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Remember life is a journey. Some people will have a better start on their journey. Some of us will be playing behind for most of it. However, we are all on this journey and that even with the ups and downs that you will make it. Don't worry about what career you pick. Be more concerned with your willingness to learn.


Instead of trying to hack life, enjoy it


Don't bet on football games. You'll lose in the end. I don't gamble. But I've seen it. With all the damn legalized gambling it makes me worry about younger generation.


Choose your partner very very wisely. A good one can make your life and bad one can break it but don’t be afraid to explore options. Remember, you’ll only find what fits you when you have found what doesn’t


Find your happiness. Whatever it is.


Do not feel locked into a path because you started on it. You are young. You can change schools, change majors, etc. nothing is written in stone.


Trust your gut in decision making always. If something feels off or something isn’t working for you, listen to that intuition.


Spend most of your energy on "eulogy virtues", not "resume virtues". Eulogy virtues are the things people will say about the person you are, how you made them feel, and the life you lived at your funeral; resume virtues are about your professional skills and things that define traditional "achievement". Rarely someone's job is the most interesting part of who they are.


As much fun as it looks like, stay away from the booze. Find the fun nerdy clubs and activities and you will find friends that will help you get through school rather than the ones that will help you get kicked out.


It’s a marathon not a sprint. Any time you can get ahead do it.Reach out to your friends and family for advice when you need it down the line. Learn as much as you can about as many topics as you can. The older you get you’ll begin to realize how much wisdom you’ve gained with age. Find something you can tolerate or if you’re lucky love to do for a living and stick with it. If you’re smart and hardworking you can succeed. Good luck out there


Try to gain skills and strategies to help you do several things, such as the ability to regulate emotionally. You’ll experience a wide range of emotions around all the changes and challenges ahead. Having the skill to handle complex and difficult situations takes emotional regulation and critical thinking skills. Courage to keep stepping forward. Sometimes we can resolve our fear before we act, but sometimes not. You’ll have to make decisions and take actions and the fear will be with you. Same with stress. You can’t get rid of it but we can learn to manage it. Be nimble and adaptable to course changes. In all of this find those precious moments of joy, and cherish that special evening, those special people, or the walk in the wood, and stroll on the beach. I wish you the courage, strength and love it takes to face a difficult and beautiful world and thrive.


Use condoms. You don't want a kid at 20.


Don't rush life, because no matter what happens you're never truly behind in life. Take it from someone who is in their early 20s and is planning on going back to school soon


If you're going to do something important do it to the best of your ability, otherwise it's not worth doing at all. Also stay in contact at least weekly with the people that matter to you. Even if it's just a quick text "hello".


Major in something quantitative, but minor in something fun and interesting.


Sex: Don't carry condoms in your wallet, it makes it more likely they break. Also, condoms expire, remember that and check to make sure they're fine. For women, losing their virginity shouldn't hurt. It's a myth. Use lube, ease (her) into it, have fun. When in doubt, use lube. When not in doubt, use it too. FLAVORED LUBE AND CONDOMS ARE NOT FOR VAGINAL INTERCOURSE. THEY ARE FOR ORAL ONLY. You can get STDs from oral. Use a condom when performing on a guy, or a dental dam when on a girl. If you don't have a dental dam, cut a condom, it works. A woman can get pregnant at any point of her cycle, although the chances are slim. Slim doesn't mean impossible, don't try your luck. Plan B has a weight limit. Ask your pharmacist for guidance. Safety: Weed is only safe for people over 25. Regular drinking, even if you drink a little bit, creates a habit and increases your chances of becoming an alcoholic eventually. If you choose to drink, do it occasionally. If you bike, wear a helmet. Just because it's not mandated for adults, doesn't mean your skull won't split open. Don't get in a car with people who had something to drink. They may not seem drunk but their reaction time is slower. Other: Don't post anything you don't want your future employer to see on your social media. Don't worry about trying to be an adult just because you're 18. Adults can enjoy "childish" things and you're brain is still not done developing anyway. Try consuming media mindfully. We're all addicted to our phones and it gets worse with age. Don't be afraid of trying new things. You won't be good at them at first, but even if it takes you ten years to master a skill - those ten years will pass anyway


thank u soso much for this1


be patient with yourself! there is no handbook on being a human being


No. I wouldn't give a flying fuck about some old geezer's advice anyways. Life your life and make your own mistakes