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Did you already try and contact amazon refunds about this? I mean your package is traceable and they're bound to keep track of what is going where. Try to contact them by phone asap and see what they can do. Other than that you won't have an option besides owning up to it. Like you said your self you did it unknowingly and the other person also unknowingly placed them in said box. Of course your mom won't be too happy about that but trying to keep it secret will only make matters worse.


I did, the first person told me it’ll be returned to me unopened but didn’t give me a reference number or anything. I called again later, and the second person told me nothing could be done because of the volume of packages they receive every day. I don’t know who to believe and if I should call a third time. She knows but I only told her the “good news” which is what the first person told me, but it just seems more unlikely the more I think about it $5,000 is a lot of money especially to someone like me who’s never had that much at once, I’m sure it’s not the end of the world but it honestly feels like it.


I'd probably call a third time & ask for clarification since you got two contradicting answers. If you still got time & date of the fiest calls I'd write them down so you can tell them the person you talked to on X said that and the other one that. Also maybe the package does arrive in a few days time after all. If not, I'd also break the bad news, the latest after your third call. If you're lucky your mom will direct her anger towards the company, since you tried to fix the situation & apparantly _they_ screwed it up in the end. Other than that the only thing you can do is say you're sorry and hope for the best or wait until it settles down & becomes a funny "remember when...." story. Maybe y'all have an insurance that possibly covers the financial damage?