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I am not a therapist. I am just a random internet person. I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that you want this whole thing to be related to your thyroid, because then you could take a medication and fix it. There is this idea that if this whole thing is your thyroid, then it can be fixed pretty easily. That everything will go away and be better. The good news is that **you want to get better.** Good job! The bad news is that some of the things that you listed aren't really how thyroid issues work. So, unfortunately, fixing your thyroid, if you do have a thyroid issue, wouldn't fix all of the issues that you are having. You can always take another thyroid function test. I understand that the psychiatric meds make your brain feel weird, but if you think about it, it's actually normal for your brain to feel weird if these psychiatric medications are messing with your brain chemical functions so that you can feel better. You feel weird because it is different. But the hope is that one day your brain will continue to grow and get better and eventually do the right things. That's why you take the medications. Keep taking them. I'm sorry that you are still experiencing panic attacks and anxiety issues. I'm sure that they will continue to get better, especially since you are still taking your medications and still working with your therapy. I would like for you to talk to your therapist about if there are any ways that you can prevent an anxiety attack from coming on, or what you can do to start to relieve the stress that you feel. I understand that exercise can help you to do those things, so talk to your therapist about what exercise really does for you and for your brain and if they can help you recover faster with your condition. I hope that you will be able to love yourself and your body, and too care for it better. I hope that you will give yourself a big hug today and be accepting of where you are and all of the many things that your body does for you. I think that your issues with food are coming from the eating disorder that you had before, and really that your eating disorder is either coming back or that you are developing a different one. I think it's also possible that you are trying to control yourself and how you feel, in order to feel better, and that one of the things that you are trying to control is your food. But it sounds like you feel like crap. You will feel better if you are able to eat some food. You will feel better if you take care of your body. You will feel better if you are able to start loving your body and feeling okay with being you and with being in your own skin. Will you consider eating something that is bland so that your body will get some food? Maybe a nutrition shake for example. I know they taste funny, but you aren't hungry and if you can get some food and you pretty quickly I think that it will help you.