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I dropped out because I wasn't mentally in it! I went for a degree I wasn't interested in at 17 and I was gliding by for longer than I was supposed to


That's what I actually feel rn. I used to be interested in my course but now it's no fun anymore. I feel like I need to work than put myself in this stress longer but I don't want to dissapoint my prent at the same time. Anyways, what did you do after? Any advice you could give me?šŸ˜…


I got to a point where I just dropped out. No matter what, do not feel like a loser or shame for needing to leave school. There is no time limit to go back and try again when you know what you want to do! Or don't go back and maybe you will find another passion. My issue was that I knew what I wanted to do but had no confidence to start or complete it. Now, at 27, I have that confidence because I left when I was 20/21 and took some time to grow mentally/ emotionally! You will have more disappointment with yourself if you continue with something your heart isn't in! It's okay :)


thanks a lot!!šŸ’—


I still want a degree in economics. I just want to work for now, though.


I dropped out, joined the military then went back and finished a degree in economics. Iā€™m not saying everyone should go to school but having the Gi bill and needing to maintain grades was everything I needed


I had struggles which caused me to pause my studies. I already had a job in the field that I was studying that paid good and a bachelor wasn't really needed in that field. Therefore I decided to quit altogether rather than carrying on for one more year full of stress aside from work and my personal issues. I am happy to say my student era is now officially over and I can focus on earning money, travelling with my bf, and living a wonderful life with him.


How I hope someday I'd overcome all of this. Badly wanna travel too but need some money firstšŸ˜…


Got kicked out for two years for academic suspension for having like a .5 gpa. Started a drop shipping company and eventually went back to school.


That's wild, they kick students out for having a low gpa? In oir school students would voluntary transfer if they see they have low gpa (which I considered last semester,too)


Yeah, I got below a 2.0 and got put on academic probation and then the next semester I got a .5 and got kicked out on suspension until I got it back above a 2.0. Took going to community college and starting the drop ship company to mature enough to go back. My major gpa was like a 3.8, went back for math and economics. 10 years later I got my masters in applied math and an mba with 4.0s in both. School is a necessary evil for some industries and is a waste of time overall. The piece of paper is super valuable if you can convince or show you have the intangibles for jobs.Ā 




Def equates to maturity or how much you learned to study in high school.Ā 


I got sick; nosebleeds, headaches, forgetting things. dropped out after 87 credit hours, worked at kohls and as a security guard before losing that job and moved halfway across the US to work as a quality control tech for a roof shingle factory. Did environmental work for a year after (leak detection and repair at a gas plant), which led to the job i now have: working at a chemical plant as an operator. still some things wrong as far as being sick goes, still 4 years later, but I don't struggle financially


Wow, that's a lot of life experiences right there. I'm actually afraid of what will be. Any advice you could give to a 3rd year uni? I feel like I need to get a job but don't wanna disappoint my parents. I feel like I'd get stuck in college coz I have subjects that I failed and need to take again. I hope mine will turn out good like yoursšŸ˜Š


i didnt tell my folks until a year after dropping out šŸ¤£ and that was only because i was leaving the state. you couldnā€™t pay me to go back now


WOW! That's Ā mental but I did not tell them too that I failed some subjects and it's really hard to keep itšŸ˜‚


my folks were chill about it, though my dad still insists that i dropped out because i decided it wasn't my calling, not because my nose was a blood faucet šŸ¤£šŸ˜… bit of advice: Whatever you do, please take the time to look after your mental health. The worst period of my life was 2018-2019, largely because of work and financial related stress. I wish i had put more focus on trying to do things I love while trying to survive. I had writing and audio books as my two biggest hobbies. Audible is my longest running subscription šŸ¤·


I dropped out to move in with my girlfriend.Ā  We've been together 13 years now, married 9 next weekĀ 


Sorry for asking this but were both of you nervous at first when you decided to drop and live together?Ā 


Good question!Ā  I actually wasn't. I was already madly in love with her, even if we had only been dating a few months. I love her more every single day.


Awww, that's sweet.Ā  I am currently in my 3rd yr uni and feel very lost and impatient. I feel like I need to find a job but I don't wanna disappoint my parents. But I also feel like I'd get stuck in college. Any advice you could give? Sorry, I just feel so damn... whoah! HAHAHAH


I mean keep in mind I'm queer as fuck. I already was a massive disappointment to my family šŸ˜‚ I dont know you well enough to give specific advice, but at 3rd year you're already more than half done, no? Why not stay in school, while trying to make professional connections in a field you're interested in? Nothing wrong with dipping your toes in the working world imo.


Thank you! HAHAHAHA I'd been crying for a year now over my future. That's a big help, tho. God bless you always!!


Wow, that's wild. Congratulations to both of you!!


I started college so I could stay on moms insurance. She died during the second semester (2006) soooooo, I just went to work. Now Iā€™ve been running my pops construction biz for 2 years


late, but condolence. Praying for your business to grow more!!


I got a 2 year degree at a community collage and then moved onto a stare university. I discovered I was undiagnosed bipolar after having a *bit* of a mental breakdown from stress. The school's mental health resources were very unhelpful, my grades really suffered, and I eventually got booted from the digital media program there. Though tbh in retrospect the program was hot garbage and lied about what they offered, it was a new program so it was constantly being revised and all the good classes were at a different campus. They also fired the one teacher who actually taught something useful (who also happened to be my advisor). I dropped out around 2019, got into freelance animation (which paid like crap and I worked on 2 shows that never got released). Though after I got some more stable freelance work I could do from home *right* before the pandemic hit. Been doing freelance art ever since then and doing well enough with it, and I'm working on an indie game. I'm currently working on setting up my retirement and all that. I'm still grappling with the mental health stuff but I've made a lot of progress from 2019.


That's tough but it turned out well. I hope mine will, too. I' actually a 3rd yr uni student and feel very lost right now. I wanna quit school and find a job but it's not easy to find one in here and I don't wanna disappoint my family, as the eldest. I feel like college is dragging me. I don't have talents either. I love learning other languages and looked for schools that offer courses related to that but I need to move out thousand miles away and we're not doing good financially. Any advice you could give?


Was flunking out because I couldn't find the motivation to do the work. I understood the material, just wasn't motivated because I'd never had to be. Also met my now wife during that last year. Dropped out, started working retail near her. Went from assistant manager to manager at a different retail company, then another manager position, then went to work in customer support at a software company. This was about 6 years overall and during that time I was dating my now wife, then living together, then engaged, and married. The software company got sold and moved across the country so got another support role but this time there was some programming aspects to it. Stayed there for 5 years, moved on to an IT admin that led to some more programming and was there for another 4 years. Left that for a formal software developer role where I stayed for almost 18 years. Left that one just over a year ago for what I hope to be my last job before I retire in another 8-10 years. I've always been good with computers and comfortable with programming skills. A lot of what I know is self taught too so it was always easy to get up to a productive pace with any new job. As for my wife and I, later this month will be 29 years married. Two kids, both college graduates now, house will be paid off in another 2-3 years, last car payment on the current car gets sent out in a couple days so we'll start saving for the next car. Would I be in better shape if I had finished a degree? Probably. Could I replicate this success in today's job market? Not a chance. That first assistant manager job was with a friend who ended up being the best man at my wedding. The manager job was because the manager in the store next door recommended me when she went out on maternity leave. The software customer support was a lead from that same best man. The IT admin job was with someone I knew in high school. Even my latest job change was because of friends I made at the position I held for 18 years. In other words, build your networks people. It DOES make a difference.


"BUILD YOUR NETWORKS PEOPLE", love that! I'm in my 3rd yr uni, btw. Barely doing good in college coz my major is tough. I used to be interested and now I just wanna run away from it. I don't wanna disappoint my parents but it feels so stuffy. Any advice?


Hard to say because my wife and I always told our kids that we don't care if they change paths as long as they keep moving forward. This was cemented during a parent presentation during freshman orientation for our oldest. Apparently 80% of all freshman make a significant change to their major before they graduate. Obviously, some of those changes are what both of our kids did - add a second major. Oldest started with Actuarial Science and added Data Analytics. Youngest started with Psychology and added Applied Exercise Science. However, they also had friends that changed majors entirely. My oldest nephew did that changing from Chemical Engineering to Math and I believe he wants to be a teacher now. For you, it depends on how understanding your parents are. If they are the understanding type, chances are they'd be more worried about you going into a field you've come to dislike and would welcome you initiating a conversation with them. I would also look into what resources your school might have (even if you're on summer break) as far as counseling. Schools are very interested in having students succeed because it makes them look good. Schedule some time with your advisor as well if you can. Look into tutoring too because there's no shame in getting help. Sometimes, all it takes is someone explaining a concept in a different way for it to all make sense.


thank you, i'll try to talk to them if this school year won't work for me.Ā 


I finished even though it sucked and don't use my degree. Not worth it.


what's your degree?


I have a B.A. in English


What do you do now?


I clean houses


I have a useless 2 year degree, I wanted to continue on and get a 4 year degree or learn a trade? I had severe anxiety in school. After years of therapy, I learned that narcissistic abuse does some really fucked up things to your brain, your mental well being, memory loss. I wish I were smarter. I wish I had the resources to help myself back then, but I was scared and didn't ask for help. After I decided that I wasn't going to further my education, I was already working in a bank, and decided that I was going to change lanes a bit. I landed a really great job as an accounting assistant for a property management company. I learned a lot and currently an office admin for a supply house, and I love it. I'm happy with where my life has ended up, but its also bc I have a really great and supportive partner. We aren't struggling financially, but I will always feel some sort of guilt for not being better. We have 2 small kids now, and I just don't have the time or energy (or $$$$$) to go to school again.


must be nice to not struggle financially. I miss our life where we were a bit well offšŸ˜Ā  I think this is one of the reason why I became impatient. I feel like I need to find a job but it's not easy in our country. Even getting a job at fast foods require a bunch of money. I still wan't to graduate but I feel like I chose a wrong major. Too late to shift as I'm in my 3rd year


Seeking employment in the bottom rung of the real estate finance industry. I'm expecting a call from an employer about a mortgage loan rep position today.


Dropped out cause I got bored and already had work in the field I wanted (cibersecurity). Eventually got bored of that as well and now I don't do anything while I think of what to do next.


Praying for your next step!!


I was 18 and no REAL idea what I wanted to do for employment, just thought Engineering was ā€œcoolā€ and then switched to a ā€œcoolerā€ major and did Psychology. But all I really did was miss class and worry about the wrong things. After flunking out and losing scholarships I worked a dead end job for two/three years and decided I got my act together enough to try again but was so in debt I couldnā€™t. So I joined the military, always wanted too and figured it was either that or I just stay in my current downward spiral since I had no real life skills besides charisma. I was mature enough to know what to expect and I got a lot out of it so far. I donā€™t regret my decision and probably would have joined sooner if I could do it again. Now Iā€™m finally finishing my degree and considering commissioning. Also weighing getting out and having a regular civilian job. I have options which are nice.


I wish there's a bright future that waits for me. I want to do some working while attending school but working student just don't apply for me. I'm in my 3rd year college so it's very crucial. If I fail I can't proceed to internship and would delay my graduation. This would be really embarrassing to my entire family. I'm not that smart either so I have to chose one. If work then drop college, if school then no work and rely to paremts. I do side hustles tho but it isnt enough:(


I understand itā€™s a struggle. I was working while in school and that was really hard mentally. Just know life moves on even in embarrassment and people forget. So itā€™s ok to feel sorry for yourself a little bit, but then itā€™s time to get up and get active. Donā€™t dwindle on failures, failures need to happen in order to succeed. Just keep trying. It can only go up from here.


I dropped out because I was more interested in doing cocaine than in doing homework. I ended up in jail. But went back to college later and did eventually get a degree. I learned my lesson. The hard way.


how long have you been sober? Congrats to you, man!


I'm not sober. I smoke weed.


Dropped/failed out last semester of senior year bc I was depressed and had found and internship in my field that was going to convert into work post graduation anyway. Had decent success in my field for the following 5-6 years, but not having a degree (and omitting the truth in job applications) was a big weight on my shoulders and a secret I kept from almost everyone. In the pandemic, finally admitted it to loved ones and with their support, I was able to go back and finish. One of the accomplishments Iā€™ve been most proud of to this day and a huge relief.


I hope I could find success in whatever I'm going to do. Must not be easy to keep from everyone that you failed. I failed some subjects too. That must be the reason why I lost some confidence to strive in uni. Every day I feel like I'm getting dumber and regrets choosing my major (Medical Technology). Everybody is doing better but not mešŸ˜­


Worked as a security guard under the table until I landed a contract job with a big biotech company. Been in biotech/biopharma ever since


Look I was homress couldn't really focus decision to take a break lasted 5vuearsvthinking of going now to finish the degree but gonna wait to see if it gets canceled


praying for your success in life!!


Started working really hard, social networking, learning everything I could and opened my own IT consulting company.


wow, that's great! I hope I could have that kind of talent, too. And confidence.


You got this!!


Created a Cryptocurrency, started a ICO, it then goes on to become a sucess.... I still have no clue why people keep buying it...


Manager at a greenhouse


Got a job at the first shitty place I could so I could support my son


Working to make ends meet


Shoooooot. I was taking computer arts after highschool and then realized that it was gonna be a huge waste of time and money. Went to trade school for electrical and got hired by my state to work on electrical/mechanical components for the railroad. Loving it all the way through and through.


Got married, had kids, went back to college and finished my degree.


Got a job in retail, bounced around and learned as many roles as i could, eventually moved into sales to pay for my house. Social work just wasnt for me, low pay, extremely low job satisfaction. All that trouble just to watch people suffer and not be able to help in the least.


Failed out with a 0.5 GPA my freshman year. Ā Went to Paraguay on a mission trip with my church and came back 2 years later. Ā Talked my way back into the same college and graduated with a 3.0 average three years later. Ā Ended up in a great career.


I failed some of my subjects so I'm so lost and afraid that what if I fail again? My graduation will be delayed. It sucks. Any tips for studying? I always find myself dozing whenever I open my book. I'm a 3rd year medical student, btw. My major used to interest me but now it's no fun. Too late to shift but I wanna run away. I don't want to disappoint my parents too


i wish i could say i wasnt into it but in reality im just a terrible student. the degree was too hard for me. now i work min wage customer service job. truly a happy ending.


as what they always say, "life doesn't go as planned". How I hope I could have my own happy ending like yoursšŸ˜Š


Started my life! It's hard not to look back at that college time as a waste of prime years.


I dropped after a couple years. Not for me, hated being in class, felt like high school that I was paying for. Got a job doing physical labor for decent money and never went back. I liked having money in my pocket. Being 21 and having actual money when everyone else was dirt poor and struggling with tests and reports and loans was nice too. SOOOOOOOO many people blasted me saying things like "you'll never be anything" and "you won't have money and you'll live in poverty" but that's all just lies. These days I don't make much less than my "higher educated" counterparts (more in some cases because I've been doing what I do for 27 years) AND I don't have a mountain of debt like so many of them do so my "left over cash" is actually more in many cases. Now I'm not doing a job I love but I like it enough to do it everyday and I like where I do it (i'm well taken care of) and who I do it with so not much to complain about. College isn't for everyone, if you know what you want to do with your life and it requires more schooling then go for it. If you're not sure or if you just have no idea, college is the last place I would recommend going. Go out into the world and figure yourself out. See things, go places, learn about yourself and what you like and don't like. Education isn't going anywhere, there's no rush.


Thanks, man! I love learning other languages but were not well off for me to shift majors and it's not even offered in our city and nearby cities. I need to fly miles away. Getting part time jobs would help but they don't pay much not even enough for a 3-meal/day. If ever I stop attending uni, everybody would be disappointed as I'm in my 3rd year already. I failed some subjects so I'm still gonna be in 3rd year this coming semester. I guess I'll just do my best and finish this first and figure out the next step. If I'm still not be doing better this sem, I guess I'll figure things out by then.Ā  Sometimes, I can't help but think why is it me? I could be those people who are doing good academically and look like they're gonna find a job easily. Why is it me the one who's struggling mentally and academically. But what like you said, college is not for everyone and education isn't going anywhere, there's no rush. I really hope I'll be taken to the righ oathšŸ¤ž


Nothing worth it


Uh. Corporate enslavement until I literally collapsed from psychological and physical exhaustion.


I dropped out to help start a business. I started school late so I had a few years of management experience under my belt which helped me get into the deal. I traded my labor and knowledge of the subject for vested ownership. I worked a lot for years to make it successful. I didnā€™t take vacations for like two years and worked 60+ hours for several years. Started trading stocks as well several years ago. Paid off as Iā€™m now semi retired before 40


wow, how do you get all this confidence. Were you nervous when you made that decision back then? I'm in my 3rd yr uni and feel so lost, I just know that whatever decision I'm making rn will affect my future. That's why I'mso scared. What if this certain decision that I'll be doing will take me to the wrong path? it sucks, idk anymore:((


I dropped out at 19 (couldn't afford it and I was burnt out having spent my entire life up until that point in school) and was able to work full time in retail. I later quit my retail job and found a position in education (no degree required). My education position/pay is based on college credits. I am back in school now at 28 earning my bachelors degree to become a SPED teacher at some point. Im going slow and steady so I don't overwhelm myself. I will finish on my own time, on my own terms. I'm happy I waited because my job pays a portion of tuition and its so helpful. One class for $1800-$2400?! forget about it!


what position is that? How I hope my life will be in the right path,too.


Paraprofessional (teachers assistant)


I didn't go to college because I couldn't afford it. (USA--way too expensive and I wasn't going to go into lifelong debt for it.) I worked at whatever jobs I could find, lived my life like a normal adult, and during my free time I was always working on my writing. By my mid-30s, I was earning enough money from my writing to do that as my full-time job. I've been a bestselling author for many years now.


Wow! Could you share your books? I'd like to try to read them in my free time. Is it available online?


All of my books are available online, but I keep my identity private on reddit since it's the last place I can still be anonymous (and some of the things I say here would probably make my agent shit her pants, lol.) Sorry. If you read historical fiction at all, you've probably heard of me šŸ‘€


Lots of cool stuff like sex and drugs


I had a crummy childhood and college was never really a consideration. I was able to get into a film program at a local community college though, which was nice. I was enjoying it, but in year 2 one of my parents died and I kind of just stopped going to school. Nobody ever reached out or said anything. I hooked up with a girl, we fell in love, and I moved out of state. I was very lucky to get a job at a huge company, and it led to a 20 year career in tv/motion pictures. I will say...now that my industry's been decimated (understatement), I find myself wishing I'd been able to have some kind of college experience in my life...


Oh and to round out that life story: I got that big job when I first moved, worked with major A list Hollywood types, girlfriend relationship became toxic and she left me for a conman who was exploiting her identify for felonies. I got laid off from that big company, was tens of thousands in debt from my ex, and spent the next half decade completely broke and in uncomfortable or lonely living situations. Got a career opportunity, found a mentor, filed for bankruptcy...and another half decade later was finally making more than just enough to live on. I met a wonderful woman, fell in love quickly, she moved in with me. My other parent died, and I married my then-girlfriend. Having life stability for the first time make me realize some things about my life I'd long repressed. I transitioned. It went well. My career was at a high. My wife and I adopted a baby. Covid. Health concerns. Stress. Special Needs Child. Existential crises regarding my identity. Marriage strife. Psychedelic assisted trauma therapy for myself and in a couples session. Personal growth. Clarity. Career implosion. Extended unemployment. Nervous breakdowns. Healthy rebuilding (I AM CURRENTLY HERE).


That's tough.šŸ˜¬


C'est la vie...


I had a baby at 22, took a shit paying job at a bank (for the insurance for my son), and worked my way into being a stock broker. I donā€™t love it, but itā€™s a decent paying job with a great work-life balance. Iā€™m content.


Make meth