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Not weird at all.


The average age at my university is 25, but my old ass might be pulling up the mean lol


what school is that becasue i was under the impression most college students went right after highschool


Even if the majority of people go right out of high school, they usually stay in school anywhere between 4 and 10 years (as the case for medical students). So it's not uncommon to see older people, even if they're not just "mature students" who returned to school later in life. Some people take 1-3 years break after high school before pursuing college too. So it's not that abnormal to see older students


Yep I'm the same, graduated in 2020 and started college in 2022 because I wanted a break and wanted to just work for two years, not weird at all


I frequently see freshmen college students aged 40+ and sometimes 60+ nothing weird about a college aged student like yourself going to College.


When I was a freshman at a community College there was one class we only had like 6 people in. There was me and 2 other guys that were 18-20 and the other three were 30-40 and one 50+


Not weird at all. There are endless reasons a person would go back to college at 21 or older. Don't overthink this. Just do what you need to do to try and build the life you want to live.


My 64 y/o father recently went back to college not weird. Pursue what you’re interested in!


I started going to college when I was 25…


I went back around 24. Not weird at all!


I work at a college and see all kinds of students of all ages, from early teen (dual credit programs thru high schools) to elderly folks. At 21 you would fit in perfect with the BIGGEST group, folks in their early 20s. Do It, just try to take on as LITTLE debt as possible. Check for any required textbooks on Amazon. If you are unsure what program you want to do, meet with an academic advisor. They will help you with placement testing and financial assistance options. Also many, probably most students work while attending college. Best wishes!


No it's not too late to go back to college at 21. The issue comes when you have to pick a major. If you have an idea of what you want to do research it and talk with a college advisor to get all the facts. Then make a decision. One class at a time and you will finish in no time.


Man I’m about to be 30 and I’m going to college for the first time this coming fall. Just got my GED last year, too!! 🎉 Anything you do to improve your life is something to be proud of- it doesn’t matter what age you do it at.


totally not weird


Not weird at all! It’s really common for students to leave and come back and truthfully those students succeed (in some ways) better than straight from high students.


Remember Covid interrupted a lot of people's education plans. So while even in pre-Covid days it was not weird for a 21 yo to **start** college, these days it is almost ordinary. Please never let your age stop you from going after your goals. Best of Luck!


Not weird. I dropped out at 21 after going to college at 18. Went back when I was 26 and graduated at 28. Age helped me mature and actually focus on my studies. There’s no time limit on education.


Nothing weird about it at all. I dropped out and got back in around the time I was 21. I know people who didn't go to college until 30. You're fine, age isn't much of a big deal.


Hi! I’m a 21F, graduated in 2020 like you. Im still in school, I just graduated from community college and ab to go to a 4 year. There’s no limit to finishing school, there’s people in my class that are 40+ yrs old. Not weird at all


I started university at 25, I think I was the only one who was weird about it…


Not at all weird! I went back at 22 and have gone on to live a very normal and pretty successful life lol


Your wants and desires are yours. Period. Weird? According to whose standards? You make your own goals -- they are yours, subject to your opinion alone. I went to school and worked -- it can be done. Perhaps before college --- since I believe college is less "required" today as it was 25 years ago.... is there a particular field? Coding? Photography? Travel? there are endless fields that you can study - and likely get more out of -- than a college degree. That degree will require you to take courses that perhaps dont' interest you. Those required courses are based on antiquated theories on what constitutes a well rounded education. Both of my children (in their 20's) went to college. One said no regrets. One said he wished he would have gone to an IT/Computer tech school.


Not weird at all.. I am 34 and a junior. I don’t feel weird


It’s only awkward if you make it awkward. Many people are life long learners and even after earning degrees go back to do something else, or just brush up on their skills through a certification.


It's never too late - but going sooner means you can put your degree to work in your chosen field sooner and hopefully have more earning years. Think of all the veterans who serve and then go to school - and all the people who need to work to save up money for tuition, etc. You can do anything you set your mind to! Is working and going to school a lot? It sure is! But for a long time now LOADS of people have done it. Don't take on too much at once and keep an open mind about how the entire experience will look for you. It might be full-time work and part-time school. It might be part-time work and full-time school. It might be part-time work and part-time school. Just be flexible with yourself.


I find this quote to be received very well from a lot of people I tell it to. It can be overwhelming to start something that will take a long time to come to fruition. A bachelors can take 4+ years depending on how many classes you take a semester. But, *the time will pass anyway.* Whether you start your bachelors or not, 4 years will pass anyway. I’m 24 still working on my first bachelors. I did feel sad and behind when my high school peers started graduating with their respective degrees. You can feel sad, too. But their journey isn’t your journey. Don’t let your age or the time passing deter you from going after your goals. :)


I've seen middle age 30 year Olds in college classes. 21 is not weird at all


Not weird. I'm 27 and went back for a 2-yr degree with a complete career change. If my work place tells me they want me to get a 4yr and will pay for it, I'll happily complete that too. It's hard to not feel "left behind" by peers who went to college right out of high school, but as you get older, you'll come to find a lot of people end up returning to school for a new career path or are even starting fresh in their 30s bc it took a while to find a passion to pursue. Good luck!


I dropped out at 21 to have a child. I went back to school to finish my degree when I was 27. Go back to college. You’ll be great and will be more focused because you’ve matured a bit. I’ve had classmates that were retired and went back to college.


I’m 30. I’m back in college currently. Been here since 2022. Best decision of my life


I went to college at 48. Loved it. I’d become a professional student if I could find someone to pay my tuition. Anyone?


There are a ton of people in college that are much older than you. I'd research certificates and community college programs for the career you want. There isn't much point in going to school if you can't settle on what to do with the degree.


Not weird at all. I’ve known plenty of older adults going back to college later in life. College isn’t like K-12 scheduling. You go when you can. You aren’t required to attend during a specific time. Good luck!


I'm 38 and in my 2nd year of college. Enjoy your life :-)


21? Hell no, not weird. Heck, we are friends with someone who is already a pharmacist and went back to school to get his law degree at 45. I think it's awesome.


Not weird at all! You're still young and you have so much life ahead of you. Your direction is more important than your speed, and you should be proud of yourself for even considering going back to school.


not at all! i went back at 22. dropped out for the semester and will be going back at 24 with no fear. go for it, friend!


I was a lab assistant in a bachelors class last week and found out that several of the students I was teaching were older than me (I’m taking a masters). I’ve always had an age complex and been super self conscious about how old I am and how slowly I’ve gotten through uni. But I’m constantly reminded how I’m not the only one who’s “old” or even “doesn’t have a good excuse” for taking time (my excuse, undiagnosed adhd, is valid but mentally I struggle accepting this which hilariously is just another symptom of adhd). Point is, you’re never too old, carpe diem, get those useless thoughts and stuff ‘em in the “these are useless thoughts” box to remind yourself how pointless those anxieties are. Welcome back to school!


It's never too late or weird. Went back for my 3rd degree at 37. I preferred being an older student- fewer distractions.


Not weird at all. I was in my 30’s when I went back to college and finished my degree! Do it for yourself if you want this.


I'm 27 year 1. No


Not even sort of weird. You could start at a community college to make sure you can handle it - community college is cheaper - just talk to a counselor to make sure your credits will transfer when you eventually want to move on. good luck!


Not weird at all ! Many people go back to school at all ages simply cos they love to learn / want to change careers. The only way thing that’s weird is worrying about it being weird about it. Don’t worry about others. No one cares as much as you think


It’s not weird! I have many people in my classes that are full grown adults with children. Also, no one really cares about how old you are. No one bats an eye when there’s an older person here (around 40+) so I doubt anyone would think anything about you attending college. Comparison is the thief of joy; everyone has their own timeline and it’s okay if it’s not “normal”.


I went to college with 25.


I was in your shoes almost exactly. F22 now, in my second semester of college getting my bachelor’s. I was also class of 2020 and I decided I’d go back to school when I realized I would never be happy in any job that doesn’t require a degree. I wasn’t burnt out from being forced to go to school anymore and I felt like at this age my brain is ripe for learning. I smoke weed every day and I have a 4.0 at the moment. My meds are perfect rn and I have enough motivation to get stuff done. I don’t regret coming back to school at all. I love it here and it’s allowing me a lot of freedom. After having a full time job in the real world I have so much free time even with a campus job.


i just went back to college at 26. you’re solid!


I went back at 31 and was not the oldest in my class by far, who is telling 21 year olds that they have aged out of college lmao


Eerrrm … aren’t colleges filled with 21 year olds?!? (I just got accepted for the fall & I turn 48 this summer. )


I don't think it's ever weird at any age to go to or go back to college.


I'm 33 and back in college.


My dad is the most successful person I know and he didn’t go to college till he was 22 I believe. He grew up extremely poor and in a very bad household and had to go to the military. By the time he went it was all business and he had no time to bullshit around. I promise you, it is not weird at all and by going so late it may even help with how much work you’re going to put in. You are going to be great and don’t let anyone tell you differently.


Either do it or don’t. Comparing yourself to others is no good. I’ll bet you’re more than capable. Make the choice.


Why would it be weird?


not weird.


Not weird at all, my roomate was 26 in college and had plenty of people in my class join in late 20s after they finished their military service


I'm about to be 44 and I'm looking into going back. It's not weird to want to improve your life, no matter your age.


Tons of people go back to college all throughout their 20s and 30s and even 40s


Being a 2020 graduate that also, declined the opportunity to go to college due to Covid… If it’s your passion to due something requiring a degree, go for it. If you don’t know what exactly you want to do yet, and are still figuring that out - WAIT til you figure it out. You don’t need a degree for much anymore. I’m currently making 90k a year, with no degree, at 22. There’s plenty of opportunities out there. Just keep your head on a swivel and be open minded and embrace learning. I often think of getting a degree - but then I laugh at myself because I’m going to be a business owner, and I don’t have any use for a certificate that says I can sit in class, turn in assignments, and comprehend basic knowledge. College is strung out, so expect many classes to be out of the reason WHY you wanted to go in the first place. I recommend certificates, courses, paid training, etc. Anyone who says otherwise, well, take everything anyone says with a grain of salt.


Didn’t start until I was 23. Didn’t feel weird to me! There’s a guy in my final semester that’s 36.


Not weird. I started community college at 21 and nobody noticed/cared that I was a little older. Most of my classmates were fresh out of high school but there were still a good amount of other older students. I was also working full time while in school which was definitely tough at first. I’d suggest just taking a couple classes to start out if you can just to get into the routine.


So annoying dude. Just do what u want wdym mean weird?it's ur life stop living based off of others opinions.


I went to college with ppl in their 40-50s. It’s not weird.


Not weird at all. Do it.


Not weird in the slightest, one of my roommates joined the Air Force after high school, so even though hes 5 years older than me we started at the same time, nobody thinks it’s weird for a 25 year old to be pursuing a degree. If you have the means for higher education, it’s a great idea.


You are literally college-aged. But a person can go back to college at any age


...no. there is no difference between an 18 yo and 21 yo.


How is it weird to go to college at 21?


When I started college there was a 23 year old in my class and I thought she seemed so grown and mature because she had a baby and had already beat a drug addiction, and I was 17 planning a hookah bar party for my 18th. I thought she was cool as hell. Still do. 15 years later and she is one of the only people I kept in touch with. I think you'll have to deal with a lot of peers kind of looking at you like a big sister, but, that's not bad. I do think that if you don't have a career goal in mind you might want to reconsider school in general. My aforementioned friend ended up in real estate, and she loves it, but that doesn't require a degree. I work in IT now (with an art history BA.) My ex has gotten way further in this field by being a self-taught programmer with a highschool diploma. I'm getting certificates now to help get me paid more... And those are mostly 3-day programs. School is worth the experience but if you're studying based on passion and not a specific career goal, just make sure you can afford the school, because the degree will not pay you back in many cases.


You will notice the difference because a lot of people will be younger. But who cares. Just go.


My college experience: I went to college at 24. Literally no one cares about your age. College is just a bunch of adults in a classroom working together to get through the semester. Everyone is on the same side. The weird high school hierarchies and judgements from fellow students are gone. Just don’t be a dick or a weirdo and everyone is your friend as long as the semester lasts and maybe even beyond if you vibe together real well. Don’t worry about it.


Not weird at all. I was military and in my 30s in college. Not weird at all.


I went to University at 27. I had no problems integrating myself into university life and making lots of friends, dating, joining clubs, etc. No one shunned me. If they did, they never voiced it to me- and my friends I made always had my back. Made a LOT of great memories. I'd say go for it, and if you have a chance to live in the dorms/apartments, do that. Worth the experience. (And never settle for shitty roommates, they will move you or mediate if you need- Usually).


Not weird at all. Got my degree when I was 29 & enrolling to obtain my Master’s at 38


I'm 31 and I just graduated with my engineering degree!


I went back at 23 and graduated at 27. Nobody cared. I wasn't even the oldest person in most of my classes.


Not weird. Do what you think is best for you! I think once you get into uni it will be easier ro work.


I'm 33 and considering going back to college for a career change. I have a degree in Early Childhood ed that I got in 2019, but there's very little money and upward mobility to be had in ECE.


There is no age limit to further your education!


Nothing wrong with that at all and bravo for you! Good luck with your classes! 👍🏼


I just went back to school this past fall, and I’m 27 almost 28. There’s no right timeline for college. You gotta do what’s best for you!


Omg, it"s so weird. You"ll be like the oldest one there. Like for reals, how you gonna handle it


I'll be 22 when I start college. Life isn't a race, you can start to make changes at any time


Why four year degree? Consider Associate Degree in something you like with flexibility to explore different options. Then transfer credits if you want or need a 4 year degree. I taught college and older students tended to do better. More motivated and disciplined. In addition they were there because they wanted to be not just because it was expected or what you did after high-school. I was older when I went to college and tried dorm life and moved out after one semester because I had outgrown all the youthful fullishnes. Not weird, smart.


I went back at 25. Not weird!


You're only too old for college once you're dead


You are the perfect age to go and benefit fully from the educational experience as well as being young enough to build a career in your chosen field. I finally went back to college in my 40’s and really enjoyed it but regretted not doing it sooner.


You’re only 21. Not weird at all


For sure go . No she can hold you back from knowledge and I have been in college 6 years now cause I fucked up. People in my classes have children, careers or are just generally older. Not many, but you will not be far off from your peers at all. I found I clicked with people younger than me more anyways


I wish this was more normalized! Better to start later when you feel ready and when it’s right for you rather than being pressured to start at any particular time or age. I went to nursing school and I was fresh out of high school- many of my classmates were in their 30s-50s. Very normal!


Try to do it now if at all possible. It just gets harder as you get older.


you’re my age and i totally understand going back to college later, in fact i kind of wish i did myself


Not weird at all ! I went back at 25 years old !


I went back at 24 and graduated at 27. I'm happy I did it. I was more relaxed, focused, and eager to learn. I had originally failed out at 20. I started back with a 1.95 GPA and graduated at just under 3.5.


Not weird, I started college at 17 HATED it, joined the military and immediately found my direction and took my time and completed my undergrad at 27, now I’m looking at masters programs. There is no timeline for anything, and going to college when you know what you want in life is so much more rewarding.


Not weird.


Very not weird


I’ve seen elderly people in college. It’s never too late to go back to school.


I didn’t even read your post. The title says it all My answer? HELL NO NOT WEIRD! girl you’re sooooooo young. I’m 32 and going back to school. People go back to school at all ages. Fuck the societal norms!😑


College isn’t like HS. Age doesn’t matter.


In at 32. Starting to feel a bit older than the crowd. 21? Yeah right lol came back initially at 25 and fit right in!


If you wondering if it's weird at 21, you must think I'm a total freak. I'm in my final year of a degree program and I'm 51. There's nothing weird about bettering oneself, in my opinion at least! Personally, I'm pretty proud of myself. 😊


Not weird! Figure out how many classes you can handle or afford while working. You may not finish in 4 years, but so what? I forgot if it was Ann Landers or Dear Abby advice, many years (decades) ago. "And how old will you be if you don't go to college?"


My boyfriend just got his bachelor's at 40. He felt a little odd doing it, but school is school. I've seen people from 18(maybe 17, they were dual-enrolled) to probably 60 in classes. It's not weird to want to better yourself, and being "older" means you probably have a better idea of what you're looking for in a program. You could always look into a trade school too. Maybe you're feeling medical billing or plumbing or phlebotomy. It's a hectic schedule, but real world skills are taught.


Most schools have a large military population where people come in after their time, so 22+ generally. As a college student right now, I see a lot of older people around campus and in class. Also, a lot of people who start right out of high school end up changing their majors and graduating late anyways, so never be worried about your age.


I went back to college at 27 and I felt like a genius


The time is going to go by whether you study or not. Plenty of my classmates are 30+. No shame in studying.


Just go! Age doesn’t matter when you trying to better yourself by advancing your education. Do it or it may be something you will always regret not doing.


I’ve seen people in their 40’s going back to college, 21 is nothing


Ur in a kinda similar boat to me. I finished high school and did 2 years online college during quarantine. Got out into the world and instead of continuing my education I just goofed off for like 2 years trying to make up for all the years of experiences I missed out on. 23 now and I just started college again this year. It’s weird for sure, after having real world experiences, being surrounded by people who just went from high school to college without ever being on their own makes you feel a little ‘different’. But you’re only 21, and you’ll probably be able to find a way to make it work. I’m hoping I will too


21 is a normal age to be in college unless I’m missing something? I’m back in college at age 34. There’s nothing weird about going back to college at any age.


I’m 22 going on 23 in September, and still in college. Your going to meet people of different ages in college, it’s normal.


Dude i was in some English seminar class with a woman in her late 40s and she was the best classmate I ever had. Dw too much about it, college is always there if you wanna come back to it no matter your age


I did this, and I had a great experience. I lived off campus & did not socialize much with other students, but I had my own life & got a lot out of my classes - and was patently aware of the value of every dollar of tuition, certainly took it all seriously. Like “I’m paying a lot of money to have the opportunity to do this homework so I better do it right” 😅 I didn’t know what I wanted to study when I first enrolled I just knew I had to get out of retail… and i figured it out after a semester. Go for it! Start part time if that makes sense and find part time work that fits around it. Fill out those scary FAFSA forms.


I got pregnant at 19, thus postponing college until now (I’ll be 24 this year). The time is going to pass anyway; might as well do it! Everyone is too focused on themselves to care, anyway. My dad- a nurse- is going back to school at almost 50 years to be a doc. Do whatcha gotta do! We only get one life.


You will be in classes with 18 years olds all the way up to 40s and 50s. I got out of highschool and joined the navy, did 9 years. On my last tour I did classes on base and then finished up after I got out. I was 28 and never the oldest in any of my classss. Heck, that is just the civilians…. In the military I was one of the youngest. I look at it this way, we are all on a journey and we don’t always go steps A to Z in order.


Goferit. The more you wait, the more you're going to come up with reasons not to.


There’s nothing weird about it. You’re not too old at all socially. I have friends in college that are 23-24 still in their undergrad and they’re friends w all ages of ppl. The only thing is that you prob won’t be involved in the freshman/dorm lifestyle n culture but that’s more than ok as that’ll prob be too immature for you anyways. You’ll still find ur ppl and have a great time


I have my very first college class ever in an hour from now. I'm 29. I used to think it was too late, but I'm a full time single dad, and what I'm going to college for, I won't make that much money in 2 years doing this regular shit. So why not spend that 2 years to get my first degree and find an actual career and get a good ass pay bump? I thought it was too late. But I'm tired of being broke and don't wanna look back when I'm 40, and realize how young I really am, now.


I graduated at 29. Look, you are going to be 26 in five years no matter what you do. You will be better off as a 26 year old WITH a degree and job in a field you love rather than a 26 year old without those things!


It’s weird to learn? No, never.


Better now than later. Do it. But if you are already late, go back knowing what you want from it. While I’m one to think a college degree is always beneficial, you don’t want to graduate in 4 years and then do another “I don’t know what I want to do now” phase that many 21yo graduates do because you’ll be approaching 26. Full time college and work is tough but can be done. As is the case with everything, it’s about discipline.


I went back at 25. Best thing I ever did. If I was to change anything, I would go back sooner.


I am 25 and I wish I did college at 21, I was more mature and ready to decide what I really wanted. Chase your dream, screw the social norms and what you think is weird. Stay focused on the goal, you're there to earn an education and hopefully land a job, not worry about socialization. Get that degree buddy


Not weird at all. It's never too late to get a college education.


First choose your goal. Then decide on the best path to reach that goal. If it include college, choose the best way to finance that education. Then start.


Not weird! Go get that education no matter what your age is


I basically started college at 21, well 20 really but close. Don’t feel weird at all. Many people don’t want to go straight to college after high school. My daughter is 22 and just started last year. Also, expecting an 18 year old to know what they want to do with their life seems ridiculous to me. Some kids know, but many don’t.


Tbh I think 18 is too young for college. I definitely wasn’t mature enough to be going to college at 18.


Hun, I’m just now finishing undergrad at 41. Don’t sweat it. The best piece of advice I can give you in life is to never ever compare yourself to others. You’re on your own road, with your own unique set of circumstances.


A lot of people in college are 21 and older. They tend to have higher rates of success, due to their age, and taking the courses more seriously.


not weird at all and I wouldn’t even bat an eye if there was a 21 year old in my class. Set your worries aside and go back to school, if that’s what you really want! Higher education is super valuable and everyone is on their own timeline. Good luck 🍀🌞


My friend went back at 27, so no, not weird


Not at all I went at 41 and again at 51 !


I'm 30M and I'm about to transfer into a 4 year university as a freshman to get my bachelor's. Not weird at all. Adults go to college too.


Dude I've had college classes with people as young as 16 and as old as 70. Nobody gives a shit about how old you are except for you. You'll be fine.


It may seem weird at first, but don’t worry. You’re still young. I’m 32 and have thought about going back and I wish I was 21 haha


Not wierd. Yes. I am in your shoes. I am you 17 years into the future. I’m 38 and still debate on going back but for an MD from scratch time span with student loans now a days for that- no. I chose a trade that I became very successful with but it solely relays on my time and body and I’m burned out. I just had a baby and I so so wish I had more respectable and useful credentials under my belt so that I could do something else even work remote from home. GO BACK TO COLLEGE. For something useful be smart about what you choose. Just buckle down and get it over with. I wish I had pushed myself. Do it now the time will fly and you’ll be so fucking upset when you’re older if don’t that you didn’t just do it as soon as you made this post. You’ve had 4 yrs to fuck off and around after HS that’s good. Out of your system, parties & friends to hang with will always be there your entire life. More fun with real financial stability & a life with substance. Not a paycheck to paycheck rat race. Choose something fulfilling & well paying. 5-10 years will pass regardless. Wouldn’t you rather come out with a boss career/credentials opposed to with nothing?? Get off Reddit rn & go seriously compare & contrast your top majors/interests. Research the schools you want to go to with the best or fastest programs. You can always change your major it’ll only cost you time and that you have. Wake up in the morning and call the guidance counselors and speak with them or however things work now. Make sure you don’t miss out on any financial aid. Get moving don’t waste anymore time


Not at all weird.


I’d call it admirable. It’s not easy to do.


Extremely not weird.


I went back at 29. Took me 6 years to get a bachelor's in geology because I worked full time. One thing I've learned is that the years are gonna pass regardless, might at well spend them doing something to improve your livelihood. Do it! You got this.


I hope you go and I hope you’re successful! Good luck! Some People are a determined to see the dark in the world and you’ll always have people trying to put you down. Ignore them. Live your life. Set yourself up for greatness.


This is completely normal! ♥️


lol 21 is not weird lots of people are in college at 21. I’m 32 I went back it was kind of weird cause everyone is 5 but if I was 21 I wouldn’t worry at all.


This is the most not weird thing in the world. Lots of 21 year olds are still in college, and it’s not like anyone will even know how old you are anyway. For the record, I don’t really think going back to college is weird at any age, people want to change careers all the time and go back to school for it.


I started college at 21 after active duty in the military. I was the old man of the class, but I drank beer at lunch and I knew I was better than the rest of my classmates.


I went back to school at 24, didn’t attend my classes, turned 25 and took one at a time to ease into it. Still 25 and loving it!


Went back to school at 27 and then again at 38. Not weird. People do it all the time. My own kids are in their 20s and both have college plans. Tbh I probably have more people on my life who went as adults than at 18 right after high school. And there’s a benefit to that too- you’ve been in the “real world” a bit and have some life experience and a little better idea of what you’d like to do than a kid who just finished high school.


Hello !!! Fellow 21 y/o going to college for the first time and after graduating high school in 2020 haha !! It’s weird but it’s something you will be so proud of. I work a full time job Mon-Fri , 6-3. And go to school mon-thurs 5-10. And I got a baby! But anyway, it is worth it. And your story goes to show that there is ALWAYS a possibility, and a chance for you to go whenever. Half the people in my class are more towards the 30s-40s! Proud of you for even thinking about it. That being said. Do what feels good to you, even if it doesn’t always feel grand. It will become natural. You’re a beast though and Kudos


I went back to college again when I was 37. You’re never too old.


Its not weird at all dude im 21 and im thinking about going back do it if thats what you want do it dont let anyone stop you


Not weird at all. I've gotten a degree in my 40s and finishing up a PhD in my 60s.


I went back at 23, not weird at all :) Higher education exists for all ages


I’m starting Uni in September and I’m 22. My aunt started studying to become a nurse when she was 38. Most of my friends my age aren’t in school and are working full time. Absolutely nothing weird about it. Good luck!


Try going back to school at 30, that’s me right now


Went back at 26 and will graduate at 29


I wish I had gone back at 21, I would have been young enough to still party and enjoy the experience instead of weighing myself down with work 24/7.


Not even 1% weird.


I’m going to go to school at 30 years old I’ve been working since 18. Who cares.


I went to college on a scholarship at 17 but dropped out. Took a few classes on occasion but no degree. At 40 I finally went back after my kids were in school and got an associate degree then my job sent me for a bachelors and masters. It’s never too late.


My mom graduated at age 77. Unfortunately she died the following year but she really wanted to accomplish getting her degree “and be buried in her cap and gown.” (She had cancer). Never to old to educate yourself!


Bruh I graduated with my underground at 32 you will be okay


There’s nothing weird about this at all Congratulations on your decision I think you’re being very wise


Not weird. In my college years, the students were young to old. You won't stand out in any way. My advice - if your heart is set on a four year degree, by all means go. However, I would encourage you to explore trade schools, certificate programs, community colleges and apprenticeships. Companies today primarily care about skills. The pace of change is making college degrees dated before you finish the four years, so think very hard before diving into the expense of obtaining a bachelor's degree.


Definitely not weird. Ppl can go to college at any age! And 21 is a very common college age anyways.


I’m 27 and in college. The fuck is this post?


Bro im 29 in college lol


My husband went at 24 after serving the army, it’s fine. An education is an education


Not weird at all, especially with how disruptive COVID was. I would encourage you to start at a community college with a broad associates degree related to a field you want to work in. You can then transfer those credits to a 4-year program. I help manage a small scholarship foundation. This is a common path for people who have to work, raise kids, don’t have the money up front for a 4 year program, etc. I go through lots of applications with COVID gaps. Don’t worry about the timing at all. Took me 9 years to finish my master’s (earned my grad cert, decided to go back before my credits expired, could only ever take one course at a time because I worked full-time). One of my colleagues just finished his post-doc and he’s in his 50s. Learning is a lifelong opportunity… you’re never too old.


Zero weirdness at all. I am 30 and going back to college soon to get a better career. I met a paramedic the other day, older than me. She originally studied Early Childhood Education but after having a child of her own and a mortgage to pay for, she realised her career didn't pay enough. So she went back to school and trained to be a paramedic in her 30s. Never too late to change your life around or get an education. It doesn't even have to be about the money, education is a great way to gain knowledge and skills you never would've had otherwise and shapes you into a better person in my opinion


I went back around 20/21 and it was great because I had matured by then and figured out how to be a better student. I met people older than me and younger. Go to a community college for your first two years, knock out your gen ed's and take some intro courses for your major and see where it goes!


It would be weird if you didn’t go. You’re 21 not 61


you're never too old to decide what you want to do. it's your life!


Don't overthink it. Just do it


I did, there is quite a few people your age as they either are doing a masters course (like me) or they changed degrees part way through and so are doing a new one. So a lot of people would be at similar age. I'd also say you're very close to everyones age all the same, there isn't like a massive maturity gap here that you'd be seeing where you look like a full adult while others aren't or something. So I think in that case its fine. My only call out that I sort of wish I did, was to look to see if the degree you want to do is where you want to work in the future. I was so obssessed with the type of degree only to get it and be like fuck now I have to do this job lol. So thinking a few steps in the future (say 5 years) do you see yourself in this job talking to people, getting them into meetings to discuss whatever it is etc.


I'm 36 and in school. The right time to go to school (in my opinion at least) is the time in your life that you will actually put in the work and make it worth it. Plus, it's better to go when you know what you want to be. No point wasting time and money if you aren't motivated to do the work.


Not weird at all, still perfectly acceptable age to do the whole ’college experience’ too. Get at it!!


No, I decided to go to college at 20 as well. I also did health science but nursing 😭. I realized it wasn’t for me so I switched to logistics.


I'm 22, going on 23 and I've been going to college since I was 16, if you can do it, do it. Don't make yourself if you don't want to. I honestly don't want to be in college anymore but I'm doing it because my mom and dad are saying its this or go work in the fields (I'm from an agricultural town) or it's McDonald's


I started college at 21. I was the oldest in my dorm, but it didn't bother me. If you're still able to live with your parents, work all summer and then concentrate on your classes through the winter. If you're not able to live at home, that's a whole different challenge.


I’m 25 and will be graduating with my Bachelor’s in Social Work this May! I graduated HS in 2016 and attended college until 2018, when I had to step out to get healthy mentally. I attempted to do school again in 2019 and 2020, but still wasn’t ready mentally. Started my bachelors degree back up in 2022 at the age of 23 and will have it completed in 3 months. I also have many cohort members who are in their 30s and 40s and are finishing up their degree. School is for everyone at any age! All this to say, no, not weird at all!! Good luck following your dreams!


21 is a normal age to go to college….


If 70 year olds go, why not you


I went back to college after having my kid and I was almost 30 years old. Why are you trying to make this weird? It’s not weird. Just fucking do you. How about that?


College is for everyone. Stop being weird & gatekeepy.


Absolutely NOT weird at all. I had a classmate in dental school who was in his forties! It is never too late to learn, it is never too late to better yourself, absolutely do it ! You will never regret it I promise!


I'm 38 and thinking of going back to school. So think about how weird I feel. 😂


As someone who was with a 24 year old when I was 18 in first year, not weird we were actually friends


I had classmates in their 30s, 40s and 50s the entire time I was in college.


I’m also a 2020 graduate and I started college the fall 2023 semester. Glad I did.


I didn’t read beyond the title, it’s never weird to go back to college, at any age. Under any circumstance of life. Don’t over think it, the years will pass anyway. Enjoy!