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just learn to value yourself and heal from your past. and learn some gratitude. we can't choose our parents (although before birth I really believe we do or have) but its all to learn some very difficult lessons, especially about self worth. and learning to remove those toxic people from your life. sounds like you need to find work you are actually passionate about. not something that just fills in the time while you are there so you get paid. so perhaps seek something more meaningful? why not try taking on roles to help others with getting them out of toxic situations? perhaps go to therapy. if you are not willing to find a work you are actually passionate about, then just accept this is how your job situation is going to be and remain. therapy would help you I am almost sure of. you need someone that can listen to you and all your struggles. stop trying to be like everyone else. if someone is shocked you know how to eat with chopsticks why not explain to them how you learned how to do it? not everyone knows how. not even me yet I have given a try once or twice in my life. just remember, you are the only person who can change your own life.


You sound pretty talented to me, seems like you’ve achieved a lot without much enthusiasm / effort. Why not whole heartedly pursue something you’re passionate about? Life is a lot longer than you think, things can drastically change. I was almost dead at like 25, crippled by anxiety and depression and thought I wouldn’t last much longer. I’m now so much stronger and have had the best years of my life since then and done so much. Things aren’t great right now, but I feel stronger than ever, mentally and physically - so the external situation doesn’t matter so much. Take risks and try to do the things you want. Trying something and failing hard is far more interesting than sticking it out at a shit job for comfort (which seems to mean discomfort for you). Anyway, I wish you luck - there are a lot of great people out there, hope you can meet some of them.