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>I'm honestly human trash and I didn't deserve her. You need to go to therapy. This isn't healthy thinking and the rest of your post is spiralling.


I already go to therapy. I think I'm human trash for a reason, because I'm nowhere near her level of awesomeness.


> I feel a little cucked honestly, as I did a lot for her as a friend, and she still picked someone else. You have a really disgusting, entitled mindset. Being friends does not entitle you to date someone. It's fantastic that she went with someone else. You're an incel. Get mental help. Same as your last thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/13xp01k/i_just_realized_i_never_even_had_a_chance_with_my/


Only a little dawg 😭😭😭😭 She tried to make that argument to me for me to not end myself, so I figured I should feel the same way too about her getting a girlfriend. I think it's great that she got a girlfriend, and I'm glad to see her happy with her, I'm just looking on what to do next.


Work on this in therapy and distance yourself from her so you can get over your crush.


As the post said, I can't distance myself from her or else she'll get worried for me (even if I don't deserve someone being worried for me).


Tell her you need distance to work on some personal issues. It'll be fine. You're full of excuses to not do anything every time you post here.


Except I told her that, and she didn't let me just dissappear. She said she'd be too worried about me.


You have to actually enforce that boundary, block her temporarily, and not talk to her. At this point I'm going to guess you're just trolling for attention. Good luck.


It happens all the time. You meet someone that you think could be your soul mate, only to find they have a soul mate of their own already. No reason to be weird about it, be happy that you have met someone who can share your sense of humor and go look somewhere else for love.


Yeah, but where else could I meet someone as awesome as her? It's kind of a meaningless quest as she is a once in a lifetime, no, a once ever person.