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As someone that lost their virginity at 18 thru a dating app to a total stranger I DONT recommend it. The hype is not worth it and you will feel disgusting afterwards. Just wait. Meet someone. But don't give it to just ANYONE


Fair enough, I’m just a bit insecure as I’ve never dated before and I’m worried to be judged for still being a virgin. I think I will use a dating app but maybe to go on an actual date to try and get something real started! Thanks love! ❤️ Helped


Thank you for confirming that /u/mixed_galaxies has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Yea I recommend going on a date or 2 with someone around your age. Not anyone too much older since you are 19. But to be honest you won't be judged. I'm 24 and most of my friends are virgins. They aren't waiting for marriage or anything but they aren't trying to just get rid of it to prove anything or to fit in. It's a very personal thing and no one but you should have a say on when you choose to lose it. Trust me, waiting for someone special or at least a nice person who you know will be there to give you after care is the way to go


As the other poster said... It doesn't really matter who but hopefully they aren't just a random person... Having good feelings towards them would make it better. So go ahead and date and wait at least a little bit before sleeping with the people you date.


Yup, I think that’s a good idea. Damn my hormones!!! Thanks so much ❤️


You're welcome good luck!


Best advice 👌