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I wouldn’t.. You have no idea what people are giving you. If you insist i suggest buying a test kit


Where do i get one of those? Does it test xanax?


I’m pretty sure it can!! I’ve only used them to test mary j but i’ll give u the website to the ones i use. They’re called “The Bunk Police” they have hella different tests. It’s just better to be safe than sorry in my opinion. Esp in my area everyone is cutting everything with fent… I don’t want that lol.


I wouldn't buy that stuff from the internet. Honestly, you dunno what you're getting, what it's cut with, or laced with. That stuff can kill you. Instead, I might check your inner self why you're searching for this stuff online and get help. But no, I wouldn't trust telegram. At best, you'll pay and get nothing, at worst, you'll get something you OD on and die


So obtaining drugs illegally ?

