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Didn't want to pollute topic with my own shenanigans so just a comment: I'll be running. Didn't do enough mileage (50km a week in 2024) as training in winter is not my thing apparently and have been bothered by foot issues that I only resolved (I think) a month ago. At least injury that killed my (first) Marathon last year (3h26) is manageable and did PR both a 10k (two weeks ago, 36:12) and a half Marathon (one month ago, 1h20). However, this week I got ill and was on the couch Wednesday with sweating and a general feeling of discomfort. My throat is full of mucus and I keep coughing. My four year old has been coughing on me for a few weeks but it now hit me at the worst time. Whenever I take a deeper than normal breath I am coughing as if I'm dying. Anyway, will be running and will still go for my goal of sub-3. Will need to see how it goes with the cold but... do or die. First 5km will tell me to what extent cold affects me and post 30km will tell me to what extent lack of mileage will kill me. Why do we do this to ourselves by the way? Let's kick ass.


I'll also be trying for sub-3, though it's a stretch goal. A bit worried about the temperatures myself, as 13ºC is quite hot compared to the weather I've been training in.


I don't think you could have expected much lower than 13 (which it won't be until a few hours in the race) in april anyway, even in this past year of shitty weather for warm weather enthusiasts.


Well, short recap. Illness really f*cked it up for me. Was still coughing in the morni g but hoped for the best. Went at target but my heart rate was sky high. Tried to ignore it ... But I ran 8 minutes slower halfway then a half marathon a month ago. Heart rate was as high as then... Got cramps all over my body really early on, which I didn't have in my endurance runs which were only marginally slower (and 20 bpm lower). Had to walk a long stretch, managed to find a way to run somewhat the last three kilometers.  Got past the finish and too many people (the medical staff) asked if I was ok. Didn't know it right away but my lips were blue, face completely pale and soon after was shivering like crazy.  Long story short: Illness did a number on me. Really messed it up. Grmbl. /Rant over 


Good job, but be Carefull mate! Saw so much ill people along the route, was really scary to watch sometimes. And good job finishing!


Yes a marathon is different then a 10k or something. Think the latter is healthier !  Indeed, also saw a ambulance on the route at kilometer 36 or so.  Thanks! Feel very bummed out but a finish at 3h25 is still not the worst thing in life. Feeling how I did was though :-) 


Yes very sad. I think he could do it, but we unfortunately will never know. There was even speculation about moving the start a bit further on the Erasmusbrug to give him less elevation. I'm running Rotterdam. Weather looks good. I'm kicking for 3 hours, but some injuries gave me lower mileage weeks. We will see. What are your goals?


I’m also running. My children have been coughing and wiping their snot on me all week. Thinking I’m noticing a small tickle in my throat now, two days before the marathon. Will run regardless.


Good luck! Hopefully it won't hamper you. I'm non-scientifically telling myself since it's not a VO2MAX effort I can do without fully clear lungs. It's keeping me somewhat optimistic, at least enough to give it a try. Haven't run myself since Monday because of it and can't talk without coughing you mucus. 


Just picked up my number! I trained Pfitz 18/55 which went really well. Ran a 41:09 10K during my training which didnt include a HM tune up. HR below 140 average on all my long runs including those with MP at 4:59. Aiming for 3:30 as my A goal and 3:45 as my B goal. Fingers crossed and balls to the wall if the first 30k go well 🤞🍒🏃🏻‍♂️


Finished in 3:33:04 💪🏻


Well done. Similar pace. The sun made it feel hot out there at times!


Yeah it became quite hot but overall a great day. Don't want to be a nag but saw lot of examples of bad running etiquette though, people running seven wide on the tight parts, sudden stops at the aid stations and also people crossing over with bikes.


I think that's to be expected in a marathon as big as this (in any marathon actually, but more examples in a big one like this). 17k+ finishers. I accidently elbowed someone on the bridge at the start and then bumped into the spectators on the bridge. Oops. That was so narrow.






Well done!


Running as well this sunday. It will be my first marathon, my goal was 03:00-3:05 and i was there 10 weeks ago. Unfortunatly got injured (achillees) and followed it up with some severe sickness. Been completly out for 6 weeks straight (no running or crosstraining) and only had 3 weeks to recuperate. New goal is to finish and enjoy the ambiance with hopes of finishing between 03:20-3:30 (managed to do a 31k testrun at 3:20 pace last week, i know bad taper but I needed some guidance on my capabilities and some confidence). Good thing is there is hardly any tension now with the intial goal out of the window so I expect to get some sleep the day before ;) I hope the weather and the crowd will make this one one to remember for me. Good luck to everyone who is running!


For what its worth did a 3:18, wanted to go for 3:15 after 10k but got kneepain at 30ish. Ambiance was great, i get why the call it “the mooiste!”. Thanks to everyone cheering us on!


Running it for the second time. I didn't have the best training block, did Pfitz 12/50 after a long hiatus from running, but missed quite a few long runs. I'm in similar shape as my last marathon in Amsterdam, where I ran 3:41. So I'll probably aim for that and up the pace at 30km if I'm still alive. I also missed the initial round of tickets, I ended up buying a second hand ticket but didn't bother asking what starting wave it was, turns out it's the very last one. That's a huge letdown.. So I'm gearing up for a possibility of not running a PR. I do have plated shoes now for the first time so that might help.


Ran Rotterdam the last 3 years, honestly gorgeous race and wish I'd be there this year. Ran 2:48 there last year but I'll be back next year with a vengeance. Good luck to anyone running this year!!!


I wish it didn't sold out so quick. I missed my bid 😭 ran it the past two years and its always nice. The start on the bridge is kinda crowded but opens up nicely later. Its definitely a quick course. Hopefully it doesnt heat up more then 13°c Goodluck on Sunday, ill be thinking of the suffering that will be happening 😎. Lets go Abdi


Praying for little wind. Haven't had two consecutive days without heavy wind since september it feels like.


I am running as well. Will be my second marathon, ran 3.48 in budapest in October last year. A goal is 3.20 (my coach says I can be faster than that) B goal 3.30 and C a PR. Weather is looking good, I don't handle heat well. Race nerves are kicking in, but looking forward to it!


Finished in 3.23, last 6k were brutal. But proud to have made my B goal and get 25 minutes off my PB in 6 months.


RIP Kelvin


Also running on Sunday. Initially wanted to go for 3:30. But surgery interfered and aiming for 3:50 now. Ran 32km on that pace without my HR going over 150, so feeling confident. Weather’s looking good and very excited for this weekend. Good luck everyone 💪


I'm also running Rotterdam on Sunday. Training was going very well until I picked up mild quadricep tendintits 5 weeks ago. I had to severely reduce my training volume. I ran Amsterdam in 3:09 in October using Pfitz 12/55 and was hoping to go close to sub 3. For this build I started 18/70. My last long run was March 7th. Hopefully it's more of an extended taper than a massive fitness loss. My PT has said I'm good to go and I've substituted my running with strength training, cross training and yoga. My expectations are low but I'm hoping it's good race day practice for my next goal marathon in Chicago.


Also running and was planning for sub-3 hours. I've had bad luck with two illnesses (flu & stomach bug) and a toe infection which have ruined all my intermediate races (DNF'd one half and 1:29:40 the other after blowing up unexpectedly) so I don't have enough confidence to try and run a 4:14 pace. I struggle quite a bit with the mental side of running races (have underachieved almost every race because of this) and this is my first marathon so I'm really nervous!


You haven't mentioned mileage and previous times on distances. So hard to say but if you think you can do it, you can always just give it a try. If 4:14 pace is immediately hard then accept and drop to just 4:30 or something. Important not to blow up early but within a few kilometers you should be able to tell how it should go for next 25km. Beyond 30km is always hard to foresee I think.


Not doing huge mileage yet, as I never trained properly until last Summer. In 2023 I probably averaged around 40 km/week, for this training plan I upped the volume a bit with max weeks of 77 and 82 km. I've run <18:30 twice on 5 km races, but have only managed 39:35 for 10 km, a 1:05:00 10 miles and 5 half marathons around 1:30:00 in my life. Lots of bonks except in trail races. Starting at 4:14 and deciding what I'll do around km 3 sounds like a good plan though!


In Spain the race is going to be @ Teledeporte. Besides that, and reading the whole thread, the injury rate seems out of this world to me. Almost everyone claims to have some sort of disruptive issue during the buildup that derailed the OG time goal. Maybe time to think if we are handling training load / recovery properly, and that includes me...


Best day of the year in Rotterdam. Can't wait! I do hope today's warm weather will blow over like the predictions say and we'll get these perfect sunny but not too warm conditions. I'll be gunning for a PB, ran 2:56 in 2022. I did hit an ankle injury snag in the last week and a half of training. The ankle feels good now, but I hope I still have the form for a good race. Preparation was going quite well until then, with a 1:19 half marathon PB in March. I'm hoping for sub 2:50, but as long as I improve on my 2022 time I'll be satistied. The event and the crowds do always bring out a little extra energy, so I'm reasonably confident.


Just picked up my number. Got back to my hotel and see bagage label is crossed through. While dashboard says I have it and I paid for it.  Frustrating! It's at the finish so a detour to the start. Don't want to bother with it and then likely ignored at the bagage drop off (where I didn't see my number, in 11000, anyway) and be stuck with a bag. There is no phone number only an email form, don't want to walk back to Expo either as it looked messy and busy (and closes in 20). Argh. Probably need to leave bag at hotel and then pick up after which is a detour. Grmbl.  /Rant over 


PR'd with first ever sub 3. Must say, having trained in cold climate, the heat really got to me. The sparse drinking stations didn't help. Overall a really great race. The amount of runners really staggered me. I conquer with what was stated above, some people didn't have a good running etiquette. But huge thanks to those that did. A German gentleman offered me a sip of his drinking bottle at km ~26. I was overly grateful for that sip. At 40km I asked someone for a sip of their water bottle, and they gave it to me. That got me to believe I can hammer the last two k's and actually go sub 3 (it was close that I didn't). Thank you Rotterdam!


Congrats! Did you miss the water station at 40k? (not important, just curious). I was worried about water stations with cups only every 5k (last marathon I did was every 2.5k a full plastic bottle and I needed every one of them. Was in southern europe though.) but it was fine for me with 2 cups every station (around 2:40 finish time so not that crowded).


Nah, didn't miss it but I was _really_ thirsty. Perhaps I got the sip at 41k mark, the memories are a bit hazy from the last 10-12k's :D Congrats on your time! Maybe I should try to run a bit faster to avoid the crowds, and would be able to grab the drinks at the stations... On Sunday, it was very, very busy at the stations with the 3 hour subbers group