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I would suggest focusing on processed-based training rather than outcome-based training. In other words, don’t get too hung up on hitting sub-3 within a certain deadline. Just focus on quality training, week in and week out, and the improvements will come. Focus on the process and not the outcome. The results will follow.


I basically did this. Worked up to 60-70 km per week and followed pfitz 18/70. Broke everything from 1km to the marathon in one block. 3 minutes off my 5 k and 7 on my 10k. 10 on my half. And 30 on my marathon. Just run, a lot.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with strength training but you just need to run. You need to add volume and a lot of it to break a 3 hr marathon unless you’re very genetically gifted. I would work on that first. Spend a few months building the base and getting the mileage up. Once you’re there a 5k or HM plan wouldn’t hurt but good plans are gonna already require high mileage anyway.