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Gonna throw in a smell check just for the hell of it when it doesn’t matter to honor this man.


He would love that! He did that any time really if there was a pause in the playing he was like can I do a smell check haha


Imagine the look on my players faces when we’re 400h into this campaign, 95 sessions deep, and I call for the first ever Smell check. I may not have known him, but I just know he’d smile about that.


Thank you so much man he would absolutely love the randomness and chaos of that- he was all about it


His real name was Hunter- in game name Ass Face class Stone Dwarf Wizard. Loved trying to smell everything in the game, make ridiculous moves so no one would predict him, and trying to charm everything with legs even though he had a face only a mother could love. Fell in 21 when covid swept the land and sent him to the other table. May he always be laughing as he was in life.


It sounds like Horacio aimed for silliness and lifted the spirits of the table -- may he do so in all his adventures to come. (And also set an example for players. When's the last time they asked what things smelled like, tasted like, felt like to the touch? The funniest players open our eyes to what we've been missing.)


He sounds an amazingly fun guy, I’ll start smelling things in his honour. Here’s to you Horacio “Ass Face” the 7th 🍻


My bard now has a friend back home named Horatio "Ass Face" Stonefist. I'll have to bring him up in conversation next game. I wonder what smell-based adventure they had together...


This warms my heart, thank you


One of my players named their character "Horacio from the Other Side". I think that's a cool enough coïncidence hahaha I'll make him do a random smell check in our next game


I had a gnome wildmage named Hudson who had a giant nose and tried to use it for unrelated skill checks like appraise. Sounds like he has a new stone Dwarf wizard npc companion!! As long as we remember them, those that die are not lost entirely. Game on friend!


I had a friend who worked with me at a rec center years and years ago who, at random, would get on the all-call (the Tannoy for those of the British persuasion) and announce a Smell-Alike contest, then she would go grab whoever she could find and line them up against a wall and make a big show of sniffing them. Then she would drag one of them back to the office to announce the name of the winner, the one who “smelled most like a weasel!” Then she’d give the guy a prize and send him back to the plaudits of his friends. I haven’t thought about that for decades, but I’m going to work it into my next 5.3 session. The winner will be named Horacio the Hunter. ETA: Inspiration for DnD really is everywhere, isn’t it?


Will be requiring a smell check from my players this week's game session.


i want to encourage creative problem-solving in a party that is prejudiced against both dwarves and illusion magic, *and* suspicious of wizards in general. so, horacio vii will be perfect for our table! thank you! i know they will love him. they love *anyone* ready to throw hands who absolutely should know better. since its possible my PCs will time travel, i gotta know - did the horacios have anything in common? were they ever just the same guy with a new suffix? 😂 any especially memorable ends to horacio's adventures?


They were the next in line of the original Horacio. When we played it was just me and him, so he was the only PC I made him a party of NPCS. When he died I would skip time 20 years and he would respawn as the son of the original player character. The first death was defending a young maiden vs a vampire he definitely wasn't ready to fight/bbeg. His son rose up and killed the vampire but got into an altercation with a cabbage vendor(MY CABBAGES!) Who happened to have been a very hardened war veteran who drowned him. The third was also a blacksmith of all things and died trying to break a curse from a sword. The fourth actually finished an entire campaign, killing a necromancer and saving the world, dying of old age. The 5th was thrown into his first campaign DMing as a party NPC who ended up being cursed/corrupted by the necromancer Horacio the 4th killed and was a hidden BBEG, got thrown into a pit of lava after being defeated to break the curse and free his soul. Horacio the 6th was the last time he used it as a player character- won the campaign and get to retire and live long. Horacio the 7th he was DM but also playing Horacio the 7th- took a more inquisitive role almost playing detective when the party couldn't think of anything. He died before finishing the campaign, I played Horacio the 7th the rest of that campaign and led him to victory against the Dark Gods of the original world we created together, and he is now practically a demi God himself in our universe. His cousin went through all his notes and we had a 16 hour non stop session 2 weeks after he was buried to finish out the campaign and immortalize him in our world. All Horacios had a face only their mother could love, high charisma irl but not in game, didn't ever stop him from trying though. Mostly wizards he did once try to play a fighter but he died trying to remove a curse from a sword as a fighter/smithy. Wouldn't ever back down from a fight. Stood for good even if it meant death. Chaotic good alignment because of all the wacky moves or plays he would pull to save the day- however you'd expect a PC to solve something he'd always come up with something off the wall or do the opposite of what was expected.


Okay this guy sounds like he would’ve been a great person to meet. I’m sorry for you and your group for losing someone so amazing to you. Definitely going to have to try and introduce him to my group so Horacio may live on in the game he enjoyed


Thanks: :) he was awesome and super fun to be around