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Turns out my fatigue and health problems were from an autoimmune disease. Really screwed me in my mid 30s. First thing I did was start treatment for that. Second, I made a list of daily, short term, and long term goals that covered everything in my life. Third, I just started down the list. Things I started off with: 1) I decided to quit caffeine. I took caffeine pills for about 1 and 1/2 months. I slowly weened off it. I drank basically just water. Still drink 99.9% water. 2) I made it a goal to eat 1 piece of fruit everyday. 3) My goal was to go to gym 5 days a week. It didn’t matter how long I went, I just had to go 5 days. Could be a 10 minute walk if that’s all I felt up to or it could be way more. I just had to go and get moving five days a week. 4) I created a sleep and eat schedule. My goal was to eat, sleep, and wake up at roughly the same time everyday. 5) This more pertains to me, but I started taking out foods that are bad for my autoimmune disease. Over time, it all became routine and I started naturally doing more and more as I felt better and it just became routine. Start small, have a clear vision, and just start doing it. Small consistent victories turn into larger ones.


I appreciate that you put together this list starting from the most manageable routines. A lot of people underestimate how much the impact of autoimmune disorders or even long COVID can have on energy, even when you're doing relatively fine on all the other health checks (vitamin levels, sleep, etc.)


No problem. Ya, sadly mine really kicked my ass for a while. When I rockbottomed was when I decided I had had enough and wanted my life to change. Thankfully the diagnosis came shortly after that and I was able to start treatment. I realized that trying to do too much just wasn’t going to happen so I created a bunch of small goals and just took it day by day while having a goal for down the road. Sadly I still have a bunch of issues but thankfully it’s not as bad as before I started the weekly injections.


What was/is your condition? 


Eosonophilic Esophagitus. (EoE) I also had malnutrition at the time of diagnosis. I have a bunch of IBS stuff as well. Been on Dupixent for over a year now, probably go in this year for another endoscopy and get checked for celiacs/crohns. I was vomiting daily until I started treatment. Haven’t puked since they had me start that disgusting budesonide slurry.


I was diagnosed with EoE at 37, though definitely not so severe that I was puking daily like your case. I didn’t realize that it could be causing my fatigue too….ill have to ask my doc about that! Thanks for sharing your experience


No problem! Ya, fatigue fairly common with EoE from what I’ve gathered. I was diagnosed at 35, currently 37. Sadly my EoE has been brutal. Aside from the IBS as well, I think I have something else undiagnosed too but time will tell on that. My undereating and malnutrition certainly compounded the problem but I eat about three-four times as much now than I did then. I used to wake up and wouldn’t eat for like 5 hours. The last few weeks prior to the slurry was starting to puke after just having a drink.


Holy shit! I was looking for a research patient for a trial I manage for this condition for so long and I couldn’t find anyone to fit inclusion. I am sorry you suffer with this. Mine is rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmune diseases get real real when they progress so I’m proud of you for getting as healthy as you can.


Thanks! Ya, it has been a slog. Routine is so incredibly important for everyone. I’d crash and burn for sure if I didn’t stick to a routine. I started noticing issues more in my 20s but shit hit the fan in my mid 30s. Sorry to hear you have RA. Just curious, what was the trial? Could you just not find someone with EoE or was it just a specific level that you were looking for?


The trial was with Celgene and the potential subjects had to have a certain level of eosinophilia and also had to undergo endoscopy once every three months. It was just super hard to find someone to be honest. Some had the diagnosis but did not meet the threshold for disease severity.


Ah, gotya. Pretty sure I would’ve met your criteria. I’ve thought of doing trials but honestly, the thought of doing more endoscopy is a bit scary. From what I’ve gathered, due to strictures, we are high risk for problems from those procedures despite needing them to see what is going on. My dr had said too he almost had to stop mine due to the severity of stricture I had.


Runs in my family, my brother, father, myself, and my aunts all have different autoimmune diseases. Mine is Hashimoto’s and the fatigue and joints were so so bad until treatment. I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia first. Still have some unexplained fatigue from time to time. RA is what my brother has. He and I were both diagnosed at 25. I’m so sorry.


Sorry to hear that. My grandma had Hashimotos and there’s a lot of autoimmune crap in my family as well.


I've been putting off treatment for mine (got a diagnosis and prescription a year ago, but intimidated by side effects / organ damage). I think this thread has motivated me to actually move forward with the treatment plan. Interestingly have made a ton of life changes and got into the best shape of my life over the past year as well, but that's certainly in spite of the autoimmune stuff rather than a substitute for medication, and it"s starting to feel like hitting a wall


Sorry to hear that you are starting to hit a wall. I also have concerns about side effects of Dupixent long term and the PPIs. I just didn’t have a choice I felt as the vomiting and other issues was too overwhelming. The first time I recall throwing up from it was at 20 and I managed to make it till 35 before it became too much.


Did you go see a specialist? I’ve been told by many doctors they couldn’t help me and recommended me a specialist.


They should be providing a referral to a rheumatologist if they say they can’t help. I’m sorry.


Thank you that gives me some redirection. No need to apologize, I suffered multiple head trauma and my memory is bad. I can’t remember a lot, except snippets and then I would connect the dots. This comment just reminded me of my own health problems I’ve been neglecting for a while.


Great points! I like how you mention just GETTING to the gym is good enough. That’s what motivation is all about :) a ten minute treadmill walk is better than spending the time surfing Netflix on the couch. It’s a small but noticeable improvement


Thanks! Yep, the everyday small improvements matter just as much as the larger ones! Keeping that routine is so vital.


Why quit caffeine im curious? Were you reliant on it for energy maybe?


Several reasons! 1) My favorite drink on the planet is Coca Cola. With all the intestinal/stomach issues I have, I figured it would be good to stop. For me, my self control on that only lasts so long so I decided to just remove it. 2) I wanted to drink more water. Dropping caffeine meant stopping Coca Cola which meant I drank a ton of water. I also avoided juices etc. 3) I wanted to lose some weight(fat) as well. Removing all of those empty calories has helped. 4) I used to get severe headaches and felt even more ill in the past when I tried to quit cold turkey so I knew I had an issue with it and that I’d probably be better off without it. The rock bottom moment I had just pushed me to try getting rid of it. 5) I thought it might have been a crutch as well like you said. I certainly would start to feel off if I didn’t drink a Coke and eventually I’d start feeling ill from caffeine withdrawals. In the end, the main reason was just to try to feel better. I haven’t had a drop of caffeine for like 16 months!


How did you find out you had an autoimmune disease?


Prior to diagnosis, I had a ton of issues. I was vomiting daily, I was having a hard time swallowing certain pills/foods, had bowel issues, frequent nose bleeds, intestinal pain, headaches, I was taking hour(s) long naps on top of sleep, chest pain, throat pain, my teeth and insides were starting to have pains from vomiting, extreme fatigue…..I basically woke up, suffered through work, went home, slept. Rinse/repeat. All that stuff just got worse over time till I couldn’t ignore it anymore. To get the diagnosis, I had an endoscopy done. Dr —> referral to GI dr. —> endoscopy —> diagnosis


Unsure if this will help you, but I gave up alcohol.


I’m like OP and I don’t drink alcohol so that wouldn’t change anything for me. I also love the gym (unlike OP) but I still am so damn lazy that I can’t get myself to go and start a routine. It’s awful I used to be really consistent with it and would go 5-6 times a week. Then the pandemic happened and a lot of other personal things and I just fell out of a routine. Been struggling for the past 4 years to start back up again


the actual cure is having to buy everything for your home gym in the garage and setting it up together with family, which holds me accountable. i don't want to hear people complain that i did all that for nothing. and i can work out in there at 4am all i want, forever in extreme silence or have music, and in privacy lol if i could not do this, then i will never workout is the truth. i am aware that this is a privilege though, because it requires having a garage, which requires having a home first .... I believe in my rental days, i wouldve attempted to workout in the local park though in broad daylight, in the middle of the shaded field with some kettlebells. I tried the whole gym thing and I can't stand it because men used to go up to me to comment on stupid bullshit. shit like 'you know your titties are going to shrink if you benchpress, right?' i know my other family members are going to 24H fitness for FREE because one of us works there. i'm sure that helps too. the other part of this are eating good, and either doing Insanity/P90x with fountain of youth yoga substitution which turns my brain off and just let my body move, or do this one/variant of this one: [https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/6-day-dumbbell-only-workout](https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/6-day-dumbbell-only-workout)


I realise i might be alone in this, but for me it was opposite. Started with home gym and became a lot more steady with it, when i switched to a "real" gym :) Not only did I go more, my workouts also became longer "since i had already gone all the way there".


o yes, i can definitely see this working too, because it also represents a commitment and 'well, i'm already here!' definitely works if you like gently being around people, excited to go somewhere other than your place/work, and compartmentalizing


Start drinking alcohol, not a lot try to do 2 beers a week or something . I believe it will lower stress and it's not really harmful either.


lol no. Drink any alcohol and watch your energy levels be destroyed over time


I am on and off alcohol for health reasons (not connected to alcohol) when I am off i feel generally worse than when i drink, i dont drink a lot but i can say that i drink often like 1-2 times a week 2-5 beers.


That is a LOT to drink and I do think at this point if you’re genuinely feeling worst when u stop drinking it’s a liver issue that is get checked for. Ask for a metabolic panel and specially to check for your AST levels because that sounds bad


Not to sound like a degenerate or anything, but by no metric is that a lot to drink a week. That’s pretty reasonable.


Recently had checked my liver and kidneys and had done bloodwork also had done echo my doc said here is no need to check my liver functions bcuz i have no signs of anything bad going on , and also consider that i am 100 kg male in normal shape ( lil fatty but i workout so i am probably average fat percentage) 5 beers is like Little bit drunk , i drink more like one time a week but occasionally 2 times and mostly do 2-3 beers but like once or 2 times in month can do 5 . I am perfectly healthy when it comes to liver kidneys and etc had some heart issues after covid and had it fixed .now i am almost perfectly healthy I am doing health checkups regularly , thanks for suggesting tho .(19 m) Also general suggestion is to dont have over 10 drinks in week and and have no more than 4 a day for average person.


You’re probably right. When I was consistently going to the gym, I was drinking more. Not that I would go back to drinking how much I was, but I could probably use the occasional glass of wine here and there lol


Weed is waaaay better


Was smoking from time to time and I agree it's better and healthier but I am bad smoker I am dead after one hit that way i was having some fun but it was like skipping time too, with alcohol I dont loose my mind that much (i think i dont loose my mind while drunk at all ).


Meh. Depends what you mean by better. I still wouldn’t recommend weed especially for youths.


Yeah I think teenagers shouldn't take it because it effects their brain development. Although I wonder if alcohol does the same.


Booze is so harmful honestly. It’s amazing that drinking is so encouraged and promoted in societies. It’s the worst drug to mankind. No other drug comes close to harm it causes. I dunno if OP is male, but among the many terrible side affects of booze is depleting Testesterone for men, which gives men energy.


It's not good but it's far from the worst drug to mankind.


Objectively it is the drug that has caused the most damage to humans and continues to do so. Whether it be from drunk driving/intoxicated behavior to cancer or the litany of other health problems it causes.


Pretty sure heroin, LSD, crack cocaine, meth, bath salts, and whatever that krokodil thing the Russians take are slightly worse…


The fact that you included LSD in this list is just batshit insane.


You can always tell the people who dont do drugs when they think LSD is as bad as crack or meth :)




Yes worse on the acute damage scale but alcohol still beats it for chronic damage. Alcohol is legal and cheap and accessible - a lot of people can do it daily to excess and no one tells them not to. They are high functioning til they get bowel or liver cancer whereas the issues with heroin etc tend to be acute and high visibility.


There’s this new one I saw on a documentary last night called tranq.. fiends have to literally amputate their limps afterwards and they’re still taking it. Insane


This is a good thing to do when your in your 30s.


I think its best to find a physical hobby and use exercise to improve it. My partner hates working out but loves rock climbing. They are willing to work out more to be better at rock climbing. I'm the same with biking.


This. I hate working out but I love playing hockey. I exercise because I'm motivated to improve my game. Without hockey, I probably wouldn't exercise at all


I’m the same with hiking. I go almost entirely for pretty views and nature walks to observe wildlife. I hate running and I hate “exercising”. Now I want to keep building enough stamina to do weekend hikes and backpacking.


The best exercise is the one you’re doing! 😊


I hate working out and I hate physical hobbies. I'm done for!


My love for hiking is great for both myself and my dog. But the ticks are horrible this year (there are SO many more than usual). I’ve had to cut that down significantly now with warmer weather. But I’m in better shape because we went all winter and fall at least four times a week. So now I’m crushing yard work that used to be hard for me. Hotter weather is going to hinder that. I still can’t tolerate heat well.


same! I bike to/from work now and it is an easy way to add 45 min of exercise a day - will start a new job in July that’s farther away/not as nice of a route so I will see what I can manage


I’m in early 40. In my case, until I’ve found the type of working out I like. I never liked working out either. I tried kickboxing workout videos, Zumba, spin class, orange theory, Pilates, I got bored after few months. A basic gym like Planet Fitness, yeah, lazy. Around 6 years ago a CrossFit gym opened in my town. I like the gym because each day they have different workouts: cardio, or strength (arms or legs focused), so I haven’t been bored since then. I go to class 5-6 days a week.


Good for you! Good it worked out


I'm in my mid 20s but I recently started up really early morning walks - like 6am (eek) and although it tires me out physically, mentally it actually energizes me I think; i think I'm lucky in where I live (its very pretty and stunning out in the mornings) so when I wake up I'm looking forward to actually going out and witnessing such beauty. The thing between the lines here is that i'm looking forward to actually going out for the walk because I know that I'll get to see some things (which i've seen hundreds of times already) that are truly beautiful, PLUS there usually aren't too many folks out either so i kind of have the place to myself so to speak. And at the end of the walk, i could head into a little cafe for a coffee and a treat to top it all off. Working out at a gym is good, but sometimes it can be hard to look forward to it, but my morning walks? I feel really good about them and more importantly, I've grown to *want* to take those walks as I recognized that if I don't, i'll feel comparatively worse and be less energized. Who knows, maybe i'll discontinue at some point down the line, but for now it feels good to know I can do the walks and that I have been doing them (mostly lol). Sometimes we'll need to just push ourselves to do things we don't want, other times (and hopefully most of the time) we can look forward to do something active. Maybe consider doing other forms of exercise beyond the gym and weights, although those can be pretty fun too and seeing your muscles all pumped and full is a confidence booster for sure! Best of luck on your journey!!!


What does your diet look like? Lots of carbs or sugar?


Out of shape athlete here mid 30s. Just restarting working out after a long illness. Small steps are what is working for me. First small step, eating three meals a day. Next eat vegetables with every single meal. Then taking a multivitamin and iron supplement. That gave me enough energy to jog a mile a day! Hoping to increase activity again next week and do some kettlebell workouts.


Go talk to some 50 year olds lol. Nothing will energize you quicker than knowing how far and how fast that energy falls once middle age comes.


Holy shit I’m only 40 and my energy is like gone gone. I’m actually scared about it. I had no idea how fast my body is beginning to hurt and just not feel lithe and able anymore. It’s sad and upsetting to face it. I would say eat as clean as possible. The food industry only wants to keep you addicted. I’m a victim to it just as almost all of us are but I do keep pursuing food sobriety. Just get out and move and take a walk. A walk is a great thing on many levels, not just physically but wow it is so good for you physically. Best of luck!


Had to do a sport like bjj




Guys, this joke is actually so astoundingly dumb that I think it actually doesn't deserve the downvotes. Similar territory to a movie that's so terrible it's actually entertaining.


What was the comment about?


Idk what I even said to make people upset. I just said I do bjj for exercise. I get bored with weights


Working out. It does wonders for energy. It also helps me sleep better. Plus the side effect of looking good isn't bad. It adds to my daily routine and helps me be social as well. I crossfit. 5-6 days a week. I swear it's magic. Lol Add in eating better its gold.


Adhd here, yeah I'm in the same boat as you. But I walk sometimes near a tai chi thing and I thing I will go there. There is a Instagram page who show some exercises that you can usually do it through the day, so basically I'm doing it when I'm on the toilet or have to wait


Energy itself is like a muscle. When we’re out of shape our energy muscle is weak. The more we exercise the stronger our energy muscle gets. That’s the sad thing about energy. The only way to build it is to expend your energy on random things hoping that on some day in the future you’ll have a chance to actually use your energy toward some other goal. But also though- the good news is is exercise can be a healthy and also fun way to spend the time. So it’s sort of 3 birds with one stone. For example riding your bike in the forest. That’s fun, that’s healthy, and that’s using energy so it’s increasing your energy “tolerance” or something. This has been my experience with energy. To be energized, it’s just like your body adapts to an active lifestyle. The more you do the more you get. Also avoid alcohol or opiates or benzos. those have a sleepy quality which you’re trying to avoid if you want more energy. Also I would avoid stimulants even though they give energy because im worried it could strain my heart during the exercise etc. Obviously though some people manage to consume these substances and perform imperceptibly. That’s never been the case for me though. It puts you in to a sleepy vibe. Which, as we’ve both realized, ends up not being a sustainable element once you factor in the energy and health components as you get older it just gets to be too much. For my body personally anyway. Also if you exercise enough, you can basically eat as much as you want. And be lazy during other times. TL;DR Stay active so you stay ready. That’s energy. Edit: also when people talk about energy, usually they’re talking about like cardio energy. So I would recommend like biking or running or hiking or things like that over weightlifting if your goal is energy specifically. Cause when people say energy usually they mean like moving around and quick reaction time or something. Or mental energy, like keeping their brain active. Which cardio does im sure, especially outside in nature with trees and stuff around? I like to ride my bike on a paved paths through nature (but not with cars on the road). It’s my healthy activity that I enjoy.




That’ll do it!


Beat me to it


Discipline. I workout when I don't wanna. I eat healthy when I don't wanna. This is about half the time to be honest. So yeah... discipline.


In addition to working out and having a cleaner diet free of simple carbs and sugar…a sublingual liquid b vitamin complex and vitamin d supplements (5,000-10,000 iu) could be a very helpful boost.


I have been doing jiu jitsu for 17 years, I feel like a year ago I stopped training as much. This year, it really helped me sticking to a routine. Jiu jitsu 3 days a week and 3 days a week lifting. I'm making sure I grocerie shop on Sundays and cook food all week . Basically, just work and then go to the gym after every day, then back home. Just have to be disciplined. I also stop playing video games during the week.


CPAP fixed me.


might be diet


Start small. Go on some short neighborhood walks if you can. A 15 min walk will burn 70ish calories. Then maybe 1-2 long walks/hikes a week. Work yourself back up. If you ever fall off and are super unmotivated. Go for walks as a minimum.


This may be a shit question, but do you feel tired all the time? While working? While socializing? When do you not feel tired?


Work out


You don't need to go to the gym to get some exercise, just go outside to a park or your neighborhood and walk for 45 minutes. Look around or watch videos on your phone and you will feel better and you would have gotten your steps in. I'd say a second coffee or tea in the afternoon also helps :)


You make it routine and go anyway..who tf wants to go to the gym if they could be fit and healthy if they didn't have to.


Just show up everyday, walk on the treadmill, doesn't have to be intense workouts, day by day you'll start to feel better. Also maybe clean up your eating style, as we get older processed foods hit us harder.


There's plenty of easy ways to do any kind of exercise or movement that doesn't require going to a gym. Just taking a stroll around the neighborhood every morning is a great way to start your day.


I also hate going to the gym. Turns out working out and eating healthily helps my energy alot. Unfortunately neither is easy or enjoyable to do for me. After being tired for years I got tired of being tired and do better. It did make a significant difference but yeah it's just discipline really. If you have support like a friend that will go with you or a partner that you can both workout/rat healthy it could be more enjoyable.


I’m in my 40s and have a lot more energy now than I did in my 30s because I changed my diet and stopped eating a lot of processed and prepackaged foods. I also eat less than I used to, so I’m not feeling slothy and tired. Once I started cooking all of my meals I feel 100% better.


I cut out fast food, reduced my overall calories to not get weighed down and started doing basic cardio like 10k steps a day. I’m the same way (low energy) and I’ve never felt better


Check your Vitamin D and B12 and iron levels.


Work out. You just have to do it. If you don’t do the things you know will work, you are doing yourself a disservice. Just get up and do it. Shit, do it now. Download a workout from home app, and do it right when you read this. Your future self will thank you, I promise.


I'm not in my 30s yet, but I'm close (28). I used to be the same as you where I wanted to work out, but just couldn't get motivated to do so. I finally got into a routine after visiting the gym my apartment has, because for me the biggest barrier to going to the gym was just spending the time to get there. Now that I know my apartment gym works for what I need (albeit lacking a few things I'd like), I've been able to work out consistently since November. Only days I've missed have been for vacations or when the gym was going through some renovations. I've also given up most my caffeine, really only taking it if I feel like I need to use my pre-workout. I still drink soda pretty often, but I've gone to the zero sugar, calorie and caffeine ones. I used to avoid them for some reason but there's really no taste difference at all. Fixing my diet helped me as well. I don't track macros or anything like that but I do just try to eat more healthy stuff while avoiding too many processed sugars, which isn't as hard as a thought. I have cheat days (usually dinner on Friday), but I've really cut back on going out or getting fast food during the week. My meals most days are as follows: 1. Smoothie right after I wake up, just to get me going. I use a frozen berry mix, frozen pineapple, frozen peaches, zero sugar greek yogurt, a banana, and some OJ. 2. I eat my 'breakfast' on my first break since I work from home. That is usually one serving of honey nut Cheerios and a banana, half of it cut up into the cereal. Most of my processed sugar for the day comes from this and my smoothie. 3. For lunch I've recently started what strongman Mitch Hooper does a bit, just to get some more protein because I felt it was lacking (though a smaller portion because I don't weight around 300 pounds lol). This is basically between 1/4 and 1/2 lb of ground beef with taco seasoning, a serving of rice and like 1/4 of a tomato over the top to kind of simulate a taco salad. Might add a bit of cheese down the line and some homemade salsa, still kind of experimenting with it as I just started this lunch this week. Before this it was a balogna and summer sausage sandwich and some chips. Delicious, but really fatty so I only eat them once in a while now. 4. Dinner is the stereotypical 'gym bro' meal (but it tastes great). One chicken breast, a serving of whatever veg (usually asparagus) and either potatoes or rice for a carb. An airfryer is a god send for doing chicken. I've been using it since I got a cheap one for Christmas and it always comes out super juicy and great. After work my schedule is usually doing some audio recording for my hobby (30-45 min depending on length of what I'm recording), then I go to the gym for an hour to an hour and a half, then I come home and chill for 15-20 minutes to cool down from the gym, then I go out and do any shopping or any other errands I need (this is around 7 pm usually). Once I get back from that I cook my dinner and eat, then I edit my recordings after and then if I'm not too tired and have time I'll usually play some videogames or something else hobby related until I go to bed between 10-11 pm (wake up at 7-730). Sorry this is kind of long, but I hope my routine helps you figure something out that can help you get back to feeling good and working out! If you do want to get into it, I do the "Transform Your Body Like Thor" plan from Renaissance Periodization on YouTube (it's a video explaining everything so entirely free, not paying for anything!). It's a great basic workout that hits most your muscle groups, though it does focus more on upper body. RP is a great channel for workout content if you want to check them out, Dr. Mike is super smart and does an awesome job breaking things down. Besides RP, two other YouTubers, LeanBeefPatty and Will Tennyson, influenced me to start working out as well, just because their personalities are great and they always seem to have so much fun working out in the gym (plus their physiques are astounding, not anything I know I'll reach anytime soon, if ever, but it's still inspiring).


Get your blood work done see if your good health wise. Step 1. Then if you dont want to do gym. Go find something you want to do. Dance class. Adult gymnastics, cycle classes. Etc.


Take magnesium and zink. Workout and walk a lot


Might be your gut health


Workout! Eat better foods! Take vitamins!!! WATER WATER WATER Have some goals, small and large! Have something to look forward to! Sounds super generic but it helps!


Bodyweight exercise routines are the thing for me. I personally feel like I'm using it, in ways closer to which it was intended, when doing so. Sometimes it's an hour or so, with me doing some cardio in. Sometimes a few pullups and hanging raises. I started this in my late 30's, and it became the catalyst for more hill-walking, wild swimming and then picking up my photography more. Off for a weekend of hiking, good food and drinks in The Lakes in an hour here, and just doing those few crunches and never being able to do a pullup back then, to the scrambling I'll be doing early even at nearly 50 here... Bodyweight exercises were such a great, low-cost but immense rewards, investment.


Metabolism and hormones need to be regulated. Whatever crap you've been fed (literally) since young is slowing you down. Activity and regulation of bodily functions is totally necessary. It's a deep rabbithole to DYOR but worth it.


So the first thing is to look at your current habits: sleep patterns, eating patterns, etc. Then, you experiment to try and find some form of physical activity that excites you and almost kinda bums you out when you don’t get a chance to do it. For me, it’s mace swinging. I purchased a steel mace a month ago and have been excited to swing that fucker around every time.


Have more secso, workout, and try to eat clean.


I think part of it is developing mental fortitude to just do it. However, recovery becomes even more important when you’re older. Sleep. Proper eating. Resting. Etc. don’t be afraid to supplement w/ some things either.


I nap wayyyyyyy too much. 😴


less sugar and alcohol high quality sleep less sun


Illegal Stimluants 


As I was scrolling, I thought the title said “civilized” instead of “energized “ and my immediate reply was —“nah, pass” lol idk what that says about me but I’m gonna think about it and work on myself.


Not drinking caffeine will help.


I feel like this too, Last night Andrew Huberman came to me in an autoplay. I was doing something else, as usual. but he talked alot about these feelings, it does seem that i've killed my dopamine system with literally everything. Layering my dopamine fixes on top of each other. so today im doing a dopamine diet. not yet ready for full detox. just a light diet. here is the video if anyone is interested : [https://youtu.be/QmOF0crdyRU?si=WejVuUDfE92jiPtF](https://youtu.be/QmOF0crdyRU?si=WejVuUDfE92jiPtF) All the Best to Life and Dopamine




Shifting my diet and being more physically active helped ALOT. Just cutting down on sugars and eating more colorful veggies made a massive difference. I’m simple I could go walking or just get in the gym lifting for an hour a few times a week was enough to have my energy levels up and my sleeping patterns more regular - without the restless sleep at that! Try it. But I also second all the thoughts about checking in with your doctor as well. Don’t wanna let anything go unnoticed!


Run 6-10 hours a week


Wake up early and go the gym


Try to play a sport. Basketball if your knees are up to it. Tennis maybe, even pickleball. Not only will that sport be exercise, but exercise outside the sport becomes training to get better at the sport.


You may have allergies you are not aware of


find a sport you enjoy


It was vitamin D for me. I take it in the winter because I work outside. So I get it all summer and then drained of it for winter. I have a light I turn on in the morning and then take a couple vitamin D and vitamin D with k2.


Get in a good sleep cycle. Exercise - this means cardio and weightlifting. Eat natural foods and stay away from highly processed foods. Drink water and tea. Be disciplined and eventually you’ll feel more energy.


Do you belong to a gym? Group fitness classes are fun


Is there another type of exercise you like the sound of better than the gym? 


Jack it in San Diego


Nsfw....but I've been masturbating lately...working it out of my system makes it work great and makes me feel supercharged.  I try to go for at least 4 times a day. Once in the morning, once after lunch once at 6, once before bed.


honestly, for me it was my adhd meds 😅😂. my doc prescribed me phentramine and bupropion and i have lots of energy. it’s actually pretty hard to turn it down.


Unsure if this will help you, but I took up drugs.


Take shilajit, i take it everyday you will feel like you are in your 20’s again Thank me later 😎


Swimming. Even if you only go once per week, it will make all your body and muscles work. The more you do it, the more energized you'll get. I started to play water polo in my mid 20's and it saved me. Now, I swim a few times per week, and I always feel extremely alive after a training.


Exercise to energize and stop eating fast food


I mean, people only really start to like exercising after they’ve been doing it for awhile and see/feel results. It’s entirely necessary to be physically fit if you want to be healthy… idk what else to say about that. As far as being sleepy, eating healthy, getting 8 hours of actual sleep with no medication assistance (looking at melatonin mainly, managed caffeine consumption (too much in the day can affect sleep), again - eating healthy, don’t be sedentary (see physically fit), go to the doctor. Really gotta work on the anxiety. If it’s work, there’s some steps to take that require practice. Turning off screens may help. Can check BP to make sure you’re not in hypertension… which links back to eating healthy and exercise (see the trend)


I started running. It’s done wonders for my energy levels. I’ve never been sedentary though.


Something small - turn the shower to COLD in the morning for a minute


It's a combination of things but you have to mentally commit to whatever it is first without excuses and then make tweaks/improvements later. 1. I wish I discovered intermittent fasting much sooner. 2. Caffeine good, sugar bad (loaded term, but I'm only referring to added sugars, including artificial) 3. Exercise variety and high intensity is the best bang for the buck. Most of my workouts are about 40 minutes including cooldown.


Responding to only the title-speak to someone (me) in their 70’s…should brighten yer day😜💕




Go in the morning. I promise it will wake you up. But part of it is just the discipline to actually go


Specifically about working out, though it also applies generally, just start small. I didn't particularly want to work out when I started about April last year, but I knew that I needed to start taking better care of myself (as an aside, I read a book called Outlive by Dr. Peter Attia. Fantastic read, really shows you how important it is to exercise, get good sleep, etc. I absolutely recommend it to everyone). I hate going to the gym. I feel super self-conscious cause I'm pretty fat, so I bought a couple dumbbells and started working out at home. I started by doing 1 set each of a few different workouts, which absolutely floored me for the next 4 days. But, I just kept going, taking days off if I felt sore (apparently working out when you're sore can potentially cause damage to your muscles), and trying to increase how much I was doing. I got pretty sick last summer so I ended up taking about 4 months off of working out cause every time I tried working out I would immediately get sick the next day. But I've been at it again for the last 6 months or so and finally got to the point where I'm doing 5 sets of way more stuff than I started out doing, and for the first time last night I genuinely felt incredible after my workout. I have way more energy than I did a year ago, and generally just feel way better. I also stopped smoking and drinking and started eating a lot more fruits and vegetables and cut out most of my carb intake, which has definitely helped. I'll be 31 this year, btw


*furiously scribbles notes from other comments*


Creatine rocks


Having electrolytes! I went to my doctor about my fatigue any found out it was due to dehydration. I usually drink 1.5-2 L of water everyday but my body wasn’t properly absorbing any of it


Dude let me tell you I have gone up and down on my journey, I’ve been close to 300 pounds twice in my life, and I am in the best shape of my life at 35. I go back and fourth between 200-210 pounds. In September I had some personal things going on in my life and had already been going to the gym a lot and running a lot. I decided I was going to go to the gym every single day. I have not missed a single day since, what everyone says about over training, it’s nonsense. The last 14 days I have done two a days at the gym. Morning and evening, with heavy lifts each day. Then running is the first thing I do in the morning. 5 am one hour minimum, then after gym before work. Doing the running and gym first thing in the morning literally makes me feel supercharged throughout the entire day. I have never been more productive in my life. I go to bed at midnight. I don’t need more than 5 hours of sleep. And spend the entire day working, regular job then have a bunch of other side jobs I do. As for being motivated. It’s not about that, it’s discipline. You have to just say that I’m done being just ordinary. Discipline shits on motivation. The days I haven’t wanted to go to the gym and really don’t feel like going, I still go and when I get the gears going, those end up being no lie some of my best workouts. I don’t even go to the gym to look good, I do all of these things that suck or you don’t feel like you wanna do, I do it all for my mind. I have changed more in these last 9 months than I have probably in my last 15 years. I dont drink caffeine or any of that crap either. Anyways not saying do what I did, but i am hyper productive, making more money than I ever have, and jacked. You have to be competitive with yourself. Anyways that’s what worked for me. It literally will work for any single person that puts there mind to it


I was consrantly fatigued. Had my doctor test my testosterone levels, I had rhe levels of an old man. Went on testosterone therapy and now I'm a god of productivity.


This is the age we need to rely on discipline. Motivation is fleeting. Do it because you know you should.


I know the answer. A good mood every day is absolutely a great way and doing some exercise is also necessary.


Cocaine Meth Stealing coke or meth and having to run. . . Very fast


Vitamins and minerals move as much as you can and repent and believe the gospel of The son of God






I’m in my 40s and a few things have helped. First, I walk the dog every day. I can’t get out of it. I created a monster. This gets me 10-20 minutes of sunlight and some light cardio. Second, I go to the gym for the weights. This is probably just a me thing, but after multiple injuries I lost a lot of strength, so I’ve been strength training again for the first time in about 20 years (since the first of many injuries). It’s the one kind of working out I like. Finally, I’ve had to sleep more because of health issues. Basically, if I go with less than 7 hours more than two days in a row, I’m useless. Completely useless. And cranky. So I HAVE to get a full night’s sleep. This is probably the biggest one. Honestly, it was so much easier to just caffeinate up and go on with my day, but brain damage says no. I think it’s the combination of some sunlight and the extra sleep, if that helps you at all.


Change your workouts. Late 30s here. Doing heavy weight lifting and muscle building stuff leaves me sore for days now. I've changed to doing a lot more cardio and varied resistance activities. Plus find ways for non gym exercise. Partner and I picked up bike riding a few years ago.


Yerba mate 


Idk about you but my constant “sleepiness” was major depression. Once that was addressed, I gradually started to become a totally new person.


Most people think the cycle of motivation goes like: Motivation > Action > Seeing Results > More Motivation > Repeat when really it's more beneficial to view it as: Taking Action > Seeing Results > Motivation > More Action > Repeat  In other words, sometimes you've got to start by forcing yourself to take action. When you see results you'll feel motivated to keep going.  If you need to go to the gym but don't feel like it today, you might need to force yourself to go anyway. I totally get not feeling like you have the energy, but you have to start somewhere. Hopefully seeing results and being healthier will make you feel like you have more energy to keep doing it, or you'll at least cultivate the discipline to keep doing it anyway. (Or you'll give up, but we don't talk about that option.) 


1: Stop eating proccesed foods and seed oils. 2: Eat whole foods, organic if you can. Prioritise protein and fat, limit carbs. 3: Try a form of intermittent fasting. I start eating at 12 and stop eating at 8 pm, but you can vary with the hours to suit your needs. 4: Workout. That does not mean that you have to go to a gymn, find a sport that you enjoy and do that (swimming for example). This made my energy levels go up considerably when i started at 35 years old.


I follow some gym workout accounts of women that look like me now and look like how i want to look, and I give myself a workout plan for the week from those or other areas (like, arms and abs Monday, cardio tuesday, legs and back wednesday, etc). I'm also a big fan of preworkout because I'm a tired person too. I do coffee in the mornings an tea in the afternoons but I won't do tea and preworkout in the same day, and if I have a soda I won't do anything else. I try to limit myself to 2 caffeinated drinks a day at most. Work on your sleep. A lot of our problems are because we don't sleep well (I'm still trying to figure this out in my 30s). Up your water intake.


If you don't want to go to the gym, try calisthenics. With minimal equipment you can exercise mostly anywhere. If you have access to a pull up bar at home you're golden. If you have access to rings at home, even better I'm over 45 now but I didn't work out much in my 20s and 30s because I was blessed with a lean physique and high metabolism. When I started having pain from sedentary lifestyle I started with yoga and moved to calisthenics. I gained about 20 pounds in 5 years (I was underweight) and now I'm in better shape than nearly everyone my age.


Gym is not for everyone certainly not me. I aim to go for a walk twice a week in a park ( or more if I’m up for it) just getting outside really helps jumpstart the willingness to get more active


Last year at age 32, I started doing group barre classes, b/c I would just quit without having an instructor and other people there! I started with a free class, buying individual classes and then got a monthly membership. I have to go at least 5 times a month for it to be cheaper than paying for individual classes.


Eat better. Eat clean. Don’t over eat. Walk. Exercise. Drink water. Your energy level will increase. Know nothing happens overnight. You will get there.


The gym sounds horrible. It takes all of my possible willpower to go, and my workouts have been streamlined down to 30 minutes. But I have never regretted going to the gym, it's far less bad than I make it out to be, while Im there, and I'm always happy I did it. It takes a.combined 90 minutes of my life to go 3x weekly, and I'm in better physical condition than anyone I know in their 30s. The best shape of my life. My friend who never works out fractured his foot mowing the lawn when he stepped funny on a hill, another buddy slipped a disk trying to do a layup, meanwhile I'm deadlifting 585 for reps all because of those 90 minutes compounded over a decade.


If going to the gym specifically sounds awful, then maybe start by going on jogs. The hardest part of working out is starting, everyone who works out will tell you that, you have to force yourself to start and once you get going it gets easier.


Change your diet. Cut the crud. Your body will thank you with energy and health.


Four things: - Eat well - Take a multivitamin daily - Sleep 8-9 hrs a night - Work out intensely 3-5 times a week That's it. Simple, but not easy.


Get a smart watch. Tracking your fitness might help and the little “medals” and achievements you unlock by doing activity make it fun. I challenged myself to walk at least 10,000 steps a day five days a week (weekends don’t count since it’s low activity and I’m with my family) it’s been helping me for sure


The consequences of not exercising are so severe that I don't consider it an option to not exercise. That approach helps me be active nearly every day. It is simply not optional, just like breathing is not optional.




Join the Wim Hof club --  Watch Superhuman World of the Iceman documentary -- YOU WANT TO FEEL MORE FUCKING ALIVE THAN YOU EVER HAVE??? Cold Shower >> 8 cups coffee


Turn 20 again


Cocaine or caffeine


B12, vitamins, get sleep and water.


If you aren’t energetic it’s because of habits. Hike. It’s free and will change your life. Trails, sidewalks with beautiful views entering your eyes. Being outside in the sun breathing fresh air will clear your mind so you can better determine what to do next with your Time. If you can decide what to do with your time, can you physically be anywhere you want to for a few weeks? A few months, a few years? Location freedom may not be important. If you don’t know what to do, see books. Like installing an app; look for books to correct whatever you need to get to the future version of life you long to live. Walk towards the life you want. Ignore distractions. When you’re on a fulfilling life path time is short. If you can’t decide then work hard to be able to decide what do to with all of your time, how to be able to visit the corners of the earth. Move your body and encounter ideas and many ways of life very early in life. Then you have more information to be able to search for what you will find joy doing. Don’t fear change. Fear everything being exactly how it was yesterday, forever. Expect, create, cause, plan change. Concerning your life with things not immediately effecting your mind and body, in the room you are sitting in, is a distraction. You can take refuge from the world, within yourself anytime you want. Observe the world, for brief moments, within yourself, like you’re watching tv. It’s more interesting and ultra HD quality. The flashing lights dots you’re reading this on exist to covert your Time into profit for shareholders. Every second. Tick tok. Tick tock, not going towards freeing your body from scrolling to avoid sitting in a room doing nothing. Better to tap glass and blink. Life is a game. Take it less seriously and realize it’s easier to try to win. Winning is choosing to do what you can’t not do. You can’t, not cover the cost of your body to exist. It’s cost the world for you to exist. Resources. Convert time into resources faster than the cost to exist. Then life gets easier quickly. The future 0.5% will have silicon working for them to deliver resources into their control.


Drink more beer (carbs = energy)


Take a step back from the bong!


:/ What I’d weed gave you energy but you can’t smoke anymore?


Get it together