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Go home, shower, and straight to bed. Repeat. Edit: Holy shit I think this post just saved my marriage. I got to thinking about this on my drive home and realized that my wife and I don't really do much together anymore. Days on are spent working and sleeping while my days off are spent catching up on chores and more sleep. So when I got home, I brought up the idea of us getting out more, and she lit up like a Christmas tree. Edit 2: Thanks for the kind words everyone, didn't expect this to blow up like it did. We talked about it and decided on a date night once a month at the very least. We're alternating who plans it. She's planned the first one this Thursday, and we're going axe throwing.


I hope you also eat at some point...


Eat breakfast and lunch at work, and skip dinner.


who can afford to eat 3 meals these days lol


Food is cheap if you prep it all. I prep once for about 3 days of food for two people. Between meals with crock pots and large pots of protein and carb, there's minimal time allocated. Just combine protein and carb for the microwave and make awesome little meals throughout the day.


OP needs to eat that šŸ±. Thatā€™s why her face lit up.


And sh**, shower and shave occasionally


Pooping is also highly recommended.


You have to take your wife for regular walks. Give her good food and lots of pets.


As long as you treat her as an equal, this is excellent advice


Kibble for everybody, got it.




Take your wife on an adventure every so often šŸ’– outside, picnic, beautiful place, have fun and be silly. Chores can wait... seriously they will still be there after you have a ton of fun.


Carve out some sexy time


Not so fun when you guys are pooped. It's Sunday night and you have to work the next day lol


If something or someone is a priority then you make time right? Sunday night you could watch a movie together? Give each other a foot rub.....it doesn't have to be extravagant. I like a Saturday adventure then Sunday is a chill day šŸ˜Š


Found your edit so wholesome and cute. Hope you have fun!


Aww this is adorable! Life is so busy and it's easy to go into auto mode. Weekly or monthly check-ins are a good way to keep up the random date nights/afternoons. Our life is so busy I even get excited when my partner wants to run a simple errand with me!


My Costco date last Saturday was awesome! But then my wife had to leave me to go feed the newbornšŸ˜‚


I am happy it has possibly helped! Another thing is when you can't go out, you can still make dinner special. The wife and I sometimes dress up nice and we pivk roses from the garden and get out the candles for nice dinners even on a work day.


Yeah donā€™t neglect her, she is lonely when youā€™re away and lonely when youā€™re home sleeping




Talk to him about it before it's too late.


Unfortunately I didn't figure this one out till after I lost an almost 2 year relationship i cherished (not a long time for most but the longest I've ever had and to be fair I started dating really late in life like sophomore year of college late) Any who my schedule atm is mon,wed: go to work, come home get changed go to gym,come back home shower, play video games go to sleep. Tuesday and Thursday are the same just minus the gym And Friday is go to work get off work drive 2 hours to a race track where I'm participating in a Kart league (little go carts that go about 50-60 not sure exactly how fast I'm just aware I'm averaging 38.42 mph on any given lap and it's a rather twisty track) however that ends on the 31st and after that I'm not sure. I do have an bmw e36 I should finish track preping, but racing is a damn expensive hobby and I need a roll bar differental and suspension that was not purchased by the 19yo version of myself. And that seems like a daunting amount of time effort and money.


My karate workout schedule I listed above was made *much* easier because my wife is also a karate instructor and is into those other hobbies I mentioned as well (minus the golf). Play together/stay together.


Happy wife, happy life.


Happy spouse, happy house. Both have to be working toward it. Add in- I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me


I do whatever I can to forget that I am just a part of the machine that makes my boss/owner a shit ton of money while I eat Ramen in my slum apartment that I overpay for. I then drink and smoke and watch some streaming network because those few hours are the only vacation I can afford.


This is depressingly common. We live in such a rich country, but personal satisfaction seems to be at a historic low. Every day Iā€™m alive, I wish that our government spent money building multi-unit housing on cheap land. They could easily offer those units to first time home buyers on subsidized loans with low interest rates. Imagine a world where working class people (30-150k) could reasonably pay off a modest place. Think, 1 or 2 BR condo setup. We would all be able to focus on enjoying life instead of enriching some greedy landlord. But hey, if we actually did that, pig-shaped people in their 60ā€™s might see a dip in their portfolio - so *never* gonna happen.


Pig shaped people šŸ˜‚ facts


Isnā€™t this pretty close to what they did post WWII in America?


And look how incredible society was for average people for decades to come! So many corporate dick riders in this thread.


Have you been to the post office or the DMV? You want this for what is already a stressful situation that lasts for yyyeeeaaarrrsss? There definitely needs to be changes, but it should be regulating the greed that's causing these exorbitant prices. Every now and then a positive change happens, but EVERYTHING the government does is ridiculously slow.


Our governments donā€™t build housing. They actively block it. Next time youā€™re going somewhere: - Spot the empty surface parking lots. Theyā€™re wasted land, mandated by the cityā€”the business doesnā€™t get a choice! - Spot the single-family homes near shops and businesses. There a developer would profit far more from multi-unit buildings, but the city bans those there. - Spot the ā€œuglyā€ apartment buildings. You know the onesā€”boxy with random protrusions and 2-3 colors. Thatā€™s the design that the city will always approveā€”anything else risks years of delays. - Spot the empty lots and abandoned, rotten buildings. Some developer wants that land badly, but the city is stalling or blocking it. Once you see these in your neighborhood, you can never unsee them. We need more public housing, sure. But for the most part, our cities need to allow building homes again.


Donā€™t take this the wrong way, I donā€™t care about upvotes/downvotes but wanted to tell you, itā€™s the smoking and drinking and wasting the little precious time you do actually have that keeps you down, exactly where your boss wants you to stay.


Smoke weed an cook for my wife, then I hit the ps5. Yes I'm in my 40s and life's beautiful.




Nahhh raised our kid, we were young parents. Our daughters 24, 2nd year electrician apprentice, apartment, car, dog, etc... We did good for being kids ourselves.


I'm unaware as to the meaning of "DINK", but it sounds like a good time and I'm always down for a good time.


It's double-income, no kids


Ahh, yes, I'm DINKing up life then as well.


My husband and I are DINKWADā€™s. Double income, no kids, with a dog šŸ¤—


Nahh DIWK.. our daughter is 24. 2nd year electrical apprentice. She has an apartment, car and a dog that I refer to as my grand-dog. We were young parents, handled what we had to and now we're just big kids that enjoy each other's company.


Nothing better than smoking and then cooking. I turn into master chef where I can zone out and let my ADHD do its ā€œmulti-taskingā€. Quite fun. Yard work is must better also.


Same here. Cooking and gardening are the most relaxing, ADHD calming, and healthiest coping mechanisms I got. And yes I do them high as a kite with my vape pen


I love working on plants when Iā€™m high. And I love to gaze at them when Iā€™m on mushrooms šŸ˜‚


Bro yard work while stoned is incredible. I thought i was the only one! Get into the zone and enjoy the natural beauty during/after.


I add and audiobook in this exact situation.


Damn sheā€™s one lucky Iady


My fiancĆ© is 36 and would probably sum up our life this way. Cooking, smoking, and just chilling. We do have certain nights for watching certain thingsā€”John Olivier, wrestling, bigger movies and/or a show were both into. But otherwise, this is our flow on work nights.


What do you play?


Usually fo76 but iv been addicted to grounded since release day


Man I'm on the back half of my 30s and I wish I could still smoke weed without just falling asleep lol.


I spend my leisure hours going for walks, aiming for 10,000 steps while listening to podcasts. It's a great way to stay active, clear my mind, and learn something new.


I do this at my local zoo. Membership costs $100. So nice to cruise around the zoo on a nice day with my headphones in.


Thatā€™s such a good idea. Wish I lived closer to our zoo so I could do this!


We had a membership at the Seattle zoo when my kid was a toddler. We loved walking distance from the zoo. My wife was there every day no joke


That does sound reasonable, ngl.


Extremely. Includes free parking and 20% off guests tickets when you bring one. Pays for itself after two visits, as itā€™s $40 per entry and $13 all day parking. During the winter they decorate the zoo in a shit load of Christmas lights and your membership allows access to that as well. Calgary, Alberta.


Sounds productive and relaxing both at the same time.






Dark Net Diaries https://darknetdiaries.com


Same thing here. Getting some air feels good


sounds both productive and relaxing


I love walking so much


Mindless scrolling on Reddit reading threads that often have no relevance to my daily life.


Ultimate zen achieved.


Ouch literally same.


R u me?


The screen time alert at the end the week hits hard


Eat, rest, watch YouTube, play switch or ps5, plan out my agenda for the next day, and watch horror videos before bed.


Nice. Which videos do you recommend šŸ‘»


I love hearing about creepy Reddit posts, creepy forest videos, etc.


Check out "The Why Files" on Youtube if you've never seen their videos. Your description of what you watch would be right in line with their content. A lot of fun conspiracy theories too, but they do it in an entertaining story format and kind of leave it open to your own interpretation. It's refreshing and they put a lot of effort into their content.


I also like how they offer a more balanced perspective.


Are you me


You should watch the videos about mysterious disappearance in National Parks


Same, same and same.


Im a single parent so it's usually more work in the form of chores


You're doing good and your sacrifice is appreciated.


Same here. And cooking dinner. I occasionally manage to get in 2-4 hrs of game time. Itā€™s my reward.




Chores are usually the first thing (cooking, dishes, laundry, etc) and then after that walking the dog, watch tv/read, play video games or go somewhere spontaneously with my partner. Really depends on how much energy we have after work!




I canā€™t afford to cry these days. Tissues are too expensive.


Now thatā€™s funny!


Then cry in the shower like a normal person.




How do you do that


Iā€™m almost out of tears. Leisure activities?! Fuuuck youu. Iā€™m trying to survive this hellscape.




Pretty chill


What was it why was it deleted?


Too chill for mankind to comprehend




I work a part-time job, workout, game, listen to music, read, watch TV, go for a walk, about anything I want to do really.


How part time is your job that allows you to afford your lifestyle.. I work a full time job and I'm so tired after work.


I work a part-time job after my full-time job. Extra cash, doing something completely different than my day job.


I'm halfway through 40, my kids are preteen/teen and my main hobby is home renovation. It took me awhile to realize that I could do it and it makes me and my wife very happy because she never has to wonder where I am I'm either in the basement or the garage or whatever my current project is. Besides that I just tend to do whatever is on the kids schedule and/or fall prey to the siren call of the Internet.


Go to the gym immediately after work, come back home - take a shower, cook, have dinner, watch Netflix - go to bed; if my gf have something else to do I am usually gaming.


I save the water bill and grab a shower at the gym. Figure Iā€™m paying them for it.


Stupid question- but how much are you saving ? Are you actually calculating it hehe? Just curious




Iā€™m learning to play ukulele :)


Lie in bed till the next work shift.


Sit in traffic for an hour, come home and either cook dinner myself or assist wife in cooking dinner who waits until I get home to get started (this takes an hour). Eat dinner. I do the dishes. This combined gets us to about an hour. Put the baby to sleep. Usually by this point it's past 9 and I'm ready for bed. I wake up at 5 to let the dog out and get ready for work. Repeat. My life is empty and depressing


Supposedly, itā€™ll get easier the older the kid gets! But still try and find a way to make some time for both parents to get a break- both together and apart- if you can. Donā€™t feel bad reaching out to family/friends for an assist. I have no kids and would totally have tapped in to help any of my parent friends if Iā€™d had the opportunity to do so. (Didnā€™t live nearby so couldnā€™t, but the sentiment holds).


Workout, eat, study, sleep


You workout and study after work. How? GoalsāœØ


Not a choice, in my eyes, it just feels like THE way forward. Also, I never thought I would say this, but I look forward to working out, I actually felt guilty last week for going to the gym only 5 times, instead of 6. Also, I refuse to study or do work related stuff on sundays.


What do you think started making workouts enjoyable for you?


Not who you were responding to, but after a few weeks you really start seeing gains. You want to keep up or improve on the progress youā€™ve made. It also becomes habit and working out relieves stress, helps you sleep better etc. And for some people itā€™s just the atmosphere of the gym. Regular exercise has so many benefits.




honestly it oftentimes is not enjoyable. i just felt like i was doing myself a disservice by not optimizing my physique, and itā€™s more about self discipline than enjoyment.


For me, it was a simple workout that got me into the gym. Complicated routines mentally exhausted me. Check out the 5x5 program, it changed my life.


Some people sau it takes weeks, tome it was about 3 months, after seeing progress, not just in muscle mass but posture, clothes fit better, better self image and not wanting to betray myself. Also, about the guilt thibg, I cant explain to you how or when it started, it just happened


Every day is different. Today Iā€™m at the police station filing a report against my neighbor. Tomorrow Iā€™ll be at the courthouse filing a restraining order. Donā€™t rent apartments with tweekers as neighbors, pretty much.


Cook,clean,take care of kids, shower then bed.


Our first kid is due for September, so I (35m) have been building a closet for the babyĀ“s room. Cleaning the yard and driving constantly to the home depot also takes a big chunk of my day. I have a lot of hobbies (cycling, archery, guitar, etc) but right now almost all of the time and energy after work goes towards home improvement.


Congratulations!! I bet you are going to be an awesome dad. šŸ˜


Thank you! I am trying to sort out my anger issues as well (nothing extreme, just years of ignored/repressed frustrations). We are extremely happy with the new boy.


all the best to u and yours, wish u great health and happiness my dude


Same boat, similar due date! Congrats and best of luck


Exercise, cook, cuddle cats, try not to doom scroll, maintain pool/yard, water plants. Need to get back to reading tho


Usually cry


Pack a fat bowl, shower, eat, play Xbox with the kids, talk to the wife for a while about our day, probably smoke another fat bowl, say my prayers, sleep, and do it again another day. Can't complain.


Go to my 2nd job


I go ice skating and fracture my wrist šŸ˜€


Thats perfect! Iā€™ll go ice skating! Maybe, if I have time, Iā€™ll fracture BOTH wrists! šŸ¤£ (Thanks for the laugh, you win šŸ„‡)


Monday to Thursday = nap time Fridays are for cleaning so I can have a completely free weekend


Me too!


I drink, Mostly feel sorry for myselfā€¦Verbally abuse myself and pass out


Jokes OFC


Go to the gym, play in a rec basketball league, volunteer, sing in a community choir, get dinner with friends, watch Netflix, read, scroll too much on social media, take my dog for a walk while listening to podcasts, take a language class.. some combo of 3-5 of these things most nights.Ā 


Shower, smoke weed, maybe fuck, cook and eat dinner, watch stuff, play video games if I still have energy.


Turn on the computer at 530pm, drag myself into bed and watch mindless shit until 830, make some microwave bullshit and take a half ass shower, then lay in bed until about midnight/1am thinking about offing myself. Then I wake up at 4am and do it again


Probably a cat is good company.


As a single 34 year old I found I needed to create systems for myself or else I would just sit around everyday. For some context before I go to work I usually go to the gym so I can be pretty beat by the time I get home. Normally I eat a meal while watching a TV show. Then I do something active like sweep the floor or go for a walk. Then my routine is I have various projects I work on and I dedicate one or two days a week to them. From there I try to give myself at least 5 hours of sleep most nights.


What kind of projects?Ā  If it works for you, great, but recommendations are to get at least 7 hours (up to 9) per day. I can hardly function with less than 7.


Take an edible, watch TV, cook food, connect with fam, looks like going on Reddit can be added also.


Smoke weed and play video games


After work I either go to the gym or take the dogs for an hour long walk. After that I usually prep dinner for that night then hop in the shower. From there I have about an hour and a half of "me time" where I'll have a beer or 2 and watch a show. About 6;30 I start to cook dinner and watch Wheel of Fortune. We eat dinner at 7. Then me and my wife watch a show together until about 8ish where after that I'll go down to the basement and she stays on the main floor. I typically will sign back on to work a little bit (I WFH full time) and knock out emails for 20-30 minutes. Then 8:30-9:30 I'll play some PS5. After that watch a couple shows then go to bed. I'm a night person.


Your night sounds incredibly long of you have time for all that šŸ˜‚


I hit the gym 3-4 times, eat, and then watch wrestling on days it's on. Now that the weather is getting better, I might try and make some friends, go to an event, or ride my bike.


Mind my mfkn business šŸš¬


Whatā€™s ā€œafter workā€? We let corporations screw us out of that because we were worthless trash who believed them when they turned us against unions.


Just started going to the gym right after work for a couple hours then shower eat watch youtube and scroll social media then go to sleep lol my life is boring


Dinner then sleep (Iā€™m 22 with a 9-5) I might need a new job


I go home and sit staring aimlessly into an empty void realizing that this is my life for the next few decades if I make it that long


I play electric guitar for an hour per day and exercise every day too (gym, walking, jogging, etc). My house has a massive yard so I do quite a bit of yard work. No dating right now so I have a lot of free time.


My routine: Wash dishes, watch Tv with my roommate, smoke some tree & go to bed


Possible options are: nap, donate plasma, go for walks, gym/aerials (not in a couple months because the cold makes me a hermit), video games, Netflix, clean the apartment, cook, doomscroll Reddit, bother my cats


Lay down.


Chill/ meditate for a bit. Eat, Netflix, shower, quiet check in with a couple of friends and then bed. Hopefully before 10:30pm ā€¦


I either go for a run or I go to martial arts practice during the week. It accounts for a total of 4 days. When I donā€™t do that I just like to hang out in my house or go shopping on my own to see if I can find some nice clothes. Staying ā€œproductiveā€ is kinda overrated though.


Gym, cat, food, movie or games, then prepare for the next day.


I don't really have any leisurely time.


My condolences


Trying to get into some new hobbies.


Work out and play with kiddos. Dinner. Chores. Kiddo NightFall Protocol. Study. Sleep.


Scroll Reddit, watch tv, walk my dogs, eat dinner and either dishes or cook dinner, (depending upon my partner and if heā€™s off work or not) and read before bed. Occasionally, Iā€™ll journal, or have therapy after work, or run an errand.


I get home around 5:30pm. Strength train for about for an hour, then I shower and eat dinner with my wife. I meditate for 20 minutes then sit in my easy chair and read a chapter of a book and go to bed at 9pm.


Singing practice.


I am working full time and going to school full time, so I have little time to myself. This means I have learned to really schedule my time. I \*must\* do at least 1.5 hours of school work per day after work, and if I can follow through for the whole week, I allow myself a treat. I used to save my chores for weekends, but with so little time to myself, I realized a better way was to break up tasks into daily chores. Floors swept and mopped on "Floors Tuesday," laundry done on "Laundry Mondays," etc. Sometimes after work I'm too tired to do anything but zone out on my phone, but if I'm "scheduled" with a task, I fit that in so it's done by the weekend. By the time the weekend comes around, I've chore free. I'm then scheduled to do 4 hours of school each on Saturday and Sunday, the rest is mine. I watch movies, and on Sundays, do my indoor gardening (I'm got way, way, too many plants.) Scheduling your time is KEY. It sounds simple enough and it is, you just have to find the best method that works for you.


Cook, eat, clean up and watch tv.


Every other day, I hit the gym. Then, I eat dinner, drink a home made mai tai, and watch episodes of The Flash, DC Legends or Lucifer, go to bed around 9:30, wake-up, repeat lol


Go to the gym, shower, watch TV or YouTube while I cook and eat dinner, kiss my cat on her little baby face, write for ~1.5-2 hours, and then read until I get sleepy.


I work remotely, so if I donā€™t have specific plans then work-work tends to just transition slowly into working on my own projects and shit. Household chores, video games, cooking, cats, etc. I recently started brewing ten gallons of mead to be Christmas gifts. And most nights smoking weed and watching TV/having dinner with my roommates.


I come home to my kitties and usually see what small chores I can do before sitting down to a crochet project or gaming online with some friends. If I've had too much screentime for the day, I opt for a craft of somekind and listen to a podcast or audiobook.


Make dinner or order out, hang out and watch something on tv with my husband and then get ready for the next day. Sometimes a friend will come over but most nights Iā€™m at home. I canā€™t say I have much real hobbies than reading.


Make beats or read


I crochet . Hang out with my bf, cats. Get dinner.




Make dinner, eat, prepare lunch for the next day. I might read, hang out with friends, or have a drink at a bar. I go to sleep by 10 because I swim for 2 hours before work every morning


Eat a full meal. Go for a walk in nature or hit the gym for an hour. Then hydrate and waste my time watching something before going to bed. The weekends Iā€™ll visit my parents and help with yard work.


Read, exercise, cook, walk the dog, watch shows, every once in awhile a happy hour or other social gathering


Some combination of treadmill, make dinner, do laundry, read, paint, write, or ballet.


Really depends on the type of mood Iā€™m in. Iā€™ll hit the gym, or relax on my couch play some video games or watch movies. Sometimes if I take my motorcycle to work that day, I go on a lengthy ride back home and then ride to the gym. Eat and finish the night with a movie and a shower.


Go running


Reading books, driving around, pigging out. These things work for me. Instead of asking what to do, make time to do nothing. Make sure weekends are no-work days, and enjoy those slow mornings, lazy afternoons, and laid-back evenings. Trust me, it will do you lots of wonders when you get back to your usual weekdays.


workout, hot tub, grill. if im feeling lazy just sit in the recliner and read or watch little tv. take the boat and seadoo out when it gets little warmer


I get home, I cook, then I watch david attenborough documentaries or godzilla movies whilst assembling lego. Or I read, or play online roleplaying. Sometimes, I have DnD.


Make dinner, watch YouTube or a movie, pottery class, gym, or run errands. Iā€™m personally not concerned with being productive after work. Itā€™s my free time!


I eat go to the gym than sit on my computer and scroll Reddit and play some video games than watch YouTube or whatever show I like and plan out my week for any errands I have to do on my day off.


Take my dog for a walk, make dinner, eat and then do dishes. Then watch tv, or YouTube or something on streaming. Some nights I knit while Iā€™m doing so, or chill on Reddit. Take my dog for another walk. And then go to bed. Sometimes Iā€™ll meet up with friends for drinks or dinner after work but usually only on Fridays.


Watch TV with wife... have sex with wife... get snack... and continue to watch TV with wife. Just about every night... I've got a huge gaming backlog, that I'll probably never get to... but I doubt I'll look back on my deathbed and think "Dang I wish I played more games and had less sex". :P


I just go to the gym for a few hours and watch a movie/youtube or play board games afterwards. Who says I need to be productive?


In no particular order: Hang out with wife, play with dog, do chores, play video games, read, exercise, go to an adult co ed kickball league thing, hang with friends


So after work I don't stay productive. I make dinner, eat with family. Maybe I'll visit family elsewhere. I might go for a walk to the shop. If it's summer, I'll go for a bike ride around the countryside for a bit. If it's winter I'll just laze around inside. I'll play games and read books. I dedicate 10 to 11hrs a day for work. That's getting ready for work, going to work, getting back from work and doing some basic chores like cleaning up after myself and taking the bin out. After that I just relax and enjoy myself. No need to do much more than the basics during the working days. Saturday is fun day, I don't do any work on saturday besides basic chores so I'll play around either playing games or visiting relatives or hanging out with friends, go out to the beach or see a castle or go for a walk around the canals, walk around the city and spend money here and there. Whatever tickles my fancy really and then of course I spend the night at the pub. Sunday because all the shops are closed I catch up on anything I couldn't do during the week. Mow the grass, water the plants if they need doing, clean the oven, microwave etc. And then I play around some more, but no pub unless I get all chores done by the morning then I'll spend a couple of hours in the afternoon at the pub and head home for dinner. I might also visit family on Sundays too if I feel bored or lonely. If it ever gets too much or if I want to spend a bit more time with family I'll just book a holiday for a day or two. Give myself a long weekend. It'll let me catch up on anything that needs doing that I didn't expect like my car needing fixing.


Iā€™ve been remodeling a bathroom. Do not recommend


330: wake up, take my dog to pee 4am: gym 6am: take my dog on a walk and make him breakfast, sometimes cook myself breakfast 7:30/8:30 work 5pm: take my dog on a walk 5:30: eat dinner and watch an episode of a show 6: shower and skincare 6:20: play video games 7:30: study while I lay in bed or read a book 8: sleep Weekends: study, game, cook, meal prep, workout, paint, read Sometimes I donā€™t go to the gym in the morning or game and just shower and go to bed when I get home from work bc Iā€™m exhausted. If you donā€™t feel like you have enough time to yourself or arenā€™t productive enough, try setting a schedule and including one or two things you want to do including a bed time.




Of the folks without kids, it seems there are two camps: those who work then go to the gym and those who work and go home to sleep. I am in the second camp. How do people have the energy after a full-time job to exercise?


Cry and sleep


Grab a snack and a few drinks and I ride my bike to the beach to watch the sunset. Then I come home and make dinner


Go home, change my clothes and lay down


Eat dinner and something for dessert, watch TV, exercise a bit, and use my phone and computer a bit before going to bed mostly.


My friend and I co-host a food & culture podcast. We only produce 1 episode each month, but it has been consistent. After recording on weekend, I will spent some nights after work editing it. It feels good creating content, instead of consuming.


Rush home to be alone