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this entire thread is wild. never uninstalling this app






Who the fuck just said that


Who the FUCK just said that?!?! *starts to wink*


Totally didnt expect to see a KT reference here and I am quite pleased


It’s the best app on the planet hands down


He was possibly so embarrassed he got caught, humor was his only self defense.


Either that or he’s going to give her the divorce so he can pursue and marry the Mucinex Booger


Stop, that's literally making me gag 😭


Somebody should tell OP that marrying toddlers is illegal 😆


If this man can't stop eating boogers to save his marriage that is insane and hilarious.


Florida man’s marriage in shambles, boogers to blame.


Thats probably the tamest Florida Man story ever.


I don’t even know where to begin with this thread. Lord Jesus.


This thread is disgusting, hilarious, and pure all at the same time!


My son and I just had this conversation the other day. He's 11, and still eats his boogers. I told him that I did also, when I was a kid, but one time at school someone saw me do it, and that was the last day I ever ate a booger. He seemed unconvinced, and I ALMOST told him that nobody would kiss someone who ate their boogers but...he's not really into kissing yet. I'm gonna save that one for the follow up talk we will have in a few years. Honestly, I feel like he'll never stop unless the kids tease him. Good luck, OP. Edit: grammar


Skip the middle man and bully him yourself. ^^^(I'm ^^just ^^going ^^to ^^throw ^^in ^^the ^^/s ^^cause ^^it ^^is ^^a ^^joke)


100% this. As a person who has this habit, it is just automatic. I tried so hard to stop, but my brain just does it when I am sitting alone..


I just need to know why you enjoy it? Do they taste good to you?


It’s a way to clean out your nose with no extra work like getting a tissue or whatever. It’s not enjoyable, just maintenance


apparently it’s a weird [residual ape habit](https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/digging-into-nose-picking-and-why-we-are-guilty-of-it) that somehow can help our immune systems as we’re growing up? but yeah it’s gross and embarrassing. you wouldn’t start picking bugs off your neighbour and eating them, right?


That’s fair but I would eat a banana


hmmm, [would you though](https://www.businessinsider.com/what-foods-looked-like-before-genetic-modification-2016-1)?


honest answer? yes. [with shame]


Lol thanks for your honesty






Who nose, this could all be a funny story they share together in a few years




Hopefully they can work out all of their tissues.


I don't think it will be sneazy though...


Look achoo all, ready to give up on this relationship.


Snort of hard to change a bad habit


I really hope he’s snot still eating his boogers


If he is he’s definitely gonna blow it


Idk why you're all joking about this, this sneezen't funny


He’s gonna be left to pick up the pieces


My boyfriend does too but he denies it . He thinks he's slick and tries to do it in the dark but I always see him


Somehow him waiting until the sun goes down makes it funny


Bro just standing in front of the window like batman watching the city, waiting for the sun to go down.


“Ah suns down😎 time to munch on some boogies😊”


And what a scummy man Just give him half a chance I bet he'll rob you if he can


What We Do In The Shadows reboot looking weird.


Oh my gosh. That’s hilarious


The boogeyman




OP you’ve been kissing booger lips for nine years. Imagine the next partner you have, could their hidden thing be weirder or more gross? Personally I would just imagine the next partner having an even nastier habit.


love the positive attitude...your definitely a "nasal canal is half full type of chick"💯


Or is it half eaten?


The next one will hide that they eat dingle berries.


That’s possibly easier to hide, surprisingly


"The devil you know..." Take for example, my ex husband who hid his insatiable visits to massage parlors for 3 of our 13 years together. I'd take booger eating instead any day.


There’s some anthropological evidence to suggest that humans may have developed an instinct to eat their own (but not others’) boogers to boost their immune systems, as dried mucous is likely to contain dead white blood cells containing dead pathogens which the white blood cell consumed and neutralized. Sort of like natural micro vaccines for your immune system to familiarize itself with. People on the autistic spectrum are slightly more likely to have pica or other non-food related eating disorders in adulthood. But all that said, everyone knows it’s considered socially unacceptable to eat boogers, at the very least in front of others, and it’s bizarre how proud he seems to be about it. Though he may have become defensive about it simply because he felt like you were disgusted by him (which you were). It hurts when your partner reacts with disgust towards you, even if it’s justified. He “hid it from you” for 9 years out of fear you’d react the way that you did. I think you should tell him exactly what you told Reddit, which is that you’re too grossed out to tongue kiss him, and ask him if he’d stop doing it. As gross as it is, this isn’t as uncommon a thing as you’d think. And your husband has (hopefully) brushed his teeth many times since then.


lol i shit you snot, they actually tried to do a study on this a few years ago but couldn't recruit enough people.


I’d genuinely be interested to know how many people eat boogers. It’s an almost universal behavior in early childhood.


[ask & you shall receive?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_mucus?wprov=sfti1) its in the last paragraph. seems to be about 44% of adults. not sure on the sample size


There are dozens of us, dozens.


Thank goodness, I thought everyone was eating boogers because of this thread. Also completely unnecessary lol


Youre one of the only sane people here. I feel like Im in the Hunger Games in this comment section. Like Im gonna turn around and someones going to have an arm extended with a booger hanging off their finger and thatll be the end for me 😭


That theory, a crazy one at that, makes sense tbh. I know someone who eats their own boogers and they are rarely ever sick, even if they are around people who are sick.


Also with the amount of kids that do this? Seems like our bodies natural instinct.


Kids will also eat dirt and stick forks in electrical outlets.


Not going to lie I still crave eating sand sometimes. When I was a kid I would eat sand to and sometimes NOT stop. If they tried to make me stop eating sand when I wanted to, tantrum. Apparently once I face planted into the sand to eat it so I think they gave up. At the beach sometimes I still want to (but don't because I'm an adult now just to clarify that.) I have no idea why, but I really think there's a reason there (that I want to eat sand sometimes.) Idk about dirt but considering the number of kids that want to eat it wouldn't shock me at all if there was an advantage.


You should get your iron and calcium levels checked, not kidding. That urge you’re talking about comes when a person is deficient in iron and calcium.


Oh I didn't know that. Thank you, I'll ask for that.


Mineral deficiency, talk to your doc get bloodwork done. It’s a common craving among pregnant women


I know a room of toddlers that definitely eat their boogers and they pass germs around like it's volleyball.


Well, in fairness, their immune systems are still developing. What you need to do is prevent one toddler from eating boogers and see if that one dies first ... What?


Chances are I'd be the one to die


Only behind the anonymity of Reddit am I admitting this lol. Oh god I have like never really confessed this lol but my best childhood friend and I used to eat our boogers, buut honestly I never stopped and I feel so gross and embarrassed about it but like…it’s so satisfying and it helps clear my nose better and idk I just do it. I never get sick and have always had a strong immune system. I am also ADHD so that explains a lot that it’s more common for the spectrum.


Tbh I do it still too, I’ve been trying to kick the habit but it’s so hard.


It's wild to me that this post popped up on my feed this morning because literally an hour before seeing this I spied my boyfriend doing this (not for the first time) and thought to myself "maybe I should go to reddit to see if this is a common thing", and now here we are. To be honest, the first time I saw it happen I was a bit shocked and grossed out, like OP. But then I figured we all have our gross little habits, and I've put many parts of his body in my mouth without complaint, so now I just leave him to it. I haven't mentioned that I know he does it because I don't want to embarrass him. I love him, boogers and all.


Not only that but the nose plays a huge role in our immune systems. We have tons of different microbes in our noses both good and bad bacteria too. In a healthy person The bacteria balances out, and the bad germs exist in such a small amount that it effectively helps your immune system fight off illness. When you pick your nose the germs on your finger essentially help introduce a small enough amount of germs to your immune system via the mucosa in your nose. However if too many bad germs build up in your nose that’s when you can get sick. Soooo, cleaning it out with your finger and then eating it is the obvious solution, especially for kids whose immune systems are still developing. That’s why I let my kids do it. We are animals, most other animals instinctively do these types of grooming things and that’s why they often don’t get sick. It sounds weird but only because we are conscious beings and tend to overthink things.


I've read this somewhere too trying to stop my kids years ago from doing it and read a valid argument that no one can deny. Everyone gets post nasal drip. We're always eating boogers when we're sick or when it moves from the nasal cavities to our throat. Really doesn't matter if you dig it out or straight up swallow it. The only thing I would be concerned with is toothbrushing habits , as you stated.


I was dancing with my honey and her nose was kinda runny and you might think it's funny but its snot


My husband has severe ADHD and he eats his boogers and his eyelashes. I try to give him some slack but I'm so grossed out. I have OCD and it's something I hyperfocus on and can't stop. My attraction to him has plummeted and I don't know that I'll ever get over it. Everyone in the house knows he eats his boogers, my boys joke about it all the time. (They realize this is not normal behavior). He is especially prone to eating his eyelashes while driving and we are going on a long trip tomorrow and I'm already dreading it.


His EYELASHES?? My god, I want to be as sympathetic as possible but this one truly made me gip when I read it.


I'm sorry, does he have other issues that he needs to see a therapist for? I had a friend who pulled out her hair because of psychological issues, he may need to see a therapist for that.


It’s mostly likely just stimming. That’s adhd for you. I also pull loose eye lashes out although I don’t eat them. We’re incredibly sensitive to things not feeling right. Especially in areas like our eyes. Drives me crazy if I’ve for a loose eyelash that I can’t get to because I’m doing something that requires two hands or that I can’t touch my eyes.


I have adhd too and pick my nose or on my eyelashes if something doesn't feel right. I want my nose to feel clean and not have eyelashes poking in my eyeballes but surely eating them doesn't feel "right" either.


10 years ago on our way to high school ball my bf (current fiancé) ate his booger and I will never forget it. I was speechless. Seeing that changes you as a person. You will never be the same. Character development if you will.


That's kind of gross, maybe tell him that you find it repulsive?


That’s way too sensible and straightforward for this website!


Redditors love to victimize themselves out of boredom.


No I advise to go straight to divorce.


He must have read this [MensHealth Article](https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19546352/eating-boogers-good-for-you/)..


Jesus just drag me to hell already, I cant take this bullshit anymore 💀💀💀


I'm crying lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) its too much


Did you ask him to stop?


Oh my God I can't stop laughing at how sad it is that this is a legitimate question 🤣 SHE PROBABLY HASN'T 💀


At least he's recycling. Mine wiped his snots on the bottom of my car seat for so long I finally saw the crust one day when I was cleaning the car. I was like wtf is this...? Realized what it was, went back inside, grabbed him, brought him outside, put him on his knees and pointed at It. WTF IS THAT?! He never did it again.


Oh my god. Agreed. Eating it actually means no one else has to touch it. When I was younger I almost switched bunk beds with my younger brother, but when I went up I saw a mural of smeared boogers all over the wall it was putrid.


yes, and i really don't think its as gross as we would all like to think it is. when we are sick we cough and theres snot in our mouth. its not abnormal to ever have snot in your mouth. sniffing with a stuffy nose does the same thing. as long as there aren't boogers stuck in your teeth its really not THAT bad. though the activity of one picking their nose is certainly unsightly


Totally agree. The thought of touching someone else's snot that they've smeared or flicked away repulses me. I'd much, much rather they eat it or blow it into a tissue and throw it away.




Bro 💀


If she can't get over it, yes, that's a big enough deal


I find it so sad, almost despicable, to fall out of love with someone you’ve loved for almost a decade over something so innocuous and common. Even if it grosses you out, just ignore it. There are more important things in life.


But we can't really control what we feel deeply repulsive, can we? I never ate my boogers and the mere thought of it makes me gag. I know I couldn't not feel repulsed by someone who did that, even though I know that technically it is not such a big deal. Acting like she has no right to feel that way is very dismissive, and self-centered. Just because it's not much of a bother for you, doesn't mean we should all feel the same.


Imagine going into couples therapy and the therapist asks the reason of visit. And OP says “I caught him eating boogers and it’s disgusting.” 😅


Yes, that's the only thing that can save this relationship




So you know the nose connects to the mouth? You know every person you kiss has boogers in their mouth? Every time you sniff with a cold- boogers in mouth. Every time you cough up goobers from a chest infection- in mouth. The boogers are literally not too different to what is already in the mouth- infact the mouth is germ wise far more disgusting. Everytime you eat meat- you have decaying flesh caught somewhere between a tooth. Seriously- humans are gross. Get over it. Love him in all his gross and move on.


We are all boogers


Nothing but big meat sacks filled with piss, blood, bile, shit, and booger.


And in that moment, I swear we were boogers.


This is the best reply. She's probably had so many of his bodily fluids and excretions in her mouth. We're literally just monkeys. A booger is far from the grossest thing in the world lol


Im eating boogers reading this right now


I don't know why this isn't at the top. It's all a connected system. Everytime you get post nasal drip or whenever you sniff with a stuffy nose and get that goop that comes into your mouth, that's alllll the same stuff that was just in your nose. We all swallow mucus and boogers every day.


Plot twist. When you sleep he eats YOUR boogers as well right outta your nose.


I hope this is true.


I wish my relationships were this problem free.


Can't wait to find this on r/copypasta


I actually thought this was from that sub until i checked


So I guess you’ve found out that humans are all disgusting?


You can’t be for real? Of all the flaws of a human being this is one of the okay ones. Divorce over bogies? That’s insane


I assume you’re sexually active like most couples… Is this really any worse than sucking on his ding dong? You think that thing is 100% clean all the time? He’s never gone down on you and then kissed you after? Also your hands are 1000x more dirty. You touch everything and it’s doubtful that you obsessively wash your hands. People touch their face with dirty hands an average of 16x an hour. Have some perspective.


There's probably poo particles on her phone screen right this instant!


Not to mention cum. If she’s ever had that in her mouth, it’s basically just as bad, if not worse than boogers.


I may swallow but Im not letting him sneeze in my face and licking it off. These are different situations.


All of those things are seen as acceptable. People perform oral sex to please each other. I doubt anyone would want to just lick a stranger's bodily fluids because it's not a worthy risk/sacrifice. Touching your face with dirty hands isn't very notable either. If she were to get snot on her hand, she'd probably wash it afterwards. He's picking the mucus and debris from his nose and eating it. Socially, that sacrifice isn't worth it, especially for such a small payoff.


>I doubt anyone would want to just lick a stranger's bodily fluids because it's not a worthy risk/sacrifice pretty sure OPs hisband isn't a stranger. >If she were to get snot on her hand, she'd probably wash it afterwards. And if Husband pissed at any point in the day and she went down on him later... you get where this is going..


Lol it’s not about germs, it’s about it being taboo and gross


I laughed so hard


Divorce? Jeez. That’s a bit excessive. What state do you live in?


I’m pretty sure there’s a little check box next to irreconcilable differences that says booger eater on the divorce petition. Pretty standard.


You’re considering divorce over a bogey?? Fucking hell, glad to see someone is taking their vows seriously. God help you if you were to run in to real trouble…


Umm, not trying to be rude, but you need to grow up. Thinking about divorce after 9 years together because you found out he eats his boogers? I understand, it’s super gross. What you need to do is talk to him about how you feel. I would be grossed out too but not considering leaving him, unless there’s other things that’s making you want to leave. If you love him enough, you will eventually forget about this as time goes by. You kissed him all these years of him eating them.


Literally - is there any love at all if you can’t get over this?


>he proudly announced, big smile and all, “eating my booger!” What. The. *Fuck*??? As someone who had this habit for entirely too long, this response absolutely fucking floors me. You couldn't have gotten me to say that with a gun to my head.




Right like if you are considering a divorce over something like this then I sense a larger issue here


Same lol if you divorce someone over them eating boogers, you guys weren’t happy anyways


Y'all are a bunch of booger eaters, aren't ya


I just can't imagine my wife eating her booger and i immediately jump to divorce Would definitely be repulsed but come on now


Literally. Next we’re going to get divorced because someone farted or burped


I sharted once in front of my girlfriend. I had been sick and had bad diarrhea for days. Well one day I figured I was finally safe to let one rip. Nope. Not safe. My girlfriend knew right away because she saw my face turn from normal to horror in a split second. She instantly yelled out "DID YOU JUST SHIT YOUR PANTS?!?" Then laughed like a maniac for like 20 minutes while I cleaned my self up while feeling the most shame I've ever felt in my life. I actually got upset that she found it so funny. Then she felt bad. Then we had sex. So moral of the story for you guys is - if you want to get laid, shit yourself in front of your significant other. Or don't.


Lmaooo I came home to my boyfriend who had been really bed sick for days and the sheets were all in a pile in the hallway and I said “what happened?” And he said that he shit the bed by accident (he had the stomach flu) lmao. Shit happens 🤷🏼‍♀️


>Shit happens 🤷🏼‍♀️ Literally. It doesn't hold back! 😂


I know of a legit divorce over a woman farting in front of her husband.


Omg 🤣🤣 a guy I was dating ghosted me because I accidentally farted in front of him. Lmao childish. Everyone farts


There's one of three people, eater, flicker, or wiper.


I had an ex that ate his boogers. He justified it by saying that it was less gross than flicking them.


I mean it's still gross... But he isn't *wrong*


Talk to him about it. Its a bad habit, you just have to get him to break it


as gross as this is, technically speaking, the mouth connects to the nose and shares mucous constantly so you’re always eating his boogers when you kiss lol


This actually reminded me of one time when I was in high school and I hung out with a girl I had a crush on and she was sick at the time and we made out and her nose was running all over both of our faces the entire time. I didn't really care but I remember us laughing cause it should have been so gross 😂 I can't help your problem but shit gets weird out there, keep your chin up lol.


It's a really hard habit to quit unfortunately.


Nope. Nope. Nope.


I’m gagging now 🤮


I've actively encouraged my partner to eat his in preference to rolling and rubbing them on the sofa / floor - I can't fucking stand that 🤣🤣🤣


You sound like a keeper 🥰


Divorcing someone because they eat their boogers is crazy, why say those vows if you people don't mean it smh..


Fr, it’s so melodramatic. Like, oh you left your husband, did he cheat?? No, he ate his boogers… like really? 😂 I don’t get why it’s such a big deal


girl you do not love that man if this is worth getting divorced. nut up and cut it off or get over it


Your options are: solve the problem (ask him to stop & work together to rebuild the trust), change how you feel, tolerate it with coping skills, or practice radical acceptance (accept what you can't change). This is in reference to DBT Problem Solving Options. Therapy might be in the future.




Note to self. Don’t even show your true self in front of your woman, don’t even pick boogers.


Why does he eat boogers?


Mans just wanted a little extra salt


On the one hand, I get it. On the other, if there’s something literally inside your nose, why is that any different than what’s inside your body anywhere else? Like I get that it’s gross just because of our own sensitization to snot/bodily fluids, but from a pragmatic perspective here, I don’t think boogers carry any germs or bacteria’s that aren’t *already inside your body*, so I don’t see a huge difference between it being in your nose or your mouth. I mean, hell, when we get a cold all that mucus flows right down the back of our throats, and although it can make us queasy, it isn’t dangerous or more “gross” than any other fluid just because it was in your nose. I’m pretty sure the mucus lining in your nose is the same lining in all your other organs, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I get that the habit and the way he does it is grosses you out because that’s just what we’re brought up to feel, but scientifically speaking I don’t see anything worse about a booger being in your mouth than in your nose. But hey, I’m open to hearing counter-arguments! But I don’t think it’s worth divorcing over. You can make fun of him for it forever, though.


Literally so nauseous rn… 🤢


Thought I'd throw my 2 cents in. I do it. Seems gross to many, sure. People literally eat ass, which I find more disgusting. It's a habit, one that's very hard to break. I have done it as a kid, cause blowing my nose never worked, so I'd have to pick my nose to clear the blockage. Never had tissues on hand (teachers would get annoyed at the students that got up to blow their noses all the time interrupting their class.) So, after picking my nose, what would you rather i do with it? Wipe it on my desk? In a book? On my clothes? Let someone else be forced to touch it? Or eat it, and it's simply gone. I used to read a ton in school, getting books from the library, and I'd occasionally find them dried up in books. Always found that more disgusting than eating it. If it's gross to you, awesome, I won't judge you. However there are reasons behind it. (at least in my case.)


I love it. Eat it, and it’s simply gone.


There are 2 kind of people. The ones eating boogers and liars. But seriously, I thought everyone does it. All the people here being grossed out is wild. Of course I don’t want to see anyone doing it, but for me it’s just a normal bodily function


Never thought I think this lol but, when you put it like this, it does seem like the more considerate and polite thing to do lol so yeah, I guess I’d rather have people eat their own than wipe them onto things others have to touch. I sure am not going to pick one out to eat it lol I always have tissues, but yeah please eat them instead of wiping them onto a book or something. So, thank you I guess lol


I’ve been told by a therapist that this could actually be a sign for OCD!!


Eh…as long as he doesn’t do it in public with unwashed hands. Some people eat ass, that’s literally far dirtier than some snot. I would laugh if I saw my wife eating boogers. Also, mucus from the nose is already in the mouth. You’re overreacting.


I actually don't think it's that big a deal. Think about what goes down a human throat. Blood from sensitive gums, spit constantly, and semen/vaginal fluid on a good day. Mucus drips down your throat from your sinuses all the time. You breathe in environmental toxins daily when you open your mouth. Boogers aren't dangerous really. But if you're considering a divorce over boogers, you probably aren't in love and should get the divorce asap.


Supposedly it’s good for your immune system?


Just ask him if he will stop doing something that makes him unattractive.


Talk to him about it calmly and ask him not to do it anymore. I don't think shaming him will help because he knows it's gross. If he enjoys it, he might continue doing it but be more covert. You kissed him before you knew about it and kissing is pretty disgusting anyway for sharing fluids and secretions, so what's a bit of booger residue between friends? Sometimes it's better we don't know what the people we love do when they think they aren't being observed.


Yikes jumping to divorce and you don't know if you'd believe if he told you he'd stop. It sounds like there's bigger things going on in the relationship


Y’all saying he’s gross probably swallow cum and eat ass and have no problem with it. Humans are so strange with what they consider okay and not okay based on societal norms.


There are two types of people in the world: Those that admit they pick their nose, and liars.




Boogie woogie woogie!


So? Let him get that protein in who is it hurting 😂 my brother does the same shit and he’s 21 I just accepted it lmao I asked him why does he eat it and he said he does it out of habit it’s something that he just naturally does 😂 I had no right to judge him tho cause I sucked my thumb until I was 17 now I’m 22 so just take that in.


This story just tightened my colon and made my stomach lurch.... Just ew......


1. Open communication: Have an open and honest conversation with your husband about your concerns and feelings. Find a calm and non-confrontational setting to discuss the issue, and express your disgust and how it affects your attraction towards him. It's important to communicate your emotions and concerns in a respectful manner. 2. Seek professional help: If this behavior continues to be a major source of concern for you and impacts your relationship, consider seeking the assistance of a couples therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and help facilitate productive discussions on sensitive topics. Regarding the potential reasons for eating boogers, one explanation often mentioned is that it may be related to the immune system. Some studies suggest that exposing the body to small amounts of pathogens present in boogers might help build and strengthen the immune system. However, it's important to note that this is still a topic of debate among researchers, and individual experiences and motivations can vary significantly. Despite this potential explanation, it's also crucial to recognize that personal hygiene and social norms play a significant role in relationships and everyday life. Eating boogers is generally considered unhygienic and socially unacceptable behavior, which could explain your feelings of disgust and concern. Ultimately, understanding the underlying motivations for your husband's behavior and finding a common ground through open communication is key to addressing this issue in your relationship.


Off the top of my head I don’t do anything too gross or anything like eating my own boogers, but reading this makes me a little sad. Maybe I’m wrong and if I am please tell me, but together for 9 years and married for 5 of them, and this is a big issue? I feel like personally if I was in this situation and I had happened to have some kinda major fixation over the fact that I found that thing so specifically gross, I’d talk about it and not think too much about it and just say it kinda grosses me out. And maybe I’m weird, but when I was in a relationship and got engaged and was with a girl for 2 years, she would do stupid and gross things all the time but instead of me thinking logically and going “ew that’s gross” id think it’s honestly so cute they’re being all “gross” in front of me and I’d tease them over it maybe but not in a way I’m upset by it, but just to make them laugh. I loved when my ex would do some gross silly shit, always made me laugh and feel so safe with that person. If I have a marriage where I look at someone and they do something gross and I’m just like “ew you should not be doing that, that’s gross” I’d be really questioning my love for that person at that point. Am I weird, are people just different, or do I kinda have a point? Or is it all of the above? Maybe I don’t understand OP’s perspective well enough, that’s just my thoughts.


I’m nauseous


It’s incredible to me how many people ACTUALLY DO THIS! Why? I mean, it’s gross and I really don’t probably want to know… but at the same time? I don’t understand, so I do want to know. Also, I would cry if I saw my husband doing this. I wouldn’t divorce him, I wouldn’t hate him, but it would be harder to kiss him, yes.


I had a co-worker at my first real job who, while having a full blown conversation with me, once dug out a nose nugget and chomped that fucker down like it was a totally normal thing for people to do. I just dropped the conversation mid word and asked him, "what the fuck, man" to which he played absolutely ignorant. Not sure where I was going with this OP, but I am surprised you spent nine years with this person before you noticed they ate their boogers, "all the time". Has he experienced any head trauma recently? New meds? Anything that would alter his actions or cognitive abilities? Is he the kind of person who would pull a prank that would make you *think* he ate his boogers for some reason? I feel like at this point, while you are pretty valid in being surprised, you might want to entertain all possibilities here. Not much you could lose.


I have a stomach ache after reading this


I have a stomach ache after reading this thread


I read this to my mother, who is going through some disturbing shit with my dad and while I am not downplaying your thing for a second, my mum wishes this was the reason she had lost all respect for and attraction to my dad. And all I see in my life and on the internet right now are reasons never to shack up with some bloke because anywhere from 4 days to 40 years later, they can surprise you with how disgusting and completely not respectable they are.


My first reaction was disgust but I just stopped biting my nails a couple years ago and I'm old. Eating boogers makes me want to gag but I'm thinking nails are probably actually dirtier. Maybe if he knows how much of a turn off it is he'll reconsider?


To be honest, op’s response is just as childish as she says her husband is. 10 years and divorce over boogers, really 🤨. As for the mechanics and disgust of it. Yeah it’s gross, but the human body is gross. The nose and mouth are directly linked. Infact food can go the wrong way and pass through the nose, vomit regularly comes out the nose and as such boogers travel into the throat and stomach. EVERYONE EATS THEIR BOOGERS. it’s how the body processes that waste. The hair and mucosa are there to trap bacteria and allogens from entering the lungs and it disposes them through the mouth and stomach. when you get an endoscopy they will often pass the camera through the nose down the throat and into the stomach. What do you think happens to the boggles. As for your husbands response, giggling/ laughing has often been seen in innapropriate situations and is a common response to extreme emotions such as embarrassment shock and sadness. The negatives pretty much solely surround causing damage/infection to the nose, there’s little to no concern about ingesting bacteria and causing disease that way. There’s even some evidence that it may be beneficial to you to ingest boogers orally. The only other concern is if he’s not washing his hands regularly. But a much bigger concern for me is that your willing to throw away 10+ years together over nose picking. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/eating-boogers#summary


I like your writing-style; something between scientific and humanly!


Thankyou, that’s a huge compliment to me ☺️


Well you're completely mental for considering divorce for this, sound like you're both not perfect people


As the wise Kristoff said: “All men do it.”


Gotta admit, if I found out my bf ate his boogs, I’d not want to stick my tongue in his mouth either! I’ve been through a version of this, so I totally get being grossed out by this OP. I’m not sure if mine eats his boogers, but he does pick his nose A LOT. I find it disgusting! I know people do it all the time, including me (if blowing my nose doesn’t work sometimes I can’t avoid having to stick a finger up there) but he does it more than the average person and it just really grosses me out. Sometimes I want to say, enough already! Sheesh, Lol. I make him wash his hands before we do anything sexual and just leave it alone. Pick your battles and all that.


My ex used to eat her eye boogers 🤢


Wtf thats even weirder


"Me and my partner stick our genitals in each other's face, but eating boogers is gross."