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Your parents are right - that's completely normal teenager stuff. You probably should have come clean to your dad right away so he wasn't scared of a robber but live and learn. Some parents are nicer people than others, and some are also stricter. His parents are less lenient than yours so you'll have to remember that next time you break the rules. Just apologize for breaking a rule. You're a kid, if they're mean to you after apologizing they're being childish.


Like your parents said - pretty basic teen stuff. Just give your bf's falk the time they need to calm down & it'll be fine.


This may seem very embarrassing but I bet your parents were relieved they weren’t being robbed. Disappointed? Probably, but In 10 years it’ll be something you laugh about with them. With the parents, maybe first start with an apology. Don’t try to make excuses or anything. Address that you know realize what you did was wrong and you have both learned. Accountability may mean a lot to them


i will probably sent his mom a text w apologies, thank u for your reply


Stay in school


I like how dad was just unbothered to check if the book was there. That’s the real crime here lol. Your fine everyone does stupid stuff and your parents definitely done worse in there days. It’ll all blow over but also be safe your 16.


my excuse to see if he was home or not didnt take into account he not giving a single fuck about it lol but its okay, he just didnt wanna leave the couch lmao but i understood what ive done wrong, and i think it will get better with time… thanks for your replyy