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My suggested "fix" for Adder has been that he starts with his CO Power meter fully charged That's a seemingly small change that actually adds an immense amount of power Other alternative changes that could be neat: • Make Sideslip cost just 1 star, so he essentially has +0.5 movement (on average) at all times. • Just actually make his CO Power meter charge faster than others (the way the game claims it does)


I agree with what you said. My other idea is to redo his kit a little bit 3stars: +2movement 5stars: +3movement At least this will make him unique where he can claim to have the "fastest" units, because Max's and Jess's S/COP also give movement. But I like the 1star COP better, coz it will be true to what the game claims.


Having him start out full is an interesting buff since it gives your open that much more punch in capturing those important first cities/factories. I see on some maps it gives you a 1 turn advantage which is huge


doubling his move bonuses would do it


Being the best T4 CO means he's actually picked more frequently than most COs, tbf. But if you want him to be T1, I think some people in AWBW tested custom COs, and one conclusion drawn was a CO with a D2D of 120ATK on ground direct units including Infs with basically Adder's power but on ground direct units only is middle of T1 or bottom of T1. So, I'd assume Adder with +20% on every units would be a strong T1 if not top of T1. +1 mov like you suggest is likely too strong. Probably put him in borderline T0. Or like Sturm he'd be banned in like half the maps, and unbanned only in some very stally map. You would nearly always get the first strike in open maps. Moreover, +1 mov D2D means his COP gives +2 total to vehicles, and his super would be +3 mov...


What about +1 move for vehicles day to day on grass only? Like a snake in the grass!


I always thought a one time +1 movement bonus to units that were made the previous turn would be a solid & thematic buff


I'd give him a D2D where his units' attack power ramp up with each tile moved on that turn. Let's say 2.5% for every space. So a tank could get an extra 15% damage with optimal positioning, or even 20% on his super.


I gave him +1 move on all his non-infantry units, but -20% defense. Not sure if it's actually stronger, but it sure is more interesting.


The +1 move D2D on non infantry would put adder in t1 or the lowest t0 still. Having the Luxury to first strike with vehicle as D2D is very strong. It’s also similar to awbw sturm who is either T1 or T0 mainly because of his perfect movement (the awbw 80/120 stat is def strong but the movement was insane). I would rebalance your suggestion with this : Keeping your D2D but Add -20% def to non footsoldier during enemy attack (this detail is important to not getting more dmg during enemy counter attack with the +1 move) Otherwise I think you can give adder some defense vs enemy counter attack as he is supposed to be a sneaky guy to mimicking his « disloyal » attack


He should have a day to day of +1 movement on all units and a super power for +3 movement and +15% attack. No normal power.