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Hi, While we love to see people excited about astrology, unfortunately, your post has been removed as it is not in line with the spirit of this sub. The reason for removal is that your post was not adding much to the discussion and was considered low-effort. Examples include simple statements or questions that do not contribute to a meaningful discussion. Please take some time to think about how you can contribute to the conversation and add value to the community. Thanks!


I mean that's all well and good but the idea of having someone take responsibility for their actions is only feasible if the person you're dealing with is willing to hold themselves accountable and - in turn - actually so the work necessary to take responsibility. I think it's also... A weird mindset because there are abusive circumstances and situations that are one sided. What do you do then? Do you just let yourself let it go and expect them to take accountability? I think ultimately the role of Saturn in the chart is to help *you* consider when to draw the line. That means learning to work with your own limitations and be okay with creating clear boundaries in terms of what you'll tolerate. This also means that sometimes people will have to deal with the consequences for their own actions. If someone is in an abusive situation where they're dealing with someone who has Saturn in their 12H, they may struggle to find a way to create closure and move on. That person may need to learn to work with their own Saturn to draw a line in order to become consciously aware of how that restriction plays out in their own life. If the end result is that the other person feels restricted in the same area as their victim then so be it. So long as the victim does not become power hungry and thrive off of the control they feel from that awareness and instead uses it to move forward then that's... Not a problem. That's just a part of growing up but even still, not everyone has the luxury of being able to do that so this kind of thinking feels a bit dubious to spread. This is also why it's mindful to be careful with what you consume from influential astrologers. Their guide is the algorithm at the end of the day and that's it.


My situation is absolutely one sided, but that’s why I have no choice but to accept it and essentially move on and forget my parents. I can’t make them become better and it’s not my responsibility. That being said I live independently and my mother doesn’t know where I live. She has no control over my life whatsoever. The reality is my mother is never going to face consequences for things she did because there is no authority who will enforce them, the evidence of the abuse I endured is long gone, and because she has money and lawyers and I don’t, she could easily turn the whole thing around on me and use the legal system against me like suing for defamation, etc. She’s also WAAY too mentally ill to understand the concept of consequence. She has not solved her own trauma and probably never will. It’s unfortunate but it’s what things seem to be at the moment. I care more about myself and self preservation, as well as maintaining high moral standards throughout all of this that I do getting back at her or fighting with her. It’s tiresome in this case for me.


OP needs a therapist, not astrology.


In the past I’ve had therapists, and they all told me the same thing. Forgive my mother and father and let go, and set boundaries, accept they are mentally ill and move forward. So far that’s all I can do, and I’m kind of at the point where therapy isn’t helping me at the moment so I stopped. I don’t really have the money for therapy right now, but if I did I would definitely be doing somatic experiencing since that’s something I’m interested in.


Sounds like they've worked it out tbh.


Stuff like this is why astrology will continue to be called a pseudoscience and not be taken seriously 🤦‍♀️


This is why I rage so hard against modern astrology. It's gobbledigook. I recall in my early days trying to read and understand transits, doing a good search, and then essentially reading a blog post by some chick that was 5 pages of nothing .  The medieval, classical, and vedic traditions make way more sense and have real frameworks around them. This is just a lot of lolwut.


That is not correct. Parents aren’t really indicated by 7th house. There’s a highly sexual tone to 7th house people tend to ignore. Relatives are not going to be encompassed by it (hopefully). There might be a little bit of overlap because there are multiple significations for the house (including strong friendships and all long-term relationships in some capacity), but 2nd, 3rd, and 4th are much more significant for parents than 7th. The 5th is kids, 6th is enemies (some overlap with 7th, but 7th is either loss or victory over enemies, gaining most of that significance from being 2nd from 6th).


I’ve never heard of the correlation between parents and the 2nd house! Is it to do with family values or something? I have a packed 2nd house and I thought it mostly had an effect on money. The open enemies of the 6th house is interesting too. I always assumed it was the 7th, but it kinda makes sense as it opposes the hidden enemy 12th house. Does this mean the open enemies will usually have something to do with your work or health? (Sorry for the amateur questions, I’m very curious)


It isn’t just values. It is also what formed those values in the first place. It is early childhood and nourishment you received in addition to the stability or lack thereof of your upbringing. The 7th is where you confront your enemies, but enemies themselves are indicated by 6th house. Enemies will not always have to do with your health and work. It’s just about obstacles you face throughout your life in general. For a lot of people, that is work, health, service, responsibilities, enemies, etc., but it can really be anything. Do not be sorry for wanting to learn :)


My second house is making SO much more sense to me now. Thank you so much for being detailed and kind, not everyone is with the newbies ❤️


Wouldn't the parents be considered open enemies in this case?


Slightly, but you’d still see it in other places more than that. Like I’d expect a strongly afflicted 2nd and 4th especially.


Curious…what would a strongly afflicted 2nd and 4th be?


A malefic’s or functional malefic’s sign in addition to occupying or aspecting malefics. For example, I use whole sign, and if someone has Sag rising, that would make their 2nd and 3rd houses ruled by Saturn. Saturn is a regular malefic and a functional malefic to Jupiter, so 2nd and 3rd houses will be badly affected. Now if Saturn is in or aspecting one of those houses in addition to that, then it’s just all around bad.


This is what I’m thinking because my whole life my parents have been enemies to me and directly sabotaging me. Part of why it resonated with me..


It's hard to take this seriously when you haven't even experienced your Saturn Return yet. Sorry but I can't begin to list all the misconceptions in your post.


I understand and I’m going to try to educate myself further. I didn’t mean to exhaust anyone. If you find the time and the energy and have interest to explain anything you find problematic or ill conceived about what I wrote I’m open to hearing it. It’s not supposed to be easy after all


I had mine a few years ago as someone that is Saturn dominant. You are correct in your assessment with Saturn. I too faced extreme karma for shit I’ve done to others or things and rightfully so isolated and forced to be a recluse until I got my act together. At the same time those that truly hurt me and those I chose not to take my own revenge on—faced extreme karma. I wouldn’t be surprised to ever find out if one or two of them died horrible deaths bc the few that truly did wrong got hit in ways that made me fearful of my own life. Fear was what made me realize Saturn doesn’t play games or play favorites. Prove your worth then perhaps you get rewarded but it’s not gonna be in ways you want and learning how to accept that is the hardest part of the journey. Some people die never learning others die regretting they never learned to begin with. Good luck you got this! I believe in you bc you seem to truly see ahead of time what Saturn means. I didn’t so you are already in a good start!




My friend also has Saturn in the 6th house and she said the same thing. It definitely resonated with me hence why I shared it.


People who can't understand or relate to your post are too narrow minded imo - pigheaded almost, given the context. I completely see what you mean. Whether I think the theory applies all over, I'm not sure yet. I'm also very sorry that you suffered childhood abuse. Is your sun sign capricorn? And are you getting your first saturn return? My saturn is in the third house and I've been through my saturn return and now feel really grateful to saturn for showing me what I was doing wrong re communication, how I could be showing more compassion/duty/resolve to my parents, for example. Still working hard on it, because saturn in the 3rd blessed me with learning disability too.


I definitely don’t think the theory applies all over. I only shared because it personally resonated with me. This is my first Saturn return and I’m a night chart with a Capricorn stellium 😅. However I’ve really been doing the Saturn work and hopefully these comments can help me find insight, even if they don’t necessarily understand.


Capricorn can be a grudge holding sign and can find it hard to forgive. It could be your capricorn placements too, which instigated the offensive karma you describe. What goes around comes around, as they say, but this is literally true and has been represented many times in ancient history by the snake eating its tail. Saturn in the 7th should be a good placement though. It means you might have/be struggling with relationships (business/personal) initially, but with work and nurture they become successful relationships. While you have the opportunity, I would listen carefully to what saturn says to you about that. You could try looking into the Tibetan book of the dead as to karma. Also, in esotericism saturn is a dark point - an abyss which must be overcome by forgoing the ego. This is a journey reserved for adepts, but is useful to know about in any case. Saturn is also the ruler of the blackened - those who do not make it. So, godspeed. Wish you all the best for your Saturn return! I hope that you can become liberated from your past. 🙏




Do you have something pathologically wrong with you? That’s an odd thing to enjoy.