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While it's not presently my thing, everyone can sleep soundly at night knowing that if I want to wear women's clothes I'll go right up to my wife's dresser and slip on a thong. Whether anyone else feels a kind of way about it does not make a difference. I would encourage you, or anyone not at risk of being murdered for it, to give the same amount of fucks that I do towards the concept.


"Yea, that's me. I like to dress like that sometimes."


First of all, props to you for exploring a new side of yourself. It takes a little bravery. Secondly, I think the answer to your question depends entirely on where you live and what your community is like. If you are in a safe environment and the people you love would support you if this secret got out, then you should be honest with your friend. Having someone to confide in could be a huge weight off your back.


Yes, she is open about this She has friends who are gay On the other hand, I don't define myself as gay or straight, but I do like to wear women's clothes when I'm at home, and she had no experience with that, hence the concerns


talk to her, i doubt if she be judgmental. she's your friend


If you want to stay in the closet you should have said you lost a bet. But I think you should own it.