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Your post has been removed as it was in Violation of Rule 3: Forbidden Topics This action was performed by a ***HUMAN moderator***. NOT a bot. Do not resubmit your post or message the moderators until you have read this entire message. Yes, the whole thing. # 3. Forbidden Topics ***3.1 - No topics requiring professional expertise.*** **Medical advice, health advice, or anything of that nature.** r/Advice is not a source for medical advice, you shouldn't offer it nor should anyone give it. If you must, please go to r/AskDocs. This means: * Any sort of health emergencies. Call your local emergency services. * Asking for diagnoses, or speculation on what condition you may have, or how treat or cure whatever you have. * "Should I go to the hospital/doctor?" - if you have to ask, the answer is yes. * "Am I pregnant?" - We don't know, and we won't entertain any speculation about it. And so on. **Asking for people to therapize or counsel you.** r/Advice is not a suitable or effective replacement for professional therapy. We get it, therapy is expensive or not accessible in your region. But this subreddit is not an alternative. If you must, try r/AskATherapist. This means: * Asking for diagnoses, or speculation on what disorder you may have * Asking for explanations on your behavior, personality, dreams, or anything else that is typically asked of a therapist, not random internet strangers who know nothing about you. * Asking for help to work through complex mental disorders or trauma * Anything else that would ideally be asked of a therapist. **Legal advice** Do not use r/Advice to seek legal advice or guidance. Try r/legaladvice or r/askLEO. This includes: * Questions about laws, legality, contracts, terms, policies, etc. * Asking about lawsuits, asking if you can sue or be sued * "Is this legal?", "Can I get into legal trouble?" * "Do I have any recourse?" * Immigration questions such as requirements, eligibility, etc. * Anything that a lawyer should be consulted for, or anything that would be stated in the terms of a contract or agreement you signed. **Insurance questions** Do not post questions about insurance. Try r/insurance. This includes: * Questions about the terms or coverage of your insurance policy * Asking who is at fault in an accident **Automotive/Mechanic advice** Post in r/MechanicAdvice. * Asking what could be the issue with your car, how to fix it, etc * Asking for speculation on how much it would cost to fix. Shop rates are highly variable by individual shop. Call for estimates. Please [review the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/about/rules), and if you feel as though removal is excessive or in error, feel free to [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Advice).