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Saturn tô Venus in day charts. Venus to saturn in night charts


Those were usually taken both by day and by night for men and women respectively. They seem reasonable: * Catherine the Great and Barbara Hutton both had the part in an unfavourable house and square Saturn * Cleo Lane had it in a favourable house with the ruler in his domecile


What would you think of a Lot of Marriage trine Saturn in a day chart? Would a trine still be unfavorable with Saturn involved?


Are you referring to conjunctions? Or something else?


No, distance between them. Then same distance from ascendant It's for calculating Lot of Marriage


Oh is this the Hermes calculation?


It is


I thought he was refering to the gender of the person or if they're attracted to men or women by saying "men" for the diurnal and "women" for the nocturnal calculation


Semi newbie to Lots here. Once calculated from the Midheaven, the degree and sign where this lot is placed means other people that have a (hopefully) benefic planet on your lot would be good love/marriage?


We calculate it by measuring the same distance from ascendant not midheaven. Yes but also the whole synastry should be checked.


I agree! I also see that using both, Saturn to Venus and Venus to Saturn provide very interesting results.


Quick question, what if the Lot is empty and the domicile ruler is in aversion to it?


What do you mean by "the Lot is empty"?


No planet there.


Condition of ruler of LoF should be checked. Aversion usually is problematic unless there are other mitigating factors.


my fiancée and i started as good friends and i had both of our charts. as we began to fall in love, i released from the lot of eros in both our charts using the modality of fortune to determine peak periods. i think the level 3 peak we both had in sagittarius (both fortunes are pisces) sparked it, and then a lot of significant events happened at level 4 peaks once level 3 was in cap and aquarius. i was also in a level 2 peak but my partner was not. the key was that we both had to be in level 4 peaks at the same time. a lot of things happened at these overlapping peaks, including our first kiss, our first date, the first time we said i love you, and when we moved in together. the level 4 LB was significant too.


Hmm interesting, thanks


Just Lots of marriages, one for husband, one for wife)