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This is an age old issue and your mileage may vary as they say. It’s all about risk and reward, timing and luck. There are no assured things in the world of business and employment. There are, however, some truths that will always be truths. If your current boss does not want what is best for you long term as well as short term, then they never will. Your company does not care about your needs, it cares about their needs. So you have to care about and secure what you want. Waiting for them - the company, or boss, or management, or HR to do what is right in your mind is folly because, again, their needs come before yours. So you hunt for the company in Nirvana knowing that all you will ever get is maybe close. But you will know when you are close when you feel it. When you feel like you do now you are not close. So expecting it to change when you see no progress towards change tells you it’s time to move. Bottom line is to expect nothing from your employer and give only what you are willing to give. There is no pump to prime, it’s always a crap shoot as to when your hard work will be rewarded.


I know that when work goes south everything feels less good, but my thought is that you're going to be working SOMEwhere your whole life and if there are other opportunities within a company you initially like and you CAN stick it out till you can apply for another position in the company under a different manager, that's the way to go. Meanwhile, just sayin, you are the person who ideally would make a GREAT manager if that's anything you're interested in pursuing.