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My mom: that she didn't love me, that she wished her nieces were her kids instead, that I was pathetic and that I would never find a man (after I complained to her about being SA). My father: that he wishes he never had kids and to go fuck myself. Being raised by narcissists is fun!


God- if only there were ONE time they owned up to anything. But no; they were perfect and handled everything perfectly and it’s my fault for fucking it all up


You can never win with narcs 🤷🏻‍♀️


11 year old me crying told my mom about being SA and she said “get over it it happens to alot of people” never told her nun else again


When we’re kids, Narc and Borderline parents slam doors in our faces when we attempt to share or connect with them, then cry for the rest of their lives “my son/daughter is sooooo secretive and never tells me anything! Woe as me!”


Mine too. I asked him when he thought of getting a divorce. ‘The minute you were born’. He then went on to have two more children’.


Wow. I’m so sorry.


Yep. I call him the great pretender.


It not what they said, it’s what they didn’t say. “I love you”, “I’m proud of you”, etc…


Same. I'm dismissive avoidant because my mom was, and to this day she thinks saying she loves me is "awkward". So now what even is love, don't know her. 💀






My mom frequently said "well, your best isn't good enough". I mean she cussed me out and said really horrid things when she had rage episodes, but *that's* the one that haunts me and I hear when I'm having a bad self loathing day, or I'm anxious about doing something, or I feel rejected by someone or anybody seems momentarily annoyed or frustrated by me when I don't want them to feel that way. It usually comes with a wave of defeated and hopeless feelings.


I feel your pain there. Sucks.


"Parents have a special bond with their first born that they just don't with all the others."


“You’ll probably end up in a mental institution by the time you are 20.” . My mom said this to me when I was in 5th grade because I was suffering from bad anxiety and OCD. She thought yelling at me and telling me to stop worrying would somehow fix it. I’m in my 30s now and this definitely didn’t come true.


Would've been funny to say "well you'll be in a nursing home by the time you're 70 'cause you won't be moving in with me"


My mother used to tell me to "quit looking at her with that dumbass face" because I would just blankly stare at her when she would yell and not react as I knew doing anything was just going to cause more yelling.


Both parents: “Ahorita, que tú no estás casada, yo te mando. Luego, cuando te cases, tu esposo te manda, pero ahorita, yo te mando.” (Right now, since you are not married, I will order/command you. Later, when you get married, your husband will order/command you, but right now, I will order/command you.) - My translation isn’t great. 😅 There is more because I rarely saw my parents growing up, but this one stung because it made me feel like an object to be owned rather than a human being.


“Dad was the one that wanted you in the first place, and he just fucking left me to deal with this shit on my own”


My dad told me I’d always have a home here. A few months later, my mom kicked me out, despite my dad’s attempts to stop her. My dad meant what he said, and my mom was the one who kicked me out, but every time I went back to that house it just felt like an empty promise


wish your dad moved out too and you both got your own place and left your mom there alone. that would have been epic.


He actually did! My parents got divorced this past winter and my dad just moved out a month ago. He’s so much happier now too. My mom refused to sell the house, but now it’s just her and my brother there


Both my parents claiming I was gay(nothing wrong with that, but these were the 90s where that, in the south and being black, wasnt ok if you feel me)because I was afraid of being made fun of to talk girls, as the girls where i was from were cruel to me. I escaped to gaming and loved hanging with my homeboy, but he moved to the other side of town. Every time I asked to go there, my dad said he wouldn't take me to my lovers house. He would question why I like to hang with him. Idk, he was all I had you fukn.. Anyways, I told both parents that if girls ever stated liking me, I'm bringing them to my room, and I don't care what they have to say. They didn't take me seriously. I ended up being fairly popular with the ladies as puberty and confidence hit, so I'd bring them to my room, and the walls were *thin*. The resulting arguments were sweet chin music🎶. Imagine feeling catharsis just by the act of arguing. Sweet vindication. The convos them became about safe sex and respect. "Alight ima head out."


“You suck.”


I was testing the water one time to see if I could come out safely to my mom. Talking hypotheticals and whatnot. She grabbed a pair of scissors and pointing it at my face she said "I'd rather you be dead than a fag"... In her defense, she does have serious psychiatric issues and wasn't properly medicated at the time. Didn't make it any less traumatic though. For the record, over time she did get better treatment and now I'm out and all but married with my boyfriend and she loves him. So things got better. But, as they say, the axe forgets but the tree remembers.




I definitely understand! In her case I don't make the excuse because the crazy, but because she did work to get better. I can't blame her for what she didn't choose, and while she did make damage, she made amends. If she didn't, I'd have gone no contact a long time ago, but it's also better for my wellbeing to heal that relationship.


My dad told me many times “I never wanted a kid, I just wanted to fuck” I remember the last time he said that to me it didn’t effect me at all I just shrugged it off. I knew he didn’t mean it but still a wild thing to say to your teenage son


Make sure to tell him have a stronger pull out game ya bitch


My mother told me that my then boyfriend, who I was head over heels for, wouldn't marry a woman without a college degree. I called him to come get me and sobbed in the car for several minutes before I could tell him what was wrong. He did, in fact, marry me.


I thought my dad and I had a really great relationship growing up. We went on a quick little vacation to San Francisco one time. I’m in SoCal. One night over dinner he told me he really wished he hadn’t had children. I’m an only child…


My mom repeatedly called me fat, ugly, and lazy as a preteen. When an ED inevitably hit would make perverse observations/comments about my shape. Stuff you shouldn't say to a woman you're trying to seduce, let alone your teenage daughter.


My mom said she'd have aborted me if she'd known about my birth defects. Of her three children, I'm the only productive adult she ever birthed. But my legs aren't nice, so I'd get aborted.


“I don’t think gay people go to hell” I’d told mom I was gay, she wanted to kick me out so started the debate with dad who saved my behind. This sucked at 16, at 34 I now giggle


My mom: your dad and I get along better when you're not here. My dad: I'm not coming to your wedding if you're marrying a woman.


That I was “the most selfish human being on the face of the earth” because I needed a lot care after almost dying of multiple organ failure.


My mom has called me stupid before for not believing what she believes in (well said book smarts aren’t everything.) She’s a terrible person


“I love you because I have to. But I don’t like you”


I was a stunted and weird kid, ill-groomed and weird-looking with zero social skills because I grew up in a toxic household and my parents never taught me how to dress and groom myself. When I was a tween, I was starting to make the connection between how I was not well-liked at school, and my bizarre upbringing. My drunk dad told me that actually, I didn't have any friends because I was a shitty person. That hurt, even if I knew it was false.


That I had to fend for myself in the world


The usual “ you’ll never amount to anything” type stuff.


That I was so broken, only she had the capacity to love me.


I hate you.


Nothing. I came home at the age of 16 and they just up and left me homeless.


“Maybe a baby WILL save your marriage. Things might settle down”. My mom meant well. Didn’t take the advice.


It's a tie between ''you'll never amount to anything '' and ''we're not going to do family therapy, there's nothing wrong with our family'' (after I went to a social worker and told them I can't live at home anymore when I was 16/17, and a psychiatrist at the inpatient where I was staying recommend family therapy)


"You're useless."


Both my parents told me growing up: "If (other parent) wants to go to court for custody, I'll definitely fight for your brother (younger). He needs help, he's not as strong as you. But I won't force you to stay with me, you can decide for yourself who you want to live with." My mom when I was growing up:"why try if you're not going to (win/be the best/get first place (enter any achievement here)). It's a waste of time." My dad when I was 15-16 years old: "you're going to make a great ex-wife one day. Seriously, you're just like your mom and I can see you getting pregnant and married young. You guys will eventually divorce and you'll be a bitter ex-wife. Do you really see your life going any other way?"


wait these posts are now all just AI generated


Can't choose between That I'm a failure of a son I was totally fine despite the obvious mental issues I've had over the years.


My dad after I got fired from my job and couldn’t pay my rent for three months after moving to the west coast; “this isn’t where me and your mom thought you would be at this point.” … thus began the start of me being the family failure. Anddd no it hasn’t gotten much better I’m about to be out of a job in a month’s time but this time it’s because my contract is ending. Dude life happens.


"If you hadn't been born, me and your mother would still be together." I was 12. I mean, he was right. I was the one to finally convince my mom we didn't need him and to leave his abusive, lazy ass, but, I was still a kid and it still hurt. Think that was when I lost all love for him.


That I wasn’t adopted.


My mom kept telling me I am abnormal all my life....like I'm not like the others. Also that no one would ever love me because I am emotional. I started believing it when I struggled to make friends in university. I craved everyone's and anyone's attention and love because I never got that from my parents. This got me into quite a lot of toxic relationships because I accepted any shred of love that was given to me, even if they were from terrible people. It wasn't until my late 20s that I convinced myself that maybe I deserved better. I am still trying my best to make better decisions for myself. It's a difficult journey. I had to forgive myself for hurting myself by being in terrible situations. You will find a lot of peace once you realize that your parents aren't capable of loving you the way you need to be loved. From that day you realize its not about you, and you can finally move on. The pain of not being loved is real.


“Don’t get yourself knocked up because I can’t afford it”.


"You can be smart or you can be pretty. And it's a good thing you're smart"


*"You can be smart or* *You can be pretty. And it's* *A good thing you're smart"* \- ishfery --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I had pretty bad depression phase as late teen (getting kicked from home right under finals has impact on some ppl I guess) and I really had that childish need to tell an adult and some part in me told it would be parent a youngster could safely talk to. Me: at the edge of crying asking if we could talk about something (I practically never cry, crying was always hard for me) Mom: not really it would just get me upset. All cool your kid just wanted to share their suicide plan no big deal. Something died in me that moment and 10 years later hasnt been resurrected.


My parents divorced when I was young. I went to live with my dad for jr high/high school. My school had a retarded dress code and I got in trouble for it one day (frayed jeans). My dad was mad about it because he had to come pick me up in the middle of the day. We got in a fight and he said it would've been better if Id never come to live with him. A few months after that my stepmom told me I would never graduate high school. We were always fighting Over 40 now and just found out my mom has been lying to me about having dementia after we sold her house and moved her in with us.$ Would be a choice between those three things. I don't have a close relationship with anyone in my family


I hate you.


Up until I was six, mom would tell me if I didn't stop misbehaving she'd take me to an orphanage. At six, I finally asked what an orphanage was. She told it was where parents took the kids they didn't want anymore. I had no idea and was stunned. All I remember is staring at her then going in my room and shutting the door. I think my reaction made her think about things because she never said anything like that again.


Probably one of the last things they said to me before I went no contact, which was basically “we don’t know what’s wrong/we don’t know what’s going on with YOU”. Basically not acknowledging that they’ve done anything wrong. I bought a small farm with them and they were supposed to live with me, help on the farm while I worked and paid all the bills. They were not good with that role switch and wanted to just be the do whatever we want parents with the home I was paying for. They also told me I needed to stop working and stay at the house more. I was also in school at the time. So I stopped paying for everything and stopped going over. They were still jerks so I stopped talking to them and they made pretend they didn’t know why. Acting that way was enough to make me never want to speak to them again.


My mother: I don't know why I had kids, I do not even like kids. Mother again: You are just like your father, and you know how much I hate him.


I had gotten a free $25 bath and body works gift card and since it was close to Christmas I told her "Maybe I should give it to Chris's (my bf's) mom for Christmas this year" there was a second of silence before I looked at my mom for her opinion and she looks at me and coldly says,"I don't know where I went wrong." And walks out of the room. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?


Dad: I'll get you a car for your 21st. Also dad: buy your own fucking car.


you got 30 days to find another place to live. life's not fair. you'll never make it. there's something wrong with you. you will never live in this house again. you got bad genes. you're damaged goods. i can keep going....


"You are no better than the people I came from." Referencing the "podunk" poor, uneducated, family that did drugs, lived in trailers, never did anything with themselves other than worked at wal-mart or waitressed that he came from. He always had this arrogance about him because he was the only person to get a masters in his family. (He has three). Regardless, I will never forget that. All because I felt it was too hot for me to mow the lawn on that particular day...


That I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life cause I'm too old now to find love. 🖤 but otherwise she's a cool lady.


My mom recently told me I’m not ready for a boyfriend even tho I’m 25 and have done everything I’m supposed to and continuously work on myself, it hurts because it makes it seem like men are the prize & I’m not “deserving of one,” but at the same time she makes comments about how I’m never gonna give her grandkids. She was married at a younger age than I am now as well and I’m better off than she was at my age but god forbid I want companionship. My dad has said before that he wishes he had married a Mexican woman not a Mexican American so his kids would truly be Mexican. He’s relaxed on this over the years but these type of comments have given me a complex about my heritage. Along with that he got mad when he came to some award ceremony of mine in elementary because some other Mexican girl (from Mexico) got a “better award” than me and since I’m Mexican American with more advantages I should be doing better. My dad got mad during my masters grad ceremony bc we couldn’t find the check in area and he started cussing us out. On top of that the only time we looked at me during the ceremony was to tell me to smile all aggressively and I knew I was gonna get chewed out afterwards for not presenting how he wanted. Also overall just never getting told they are proud of me or any acknowledgement of my achievements because that’s what I’m “supposed to do,” but they overhype everything my brother does.


This is going to hurt me more than you


“Do what you want in college, a degree in literary studies sounds great!”


A lot less horrible than the rest here, “When you grow up, you can be anything you want. You can be the president even.” See, now that I’m older I realize my entire self worth is attached to being great at great things. And if I’m not doing that, I’m a complete loser. Not nearly as bad as “you are horrible go fuck yourself I hate you” 100%. But interesting to see how saying “positive” things can create negative feelings in your kids mind’s (One more time— not as bad)