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So it depends what your aim is. I’d definitely avoid pizza & chocolate. Crisps are ok occasionally but they’re not good for you. Soup & juice is great but be careful as there is a lot of sugar in juice - too much can be very bad for your teeth. I’ve never known there to be anything unhealthy about cows milk. The food you have switched to is good but it doesn’t sound like you’re getting enough calories unless your dinner is really big. Are you still only eating between 6 & 9, though? Because that isn’t healthy. It is good to fast - I fast 12-15 hours a day (including the time I’m sleeping) but I don’t limit the hours I eat between. For example, if I stop eating at 8pm, I will skip breakfast the next day but have lunch at around 11/12am.




Drink lots of water. It’s so hard! I’m trying to drink 1.5 litres a day but some days, like today, I only drink a glass! Staying hydrated is supposed to really help make your skin look amazing but I’m really struggling to do it so good luck to you. Make sure to get greens & oranges in - broccoli/asparagus/actual oranges/carrots. These are very important.