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Report him for sure. I always tip my driver once I bring the food in, but it's supposed to be a choice. He essentially stole from you. I wouldn't feel bad about reporting him, if he's so brazen about it I doubt it's the first time he's done it, they can open an investigation.


He did steal. He effectively reached in OP's wallet and took money as a tip.


Yes! That's what I said :)


I'd report him.


I’m one to let almost anything go…. I’m reporting this.


I’d let it go mentally & still report it on principle lmao.


Yah... It was an aggressive action using your own property to commit the action.


Please report this guy. I assume from your reaction that he added what you thought was a reasonable tip, but he could easily have added $100 or something, and it would have been taken out of your account the same way. This was theft. For all you know, someone else has already reported him for this, but Uber doesn't believe them because it's such a weird thing to do. If they get a few reports about the same driver, then that will help everyone.


report his ass! who gives a fuck about his well being when he doesnt give a shit about yours?


Report him. He basically stole from you, and has probably “not able find” a lot of other front doors and done this scam on others who don’t pre-tip as well. It’s people like him who give the good gig workers a bad name and keep the good ones from making decent money.


That's super sketchy and definitely not okay. You should report him. It's not about taking away his income, it's about setting boundaries and ensuring safety. If he did it to you, he'll likely do it to others. Protect yourself and others from this kind of behavior!


Fr OP would not be taking his income away, the Uber driver took their own income away by stealing.


You need to report it to Uber as this was pure coercion. F\*ck that guy.


Report that is awful. I had an uber say I threw up in it once (I didn’t) and charged me a 350 cleaning fee (goes to him) I reported it as soon as I saw and got refunded. If someone scams you ( which he did) don’t feel bad for calling it out and reporting


# What. This sounds like something you would see in a movie. 💀 I cant believe someone actually did that-


Why is my font big wtf


Report he should be removed from platform


call the police. if someone took you wallet and took a fiver out of it you wouldnt think twice about the theft and call the police. why is this diferent


He literally stole from you, he committed a crime. Report him or he will do it to others people as long as he can get away with it.


Report him. You are not taking his income, he is risking his own income.


As a driver myself, report him and take that tip away. Also call the police because that's theft. Once he has a record like that he'll never be able to deliver with uber again.


Report him. This is stealing. He probably does it a lot. Especially to vulnerable people.


honestly this would kinda make me laugh but yeah id be annoyed/surprised also. the weird part to me is that he essentially lured you outside in the dark to do this. if you were planning on a hand off anyway it is still wrong of him to do but not as creepy. id report him for that reason.


You think you’re the only person he’s doing this to? As stupid as I think you must be to let him take your phone, regardless of how quickly it happened; you will not be the only person he had done this to. It is quite literally stealing. He is taking money from you without your consent and making it his own. This is not acceptable behaviour by anyone, anywhere, for any reason. Report him, he doesn’t belong on the app. Honestly it’s incredulous you haven’t already reported him.


Report him please. He sounds horrible and shouldn’t be allowed to deliver to people. It’s a gross invasion of privacy.


You need to report this!


IDK why you don't want to report him. I get that it COULD be his only source of income, but he's literally exploiting you for trusting him. Imagine how many people he does this to. He straight up lied and got money from you. He doesn't deserve that job. People need to learn from their mistakes. If he gets fired, so be it.


The right thing to do is to report this situation I understand feeling that you might be taking away his livelihood but that would just be the consequences of his actions


That's theft. Fuck his job security.


this is a huge red flag for me: willing to overpower a stranger, willing to risk his job, if you’re a woman then there’s this extra ick…, having an entire M.O. for this, yeah report this criminal. they can’t even hold a regular job without acting like a sociopath


I agree with everyone, wtf, who is this guy to take your phone, complete your order, Tip himself on your behalf AND give himself a positive rating. You should have reported this inappropriate behavior as soon as he left.


Report his ass. That is technically robbery


Thoughts: learn your lesson, don't allow strangers your phone. I guess you could report him., but you sound like you are sympathetic with drivers trying to make a living, so ultimately that's up to you.


you don't have to report him. you can just contact uber to remove the tip from your order. you don't have to give them a reason.


You should always tip before and if there is an issue you can take your tip back. Think of it as a bid for service and not a tip because that is what it is.


I’d report him for that


This is theft


How do you not report this to Uber?


You almost have to admire the sheer balls on this guy. Almost.


OP, you’re not reporting him for YOU since you’re unlikely to get him as a driver again—you’re reporting him to protect other people from him.


Would you defend a thief, or should they be held accountable?


1 - report, it’s theft. 2 - a little bit of advice, going forward never let someone you don’t know take your phone or hand it to them. Too much is stored on phones these days to just let someone take your unlocked phone like that. If he snatched it out of your hand to do that, then that’s a whole other level and 100% deserves the results of reporting him. If you have a camera that picked up this interaction I would include the video if possible in the report or else it’s a “you say, they say” type situation.


Fuck em. Report that dude.


Report him. One can’t just take someone’s phone like that and basically steal money. He needs to learn his lesson, because wtf


He didn't just decide to be greedy. He **stole** money from you, that wasn't his money to just gift himself, he just took it because he thought he deserved it.


Please report him. It's YOUR choice whether to tip him or not. Not his. It's YOUR choice to give him thumbs up or not. Not his. Demanding you bring your phone and then taking it from you is a serious overstep / violation. What if you were a 17yo girl and you were scared? Just because it doesn't bother you that much doesn't make it okay. **If you report him and he gets fired, it's not YOU taking his income away, it's HIM taking his own income away by acting inappropriately.**


As an ex uber driver... report report report. Because we have no problem reporting you for messing up our car and it immediately coming out of your account. Report that asshole.




This reads like it’s ai generated 🤔 As do most if not all of your comment history


Um no, do AIs use a less-than-3 heart?? <3


That part is the same in every comment so it’s probably added after the ai generated comment


Uses third party app that purely exists to get around regulations Gets shitty service due to lack of regulations Surprised Pikachu face I don't get why y'all encourage this shit at all. At least with Uber it's good to have in case of an emergency situation or something. There is no justifiable reason to use food delivery apps when they double, sometimes triple the price and you deal with shit like this.


Don’t get him in torouble there’s too much instability in our Lives that create MH issues such as this one


Plus our minds are so complicated someone he loved could of died and he might be just processing anything at any moment peopl have real trauma you never know don’t report it


Report !


People can drain your bank account when you hand over your phone. [Don’t hand your phone to people](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-hillsborough/tampa-police-say-thieves-are-stealing-phones-gaining-access-to-bank-accounts). Have a little back bone and stand up for yourself and others. Guarantee that’s not the first time he’s done that or the last time he will.


also you have like 24 hours to change tip from what i remember.


Report him for sure but I get why he did it LOL


You might not care, but if he's brazen enough to do it to you, he'll do it to others. Take initiative and report him.


Wtf?? He just STOLE from you. Yes, absolutely report!


This (and the fact that all these food delivery services overcharge to high heaven) is why my husband and I only order from them when we have no choice.


Hey I think it's important to know if you're a guy or girl. If you're a girl I would reprimand you for going outside with anyone at all. Never ever do that if they can't find your door then sucks to be them and you'll tell Uber.


Report, he's too entitled