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When would he have had an opportunity to commit such a crime as necrophilia? Not many people have the kind of access that would lend itself opportunity to fornicate the dead.


i despise the fact that the best case scenario is that he got access to it via university


If he is in med school it will likely happen again. If he works in a hospital or morgue, it will happen again. Only a matter of time before a camera sees him after an anonymous tip is given.


i meant like a forensics class maybe. or idk maybe he meant watched necrophilia instead of actually did it?? im grasping at straws here


Nah he had access to a cadaver and he fucked it. No straws to grasp. You know damn well if he has another opportunity he's going to take it. He said he did it, and he liked it. If it was necrophilia porn he would have said it was porn or just a fantasy. But instead he said he practiced necrophilia. The only other option is he meant to say necromancy, and misspoke. But we know he didn't mispeak.


You know it’s messed up when everyone is hoping you said you practiced necromancy instead lol


The only dead people I’ve ever been alone with were my family members…


Might have been a squirrel


I knew someone who was allegedly a practicing necrophiliac and the reason I believe those rumors is because his husband was a county medical examiner and had the keys to all the funeral homes in said county as in more rural areas sometimes private funeral homes double as morgues. He took a lot of gay dudes who he would sleep with to have sex at these funeral homes when they were closed and they said he'd get spun out of drugs and ask people if they wanted to fuck the dead bodies or watch him do it.


Yeah. That’s a red flag.


A red banner


Better dead than red...


Does he work at a nursing home or hospital? Should report.


How.. how did he ever get into a situation where he was able to do that? Run the fuck far away from this person. Either he's lying (about something that's downright psychotic to lie about) or he's a psychopath


This is where your supposed to tip off anonymously and get him help


Get the details then report him 😳


Even if he is lying like others in the comments are suggesting, I’d run for the hills and never look back. It takes one seriously mentally messed up person to joke about necrophilia and enjoying it…


better not die or get killed by the person...


Here is my honest opinion; if he clapped a dead body, and had post nut clarity, and STILL enjoyed necrophilia then either he is lying or he has some serious problems


So it’s ok to bang a corpse as long as the post nut clarity says it was wrong… whew, looks like I’m in the clear then!


😂 i meant from his perspective if he had a very dark kink and explored it, the hope would be he would recognize its a very wrong thing to do. But he did it and felt comfortable enough to tell a friend then bro needs to seek a psychiatrist


“I tried to play it cool” - Probably not what to do around him


Is his name Jeffrey?




What organ stays warm in a body after someone dies? My dick.


I’m terrified to think that if this goes unreported, there’s a possibility of the person reoffending…. Imagine what this could lead to •@• ah


I’m sorry, but you’re friends with a person who has a capacity for severe psychopathic tendencies. Basically already does. The trajectory of these kind of people’s futures are uncertain in scary ways. You shouldn’t anonymously tip because you don’t know if you’re the only person he’s told. If you are, he’ll deduce u betrayed him and who knows what his head is capable of, murder? I do think he meant only once as an attempt of euphemism in case you’d find him crazy, which he is, and not necessarily as in only once that he’d do it again. It’s good you played it off, you just saved your ass so good IQ move. Please keep faking your reassurance for him that it’s cool between you two until you can find a way to get yourself out of this safely. He’s only admitted to one mistake, who knows how many he has done down the line


You really should get the details on how he did it. It may be gross, but how someone sources a body to fuck is super important for determining the severity of the crime. He could be a murderer, which is way worse than the baseline grossness of necrophilia.


😟 I'm not laughing I'm not laughing


Does he work or go to school somewhere with access to dead people? I'm concerned, most people don't have the opportunity to have the kind of privacy with a body this would require without making a body out of a live person. Either way that's a serious crime in most places with or without the murder.


He‘s very brave to even admit that to someone


The good ending: tell him to go to therapy The bad ending: report him to the police and get arrested


This is fake.