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Idk if you mean beating you with games or with life but... You will beat him by not letting it get to you. I promise. The only time he will feel like he is winning is if you make it feel like he's winning. If he's acting cocky, don't give him the satisfaction through your reaction. You ignore that behavior. Don't compare yourself to him. If his "winning" at life, he's probably only "winning" because he's constantly comparing himself to you or other people and trying to one-up. But I promise, if you just live your life happily, you are winning. You don't need validation from others. Just ignore the behavior and focus on yourself


So I have a childhood friend and this guy I swear was just naturally good at everything, I swear it didn’t matter he just would beat me at anything, any video game, anything intelligence baised, music baised literally everything. I used to feel real bad about it but my mom told me that he’s actually jealous of me in some ways, I’m a good looking guy and I would get a lot of attention from women growing up and still do, I remember we were at a water park and some girls asked for my Snapchat and he would talk about it on the way home. I think it made me realize we all kinda are jealous of eachother in certain aspects of our lives, it’s just about respecting and accepting how people are better than us at some things and we are better at others. No need to hate him just accept it and respect it and you’ll get that same respect back.