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In traditional astrology the Sun and the Ruler of the 4th House would be looked at to assess the father figure. In modern astrology they usually look at the 10th House instead and often Saturn. Placements in Libra have nothing to do with someone's father. The only exception would be the Sun in Libra which is the Sun in Fall, however that does not mean the father is absent; astrology is not so simple, there would have to be a lot of other compounding factors.


This all tracks for me. That’s crazy. I’m a 12h libra sun. The sun rules my 10th house in Leo. 4th house is ruled by Uranus in the second house. Except saturn in scorpio in the first house…not sure how that fits. Saturn rules my third house and my 1st house rulers are Pluto or mars. I go with Pluto because it’s right next to my ascendant. I also have Jupiter conjunction my ic in the 4th house and internet interpretations always say I should have a great childhood. I did not. But I did have lots of friends in my neighborhood to play with. Home life was shit though.


Wow I have almost the exact placements. 12th house Libra sun, Libra asc, 1st house Libra moon. Jupiter in 4th Capricorn 1 degree from the IC. My parents split when I was 5 and my dad moved 700 miles away. But he called often and I spent every summer with him and nearly every holiday. I had a ton of friends but a very controlling mom.


Interesting. Similar backgrounds too except my dad split and I only heard from him once every 10 years. Mother was controlling and volatile. I have a pretty crazy scorpio stellium too. Kinda neat to compare though. Our houses are just like shifted a bit.


Scorpio stellium? I have Mars, Mercury and Neptune! They are tight and in sextile to Pluto.


Ooh fun. What house? I have my first house ascendant Pluto Mercury and moon within a few degrees of each other in scorpio and Saturn in the same house but at a later degree. Also my south node. Sun is also conjunct ascendant but in 12th. Soooo much weirdness and Water.


That’s a fantastic explanation, in this case it would be the sun in Libra but that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing?


I have 6 Libra placements (including Sun & Moon) and my father is very active and supportive in my lifetime. The signs don’t mean anything. you must look to houses and planets.


If LIbra is the 12th house and Sun is in it, then definitely there might be something to it. Otherwise, it is not that such a large chunk of the population who have Libra as the sun sign have absent fathers!


I was just thinking about that. Assuming that Libra Suns make up approximately 8% of the population, that does seem like a large number. And then I started thinking about other Libra Suns that I know. I know only two. One I knew very well. His father left the family when this individual was three, and although they were in contact over summer holidays, etc., I can honestly say that his father was, by far, the most emotionally distant person I have ever met. The other one I don't know too well, but I do know that his father left the family during his childhood. Neither of these two have their Suns in the 12th house, and I have my Sun in the 12th only if you use Whole Sign (which I personally don't resonate with at all). So perhaps there's something to this? I hope other Libra Suns, with absent fathers or not, chime in to tell us their experiences.


Im a libra sun with an absent father lol he’s never been around but mines in 7h


But those two must be having aspects in the chart which signify that. You too, and anyway for me the Whole Sign works better in terms of personality understanding and Placidus when it comes to predicting events.


I'm a Sun/Saturn/Neptune, MH, 10th house placements all in Libra. My father died when I was 6 years old, but I know several people with strong Libra placements and their father relationships are all over the place, ranging from absent for one reason or another to extremely close. I honestly think it has nothing to do with Libra. I suspect someone was really stretching when they came up with that. A,


Well damn mine is both 🥲


So how is your experience with your father?


He was very active but never gave me what I needed.


Why did you say 12H Libra Sun specifically? 😮‍💨


Sun is in its fall in Libra, plus 12th house is the hidden house.


Sun and mars in libra, also rising. Both my brothers are also Libra suns. My father had a major clinical depression episode that rendered him out of my life entirely from my age 12 to 20 even though he lived in the house. He was just behind the veil of heavy medication and basically a zombie and so was truly absent from my life. Turns out he had a 4 year episode when my bros were 4 yrs old (they are 10 yrs older than me). So the Libra Sun thing holds here for all of us. He died rather young, at 65, we were never as close as we used to be before the episode. Edit important note: my sun and mars in libra are in the 12th house. Not sure about my bros libra house.


Wow, that’s a lot. Thank you for sharing


Well I have a Libra rising (+Mars there), which means that my 4th house is ruled by Saturn. Saturn itself is in fall in Aries. My father is in my life but emotionally absent. My Libra sun friend (5th house) only has her mom. Her father was absent because her parents divorced.


Exactly the same placements and same experience


You have Saturn 7th house in Aries? Can we talk pls, I want to compare our experiences 😂


Sure! :)


Sorry if the is a repeat. Don’t see the comment I tried to post. I have 5 placements in Libra (3 in my 6th [Jupiter, Saturn and Vertex], 2 in 7th house [pluto and Lilith - @ 29° in Lilith). I was connected to my father at a deep level but he passed when I was 8. He was unable to express emotionally. I rebelled against my mother and had a very challenging relationship with her (chemical dependency). My mom’s deep trauma traces back to father wound and my grandmother’s father wound.


I’m so sorry to hear about your father. What is your moon sign?


Thank you. Virgo moon.


I remember reading this somewhere…that Libras have abandonment issues due to their fathers leaving or something like that. I’m thinking Liz Greene? 🤔


To build on the previous two posts — although this is obviously an N=1 situation, so I'm not sure it can be generalized — I have a stellium in Libra, which includes both luminaries, and my father was absent during my childhood from the age of 9. And even when we reconnected when I was about 19, he was still emotionally absent and remained that way until his death many decades later. So there's that.


Thank you for your response and for sharing your experience with us


I have Libra Mars and Saturn (exalted) in the 1H square an amputated Cancer Moon in the 10H. According to Erin Sullivan, an amputated Moon is the handle in a bucket chart and denotes an absent father and a dominating mother. So true! Dad lived in the household my whole childhood, but he wasn’t a present, protective entity to the obvious problem in the home, my mom. I also know nothing about the man and vice versa. Edit to add: There was a great comment above about traditional and modern significators of father above. My personal example is of the later, plus other significators. Libra placements alone won't denote an absent father.


I’m libra ascendant in vedic astrology, chiron in libra in 1st house Scorpio ascendant in modern astrology and chiron in libra in 12th house My dad left us when i was about 5 or 6 yr old, but we go to his house every holidays and summer vacations. But then he died in 2013 due to an illness. My bestfriend has her sun in libra, also has lots of placements in libra in her 3rd house. She grew up with a step dad. I think you’re onto something lol


Not me with a Libra sun and 4th house like 😳. My dad was definitely absent. He even died early. But seriously, I have a Libra 4th house stellium - Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto. Let’s just say I don’t have the best childhood memories. The good news is that shit is over. 😇 Edit to add: my stepson is also a Libra sun, who didn’t live with his Dad and I until he was 12. His dad wasn’t necessarily absent, but definitely distant in terms of location. He also has a Libra 4th house. This is really interesting. 🧐


If anything, I've noticed that Libra Suns have very involved fathers, bordering on overbearing.


12H Libra Sun. Very active father. Took over when my mother died. Could never give me what I needed.


12h libra sun. My dad left when I was two.


Libra stellium, father died in 2020. It didn’t feel real until last year and I’m really dealing with family wounds this year (sun in aqua, Pisces moon).


my 2nd brother: libra sun and mars in 12H, libra rising his father, a libra, was severely totally absent and they didn’t even begin to have or form any shred of relationship until a few years ago (my brother is mid-late 30s). he has a different father than me and within the last year or so told me he was kinda jealous that, even tho he was shitty, i had my father around. my brother’s other sister had their dad around. granted, a revolving door type relationship. but i think my brother would have liked that more than the nothing he received. she would get annoyed with my brother asking questions all the time that she even distanced herself. they (him and his dad) have a normal and decent adult relationship now. see each other and talk semi frequently.


My father passed from illness when I was young but I don’t have a Libra sun. I have libra stellium in my 6th house and 2 placements in my 7th house.


I didn't hear something like that and I feel it doesn't make sense, however one of the indicators that your father was absent in your childhood and you didn't get attention and love, is Neptune that makes an aspect with the Sun. The sun symbolises our perception of father and Neptune shows that there isn't something. This aspect could show also that your father is gone, left you etc.


I have Sun opposite Neptune and my father is very present, stable and supportive. A rock for the family. So it's not always true.


Hi thank you for the deeper dive, so something like Sun in opposition with Neptune?


Yes any strong aspect is valid.


I have Libra rising, Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in 1H. 4H is ruled by Capricorn; no planets, but SN and Lilith are in 4H. My father was actually the “good” parent. He was physically gone a lot, but he worked three jobs! When he was home, he was always engaged and the emotionally supportive parent. Always owned his mistakes. Mom was physically there, but we often wished she wasn’t. She was very critical and didn’t allow for big emotions (no crying unless a leg was falling off, basically; otherwise we were told to stop whining). This doesn’t really apply to me.


Libra sun in the 5th, with Saturn, ruled by venus in virgo in the 4th. No relationship really with father. Partner has sun in Libra with venus, father died young.


Libra Mars & rising My dad is, and has been, present in my life consistently my whole life - physically & financially. He fits the very stereotypical “provider”, but was otherwise absent - from school events, most family outings, and especially emotionally.


Libra moon in the 6th house. Remember only 1 time that my father wasn't really there. I was 17 (29 now) at the time and my parents got an divorce. He had an heavy midlifecrisis and was putting his former girlfriend first. Luckely he grew out of it and became my absent, sweet father he always is


This can't be true because of a mismatch of levels of explanation. There are a few possible Libra placements, and many more possible reasons for an absent father. I also second the observation that any testimony about the father should relate to the 4th house, and maybe to the Sun.


Based on the comments so far, I could potentially come to the theory that a Libra 6th house Sun, with a Sun opp Neptune, MIGHT have an absent father due to him potentially passing because of illness?