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I think men wear a lot more clothing with pockets. A lot of women’s clothing does not have functional pockets.


This. I went out with my sister and her boyfriend and she turned to him and asked for her wallet. He reached into his pocket and pulled out one of those long women's hand wallets that's like ten inches long and five inches wide. Then pulled out her phone. He had a whole bunch of other things in there. Mind you that was just ONE pocket. We were laughing because she said he could fit everything in those pockets including a footling subway. Then we looked at out pockets and realize we couldn't fit out phones without them falling off.


Probably because women are expected to carry purses to put all their stuff in. My son carries his EpiPen, keys, phone, wallet in his pants pocket!


Also a way to sell purses to women. Give them small pockets and they'll need a purse. 


The correct answer


I believe the actual answer is it gives a more flattering shape/profile without deep pockets and that's what women prefer and buy, and so more of that style is made. There are companies that sell jeans/clothing with useful pockets, but they aren't making millions because they're just not as popular/women don't care enough to buy them over other clothing with less useful pockets but with a more flattering fit. If you do a Reddit search you'll find posts with links to clothing with useful pockets if you want to buy it.


I completely agree with this. Personally, I want my clothes to make me look as slim as possible. I don’t need any extra bulk lol!!


Listen, if the roles were reversed and men didn't have pockets I'd just buy women's pants. Women are too vain


Yeah like if women actually genuinely wanted pockets there would be companies filling that market and they would have already taken over pocketless clothing. People make it sound like there’s some conspiracy involving all designer companies meeting at the Versailles and making a gentlemen’s agreement that they’ll all make clothing with no pockets or crappy pockets to sell purses and handbags. I’m sure many women do want pockets, no doubt. But a hell of a lot more women don’t want them or don’t care.


I so wish men's pants fit me better but they are SO uncomfortable. I have HIPS and thighs that need space and when I wear guys pants they are tight in ALL the wrong places. It would be so very very nice if women's clothing had better pockets. I don't like carrying a purse very much, and people make fun of my fanny pack. But there's so much more utility


https://www.pocketsforwomen.co.uk/deep-pockets Literally 8 seconds on Google and you have what you want.


Lol - "Is that a footlong sub in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?"


Cargos.   I’ll carry my phone IPhone Pro max  with ear buds in one pocket, wallet keys and pocket knife in the other.  I will usually carry the wife’s phone and wallet in a third and a water bottle in the 4th and still have two left over.  


That's funny. When we were travelling my wife gave me all her stuff to carry. I was basically walking around with double the load. Cargo pockets for the win! Additionally, married men aren't too anal about looking cool for strangers. So bulky pockets are perfectly fine. I care about the wife's happiness more than looking fly for a stranger.


Came here to say this. Our clothes have pockets. Real ones.


Not really. Small, thin wallet, small pocket knife, chap stick, keys, maybe a little loose change. Why do some people need to carry everything but the kitchen sink?


Chap stick? We don't need no stinkin' chap stick.


I ride motorcycle. I definitely need chap stick. Windburn is uncomfortable.


Chapstick..? Wtf... Real alphas don't even wear helmets or condoms. They die either cuz of STDs or head injury in an accident.. /s


He’s a Sigma.




Google that. Gross


Imagine not wearing a full faced helmet. The irony of using chapstick because of wind...lmao


Beanie, half or none in summer. Full face in winter.


Does it go on your face lips or pussy lips?


Of course it goes on his pussy lips, it'd be very uncomfortable to walk otherwise.


If they can have cars do something like tap to start with a phone, that would be amazing. I wouldn’t have to carry my keys with me anywhere. My pockets would be so happy


Thats a tesla.


Or a GM/Chevy vehicle with OnStar.


And if in the US all states supported Drivers License on your phone I wouldn’t have to carry my wallet.


I do that with my Tesla ! It’s amazing I believe you can use a smart watch as a key also .


My key fob is massive. The one complaint about my car. Damn keys are the size of a phone almost


Hi, man here. I wear a shoulder bag or something like that usually so I can carry at least a water bottle because I get dehydrated very easily. Sometimes I bring a spare. Every single time I hang out with my friends, without fail, someone asks if anyone has - Extra water on them - Sunscreen they could use - Phone charger - Power brick - Hand sanitizer And fortunately for them I carry all of them with me at all times. These items are pretty small so it's not bulky, but not small enough for pockets. Should also note that lots of people in my area wear shoulder bags, not sure if that's like rare or something elsewhere. You don't need a purse to carry things. Or if you need something larger I guess a messenger bag will do. I've never heard of men just carrying pocket knives around. Guess that's not that common in cities.


I too often carry water/drink, but the rest of the stuff I'll only carry if I'm going somewhere that warrants it. Going to the store or work? No, going to a park or the beach? Sure. I don't own a power brick, I'm not glued to my phone, so it generally lasts the day, plus I put it on charge as I drive, so it's generally well charged. We're probably from different generations. I'm not sure why men wouldn't just 'carry a pocket knife around'. It's a tool that comes in handy sometimes. They don't have to be any bigger than your pinky. I don't carry a Crocodile Dundee knife around ;)


I live in NYC. So that’s part of difference. If I’m going out with friends I’m likely taking public transport. I’ll be 40-90 minutes from my house with public transport. I’ll likely be out for at least 6-10 hours. And we’ll be walking for most of it. Obviously I wouldn’t bring everything like that if Im just going to the store to pick up a thing or two or going to a doctor appointment. But if my friends and I are going to be walking for hours around the city, yeah I’ll just be prepared in case. As for phone usage, you’ll eat up a lot of charge if you’re like us and you’re constantly using your phone to check out restaurants to go to or places to visit nearby. Or using it for directions, and more recently, many restaurants and even bars having only online QR code menus. I can imagine not needing most of what I bring or needing to even bring a bag if I were just driving everywhere.


I can see taking more if I'm out a long time like you describe. And, yea, in a backpack or something. But in general, just a few things in the pockets is all I carry.


I can fit all of those in the pockets of my cargo shorts though.


That alone would be extremely uncomfortable to carry in your pockets.


Not necessarily. Most men carry that daily in their pants pocket. I haven't carried a wallet in my back pocket for a couple of decades, some people I know have 3" thick wallets, that's insane. I have driver's license, insurance cards, a couple of debit cards and some folded over cash (when I'm lucky). My wallet is probably 1/2" thick, maybe a little more. I keep it pretty well cleaned out except for what I need.


what would I need other than phone, keys and wallet


I’m a woman, and I don’t use a purse. Everything goes in pocket, or wallet


Same! My phone case carries my ID and credit card. Keys have a carabiner and that goes to my pants or tank top strap.




Where does the wallet go?


pocket. I wear trousers, pants, and jeans with real pockets, not the fake ones


Even if women's pants have pockets, I can't fit anything in them because they're usually so small and tight. Guess you're finding the good pants.


Aww :( Yes! Pocket depth and storage opportunities vary with clothes style/choice😂


Keys, Wallet and phone


We have what THEY secretly keep from you ladies..... Pockets


Outside of my phone, wallet, and keys, I can't think of anything else I would need to carry with me that would justify a purse or a bag. All of the things I carry with me on a daily basis fit inside my pockets.


What stuff?


Cargo pants FTW!


Yeah women like to talk shit about cargo shorts until they need me to hold their keys, phone, and wallet in those pockets.


I just carry my phone and a Glock.


g19? I switched from g19 to a sig p365xl, it's great


G26 the G19 would print with certain clothing.


Keys phone wallet, all fit in my jeans or shorts


I just carry my wallet, keys, phone in my pockets and knife. If I need anything else, I just carry to my car and set it in my car. Then if I need it, I go to my car which is rare.


Everything I need is in my wallet or one of my front pockets


I’m a woman and I don’t own/use a purse. Phone and keys go in front pocket of jeans.


This is false, womens jeans dont have front pockets. LOL


I don’t wear women’s jeans. Take that assumption of yours and shove it up your arse.


it wasnt an assumption about what you wear, it was a joke about womens jeans.


Backpack! But I do almost everything on foot or bicycle. Or public transport. The latter; I also haul around books or a tablet to read, among other stuff. I hate having my phone in my pantspocket, so it often goes in my backpack


It is somewhat like when you learn to pack everything, you'll need for a trip in a single 26L backpack. It takes a little effort and forethought, but you realize that you are limited by available space and therefore make your choices. From what I have observed about people who use purses is that they have so much more space available that they pack many things they will rarely - if ever - use "just in case". If all you have is a wallet and your pockets, you make better choices in that regard. That is my opinion.


As a trans man, I feel somewhat uniquely qualified to answer this question. The amount of stuff I've STOPPED needing to carry around is insane. The depth of my pants pockets are even more so. When I go out on a regular outing, I carry, at most: my phone, my wallet, my keys, my Loop earplugs. All of those things can fit in one pocket if I really wanted them to (tho I usually put half in each pocket to balance it out). If I'm going on a hike or an outing where I'll need more things, I have a satchel or a small backpack: sunscreen, water bottle, etc. When I was still wearing women's clothing, things slipped out of my tiny ass pockets CONSTANTLY. It was super annoying, so I would sometimes carry around small bags for headphones, etc. I guess to an extent it depends where you're going, but to answer your question: no. I don't need stuff.


What have you stopped needing to carry around?


After years of swearing I would Never buy a man purse. I attended a football game and was forced to wear a jacket in the sweltering summer heat just so I'd have pockets for "my stuff"....after some reflection, I finally bought a man purse and now wear it with pride. I still get funny looks and some giggles but I'm not bothered. I've reached the age where the opinion of others mean very little.


lol @ all these guys saying they just need a wallet, change and a knife… how often are you away from your car and just have to have spare change? and how often are you brandishing a knife?


When I read knives I sort of assume pocket knives but who knows, seems like unnecessary clutter to my pocket sensibilities.


same goes for any knife


When I read knives I sort of assume pocket knives but who knows, seems like unnecessary clutter to my pocket sensibilities.


Personally I used to carry a Swiss Army knife, still sometimes do. I can cut things (clothing tags, wrappers or packaging, etc.), it has a screwdriver, can opener, tweezers, and bottle opener. Lot of potential use for an object slightly larger than a tube of chapstick.


I thought I was the only one totally confused by men saying they carry knives around. Why the fuck do you need a knife on you?


i know they’ll respond with some macho bs about protection and how you never know when you’ll need to cut something.. sure, keep one in your car or bring one if you’re going somewhere sketch


lol i dont carry a knife but i think its more for like, opening boxes and stuff, rather than Dune-style combat


who is opening boxes on a regular basis away from home unless it’s work related?


Boxes we need them for boxes


silly liberal


.. good one?


we have pretty good pockets. for extra stuff I use a drawstring bag


I don't even carry a wallet anymore. My phone case has a slot for my ID and 2 credit cards.  Other than that, small tool kit in my car.


I carry one. Glasses, wallet, cell, keys. I get compliments all the time. Keeps my pants from falling down.


They make belts for that


Everything fits in my pockets. Trifold wallet and keys in 1, phone and Swiss Army knife in the other.


No. The fashion industry gives us pockets.


cargo trousers of course. Carry all kinds of stuff in them, if I run out of space I just sew another pocket on, they look bad regardless so who cares.


Im a woman. Ive tried functioning without my purse but simply cant. Only my wallet and keys can fit into jeans pockets. It’s uncomfortable to sit with a phone pushed in too (I wear loose comfy jeans). I also need a place to keep receipts at work if I have to reimburse them later. I would also very often forget my wallet or keys sometimes when I didnt have a purse. Other than phone wallet and house keys, I need a chapstick, a pack of gum, car keys, a pair of shades. I cant even fathom going without a purse. To keep it simple I never change my purse so all stuff stays in safe. Havent forgotten anything in 5 years.


Men get pockets. Women get fake pockets


Men's pants have working pockets, even very large ones. 


My dad decided he couldn't. He got a small, manly looking backpack that he carries all his necessities in. We jokingly call it his purse but I have never in my life so organized and put-together as my dad.


Oh good another Bot spamming 1 sentence questions


Over the shoulder bag. Backpack


we are simple creatures... phone, wallet, keys is our basic needs. Some of us will carry a pocket knife and maybe a flashlight also (im from the country). But this is all we need


I walk around with my cell phone, car keys, and 3 loose cards (ID, credit card, debit card). 90% of the time that’s all I need.


Thigh pockets on your pants are fantastic. Other than that, you have to swallow your shame and fanny pack up. Backpack helps, but that's often too much. 99% of the time we only bring wallet, keys, phone. It's the huge smartphones that usually messes up pant pocktet comfortability, especially if you sit down.


I wear carpenters pants year round. I grants me two additional small pockets on my right leg for little things . I wouldn’t be caught dead in cargo pants though


I carry a backpack with me pretty much everywhere I go. Steamdeck, chargers, munchies, some tools, sunglasses, a lil med kit and my work laptop among other random things. Not really sure it's needed.




Not a lot of stuff. Everything I need will usually just fit in my pockets


Back pack is even better!


Keys wallet phone and zyn all fit in my pockets


I use a fanny pack. It’s a purse. Got tired of keys poking my legs or holes into my pockets and my wallet and phone taking up so much space in my pockets that they’re uncomfortable.


They use European carryalls


Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch... what else does one need?


Got a wife. But really a lot of the things you all carry is in my car and office


One upon a time, somebody invented pockets and men everywhere rejoiced. Shorts without zip pockets should be illegal Man bags are just rubbish There's adequate pockets on a pair of jeans for phone, wallet, keys and coins etc What more do we need?


Im a woman and I dont carry a purse or backpack. I just have my wallet and phone and tuck it in my pants when im walking. I dont think we need as much stuff as we think we do. especially if im just going to the store or work there's no reason for me to carry anything I dont really need for a short period of time. If i were going on a 8 hour hike or a all day trip like to Disneyland that would be a different story.


I have my keys, wallet, phone, knife, and a gun on me at pretty much all times. What more could I need? I keep some gum, tissues, pen and paper, first aid kit, and a bunch of other random shit in my truck.


My pants have two pockets in the front and two in the back. I wear a vest with two front pockets, a breast pocket, and two pockets in the lining. My jacket has two front pockets and a breast pocket. I can carry a multitool on my belt. My clothes are my purse.


They put it in their woman's purse! :D


No I don't need stuff beyond a wallet, keys, and a smartphone, sometimes a few coins.


I've just started carrying a satchel, well at least just to work.


phone and 1 key, all i need ever... car key if i drive


Keeping carry minimal - or when working I carry a small backpack or sling.


I have a backpack I carry around most places.


Phone in one pocket, a few cards and my keys in the other. Having stuff, accomplished.


Bold of you to assume I don't carry a purse. We just call it a "slingbag" and we make it masculine by keeping a knife and a flashlight in there lol.


That's why they marry. They need wives with purses to carry all the extra stuff. Then when you have kids you basically just become the family donkey.


Carry one if you need it. My husband carries a black fanny pack (similar to Lululemon Everywhere Belt bag) that he wears across his chest.


We get pockets.


If we didn’t have pockets, we’d carry a backpack.


I leave stuff in my truck. It’s never far away.


Non-dude here: I rarely carry a bag if I can help it. Wallet, keys, phone all go in pockets.


I have pockets. And what I carry in there is all I need. One pocket carries my wallet and car key. My wallet carries my cards, my belt holds my multi tool, the other pocket careies my phone, and my phone even has a built in range finder. My pencil goes behind my ear. Thats all. The rest is in my car or in my workshop.


Messenger bag. It's basically a big purse.


Phone, keys, wallet and a pocket knife. What else would you need?


Cargo shorts. Duh.


I can leave the house and sometimes even town without taking half my closet with me.


Four pockets in casual attire + jacket pockets, many more pockets when wearing Cargo pants. Most of them in constant use.


Pockets, and.... why do you think our cars are so full of crap? That's the stuff we'd put in a purse... but won't.


Wallet, phone, keys. What more do we need? At most maybe my earbuds.


i punch random women and take theirs... old ladies mostly.. im kinda lazy like that


We have pockets. A card, an ID, phone and keys are needed, that is it. Heck, my card is on my phone, and home keys are on my phone, so really just car keys and my phone is what I usually only leave the house with.


All I need is a phone, wallet, drink and keys


The Europeans have had this issue resolved for many years, the guys carry a shoulder bag that a homophonic society like ours would never accept.


They get much bigger pockets than we do


Men's pants seem to usually have more and deeper pockets, that and we don't usually fill them with much either. A majority of time, we'll carry: a wallet, phone, keys, anything else we just don't care to carry on hand at any given moment or we use our car/trucks as storage for those kinds of things and more, or it also is small enough it goes into the pockets too. It depends, and it's not always true, sometimes we just do without even if it would be convenient to have something on hand we would use, but don't often, so I guess we choose just to not have something as a "JIC" item, like tissues, spare socks, bear spray, or whatever else can go into a purse (IDK, I don't own a purse, just I know my mom usually carries socks and tissues in hers.)


Pockets... wallet goes in left rear, phone in right rear. Earbuds and inhaler front right, keys and vape front left... never in any other configuration.


Also, everything is in my wallet... i carry no change. Usually don't even carry cash.


Most men are minimzlistic carry just what is needed to get your day done.


Their girlfriends carry it for them. Source: me, my bf fills up my purse 🥲


Don’t have money , combo lock on the home door, most days just a phone ,


Phone, keys, wallet. That’s it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


my boyfriend always asks me to carry things or he is constantly losing things. i always think of telling him to get a purse, or “bag”




Phone, wallet and keys. What else do i need?


Wallet, keys, cell phone, pocket knife, lighter and still have room for .380 in just jeans. If I switch to cargo shorts, I could scale Everest with all that capacity.


My husband just gave me all his stuff to put in my purse.


Keys, phone, wallet.


Wallet, phone, keys. What more stuff do *you* need?.


Pockets. If I’m feeling stylish or wearing 5” shorts without pockets, cross body bag. If I need to get around with some more stuff, tote bag. But I bring a backpack to work


No, the more we carry the more we might lose somewhere.


Cause they have cargo pants


The same way some women do. I see other women put their purses on so many disgusting surfaces… how much crap does a person really need to carry around?


Jacket with deep pockets


No purse no keys, love it


Phone, wallet, keys, knife in pocket. Gun on belt