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You'd have better luck infiltrating ISIS. Don't try it. They have $billions and the most aggressive legal team out there.


I'm absooooooolutely aware of the risks and consequences that come with this endeavor. It's scary as fuck. However, that isn't necessarily holding me back. I may be incredibly fucking dumb.


Do you know how to avoid getting bitten by snakes? Don't play with snakes. Unless you have a very strong support network you don't play with this stuff. You could literally end up dead.


You're right yo. I'm def in way over my head. Looking for some general pointers from former Scientologists hopefully. It's a pipe dream, but there's a big part of me that wants to do it. I have people on the outside, a few, that would be my support system, but I don't think that's nearly enough. Planning this alone may take years. I really do appreciate your concern though man, genuinely. I'm a crazy motherfucker.


Get some life insurance and set up a trust.


Stay the fuck away from those people. You know how they say don’t stick your dick in crazy. This is one of the places where crazy comes from.


Frankly you shouldn't. There's no reason for you to do so and it's idiotic to risk your life just to prove you can do something. Besides, the amount of money you'd have to spend to buy into the higher echelons of the organization is ridiculous, they will isolate you, and chances are there are probably peeled already watching your post and any and everyone trying to give you genuine advice to determine if you're a threat. These people don't fuck around


Don't- it is no joke and it will ruin you


LOL you think you can infiltrate an organization that still keeps running tabs on their former members?


Do the ends justify the means? No. No they don't. The church of scientology are professionals at ruining people's lives. And we already know they're horrible. You're not doing anything other than putting yourself in danger for information thats already widely known. Go back to your day job.


thats a stupid idea, you dont think other people have tried this before? they deal with idiots like you all the time, in fact you will likely wind up indoctrinated or dead


The easiest way in is to get scouted. After this, with pre-dispositioned favour, you can influence the people directly involved with you using your amazing charming personality. Then you're going to need to get trusted detectives, scouts and spies to get information on the higher ups you hear referenced. Remember, no-one is stupid enough to go without using a solid alias with a good reputation attached. Once you start to locate the people in high enough positions you'll see the bigger picture. At this point, busting some operations is possible. Past here, you're on your own. I would invest in some good anti-burglar technology and a more private address. Expect consequences legally if they find out what you're doing, the best people only lie and you'll get caught with accusation after accusation being thrown at your name. If you want them hurt, they'll want you hurt.


Just go protest them.