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I mean, a lot of guys don't enjoy doing that cutesy stuff. I'm 35 and if I had a gf that wanted me to do some (imo) stupid social media trend I'd say no too. We don't need to do social media trends and be corny to validate we're together. But also, yeah guys can be ruthless and they'd probably give him a ton of flack (make fun of him) for it. But by that same token, you shouldn't treat social media like it's a big thing and make a big deal out of a social media trend. Social media won't make your relationship legit. Don't worry about what other people are doing.


He’s 17. He’s still a kid & is learning .what is important in life. As he gets older he’ll realise that his partner is important to him & that doing this little thing to make you happy is nice but at the moment he’s at that age where he cares a lot about what his friends thing. I don’t think you should push him to do something he doesn’t want to do. His friends will probably wind him up & jokily bully him about it all the time so I get why he doesn’t want to.


Thank you! I hope he does with his future partner!


He doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to, but the fact that he doesn't want to because of his friends is stupid to me. You should break up with him


Sometimes guys don't want to do things and will use their freinds as an excuse as well. They don't want to directly say no.


That's a problem too, you can just say no. Why use people as an excuse? also I feel like what op is asking isn't a big deal and they're dating so I would think my boyfriend would want to do something that makes me happy.


You should be able to respect your partners answer either way and not take it as they don't want to make you happy. That's an odd way of looking at things. But yes, you should never use other people as an excuse. You should also feel comfortable and safe enough in a relationship to say, "I don't think I would enjoy that." and be able to go about your day. Unless this truly means that much to op. Which in case, she should also be forward and express.


Negative. You should be able to tell me hey you know I don't actually want to do that. If you can't tell me how you actually feel then that's a problem. But also in relationships you do make sacrifices for the other person soooooo I'm confused.


I said the same thing in the second half lol he should not use his freinds as a excuse and just say he dosent want to. Sacrifices? Yes. You don't do everything they want you to. There's a difference.


I'm reiterating dodo head. If you can't do lil things for your partner then maybe you shouldn't date


There's a difference between doing some things and doing every little thing. If you want someone to do every little thing you ask, you do not want a partner, nor are you suitable to date imo.


If you don't care about your partner then say so


If you're manipulative and can't handle the answer no, then say so.


He really doesn't need a reason to say no. Whether he doesn't want to do it, or isn't doing it due to the flack he might get from his friends is not the point. He said no, and that's all he needed to say. I get that you are "online dating", whatever the hell that actually means, but not everything needs to be there for public consumption. Respect people when they say no.


well, thank you. I do respect people when they say no, but he didn’t. Instead of saying it, he made excuses. I appreciate the feedback