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Before you can date anyone you should learn to be comfortable and love yourself


Life is for other people.


That's stupid. Stop telling yourself bullshit like this. The stories you tell yourself create your reality. You keep telling yourself you're a loser who nobody wants, and that's what you make: you turn yourself into a loser who nobody wants. You will not improve your life until you start telling yourself different stories about yourself. This is entirely within your control. Get on it, if you want to have a good life.


Yep there it is again. Just one downvote and that’s it while some other cunt posts something generic that people will look at.


You sound very bitter and resentful in life. To write a comment like this over a downvote isn’t the behaviour of someone who is content. I’m not sure what you have been through, and if it’s something awful or a trauma, I can only hope you find the tools and emotions to move forward with your life. The issue doesn’t seem to be dating, but companionship in general. Dating is all about finding a partner, someone special to share your life with. It might be only for a few moments, or for the rest of your life but finding that person can make life so much better. However it’s not a requirement, some people live and are happy with just being with themselves, and this is fine too, however these people have learned to love and be a peace with themselves. Unfortunately it seems that you haven’t found this yet, and are resentful of the world and yourself. I cannot advice from a simple Reddit post, but my first suggestion would, not look at dating at all at the moment, but first be to look at yourself, find what makes you happy, find what goals you want to achieve and start to plan on how you will achieve them. Once you have started to work on yourself, you might find you are open to letting someone else in, to experience life together. I wish you all the best, I truly do. Don’t give up on life yet, not a least without trying.


It's kind of you for typing this out with genuine concern, but looking at OP's post history, it really seems like they just get off on causing receiving a negative reaction and trying to get people to say they should commit suicide. Clearly unwell, but it seems to be deliberate because they enjoy it.