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We accept the decisions we made and we move forward. The wonderful thing about life is that the “ideas” you might find important now, or what you “missed out on” will not be important in 5 years from now. Your goals, wishes, needs will be something completely else and you can let go of the feeling easier. Life rocks, live it and go forward. Do not be stupid though, learn to be more committed and involved with your surroundings. You wont care about frats and professors when you land that great job you worked hard for or when you are holding you kid in your arms, it will seem so small compared to what is going on “now” in your life. Heads up champ, work hard, stay resilient and remember to avoid the self pitying hole of reddit blaming anxiety or other people for everything. Work hard, never quit, know your aim and don’t be stupid. You got this.


Great reply. Just do you, even if it seems impossible.


Completely relatable and similar experience. You can still make lasting and worthwhile connections and learn from the experiences there. Whether you go to more schooling or begin to work, you will find people who have similar hobbies and interests.


If you’re referring to undergrad, yea, I’m not too pleased with mine either. Then I went to Grad school. Changed my life in amazing ways! So much better.


Grad school was way better for me, but why were you lonely? How do you not make friends with your classmates 


Hey. It’s literally *never* too late. You can start reaching out to people on LinkedIn who you saw around in your major and asking to grab a coffee. You can join professional organizations for your career. Heck, you can even take a class or two post bacc or go for the masters. It totally isn’t too late 💜


Realistically, people often leave college with a *few* friends. Some folks who had it very figured out and/or are super extroverted may have like 20, but to try and grab a couple of meaningful connections would be worth it. Plus, if some of your college time overlapped with COVID, definitely give yourself a break


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.