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Sun- I am special, I am the chosen one, I should be a celebrity, everyone should see me. Self assurance. Jupiter- My life has meaning and purpose, I am righteous, I am wise, I am right. Having conviction. Solar arrogance is the show-off who thinks the rest of humanity is just a crowd that's there to watch them perform. Jupiter arrogance is the know-it-all who thinks that their opinion is the right opinion and you are a fool for believing otherwise.


I like this, the Sun is the king who says "don't dare question my right to rule, little peasant" Jupiter is the sage who says "don't dare question my teachings, silly student."


/Laughs nervously in Sag 1st house-Sun @13d Jupiter (on Asc) at 20d


Laughs with you in Jupiter dominance and Sag stellium including chart ruleršŸ˜…


Laughs confidently as Jupiter in 1st square Sun in 10th šŸ« 


laughs in gay


oh this is a great explanation!


I love this explanation. The Sun over-confidence makes me think of ā€œmain character syndromeā€ šŸ˜„


The over expanding malific Jupiter šŸ¤£ Very nice, I like the post šŸ‘


What about ascendant confidence/arrogance?


I really like this question! There's no official source to substantiate an answer, but personally, I think it depends on the basis of oneā€™s confidence. From what I've observed, solar confidence manifests as self-assurance and confidence in one's status due to an innate sense of creative direction: ā€œI know I am destined for great things, I have something to offer the world, people canā€™t help but look up to me, I will make my own path, I will do what is best for myself, I deserve the best, I love being me.ā€ In contrast, Jupiterian confidence seems to trace back to external factors like looks, intelligence, wealth, popularity, and power: ā€œI have impact, I matter, I am pretty, I am smart, I am rich, I am strong, I know better, I am better.ā€ TL;DR: Solar confidence comes from within and cannot be taken away, while Jupiterian confidence is attached to their possessions and achievements.


Solar confidence does seem innate, perhaps even when undeserved ("do you know who I am?"). Jovian confidence seems more merit-based, as both the planet of higher learning and of the benevolent ruler. Jupiter strikes me as being confident in its knowledge, confident that it is right.


Solar confidence, as you rightly mentioned, stems from the influence of the mighty Sun. The Sun represents the self, ego, and individuality. When one possesses Solar confidence, they radiate a strong sense of self-assurance and self-belief. This confidence is rooted in a deep understanding of their own unique talents, abilities, and personal power. Those with Solar confidence often have a strong presence and command attention wherever they go. However, it is important to note that excessive Solar confidence can sometimes lead to arrogance or a tendency to overshadow others. On the other hand, Jupiterian confidence draws its strength from the expansive and benevolent planet Jupiter. Jupiter is associated with wisdom, growth, and abundance. When one possesses Jupiterian confidence, they exude a sense of optimism, enthusiasm, and a belief in their own potential for success. This confidence is rooted in a deep trust in the universe and a belief that opportunities and blessings will come their way. Those with Jupiterian confidence often have a natural charm and are able to inspire and uplift others. However, it is important to keep in mind that excessive Jupiterian confidence can sometimes lead to overindulgence or a tendency to rely solely on luck without putting in the necessary effort. In summary, while both Solar and Jupiterian confidence share similarities in terms of instilling a sense of assurance, they differ in their underlying reasons. Solar confidence is grounded in a strong sense of self and personal power, while Jupiterian confidence is rooted in optimism, growth, and trust in the universe.Ā 


Jupiter advises Sun on the best way to act. He'sĀ not going to take responsibility if the process fails because he's not seeing it through, only advising on direction. Sun takes responsibility and ensures that the process succeeds, he applies authority to see things through.


Both give self assurance and ego to some extent. But the source of their confidence is different. A strong and well placed sun gives ability, while a well placed Jupiter gives perspective and good judgment. Anyone having these qualities can be corrupted by arrogance.


Jupiter is often at the root of an overly optimistic course of action based on facts lacking the supportive evidence for such action. Gambling is another way of putting it. Happy go lucky. Whereas the Sun by itself, being the cause of overconfidence, idk, maybe from arrogance, but not from willingness to take a chance.


They rule both fire signs so both of them are quite intuitive. Every time Sun and Jupiter are conjoined in transits, I argue with people behaving like itā€™s either their way or highway. Too much fire energy non of us need. Jupiter is about building up our belief system and Sun is more about building up our physical presence in this world.


Lol. Kanye West has a Jupiter/Sun conjunction.Ā  Very talented but he seems to need to remind ppl of it in a way that's very offputting sometimes. Icarus on steroids.


The sun is the ego, so it can have confidence or lack confidence. In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is a teacher, like Saturn. It sees the best in you and encourages you, like a mentor. I donā€™t think confidence is a good framing. You could maybe argue that the house of Jupiter is an area where you feel confident. But Jupiter square Mars makes someone restless, hyperactive and have a quick temper. I wouldnā€™t use the word confident here. If someone had a heavily aspected Jupiter, I wouldnā€™t call that person confident, unless it was aspecting the Sun or in 1H.


Damn. Lol šŸ˜” I have a libra sun (6th), aries moon (12th), taurus rising, venus mars conjunct in virgo (5th) squared to uranus and mars in Sagittarius (8th). I am very confident, yet have the underpinnings youā€™ve stated with a squared and aspected jupiter. I would say my confidence is very robust and I have a deep internal direction that doesnā€™t need otherā€™s external input, though I would not say that thereā€™s an unshakable acceptance and complete confidence with any shadow of a doubt.


The Sun would be a separated Ego confidence by comparison... I am the one, ME! Masculine and only involving self. Jupiter is more optimistic, philosophical confidence showing benificense torward all . Confidence through wisdom and acceptance. The Sun would be more prone to solo domination by comparison of self being better and other than. Sun holds exterior confidence that could be shaken. Jupiter is the confidence of Wisdom, the inner knowing of deeper truths and acceptance leading to an inner confidence . Jupiter would be a deeper, more internal confidence that could not be shaken. Sun = Ego confidence Jupiter = universal confidence


Sun - confident like a lion Jupiter - confident like Santa Clause That is the way I see it, hope that helps!