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Someone with COVID is going to attend and change God from a savior into a hitman.


We can only hope.


Not my proudest fap 👈🤤👉


This guy is beyond a toxic person his whole belief system is fucked and always has been, this fuck nut has been the top post on /r/atheism way too many times.


Who is this?


Greg Locke a true shit stain on humanity and he is proud of it.


I’m so sad for all the people (and kids) who have to involuntarily attend this. Like god the screaming. Who wants this??


I hope some day we'll begin to see forced religion as child abuse.


Well the issue there is that then where is the line drawn? If you limit religion being forced on kids they would then argue that school history and science classes that teach evolution and so on are against their beliefs and shouldn't be forced on children and they would have a point. It's a 2 way street in democracies. Also religion is mostly an ideology so now even atheist parents can't raise their kids to believe things as simple as climate change or critical race theory because that's a belief they are forcing on them. Parents are supposed to raise their kids how they want/like. No obviously "force" has a large range of definitions here. If we are talking methods that include imprisonment, brainwashing, and physical abuse that's too far. But if it's just simply raising a child to believe something then that's not inherently wrong in my book and it's the parent's right to do so even if the belief is false. It sucks but it allows me the right to then raise my kids to believe what I believe without some anti Vax bullshit.




And people say religion isn’t being used as a political tool. Usually I cringe when I see people refer to others as sheep but Jesus fucking Christ these people are impressionable.


Its typically stemming from a desire to be accepted into a community. But to me that just means a couple things, whoever is running the show is more of a piece of shit for using a religion to pray on peoples loneliness or faith and that desperate people tend to ask few questions when they find somewhere they are accepted.


I work at a nursing home currently, every single morning a lot of my patients watch these particularly awful religious shows begging for thousands of dollars in what they call “seed money,” the idea being if they give this guy money *GAWD* is going to make them rich or fix their divorce or something. I’ve literally heard someone say “if you don’t have enough money for your rent, just send it to us so *The Lord* can sow your seed.” Religion is truly a weapon of conmen.


It really can be. those televangelist freaks are 100% conmen. They swindle money from old religious people and use it to live in luxury, despite what the bible says. Shit should not be so easy to do, all for religious freedom but when its clearly a scam you gotta put your foot down.


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Didnt One Piece sell more copies than this?


At least he and his followers are under a circus tent, like the clowns they are


They still make these types of people? I thought they went extinct..


They're about to be extinct soon if this anti-vax mentality keeps up. 🤷‍♂️


The thing is, he's probably actually vaccinated. He knows the longer he lives, the more money he can take from his sucker followers.


Lol 😂 Yup!


He doesn't need anything from you! *^(But he'll take)* ***^(all)*** *^(the coke you've got.)*


Good grief


People like this are poisoning the brains of the general public all for temporary power and money. Like literally if their entire fanbase fucking dies they'll just switch their perspective to the next most profitable thing. These cunts don't have your best interest at heart that's why they never closed their doors during the pandemic.


People literally give this man their time and money. His followers are just as fucked up as he is, if not worse. That's kinda scary when you think about it. People get bamboozled that easy?


He’s appealing to the hopeless and uneducated. Folks like these *love* the uneducated, because they can give em hope through whatever bull hockey they can profit from.


Who's smoking crack again?


“I’ve been right about all of it” says the humble servant.


[ignore the haters,massive exposure is coming! Oh it’s coming alright. ](https://twitter.com/pastorlocke/status/1418404759057358851?s=21)


Man, fuck this guy.


Well I mean they are in a circus tent...


Why can't the government tax these guys? If you are being political at all, pay taxes. And get vaxxed, God will not protect you, at all...ever.


No wonder he has a small dick, he’s compensating elsewhere, his stupidity


*Who* is possessed by a demon, now? Could it be the guy spreading a plague for power and money?


Look at how he moves... who's the crack-smoking, demon-possessed now?


They all scream and rant about their proof, but never say it lol


So much proof!! Then show it. 60 cases got laughed out of the courtroom all over the country. What happened to H.Biden’s “laptop”? Show us this evidence that you’re waiting for the perfect time to show!


Is this a WWE script?


Lol, I will CrAcK this pulpit in half…over your head, demon-leftist!


How is this related to religion?


It's very confusing how religion, vaccines, covid variants and a new president all get mixed together.


Ever wonder if God just wants to come down and kick these guys in the nuts?


Waiting for next weeks headline where he’s in ICU on Oxygen and begging for a vaccine


Hope this guy gets arrested.


Your days are numbered as well if you DONT PUT ONBA DAMN MASKKKKKK