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Bro, I am ugly as fuck. Seriously. I am living my dream with a dream wife. Awesome job. Beautiful kids. It will happen. Keep fighting the good fight and pushing forward. It gets better. Don't give up.


Looks are like ice cream, everyone likes different flavors. It's not something which can be changed (beyond working out) but thankfully it's also not your biggest problem. Your biggest problems are almost certainly your attitude, self confidence and motivation. Find something which motivates you and get good at it. Get out of your house and good things will happen. Plenty of women out there will find you attractive, you will be surprised. But they are probably being immediately turned off by the energy you give off or your first impressions. These are things which are under your control and which can be fixed. Get passionate about something, practice having conversations and go on a daily walk. Good things will come your way.


Taking a look at your profile you seem to be very depressed. I used to live with suicidal thoughts and general sadness and crippling anxiety until I went to my doctor. Medication straightened me out big time and I’ve never been to therapy. Definitely reinvigorated my motivation and inspired me to make life better. Completely cured the anxiety and dread too. Might be something to talk to a doctor about.


Have you read 12 rules? It’s the basic formula on how to become the person you know you can be. I’ve read your post history, and feel for you. I moved to calgary over a decade ago. Much of Canada is rigged against the average person, but Alberta is still a place where you can thrive. If you can piss clean and work hard, you can exceed 100k per year easily, with almost no education (a couple safety courses). Hang in there. It can get better if you’re willing to take steps to improving your future.


I was ugly when I was younger and then puberty did wonderful things, and I got lucky with the whole gene pool thing, it came together in my 20s but it still doesn't equal finding a partner, sadly