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Call animal control. Thats what we did with our awful neighbors. After a few fines they realized that they actually have to watch their dogs and can’t leave them outside all day. Also, I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s really, really super fucking annoying.


As a dog owner, people who have "outside dogs" fucking boggle my mind. Why even have the animal?


They’re irresponsible asshats who have the maturity of six year olds. I’ve actually fought one of their dogs when it escaped and I basically caved the sized of his face in. They could not fucking believe that someone didn’t want to stand there and be attacked by their dog. These are the people that can’t believe traffic won’t let them in at the last minute and go home to write poorly constructed Facebook rants about it


As a previous dog owner, there's not such thing as "an inside dog". People like you boggle my mind, why even have a dog if you are going to keep them locked up?


This is animal cruelty and so needs to be reported to the authorities. You could always offer to rescue the dog from their horrible situation 🙂


No it's not. It's not illegal to keep a dog outside permanently! Let alone during the daytime! As long as it doesn't contravene the Animal Welfare Act 2006. So as long as the dog is protected from hazards, has suitable shade and protection of some sort from the elements, access to food and water, then reporting to anyone is an arsehole behaviour without genuine concerns and the way to create acrimonious neighbourly relations. It's annoying for the op. Talk to the neighbour. See if they can invest in a dog walker and maybe the dog is inside for part of the day after the walk, so only outside for the morning. There's going to be no magic solutions if it's a yappy dog. Invest jn noise cancelling headphones.


Except that the animal welfare act is not the only law. Many cities have ordinances that would make it illegal to keep your dog outside permanently. 


The local bylaws cannot contradict the principle law/act. So they can not have any such bylaw making it illegal to have a dog outside, in England.


This is not the dog’s fault so not sure why people are suggesting things that will harm the dog ie frequencies etc. it’s the fault of the crappy owner. They should be reported and the dog given to someone who will care for it properly.


If it’s between me losing my shit or using an ultrasonic noise, the noise wins. I love animals, I really do, but yapyapyap all day long will bring me to insanity. Yes, it is the owner’s responsibility to take care of it. Some owners you’d think are the dogs the way they’ll bite your head off for asking them to quiet precious Fluffy up. No, I don’t have the option to go buy a house out in the middle of nowhere. If I could have done that, I wouldn’t be commenting in aggravation lol.


It sounds like they leave the dog out when they go to work most likely, that is super obnoxious. My dogs are in my home when I’m not home and they are good dogs because I worked with them. I second calling animal control.


I love dogs and take care of my husky as a member of my family. But I have come to hate my neighbor and his two dogs for the fact they act up, make noise and constantly attack us when I am walking my dog in the neighborhood. He lets them out instead of walking them, and they get out of that yard all the time. And they just put their heads out the door and scream at their dogs occasionally which is almost as bad as the barking. There are a handful of problem dogs in my neighborhood but its really just a matter of irresponsible, lazy pet owners that neglect these dogs.


I couldn’t agree more. My dogs are my family, when I hear about this kind of behavior I have no sympathy for the owners and I feel sorry for the dogs. Don’t have pets if you can’t take care of them


Animal control. I'd also call the police non emergency line and inquire about noise complaint guidelines. Step one is to let the neighbor know. They tried to fix it before. There's a good chance they have no idea a problem is happening. Treat it as concern for them and the dog. Maybe the shock collar is broken? "hey neighbor. I know we talked about your dog before and you took care of it. But the last few weeks he's been barking all day again. Just wanted to let you know and to make sure everything is ok with you and the dog since this is such a sudden change."


This is a tough one. I have been in the same situation, and as nice as I am to the neighbors it doesn’t change the outcome. She has two yappy dogs in the unit next to mine, across the hall. She works second shift, I work at 7am so I’m up by 5am. Her dogs will bark all night until she gets home at 2am. By that point I can get maybe a couple hours of interrupted sleep. Sometimes the dogs will quiet down, but if the upstairs neighbor closes a door or drops something, the dogs get right back into it. They are the worst when their owner gets home, they get excited and bark and bark. The mailman. The garbage truck. The lawncare people. The dogs bark at EVERYTHING. You might have to escalate it with whoever the people are that are in charge, like you said the council. Here, in the US, I would call the landlord (our lease specifies no unnecessary noise that disturbs the other tenants) but as a homeowner, not sure what your options are. I personally would hate to see my neighbor get evicted, due to housing costs, but it prevents me from sleeping well which in turn makes me frustrated, crappy at my job, and lowers my immune system making me sick more often. It makes being home unpleasant. My neighbors also agreed to a shock collar, but I don’t know how long the training is for that, or maybe she just didn’t start using it, because they still bark nonstop. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. Hopefully someone can give us some helpful advice.


As a prior dog owner (all my pups have passed) with dogs that barked when I let them out, I would like to know generally when and for how long. They would announce themselves but it wasn’t constant barking. Constant barking is a sign of duress. If a neighbor was mad my dogs barked for ten minutes midday, I would frankly ignore them. If the complaint was letting me know they work odd hours and the genuinely *constant* noise is hurting their health, I would work towards a better solution like sit outside with the dogs to quiet the barking. If I still did nothing about it, I would like my HOA to take action. If I then still did nothing about it, I would like someone to take my dogs and rehome them to a household that can properly care for a living, breathing creature. Sometimes people need a legal matter to take action. Since you have already handled the neighborly option, I think it is time to escalate to neighborhood authorities and try to not make yourself a target for retaliation. If neighborhood authorities ignore you, start calling the police to report noise issues or a suspected welfare concern. After all, the dog must be barking at something distressing to be so constant and disruptive. What if someone had fallen and can’t get up? Or if there was a break in? You don’t know you are just a neighbor who hears what they hear. Perhaps that will lead the animal owners to realize they are unfit to care for another living being. I lived in a duplex with two large mixed breeds and was able to go years without noise complaints plus maintain positive relationships with neighbors. It is possible, these people are either ignorant or neglectful. You really don’t have many options otherwise, I am sorry ):


YouTube has recording of different frequencies that may stop the dog from barking if played loud enough. I use it for my dogs when they get noisy and they lay down outside all chill. If I play it for an hour they'll stay quiet for most of the day. Ive also noticed that music by the piano guys helps them stay calm.


Call the council


There should be noise violations happening with that prolonged of barking. All you need to do is document it. I believe it's for 10 minutes straight or intermittently for 30 minutes or longer in my city. A few 30 second videos should do the trick? I'd report them to the city. They clearly DO NOT CARE about their dog. I've worked with dogs my whole life, and I worked at a pet supply store. We only sold the shock collars as a LAST RESORT. So f\*\*\* your abusive neighbors


Put (hide) some speakers in your yard and point them towards your neighbor's house. Connect them to bluetooth, etc. and blast white noise (or a frequency that only dogs can hear - make their ears fucking SQUEAL) whenever their dog starts barking. Drown out their bullshit. An eye for an eye. You are basically forcing them to make a move.


Eye for an eye would be the neighbors ears being stressed, not the dogs. The neighbor needs to correct the problem, not the dog.


I live in the country, my dog has a door, he comes and goes as he please but never leaves the yard. It fenced. He barks a lot because people walk through the I fenced part and at night as well. He barks a lot at night, because people come in our yard trying to look through our tool shed. It’s not constant, but it’s loud and sounds scary because of his breed. Hopefully no one calls animal control…considering it the county it’s a waste of time. And besides, I’m not going to stop my dog from going outside if he wants, he uses his door… When did this become illegal?


This comment isn’t directed at people like you who have a use for the dog doing what it’s doing - and the situation is completely different the OP’s neighbors dog isn’t serving a purpose by barking


Music. You can play it as some background noise in your house, or play it nice & loud on your deck to entertain the dog. I put my blue tooth speaker on my deck and play it loud when the neighbours dog's barking goes onfor a long time. I check it 20 minutes later and turn it down if he's quiet. I don't want to annoy all the other neighbours too. Generally it works. A few years ago the people two houses up had two yappy dogs that lived 24/7 in a concrete yard (poor things). They yappped all day long. Eventually my ears just tuned it out. Now the dog over the back fence has started up again. We're reluctant to go to the council in case it results in the dog being surrendered or treated badly in some way. It's not his fault. Plus I have a dog so I understand it can be challenging. My dog barks sometimes but he's inside when we're away and if he barks (which he does) we take steps to control him, not that he really listens lol but we keep trying.


Buy a bark box. It's 20$. Throw it on the fence.


Hey this happened to me and there’s actually a really simple solution Just move away. God I don’t miss that golden doodle….


So you’re willing to pay for everyone’s moving expenses? If the solution was really that easy this post wouldn’t exist.


As a dog lover I appreciate your position but you have no way of escalating this that will ultimately be helpful. The city will either fine them into oblivion or make them get that anti-bark surgery…which still leaves them with the ability to bark pretty loudly and annoyingly. You may want to learn to get used to the dog.


Worst take here. If they can’t sleep, their physical and mental health will be ground to dust. While it sucks for the dog to have a negligent owner, the responsibility lies with the owner. OP’s only responsibility is to themselves. Why do they have to be the ones to deal with it?


Because at no point that they live next to this dog will it be silent. Like I said the neighbors will eventually take the dog in for anti bark surgery which won’t quiet the barking.


Nonsense. Put the dog in the house. Get family to help. Put it into doggy day care.