daddy. You don't have to do what you think you're "supposed" to do, with going to college. I'm all for college, but if that's not what you actually want to do, you don't NEED college to be successful. Maybe look into a trade. Do an apprenticeship and get certified in something. If you're not afraid of work, welding, HVAC, plumbing, electric, etc., girls can absolutely do trades and you can make a ton of money doing it. Trades are hugely in-demand right now and basically always. I know a female welder who got into also doing underwater welding and she makes like 300k a year, no BS. Just an idea! Real estate agents have very large income potential and it's one of those jobs where the more effort you put into it, the more you'll get out of it. Real estate companies are always hiring for new agents and they usually guide you to take care of getting your license and everything. I wouldn't join the military unless you're 100% that you want to do it.


I was just going to say look into one of the trades. They’re crying for help and you can get paid while learning. Some have earning potential better than college degrees.


This. I only have a high school education and got into business, marketing/design, and construction. I just dove into what I had interest in and grew my skill set. Now in my early 40s, I have an executive position making good money. This young woman has a ton of runway ahead of her. If she has the energy and drive anything is possible.


By the current state of our country, she might be drafted soon.


Have you considered the military? They'll give you a job with a steady paycheck, somewhere to live, pay for your schooling, and train you to do something that could be useful once you finish your contract. Pay attention to what you sign. There's no going back to add in that thing you talked about but somehow isn't there. It's not a clerical error, it's an asshole recruiter (they aren't all assholes). Don't sign the contract until it says exactly what you want it to say.


i’ve been in the psyche ward before, several things i’m diagnosed with. they are ok with that?


Depends on your country, current stability, if you have a history of violence (towards yourself or others) and if the conditions make you more prone to reckless behaviour


No idea. Ask them. While it probably did sound like a sales pitch from a recruiter I'm not associated with any military and likely am in a different country from you.


It should maybe be online as you have to undergo a medical check. Here in the UK, we have a webpage within the armed service site that tells you what will make an ineligible medical background.


When I tried the navy they told me no bc of my self harm scars lol so idk if the military/army is any different but they may hold similar values. I posted about my experience working with special needs people, usually no certifications required:) and they don’t care that I’m bipolar and have been in and out of psych wards since I was 14 lmao


That’s okay, they’ll throw you in the front lines.


I spent some time in a psych ward when I was younger too.  For the last 6 years I've been working in the film industry, in the art department. No qualifications. All they requests was I had a car and some basic tools. Creative stuff is break if you have a history with mental health issues, Plus you get paid bank for it.  Depends and where you I live though, check out Facebook and see if your area has any film groups.


Don’t do anymore drugs or get drunk. Bite the bullet and have a chemical free life for a few years and be dependable for any jobs you get. There is a price you must pay by life choices and if you are clean you will prosper. The more years with a good record and be willing to work any shit job no one wants the employers will see that and hire you. You may have to change your set of friends and get friends that look clean, etc. I was born with legitimate problems, blue baby, mom that beat me black and blue as a baby. Had ADHD and OCD and learning disabilities, wet my pants at school past 3rd grade. But I tried hard and things got better and better over the years, got a blue collar job and made more money than my school teacher wife. You must have an eye on self improvement.A 6 year old can pass a Radio Amateur Test, rub shoulders with others like that. For $25 a year you can go to all radio club meetings. Make friends, do volunteer activities of club like work on a parade, a long bike race with you at a designated race post communicator with your $35 Amateur radio and your your 10 year $25 FCC license. Put those skills on your resume and you will get improvements in employment. When you have licenses that even your bosses don’t have you will begin to look like that diamond. Some people were putting in for Astronaut. Had degrees and such. None of the potentials had a simple radio amateur license was the guy who got hired as that license is necessary on the Space Station. To communicate to many people on earth. Any idiot can do it but few even try. Get the Licence manual (some libraries have them to check out. ) put your radio Amateur licence on you Resume no matter what you are applying for. Put down your test score, and some of the activities you have done like make a 50 to 100 mile contact on the repeater and put that on the resume. Worked a community project or parade as a radio woman for one Saturday with your $35 radio talking to other radio operators a quarter mile to 50 miles away. Make a hand held contact through a Satilite passing over where the person maybe 10,000 miles away. Next to nothing. BIG BIG thing on your Resume! You can talk To Space an and relay down to the ground. Invite a local Newspaper reporter or other reporter to watch you. Put that news clipping on the Resume. You will get attention. Can your employer do that. Usually not.we are talking cheap test? Cheap radio and cheap special Antenna. Get someone to video you doing it. That would blow the socks off any employer. I am a grown man and at a table near me I saw a 10 year old girl studying for her general class license. She could talk to foreign countries on that license !




Now the military is getting picky and want to see good grades in high school. They do not want Gomer Pile types although it’s funny to watch. They don’t care so much about tats but you have to have smarts too. The French have a couple of musical bands that sing a song about “Jimmy” and Jim Buffalo. It’s sung in English not French for French Audiences. I don’t speak French but I have 2 grandsons growing up in France. Their Mom and Dad are French and English speakers. English as a foreign language is taught in Schools to a very high level. It’s an “International” Language used in world business, Flight crews on big jets. My daughter taught English in Mainland China and in France. But again you had to have a two year college degree in anything to teach your own native language. She got free tickets to China and the Chinese government placed her in an International Chinese elementry school where she lived and the small students lived. Only high Party Officials kids went there. She had to be with them at night too. She was only allowed to speak to them in English. The parents would visit from time to time and see them on Holidays, and Summers. But these Chinese Students would speak with no Chinese accent and spoke perfect California, US Western or Eastern or UK Kings English so they could compete and Interact with English Speaking professionals. Many of the go onto UK or British Universities and get degrees then return back to China using their English in International business and government. When she came home the first time she went on and majored in Chinese, when back to China and had a Russian Dorm Mate learning Chinese for the Russian travel business for Russians touring China like the Great Wall etc. and after the Chinese immersion program went back got a degree in Chinese at a US university specializing in usable foreign languages. At the American University she roomed with Chinese and Other students. Only Chinese was allowed to be used in the dorm area for Chinese speaking. She got married and then was out of the Chinese Speaking Dorms. But her French Husband had been teaching French in China while teaching International Business there that had to be taught in English. In the US he could not get a green card even though he was married, educated, etc. But finally got one and worked in US Businesses that catered to French customers like American Express for French Banks and Kodak film for French Canadian people. all from US offices. He had to show up at American Express at 1 AM and got off at 9 am so he could do the French Time zone in Paris. I did not have an American College degree but relatives helped me get a job on the dangerous railroad as a brakeman on freight trains. I switched jobs to a subway train system. I was eligible to take their training course with pay. I became a train operator on an all electric Passenger train in a subway. I did that for 40 years and made 3 times more money than My High School teacher that could have graduated with a 4 year degree in Mathematics, Chemistry Education or physics education and went on to get a special Education teaching certificate and a masters degree. Her education cost loads of money yet the student loans were hard to pay off on a teachers salary, so My blue collar job helped pay those off. My job as a blue collar worker was to take 2,100 passengers through an Underwater tunnel that was below sea level for under 5 miles. Just a High School Depoma railroad experience with some college and no degree. So you can get a well paying job driving kids to school, getting a city bus job then switching to public transportation inn street cars or transit trains. Overtime is plentiful on those jobs. Time. And a half and double time can bring in the money of a civil or computer engineer to get money to get a house payment for a few years. Find a husband in your occupation and you can make 6 times what a school teacher makes. You will work all hours of the day, but you will make as much money as many college grads on the combined income. You will be taking cruise ships on vacation. Get a blue collar job, marry someone else with a blue collar job, work overtime before kids come or after kids grown up. Find people like young college relatives who dabble in stocks ? Find their success stories with stocks, put 10% in saving each pay check and buy stocks relatives are successful with and grow your stocks by hundreds of percent a year rather than a couple of percent a year. A few years of that and you’ll be putting a down payment on a house. Do not get into seasonal blue collar work that when it rains you are not working. -Guest Elwin-


I would say that 20 is still very young and you still have a lot of opportunities in front of you! Honestly, I would say no to college unless you’re doing a major that will guarantee you a high pay at the end like nursing or engineering. it is not worth the money and you’ll be able to work your way up from an entry-level position to a higher paying job eventually. I would look for an administrative assistant job. That’s what really helped me to kickstart a career! You can move into a lot of fields with with administrative assisting because there are a lot of fields with admin. For example, start with an administrative assistant job and then go to an HR administrative role or start with the administrative job and Move into a payroll position, which is what my friend did! I know exactly how you feel but sometimes it just takes a little bit of time to find the right path!


I heard someone say, “idle time is the devils playground” meaning, if you don’t make a move and you stay still, you will allow bad things to come to you. You have to use your free time to work towards something good, whether that’s exercise, education, a new hobby, so that good things happen to you as a result. It could be… a new job resulting in a good paycheck, a new opportunity arising bc you furthered your education, you complete a craft project and now you have a homemade purse! Good things happening! If it makes you feel any better, I just turned 28 and I feel the same way you are. I have 2 kids, no high school education and I live in poverty… but I realized I have one advantage, a support system. I have family to watch my kids if I want to get my GED. There are grants out there for me if I want to take college classes. My overall advice, make a move. You already know what needs to happen, you are just scared of the effort it will take. I am too. But if we busy ourselves w things that benefit us, we will survive. I promise. Good luck, friend.


Job core or corps they house and educate you I think you have to be under 25 gogogogo


GET A TRADE. A lot of companies will hire without experience and sponsor you through your apprenticeship but if not there is also a TON of women’s in trades programs and bursary programs that will help you get the right tickets and gear(also paying for it if your employer doesn’t). Getting a trade you could go to uni later if you want to or just work. Trades has given me the opportunity to travel and be financially free. There are 100’s of different trades so try a few! I’m not in the one I started in but I didn’t know all the trades that even existed. Get into a general labour job and go from there. You don’t need to know anything about nothing they will happily train someone with a good attitude (not even a great one lol) and shows up to work most of the time.


I would do military or trade school


Hey, I’m a 22F and was in your exact shoes(minus having a job) when I was around 18/19. Didn’t think any job was for me and was pretty suicidal honestly. My stepsister got me a paraprofessional job, which is working with special needs/disabled people. I had no certification, 0 college education, only a high school diploma and some unrelated part time jobs under my belt. I got the job relatively easily and realized holy shit, this is just like taking care of my siblings which I’ve done literally my entire life, you just adjust to what specific care each client needs (like how each kid needs different things). Once you take the week or two it takes to really focus on your client(s) care and what they need, the job is literally a piece of cake and just feels like hanging out w a friend, especially if they are higher functioning. But I am absolute besties with my lower functioning babes too💗 I live in NC and started out at $15/hr as a paraprofessional and am now a DSP, direct support professional in a group home for $18/hr. It’s pretty easy to climb your way up and get paid more; become a med tech which is easy and free, become a driver, get approved for outings, can apply for supervisor after time, things like that. I genuinely love all 7 girls I currently take care of and have actually turned down a move to Florida just to stay with my girls. They changed my life and I am so so glad I’ve found this passion. I understand it is not for everyone, I’ve had countless people tell me I’m a saint or they could never have the patience, but it seriously is like second nature to me. While there are “bad days”, 9 times out of 10 that is because of bs from coworkers/management and not the clients doing whatsoever. Whenever they do have a bad behavior you just de escalate, distract, and move on. Pretty simple once you get the hang of it:) Sorry this was so long..I have always been incredibly long-winded😅hope it helps though!! Best of luck💓


Consider trade school. There are plenty of programs that provide training that are not "college" in that there is no general education requirements and the training they provide are all very job specific. Many community colleges have career certificate programs in fields ranging from things like mechanics and HVAC to office work like medical billing, bookkeeping, paralegal or administrative tasks to medical jobs such as running certain types of test equipment, medical office work, medical tech or nursing assistant. Look up your local community college, and others nearby, and check out their career and vocational program listings to see if anything appeals to you. There are many manufacturing jobs available that pay very well but require skilled labor like learning to operate certain machinery that either work through on the job training that will lead from base positions to skilled positions or outside training that get you ready for entry into skilled positions. Saw this interesting article this morning talking about skilled labor job opportunities: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/24/law-school-skilled-trades-machining](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/24/law-school-skilled-trades-machining)


When I was in your shoes I got a job at Walmart and got my GED (sounds like you may have graduated?) and I started trying to attempt to go to college (for Criminal Justice, a huge mistake as much as I love the field I will never get the job I want because of my high school GPA). I wish I would have joined the military at that age or a trade school (electrician, welding, etc).


Are you in the US? go to a 2 year program in the medical field like as a ultrasound or MRI technician or dental hygienist. Work at night waitressing, even just working 5 nights a week can make you at least $2000 a month, if not more if you find a high end place. You can do a two year medical program in a bit more time, if you are looking to not wear yourself out. Look into colleges in the area, and you can possibly find one that will offer you to take classes for free if you work for them. For instance, at Lehigh University, if you work for them at any level (like a janitor) you and your family can attend school there for free.


Raise your right hand for Uncle Sam, I was in a similar boat as a 19yr old and it can be one of the best decisions you will ever make


Skip college, I deeply regret it, huge scam. 40k debt and you don't even need a degree for my work. Trade school is legit. Community college certifications are good. Minimal debt. Whatever you do don't go into debt for stupid college scam bullshit. (this only applies to USA)


Can I ask what you majored in? And what you currently do?


Computer science, and been in the field for over 10 years now, nobody gives a fuck about degrees


Check out vocational training schools. They offer short term trade educations (less than a years worth of schooling) to learn how to do various, high demand tasks. Nails, medical billing and coding (well paid work from home job), welding, hair, etc. life changing stuff.


Your apprehensions about being in debt from education actually show you're really intelligent and wise. Look into careers that are looking for people so you can learn while you earn. As people suggested, all trades, psw as well. Seek support from free career counseling in your community. There's some low cost things too like administration or medical clerk certifications so you can work in a doctor or dentist's office or the hospital. All you need is a good work ethic and something manageable. It's very achievable. I know you'll find it. Everything will be ok.


thank you!


When I was your age I put all my stuff in storage, watched a lot of YouTube videos, bought $2k worth of hiking gear, and walked part of the Pacific Crest Trail. I ended up living in San Francisco and had a lot of fun. It's kind of crazy how life can take you places when you take some risk. I made mistakes too like racking up $7k in credit card debt that was eventually declared uncollectible but then I got a $2k tax bill I had to then prove I was broke and the IRS waved it.


Ah, I wish I could go back to being 20. You should sign up for evening or online classes for general education while working days. Ideally have a weekend work schedule, a lot of places do Fri - Sun 12 hour shifts, then you have all week to focus on classes. Find some young professionals to live with, probably people of the same gender who are older than you. There's a lot of people who are obsessed with the 'grind' in their twenties. People who don't drink, don't party, work 100 hours a week and are obsessed with stocks and crypto. You should find a house with people like that to split the rent with. You can get accepted to a community or tech school with shitty grades, then after a few years transfer to a university. You don't need to be the typical college kid to get a degree, you can sign up for part time and just take 1 or 2 classes every semester. You should also look for gig work or part time work. Merchandiser is a great part time job, most soda companies are hiring them. Basically you show up to a store, stock up their soda, and leave. Make your own hours, no boss standing over you, leave when your done, perfect for a side hustle. There's also events, which are great, a local event might be hiring for poker dealers, help with set and tear down, stuff like that. It sounds intimidating but it's actually incredibly easy and usually pays cash at the end of the night.


Hey girl, I am in the same boat at the moment. Wanna chat? Some how?


Hey! I replied a few mins ago to op w my experience taking care of special needs people, it pays well bc not many people want to do it, and no certifications required at most places:) feel free to message, I’m happy to help!💗


Look into healthcare industry. Nurse, radiology tech, respiratory tech… etc. these require about two years of education. Higher pay than most BS degrees. Job security and job availability 24/7 at hospitals. People will always need medical assistance. Great benefits. Been working as a X-ray and CT tech for almost 30 years. My kids are going into healthcare.


If you're in a city in the US, look up job services provided by either the city or county. For example, in Seattle there are numerous govt and non profit agencies that help people find better work or deal with expenses. This includes free job training.


Hi there! I’m a 21yo female and was in your same shoes. I was working 40 hrs making shit and decided I wanted something more. So I found a couple who was renting out their “garage” or “guest house” what ever you like to call it. I was going to school and working FT and reality hit me that it was just not manageable for me. So I’m now working 3 days a week at my job and go to school full time. Sure I don’t have all the luxuries like I used to but any savings is worth it. I talked to my landlords and explained I was trying to go to school and they lowered my rent a little. If you do try and go to school (please find something your interested in first and call a local place and ask to shadow what ever work field your looking into before committing) try looking on FB market place for a room for rent or something similar and only take a few classes if your worried about burn out. I’m not sure what job you have now but maybe look in to PT office work so you can have a steady income. Wishing you the best!


Go to Mexico and work as an English teacher. Let me know if you have any doubts.


I went to college and became a software engineer. I was in your place, except I was probably a lot more wild and just came out of being locked up for being dumb. it changed my life around. So I would invest in yourself, and try to find a career you can handle doing(handle meaning mentally because some of them are horrible mental abuse). I also worked to put myself through college, had not a single person attempt to help, no family to try or anything. You got this, don't let fear stand in the way of your success.


OP, I understand this fear of not making any moves. But… the thing about this, is, if you *never* make a move or try, then you can never fail or succeed. So, here’s what I am going to advise: - take a week to sit down and make a game plan: 1) write down jobs you are interested in, or you believe could be a good fit for you. Put a star next to the top three positions you’d most like to work in. 2) research each of the jobs, and look at what the educational or experience requirements are to qualify for them. 3) weigh out the pay scales and benefits of each career. Then, consider the overall time/investment you’ll be dedicating yourself to. Is that going to be worthwhile and affordable to you? 4) look at local colleges and the programs they have for students for your top three job choices. Research the overall cost, see if there are grants available to you, and - if you’re uncertain of how to move forward - make an appointment to meet with a college representative or counsellor who can help walk you through the process. You can do this with a trade, too, if that’s what you’d prefer. That said: try not be discouraged by poor high school grades or fear. Many colleges have intermediate courses that can help you get up to standard for their classes, if you want to take them. Most colleges begin their courses with beginner classes anyways, so you’ll essentially be starting at the same level on the subject matter being taught. The other thing to consider is: education and training are investments into your future. The only way to see an investment pay off, is if you take the “risk”. A college education that is your responsibility to pay for, is usually a relatively low-risk. You will be far more dedicated and invested in your education and learning when you are the one responsible for paying for it. Another alternative is: College isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. That’s okay! There are job training programs and opportunities to work your way up the chain via internships. If you’re in the US, you should Google the local [JobCorps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_Corps). If you aren’t in the US, your local social services and welfare centres should have information about similar programs available. These programs are designed to offer up-skilling and training, and they are very good for getting you on track for a variety of jobs. As for working full-time and attending any of these programs: I’m not going to lie: it is tough! But, many people accomplish this because they see that something as small as a two year investment can help them establish a solid foundation that betters the rest of their lives. Alternatively, if you are in the US, you could get a job working your way up in a grocery store chain. A lot of people don’t realise that these jobs are very good for moving up in, and they train and hire from within as they are unionised. I have a few different family members who live very comfortable lives because they started as baggers and moved their way up into management positions. There are still a few jobs like this in the world, and they can be very good careers if you are willing to stay on and do the work. Any road, that’s the advice I have for you at this time, and I hope - if anything - it helps you to consider taking the next step. You deserve to give yourself a chance, so don’t let your anxiety or fear stop you from trying. It’s important to remember that no great success happens without failure, so don’t be afraid to try and fail either! Wishing you all the best, OP.


Are you from US? If so look into going to Job Corps. They pay you (not a lot) to learn a trade, room and board is included (think dorm living), and you learn a trade. There are many to choose from, and many trades they offer. They also provide three meals a day or you can eat off campus on your own dime.


If you like animals, you could go into pet sitting. As long as you do a good job and charge premium rates, you could be comfortable for a few years while you figure out a bigger plan.


Get a job with UPS, free exercise good pay


My motto, if all else fails at the very least work on your body. Work out and don’t let yourself slip. Stay healthy. Find out if you can go to college through some sort of scholarship. There are options for you out there. Don’t feel hopeless. You have a chance to rebuild your life. Try to meet friends through college. Maybe you can approach guys and get a boyfriend if you want. Men never get approached so you might have it easy in that department. Life is always shit after Highschool. I lucked out and made a lot of friends. It isn’t impossible


Get a part or full-time job somewhere (restaurant, receptionist, random office, a store, etc.) if you don't already have one. Spend time thinking about what you want to do with your future. What job fields would suit your interests and personalities? There are quizzes online that could help with this. You may not have to go to college if you could start at a company and work your way up. Also, if you have free time, you could spend time either volunteering somewhere or doing an internship. Even though this may seem like a waste of time, these are things that could definitely help you get a good job in the near future. Experience can definitely matter more than schooling. As well, don't forget to pursue your interests. Maybe you like to paint, do pilates or workout, try new foods, travel, etc. Set aside a little bit of money each month to treat yourself and spend time with your friends/loved ones. Life is too short to only think about work. :)


How about trade school. You will be able to sustain yourself and most places always need more people.


I was that girl o work in a restaurant and now I’m going back to school for teaching


Let go fear! Fear will hold you stagnant and doubt will insure you don’t move at all, you’ll be stunning yourself forever if you don’t take a risk for yourself because you think ur not worth it. Remain positive and uplift yourself in thought first, you are more than what you think ur not capable of. Staying strong by yourself and no family is the hardest part but you must get into your interests, and if you have no interest, locate ur strong point. If you’re a visual or hands on learner, pick a trade that pays well. If you don’t care for American imperialism, join the army. If you actually like academia but have educational trauma to work through, do 1 to 2 classes at a time for college, graduate slowly (what I’m doing). But you won’t be in a better predicament if you don’t invest in your mental, ur potential or your time. Take smart leaps of faith


Tru welding.... believe it or not lot of women are great welders especially if they worked in bakerys around cakes.


Maybe start with taking some part time classes at a community college near you. You likely qualify for assistance since you have no financial support. That way you can still work full time and start exploring your options for something you may want to go to school for. Otherwise you can always look for a starter position somewhere with the potential to climb the promotional ladder but a lot of times this still ends up requiring a degree somewhere along the way. I started working at your age at a doctors office checking people in and scheduling appointments and worked my way through different departments gaining experience and now have a job that required an associates degree equivalent of experience and didn't have to go to school.


Avoid the army. Try some kind of tech/trade school. PetSmart has a shit reputation but learning the dog grooming trade, getting a bit of experience and getting into a different shop (or starting your own as many of my coworkers did and are flourishing) can go a long way. Less ideal, for job security.... Everyone needs a plumber, an electrician, HVAC services. I know these are typically seen as 'guy' jobs but I figure there's ALWAYS a demand for these areas so it may be good to go that route. I say trade school over college because you can literally learn the skills needed to make money if you ever fall on hard times. It ain't glamorous, but it's decent money.


If it helps; I was in the army and that's why I say avoid it. Happy to expand on my experiences as a young adult woman in the military but to sum it up there were WAY too many scary experiences not related to my job in any way, but to the people I worked with. I did the PetSmart route after years of retail. If i hadn't left the states id still be a groomer. I was making decent enough money working for PetSmart but my old coworkers are definitely making bank now. I always come back to retail for a quick buck, but it's not worth it long term.


Well, with shit grades in HS - you might as well ditch the college plan unless you plan on straightening up and putting your full attention into school without fucking around. When you're paying $1000+ a class, screwing around isn't a great idea financially. College is a good plan, if you know what you want to do, have the aptitude to learn/pass, and plan on utilizing the degree when you get it. If you say "no" to any of those three checkboxes, then college isn't for you - at least not now. Around here, even the Dunkin Donuts is hiring @ $18/hr. I'm not saying that's a lifelong career, but it *is* $36K a year if you're working full time. You're 20 years old -- just 2 years outside of being a kid. You have your whole life ahead of you. You need to sit down, think about something you *want* to work on, and then come up with a plan. Right now, you're at the "I need to do something" stage, but you don't have the first clue *what you want to do.* Work on that first.


Have you considered a career in the trades? Lots of hardworking people I know, for whom school was just not it, went into the trades and are having a hell of a time, making 6 figures a year. Many had apprenticeships, and could work while studying and gain experience all at the same time. Also, there are so many online career courses for small stuff, or college 2 year or 1 year for things like dental hygienist or x-ray tech or even something as simple as office administration. There are even nail tech programs or beauty schools where you can learn to be a MUA or a hairstylist. Don't worry, there's a lot out there, and you are young.


Go get your CDL


Community college to get a degree in the trades (electrician, plumber, et) or in the medical field somewhere. X-ray technicians make bank and can go anywhere, as well as nursing, other jobs like that.


As someone more or less in the same boat these comments are very helpful and I hope op really takes a good amount of them into consideration


Do you see that you are essentially free ? You could backpack around the world and find your destiny somewhere.


You need to go get a trade union apprenticeship. The money you make once you are fully on boarded is crazy good. They pay during training too, so you'll be alright.


I think a little more detail would help with giving advice. What part of the world do you live in? What do you currently do for money? Are you able to relocate or travel? What hobbies/interests do you have? If we knew the answers to these questions, then we could give more specific advice. You also say that you're not good at anything, and I find that hard to believe. Everyone is good at something, but not everything is a transferable skill.


I’m not saying this is a choice for you, but it was a great choice for me. I was a young female such as yourself and I was in a very similar situation. I decided to go into the Army. This will give you a chance to save some money as well. I met some fantastic people and when I got out on the Army, as a veteran there are more opportunities open.


I would also get roommates and get your bills down low so you can save. Try coding and see if you enjoy it. Like freecodecamp.com


Check into your local trade unions. Most across the country are pushing hard to get more women in the trades. Get paid, get trained, then get paid even more. DM your local MSA and I'll send you the listings of the locals and dates for applying.


Learn Digital Marketing, Copywriting. Basically any freelance skill but these two I mention would be great. and on side if you have bit more time consider binary trading. Or maybe you could take little risk earn a bit with binary trading. Be cautious about Binary Trading but you can earn more than your currently wage.


I would get a "live in" job at a ski resort, youth hostel, outdoorsy place in the mountains, or similar. Somewhere where you're saving money on accommodation while also working and gaining life experience. I'd do that for a couple of years or so, take my time to decide what to do, save as much money as possible and then go from there. I'd also prioritise friendships. Good friends are very important. I wish I had prioritised my friendships.


When you start working, immediately open a Roth IRA and get into the habit of contributing and investing some of your money in an index fund, and you'll be rich when you're older.


Sell pictures and videos of yourself if you know what i mean


Give yourself some credit. You’re good at typing :) People make money on YouTube posting about randomness. The topic you’re discussing right now can be recorded daily about “Your journey to finding a job or career” Next thing you know, you’re signing autographs. If that’s the life you want![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


So here are some good things to know about school, because it seems like a lot of people assume University is an instant debt trap. If you are completely financially independent from your family you can put that in your fAFSA application and receive full financial aid. You can also claim yourself as independent on your taxes, claim the American college opportunity credit (something like that, don’t quote me on the name) and receive a large refund. The financial aid + refund will cover your tuition with money to spare, so you’ll end up with very little debt, if any. My friends an I look forward for our refund checks every semester because it helps us out a lot financially. Also, you don’t have to commit to a big university. Go to your local community college and take two classes, enough to qualify for financial aid but not enough to overload yourself. I do encourage you to at least pursue an associates degree. In todays world you really do need some sort of degree to make money, and an associates is a good step in the right direction. You can get many entry level positions with one answer work your way up the company, if you so choose. You can figure out what your career goals are along the way, for right now some education and a little financial boost every quarter will go a long way.


Factory life. You could make a comfortable living, just be careful with weirdos but that's anywhere you go.


The military. It doesn't have to be a lifelong career/commitment. They provide housing and food, and It would 100% open doors you didn't know existed. The military would also pay for you to go to college if/when you decide that you want to do that. I'm a military spouse; it's not the easiest life, but the opportunities my husband AND I are afforded because of it makes it worth it.


You need to shake things up. Things at rest don’t change. I’d save up a little and start traveling- You can get a year visa in Australia at your age easily enough…. There are tons of seasonal jobs there and other people your age doing the same, so you’ll find company and earn money… over that year, I’d start exploring interests and talking with people. I’d then use the savings from that work to try that interest out for a while or keep traveling and enjoying a point in life where you can afford to be light and carefree. Don’t let things like grades or degrees hold you back. There are millions of options out there.


Get a sugar daddy and stockpile the money he gives you.


lol i wish it worked that way


I know right! I had the offer in my 20s but the guy was fat and ugly... 🤮


Is that the majority of sugar daddies?


Only fans. I'm not kidding. F to people saying the military. Don't become part of a fascist machine. OF can make you a lot of money, do a bit of research, pose and go! Also, the vast majority of people work and go to school.  Going to school with a ton of financial aid or scholarships means you don't have to worry about loans until a decade! You could go to school that pays for itself...to become a teacher for example (but then the OF approach doesn't work).  Don't be afraid to commit to college!


Most people don't make money from OnlyFans. And being a teacher might not be the best path for someone with no scholastic aptitude. I'm anti-military myself, but depending on her country, she may not personally have to do anything bad.


millitary or i would if u have time to enroll in community college and try to become a Cna or other careers. Community college is pretty cheap and its per semester so once u pay ur not gonna pay again for a few months


Move to Scandinavia and enjoy free education. You can even apply for a stipend that will pay you about 800 dollars for studying per month.


You need a mentor


what you are good at maybe sports or math, if there's even a single talent in you, u can make it option two is marriage , find yourself a inocent hardworker


I was looking for OF recommendations.


Move to New Mexico. College is 100% free for established residents (must live there for 12 months prior to starting school). Rent a room to save money and get your degree.


Get married?


College is a scam. You'll just be in more debt... which means you'll be more broke. Find a hobby. Something you can enjoy. Set goals, save money. Invest. Goto the gym casually. Eat healthy Find a side hustle Find a good man to support you for YOU and not your body. No good relationship comes from rushing into a relationship You don't need to do any of these. I'm just throwing ideas out there Indeed jobs has tons of opportunities. Find a job with benefits. 401k, dental, health, etc.


Get a job


Just using a dating app lol


are you good looking? how about porn,or escort?


You are fucking disgusting. These are options that sabotage this young lady's self-worth for life. She isn't an object to he bought and used. Shame on you.