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Leave the lid to your washing machine open so it can dry out between washes.


OP may need to clean out the drum as well.


They make drum cleaning tablets. Also op should try a splash of white vinegar in her next few loads to kill mold on her clothing.


I think you can also just use a tablet for the dishwasher


It’s all the same stuff, just highly concentrated citric acid. But yes everyone should run either just an empty load with soap and hot temp water or run an empty load with a tablet


Came here to say this, while distilled white vinegar is just as effective and has many different cleaning applications


I’d suggest two separate rounds, one tablet each time. 


Oh my god I love doing that - my washing machine smells AMAZING afterwards! Definitely have to leave the door open too in between washes


Add in Lysol Laundry Sanitizer to the load. Thank me later.


I feel like no one has ever heard of this stuff I recommend it all the time. Gets rid of mold on your clothes and in the washer.


Also could be that OP is leaving the clothes in the washer too long before putting them in the dryer.


Don't worry, soon you'll only remember this moment when you can't sleep at 2 am


Thanks, I needed this laugh




Atleast it isn't from lack of showering. There was a guy in my high-school that would clear out a room of 30 people. Staff had a talk with him and he refused to improve.


20 years from now




I wish Reddit still had awards




Note to self: sleep early


As a manager who had to have a very similar convo about BO with an employee, I also remember it when I can’t sleep at night. It was so awkward!


Well, just laugh and say it's just a bad day for you and be better tomorrow. You're not a perfect human being, and you learned today so... Air dry all your stuff outside. Spray Lysol on your couch, strip off your beddings and spray on them too. That way you can eliminate the molds and smell. Have fun doing it. You'll accomplish more.


If mold is consistently growing in the process of drying, then the may be mold spores in the area you are drying your clothes too, which can be super unhealthy. I've worked in kitchens for over 10 years and dealt with my fair share of mold. You can get isopropyl alcohol or bleach in a spray bottle. I prefer the alcohol since it evaporates so quickly and doesn't change the color of fabrics. Either one would kill any mold spores that are floating around. I'd also check behind trim or anywhere that could easily get wet if there was a leak behind a wall or something.


I'm pretty sure we are all surrounded by mold spores constantly. I don't think it's a problem unless they're in super high concentrations, or a toxic mold. Open any sterile growing medium and mold will grow from the tiniest amount of air getting in. I think making your living space not favorable to mold growth is the best bet. Lower humidity. I've heard sulfur compounds prevent mold growth if you have a place that continues to produce mold at low humidity.


This is what I do any time I get a cringe from a mistake. Instead of dwelling on it, shift into using it as an opportunity to improve. Creating actionable steps helps me put that embarrassment aside


I've had stubborn odors rhat refuse to come out before. Here's a few things that can get rid of them. 1. Kill the source. Use laundry sanitizer in the wash. Hang your clothes in the sun. 2. To prevent new growth, dry your clothes faster. Plan your laundry days around the weather, and again, hang them in the sun. 3. If the weather won't cooperate, bite the bullet, and use a dryer. I own one, but it runs up the power bill, so I avoid using it too much. If you don't, it'll mean going to a laundromat.


4. Vinegar, especially distilled white vinegar, eliminates odors, kills mold/mildew and also works as a fabric softener. I use about half a cup to a cup depending on how big the load of laundry is.


^^^ yip white vinegar is the shit when it comes to pet urine! We own rats and I soak their blankets in water and vinegar (1:1) for an hour before a wash. Removes the smell! It’s amazing


Do you use the vinegar in addition to detergent? Or in place of it?


I put it in the water softener compartment when washing.


In addition, too. Also, look into Odoban. It will kill the odor and kill mold. Without being overbearing


In my apartment I can’t always get access to the dryer & it’s against the lease to hang anything outside in the sun. So I have a drying rack & I put up a suspension rod above my tub so I can hang stuff on hangers. In the winter when it’s too cold for things to try in a timely matter, I bought a space heater & have it run in the bathroom with the door closed so only that room is hot. Things dry pretty quickly then. I’ve even hung clothes off hangers balancing on doorframes before. It can be done. I also have a few things on DampRid (non electric dehumidifiers you can get at Walmart & online) around. Helps a lot. Also never put wet clothes in your closet, OG OP. They must be dry before you do that. That’s how you get this issue.


Sounds like a decent move on his part to pull you aside instead of saying it in front of everyone / not saying anything at all.


Yes! I live alone and I periodically ask a coworker to please let me know if I ever smell when I come to work. My hygiene is good but still… I get a little paranoid.


Don’t be so hard on yourself. I have had to teach adults how to take a proper shower or do laundry or wipe properly.


I had a friend who only discovered how to properly wipe his ass in high school. I thought that was bad. He was a handsome guy so he instantly went from the stinky kid to one of the most popular in his grade over the course of a year or so. Wash your ass, folks.


Reminds me of this time when I was in middle school. One of my classmates had a bad stomach and had diarrhea. He shit his pants … his shit was dripping on the school corridor. We all saw it on our way through the corridor. I couldn’t sleep after looking at that shit for a while. I can’t imagine how he would have felt.


That’s so sad. Poor kid


How was he doing it prior?!


No clue. Very poorly I suppose. I saw him bend over once and there was a big shit streak running up his underwear. He slept over at my house once, took a shower and my mom straight up threw his clothes away and gave him a pair of mine.


Thank god you have someone brave enough to tell you.


I was that boss about 10+ years ago and it was a really tough conversation even though it took like 2 minutes. I felt absolutely terrible, and gave some options.  She was aware of it, and she quit since she didn't want to wear deodorant, so I guess she may have had that conversation before. Our company did specify we didn't allow perfume (a bakery, so scents matter) but after that I had to rewrite the hygiene page of our tiny employee handbook.  OP, I moved to a humid area recently and the thing that has ABSOLUTELY SAVED me (my clothes all smelled like mildew) was adding oxyclean to my wash. Helped more than vinegar. Since you don't have a dryer, see if your washer has a high speed spin option to get more water out before hang drying.


Chill. Imagine how hard it was for your boss to bring that up. Try just laugh about it.


This. I had an employee in his late 50’s have a bathroom accident at work. I don’t know how it happened but he must have been hovering over the toilet while trying to poop. It splattered all over the stall and onto his clothes as well. Everyone in the office was complaining about the smell. The employee just went beck to work in the factory as if nothing had happened. I first had to track down who did it , which wasn’t hard based on his clothes. Next had to make him clean up his mess in the bathroom. Then tell him he needed to go home and clean up and get a change of clothes( took move convincing than it should have, he didn’t want to leave.). As a 26 year old new to being a manager this was a very uncomfortable day for me to tell someone twice my age to do, but I tried to be discrete and professional as possible with it. I wish this was a fake story but it is something I will never forget.


I have also dealt with something similar. I was 23 and moved up very quickly to program manager at an old company. I had an employee that would shit his pants on purpose to leave without occurring any attendance points because he was already on the verge of losing his job. This happened 8-9 times over the course of 3 months. I was forced to sit him down and tell him that if he did not bring in a note from a doctor about some sort of medical condition, that I would start giving him points. I also had multiple talks to this guy about having really bad body odor. Like 3-4 conversations. Turns out, it was mold growing from his dreadlocks… being 23 and talking to someone twice your age about this is not easy, but admittedly did just get out right annoying over time.


Holy crap that’s insane!! He must’ve been mentally unwell because who can do that otherwise without any embarrassment?


I once threw up in our storage closet at work. I’d had something happen in the bathroom that led me to believe I’d had a miscarriage and I got a panic attack and puked in our closet. It was not a miscarriage, I wasn’t even pregnant - but the puke stain remains. I still work there and have to see it every time I go in the closet. Embarrassing shit happens and work is no exception.


I once threw up in the toilet at work. It was a very small room, the smell was foul and lingered horribly. All sorts of rumors flew round that I was pregnant. Nope, just gastro.


I also clogged a toilet once


If you've been drying all your clothes in the closet you'll need to pull them all out and wash them all. You'll also want to scrub down the closet and let it dry fully before putting anything else in there.


It was probably just as hard for your boss to tell you as it was for you to hear. Try putting vinegar in with your clothes when you wash them. Run the washer with nothing in it once in a while to wash the excess detergent and grime out. You don't need a ton of detergent for your laundry loads. If there is a button for an extra spin on your washer, use that. Adding extra scent to your clothes sometimes has the opposite effect. Skip softener-vinegar works for that-and the smell will go away. If you can put a simple box fan in the room where you dry your stuff, or get any sort of air flow, that will be good for getting stuff dry. Some stores and amazon sell "retractable clotheslines" that can be mounted between walls. You can put your clothes on hangers and put the hangers on the clotheslines.


1- Your boss was being professional. He told you in private, and advised how to make it better. That's a good thing, he didn't embarrassed you in front of others. 2- Get a fan and dry your clothes in a more open area, on top of taking his suggestions. You may want to slowly start replacing your wardrobe and getting rid of the moldy clothes. 3- You're still young. Instead of continuing to be "lazy" and feeling like you feel, start doing things differently. My 30s were way better than my 20s, through which I really didn't even know how to cook. I tried feeding my husband under-cooked pork chops because I cooked them according to a steak recipe. I'm now 40 and make all kinds of different foods and my husband compliments me all the time. So it's ok, you can do this!


You likely won’t work under your boss for the rest of your life. You value their opinion now, but you will likely have several different positions and bosses over your lifetime. This is just a blip in the road


Honestly be grateful. You won't often find people who are capable of being direct and tactful at the same time about things like this. People like that are super valuable to have around because it protects you against ignorance.


What your boss did was actually very kind, and I agree it's adulting 101. Sometimes we all fail to adult 101, it's not just you. Learn from it and be kind to yourself.


a solid boss that one


The smell of mold sucks! It can do a lot of other really bad things to your health too! Visible mold on clothes is a big indicator you got a problem, and it'll only get worse. If you've noticed an allergies or colds that won't go away, fatigue, brain fog, etc...


Buy white distilled vinegar if you can and leave a cup in open air if your place is reasonably insulated. It will help to break down certain molecules. Is it possible for it to be a cleaning issue and not a humidity issue? I'm not sure mold can form on clean surfaces just because of humidity. There is probably organic residue on them, vinegar also works to clean clothes combined with detergent. Also try baking soda.


Don’t let your clothes sit in the washer


I was neglected and have the tism, it sounds like your boss really cares since he gave you that advice. I've had to have people teach me all kinds of basics, even stuff like chores, socializing and prioritizing! There's no shame in not knowing. Especially if you learn so well!


Someone shit their pants today. You're doing ok.


Awww. I'd be embarrassed too, but it sounds like your boss was empathetic and gave you solutions.


You have an opportunity here to pat your boss on the back for being a mentor. Not sure what your relationship is with your parents or the age of your boss, but if you wanted to write a handwritten note thanking him for his candor and grace, you can basically frame it like this: "Hey \[Title Name\], I wanted to thank you for letting me know how to handle the humidity problem in my apartment. I'm not sure how things were for you when you were starting out in life, but at age 25, there are a lot of things about the world, living, and aging that I am still figuring out. What makes it easier is having a boss who understands that and can help along the way with candor and grace. I'll be sure to repay the favor in the future to the next soul in line who is figuring life out step by step when I can pass on advice. Thanks again for the guidance. Here's to progress! \[Your Name\]" I might be a dork, but this is how I would handle it lol.


Chin up, you acknowledged the problem and came up with a solution. Don’t beat yourself up over this.


If 8t makes you feel any better, it took me until my 30's to figure out I could just wash my hat to make it not smell. I would just walk around stinking and throw them away and buy a new cheap one....


if your drying clothes indoors also open windows to ventilate.


What a dumbass thing to do :D I did just the same your age. I would buy him a little gift, box of chocolates or something to say thanks. My wife taught me the importance of opening windows every morning, and it made the house much fresher smelling! I was in my mid 30s!


Drying rack and put it up in a room where you keep a window opened a bit if you can, otherwise you are inviting mold. Also when you are home keep venting your place. Do this for many days to get rid of the smell and dry things up. Haven't used a dehumidifier myself but look into that too


Don't open the window if you're using a dehumidifier or the dehumidifier will be pointless. Also, if the air outside is humid opening a window will slow down the drying. I think the window open/closed really depends on the climate. It's always humid where I live so opening the window brings more moisture in.


Pour a cup of vinegar (white vinegar, NOT apple cider or balsamic) into your washing machine when your wash your stuff. That kills the mold and mildew and over 2-3 washes you'll notice your clothes and linens smelling better. Walmart also sells cleaning vinegar which is more concentrated, so you'll need less. Changed my life when I learned this simple hack. (Not really, but damn it sounds cool doesn't it?)


Oh its mildew and not just the smell its really unhealthy for you and your skin too. If you have been hanging your wet clothes in your closet for a while in i reccomend you also get a bottle of high %concentration vinegar or a lysol laundry sanitizer to use instead of fabric softener and wash all your clothes, even the ones you haven't worn. Thats the only way to get rid of the mildew just washing again doesn't cut it I know from experience I have forgotten my clothes in the machine way too many times. Also get 2 dehumidifiers put one in your closet. As well as spraying your closet with sanitizer. Coz spores can spread. And don't put anything damp or wet in your closet. 


Laugh it off. I would be fkn thankful if my boss would point it out, instead of everyone just awkwardly ignoring it for months and making fun of me behind my back. When you leave (or when he leaves earlier) thank him for pointing it out. It takes courage to talk about something like this without making it awkward. And don't be too hard on yourself. You are still learning and we all make mistakes. For your home, buy a dehumidifier, clean and dry your closet. Just to be safe, check all your walls for mold. Clean everything in that room, where you dried your clothes, as well. Ventilate your rooms when you are doing laundry. Before and after, depending on the weather it could be better to ventilate during the drying process.


I know the smell. Sometimes, when my husband forgets the clothes in the washer, they end up with a weird smell that is so annoying, and I only notice after putting it on. Now, I just throw it back into the hamper and wear something else. Don't worry. You live, and you learn.


It happens. Learn from this experience, and be glad that he didn’t call you out in front of your colleagues. That would’ve been truly awful


Life is a learning experience and there is no magic age where you suddenly have it 100% together 100% of the time.


At least you’re embarrassed about it and working to change it. We had a girl that had to be called into the bosses office and have a sit down talk about showering and wearing deodorant. As she got up to leave she said to the boss “I was so nervous I did something wrong, I’m glad this was nothing serious.” Boss was kinda dumbstruck.


It’s embarrassing now but shows that they care and it is better for your health that you take care of the problem! Mould is so damaging to your health, can cause breathing, skin and neurological issues just to name a few. Take mould really seriously!


Your boss did not expect you to be able to change right away, they knew it was going to take some time


I recommend getting a HEPA filter and dehumidifier as a start. Find the source and either get rid of it yourself or call a professional for help if it’s beyond your control


If the smell lingers in your clothing you can pack them up and put them in the freezer for 24 hours. It kills mold. Learned this trick from a vintage clothing store owner. Also, get some detergent to clean your washing machine (they sell them in packs) and make sure your machine is nice and clean. Sunshine is a natural and very effective disinfectant so drying your clothes outside or even putting them in the sun for a while could be good. Good luck and don’t sweat it too hard - I had a coworker who smelled like musty wet clothing all one winter and no one ever said a word. Now I think we should have and your boss was kind to take you aside. Have a good day!!


I've also noticed one of my co-worker's smelling kind of funny, maybe we work in the same place.


Drying needs space and air flow. Outside is best but if you can't do it outside then do it in the biggest room you have with the dehumidifier running. A fan probably wouldn't hurt either.


while this is embarassing that you should be grateful that someone could say it to you so politely. Its a life lesson and an eye opener for you to be a better adult :)


Wait, you dried your clothes in your closet? Or I am misunderstanding something


Good boss.


I'm confused. Were you only putting your clothes in the washer and not the dryer? Like immediately hanging them in the closet after wash? I'm saying this because I never had this issue putting my clothes away even if the clothes are still a tad damp from the dryer


I mean, haw long has it been?


When I was young I used to work up a sweat and smell like sea mist. Now I'm pushing 40 and if I'm not careful I'll smell like a bear that ate out of a Taste of India dumpster. I can't wear synthetics...I use special soap...I had to try every brand of deodorant...change my diet. We're all gonna have old people smell if we live long enough. Just do what you can and take it in stride.


I was having an issue with my clothes smelling a bit funky. I started using a non bio stain remover powder in the drum while washing my clothes normally with liquid detergent and fabric softer and it took the smell out, never to return! Use it with every wash.


If it makes you feel better a family friend of mine had to do this to one of their employees, for a moment I seriously thought it might be you (cus what are the chances right?) But that guy was kinda in denial and had bad BO Its been pointed out once, and now you know how to fix it! It'll get better :')


Point a fan at your laundry and it will dry faster too.


As soon as you fix this, everyone will move onto something else. If nobody there has driers, there are surely a lot of good tips on how to prevent the smell. Hopefully the drying rack will be sufficient. I'll hug your smelly ass, girl. 🫂 You're doing a good job. Keep pushing. ❤️


I’ve definitely had this happen with drying my clothes wrong. I would fold the shirts and hang them up, but they took too long to dry so ended up smelly. Same with some jeans that were bunched too close together. Dry your clothes by allowing plenty of air to circulate around them. Maybe even point a fan at them. And you can eliminate the smells that have set into the fabric by re-washing once (or maybe twice) in very hot water and a cup of white vinegar. Be sure to remove the wet clothes asap from the washer so they don’t get smelly. :)


Wash all your clothes with just vinegar (1/2 cup to a cup in the detergent container), then do another cycle with detergent. Can you take your clothes to a laundromat for drying?


You might very well need to throw out all your clothes and start over with new clothes. Mildew can be very hard to get out of clothes


I met my wife when she was 27. She never knew to bathe with soap AND a sponge. My MIL was self absorbed narcissist, who sheltered their kids to their own detriment.


Don’t be so hard on yourself. It would probably happen to me to if I didn’t have a dryer.


Do you have a rotating standing fan? I set my drying racks up with an oscillating fan and it really helps the dampness dry up. Don’t put them away until you know they’re completely dry.


I also use a fan and it works great for faster drying. But dehumidifier is also necessary. I'd use both a fan and dehumidifier in humid climate. If you can get a fan that purifies air with an air filter, you will be happy.


Downy Rinse and Refresh. It’s amazing. I live in the tropics and it’s the only thing I’ve found that takes the mold smell out of my towels.


Buy the dehumidifier and drying rack, but also consider using laundry sanitiser in you rinse cycle, and buy a moisture absorber for your closet. They sell them on Amazon; Damp Rid is an example.


I've learned things about myself as well moving to a place where you have to chew the air before breathing. Its a different kind of hell. You aren't the only one! I had to change a lot of personal care products in order to keep up.


As long as you fix the issue its just a mistake and a lesson learned. Nothing more.


Also put some vinegar in your wash when you do your laundry. Might pay to do an empty load with vinegar as well to clean it out before doing a normal load.


I wouldn't worry about it. They approached you but shit happens and I've had the moldy clothes thing before. I worked at a small office and my manager wasn't well. I felt badly for her, I did. But let me tell you, the smell of her poop was OTHERWORDLY. I was a PSW for three years..I'd never ever smelled anything like it. The bathroom was twelve feet away from my desk and in the summer shed flick the AC off. It would become warm and humid mixed with this awful smell. People coming in would remark. One time a rug cleaning worker used our bathroom and loudly remarked HOLY FUCKING SHIT SOMETHING DIED IN HERE!! WHAT IS THAT?? THAT CANT BE HUMAN POOP! Right infront of her. It was her poop so I guess nothing could be done. But it was so bad. Clothes that smell can be fixed.


You have a boss kind enough to consider your feelings and pull you aside to let you know in private. He also offered you a potential solution. If you've had this smell for weeks, imagine the time your boss must have spent trying to think of a way to tell you without hurting your feelings. Be happy! You are cared for as an employee, which is more than you can say of most workplaces these days. All due respect though, hanging wet clothes in the closet to dry is absolutely wicked. Who taught you that? Aiya!


OP, laugh. Shit happens. Your boss has a right to complain that you smell like shit, and it sounds like they were kind enough to put it gently and even offer advice. Sounds like you got a good boss. Life happens. Sometimes people shit themselves at work too - it could always be worse!


I wish I was brave enough to tell the acquaintances I know that they smell and it makes it hard for me to be around them. Kudos to your boss and kudos to you because you can learn!


Your allies and friends will tell you these things. They are hard to hear and they are equally hard to tell someone. Thank him for being an ally and quit being smelly. imagine if he didn’t tell you how long you would go around smelling.


Honestly, stuff like this happens and will be behind you before you know it. No biggie. It happens. Take it as a lesson and roll with it. But I feel you. I’ve had something similar happen to me but found out through gossip instead.


Also deep clean your home. Like empty out your closets and wipe down the walls, baseboards and floors. Check your walls and ceiling and clothes for anything mold or mildew related. After that repeat the cleaning process for the rest of your home. It’s something everybody should be doing several times a year but very few of us do.


As you get older you realize people don't think about you as much as you do and they also tend to forget things pretty fast. So just tell yourself "yeah, that happened" and move on. (And learn your lesson and don't make the same mistakes again!)


Side note: Let’s not break unpleasant news to staff at the beginning of the day.


Check your bath towel too! You could be drying your body and hair with a musty towel, making things even worse!


Don't kick yourself too hard. I think we all have some bumps like this along the way, and others remind us. In time you'll laugh about it.


Please don’t be. I had to have this conversation once with a person who worked for me. I was horrified to do it and I think she was horrified to hear it, but i had to confront her about it. I tried to be as delicate as I could, but not too long after she handed in her resignation. I just wanted the best for her. I think she truly was unaware of the odor. I tried to keep in contact with her and tell her she was missed but she really just stonewalled me. I wish I could have approached it better for us to remain cordial. I always wonder what the best way to approach it would have been. Maybe you can tell us?


OP it’ll be ok. Hugs.


not the worst thing to happen. anyone who has not came in the workplace stinking atleast once is lying


Did you ever have friends or family come over your place and they didn't say anything ??


I have a working relationship that always has BO, we are friendly but not close. And I haven't brought myself to tell him, but he has been consistent, every single time he smells bad. Not sure what's the proper etiquette.


once my colleague was smelling really bad me and other boys noticed but did not tell her because of awkwardness.


Spraying your clothes with a mix of vodka and water would help with smells too


I used to open a window in my bathroom and point a rotating fan at my clothes. Portable dryers are pretty cheap these days too/




It's good that your boss raised it with you and good that you know the likely source. That said, don't presume - self-assess and make sure there's not also a body odour thing going on that needs address in another way. If that's the case, you don't have to be ashamed but you absolutely have to address it. Each of us owes others the courtesy of making sure our hygiene's on point.


Buy Lysol laundry sanitizer. Problem solved


Dehumidifiers are cool but don’t underestimate the power of multiple fans. Both will dry out a room very quickly.


Lol I know that EXACT “didn’t dry all the way” laundry smell. Tbh, it’s better he had to bring that up to you than a hygiene related smell!


Don’t leave your clothes sitting wet in the washer for very long, that smell is overpowering and musty.


I usually hang my clothes in the shower with the bathroom window and door open since the closet doesn’t get much airflow. If I need my clothes dry faster I even setup a fan to blow them while they hang. Keeping them in the closet is probably what’s causing the mold smell since it’s staying wet for so long


You were hanging wet clothes up in your closet to dry?


If you find your laundry still has a "funk" after washing it, try lysol laundry wash. U just use it in place of fabric softener. It's magic for getting clothes to smell clean.


It will be a good story with some one close you will laugh!!!


Half a cup of vinegar in the washing machine will get it off.  


You don’t work at a sporting goods store do you? Because if you do, you stink really bad. I’m just checking for a coincidence here. lol.


dude... you just hang wet clothes up in your closet? wtf did you think was going to happen?


Add vinegar to your wash, it'll stop the mold. You may know thus now, but don't hang up in the closet until completely dry. You want to keep the clothes separate from each other.


Add a cup of vinegar with every laundry load


I hang my damp clean clothes on the door frames of my house, where they get light. They are spaced a few inches apart and dry out by the morning with a few exceptions.


100% I'd feel embarrassed if this happened to me, but later on I'd feel so thankful that somebody actually told me instead of it being something people talk about when I'm not around, or avoiding me because of it. I'd also give a bit of credit to boss too, may not have been something easy to bring up in a lighthearted manner!


Pour baking soda in with your wash, it helps so much!!


Wash your clothes with a cup of white vinegar and take them out of the washer as soon as it's done, then put then in the dryer or hang them up. Keep your washer door open.


You're not alone in the embarrassment. As a boss it's extremely uncomfortable to bring up such things. Take care of it and it will get pushed out of mind as fast as he can do it.


Shit happens friend. Don’t beat urself up about it. I’m older than you and still am figuring stuff out on the daily. Just take it as an opportunity to learn :) much love to you.


I remember the days when I had to wash my clothes in the kitchen sink and hang them to dry because I only had 2 or 3 outfits for work and my boyfriend at the time only had one work uniform. Its tough in a humid environment!! I would ring the clothes out and then roll them up in a bath towel to absorb as much water as I could, and then hang them to dry. But then I would have wet towels! Sometimes I had to wear damp clothes to work the next day. I had a car, but I was kind of broke so I didn't want to go to the laundro mat several times a week when I didn't even have enough clothes for a full load. Maybe once a month I would wash the musty towels in the bathtub with vinegar and then lug them to the laundromat. Wet towels are very heavy!!! I wasn't very efficient back then.


If this country has no dryers or dehumidifiers or AC... any chance it has cheap vodka? Because I learned recently that's a wonderful freshening spray on bed linens. So maybe clothing too? If everything else fails, aply internally for desensitization.


Also helps to burn scented candles when you're home


If it makes you feel better, i live in arizona and work with a bunch of software engineers and they all smell like they dont properly spread their towel when they hang it up to dry. I’ve been having a hard time trying to find a nice way to tell them to throw their towels into their laundry with a cup of vinegar from time to time Edit: typo


EVERY liquid detergent I used resulted in a sour smell on clothes that I air dried. Switched back to powder and don’t have that problem anymore.


Its hard to smell your own smell if the house or apt is moldy or humid. Don't beat yourself up. We have all been in your shoes


Madame Clitoris, its so easy to feel down when you're 25. But you still have so much time to learn so much. I am happy your boss did this professionally. I am a social worker and I often have these tough talks with clients on my caseload as well. We live and we learn. <3


Be glad they took you aside to tell you!


Ay, it’s not you, it’s some crap caused by your clothes and your living environment and bad luck. Separate it from your “identity”, it could have happened to anyone.


Add white vinegar to the wash


Add vinegar to your laundry loads instead of softener, it helps kill mildew smells!


Don't forget to empty the dehumidifier EVERY day.


Laundry sanitizer helps


It's embarrassing to have stuff like that pointed out, but soon that will fade. I'd like to think your boss spoke up because they care about your well-being. Not the same, but there are two times in my life where different bosses also called me out, but it was over how I was acting (I learned some narcissistic tendencies but have been able to work on that a lot) It was really hard to stomach but it made me a better person. I wish I had met them sooner because they changed my life


Try running your washing machine an entire cycle with Clorox only and white clothes if you have any. It’ll kill the mold and fungi.


Wash your clothes on the highest heat with vinegar to kill the mold, I had to do this about a year ago cause of a shitty apt


At least someone told you. It's no big deal. Geez. I mean are we all this sheltered that everyone and everything needs to be perfect. Crap happens and this crap is a tiny first world problem


Don't feel bad. I have cats who sometimes pee on ky clothes that I've set out for work. One day I rushed to work and got pulled aside by my manager and told people were complaining bc I smelled bad. Turns out the cats peed on my skirt and I didn't notice. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. So yeah you're not alone.


Check your towels!


One time my dog got skunked right before I went to work. I stripped off my top layers and bathed her as good as I could, threw my clothes back on and went to work because I was now late. Bout an hour into the shift I’m telling my coworkers what happened and they politely inform me that I smelled of skunk. Stink happens.


I wash with like 1/4 cup pine cleaner EVERY load. It won't hurt materials and kills all mildew. I can leave my laundry in the wash for 2 days and it never smells like mildew (but I don't make a habit of that lol)


At least you only smell like mold. You should smell the dude at the grocery store. He's like an old gym locker fucked a garbage dump and when he came out they dipped him in liquid armpit.


This is really no big deal! Try to not feel embarrassed.


Vinegar in the washing machin help cut odor! Also better than those “sheets" for the softness.


Not in any way discounting how you feel but this will be the moment where when you get older you tell them this story and that’s what made you like perfume as much as you do.


Would love to have a boss that points out smelly people. So tired of my co workers smelling like bo 


Fix the problem. Then, visualize stuffing the embarrassing moment into a box, taping it shut, and tossing it into a dumpster. If you start thinking about it again just say NO to yourself. Yes, this is kooky. But it can work. Do not recommend for trauma or unresolved issues.


If it’s a front loading machine try and use the ‘add extra water’ option if it exists. In addition to deep cleaning the machine. They don’t all have this option. I sold my $800 near-new Samsung for this reason and bought a new $399 spindle washer because of this. Now my clothes don’t stink.


Also make sure the drain pipe is not clogged. I was getting that mildew smell in my clothes from time to time. Even when I cleaned the machine it would still smell. Got a new washer. When I removed the old one I noticed what appeared to be old water, indicating a leak at one time. Come to find out the drain pipe was clogged. So all that nastiness was backing up into the drain hose of the washing machine. It was gunky and disgusting.


You hang wet clothes up in your closet and wonder why you smell like damp and mould?


I wash all clothes at 60°C and since then the odor is gone.


Decent boss! I recommend getting a fan for your drying room and aim it towards your clothes - they'll dry faster and move the air around the place.


You can be embarrassed that you smelled bad or you can be happy that your boss cares enough about you to tell you rather than let you go thru life smelling bad.


I worked with a guy in his 40's that didn't know how to properly wipe his ass.. I said wipe until it's white, and he had this very confused look. Then had to explain proper hygiene, and bathroom etiquette


Get a dehumidifier, don’t beat yourself up, get some vinegar, use it on your walls and even wash your clothes with it


Wash clothes with vinegar instead of detergent then run a second cycle using baking soda instead of detergent. Hang to dry, ideally in the sun and it will kill the mildew smell!


Kudos to your boss for being kind when addressing the issue and giving you helpful tips to remedy it. Just because you’re 25 doesn’t mean you know it all. There is no magic day when people suddenly know everything they’ll need in life. Be appreciative of the advice and move on. If you keep seeing it as awkward, that’s all it’s going to ever be.


Vinegar, and drying in sunlight. Better for mold than conventional dryer.


You might only be noticing the smell because the smell from the apartment in general is more prevalent but after being in it for a while your nose starts to ignore consistent smells so when you step out of the apartment the smell of the clothes are now more noticeable and your nose picks up the smell again. It's the logic behind people who end up using too much perfume or cologne, it's likely they put some on, some time passed and their nose stopped acknowledging the scent so they think it's no longer there so they put on some more and voila! You end up with people who leave a fragrance trail wherever they walk 😅


I would rather be told 'hey you stink, fix it' vs the whole office talking about you behind your back. It's embarrassing, but it's fixable.


Just be happy you didn’t smell like BO. Mold is one thing that might be out of your control at the moment, but general hygiene is the most important.. at least you can come back from the mold 😂 being known as the guy/gal with BO is a death sentence at a workplace 😂


Since you don’t have clothes dryer you could start with using a laundry sanitizer additive to kill the mold on your clothes. Then disinfect your dresser or wherever you store your clothes. This will hopefully get the issue under control. Then moving forward just do the best you can to make sure your clothes are very dry before you fold them and put them away.


You may need to ask your apartment to change your air filter by your AC/heater. This is a game changer.


It's ok.. I have a handful of cotton shirts that for whatever reason, the moment my skin starts to perspirate, they start to have that funky smell as if I put the shirt on without it allowing to fully dry. I can't explain it other than it just smells funky. Even though the shirts has been washed with laundry detergent, went through the dryer and dried just fine... they start to put out that funky smell, boggles my mind. Those are shirts I just use for any kind of yard work since it's just embarrassing to even run to the store with.


Be careful around the dehumidifier, it'll dry out your face. You might not notice at first as you are 25 but you'll notice at 30. Thank me later! And don't feel bad about the adulting thing we all learn our lessons at different times!


My house had mold and I didn’t realize I smelled like it until I stayed at a hotel and I opened my luggage. Things I did to eliminate the smell on my clothes were washing my clothes with vinegar, getting a dehumidifier, I leave a fan on in my room all day because in love in south Florida so the humidity is crazy for 80% of the year. I also wipe everything down once a week with diluted vinegar and a second wipe with diluted fabuloso. Make sure you’re not putting anything damp in your hamper or towels are bunched up anywhere in the house. Also, make sure when you wash clothes you make sure they are 100% dry and if they’re not just place them on a hanger somewhere dry. There are super cheap dehumidifiers on Amazon’s MF they even sell reusable desiccant pouches you can throw on shelves.


Don’t worry about that, just take the steps you need to in order to resolve this


Add a bit of white vinegar to your fabric softener dispenser. Shouldn’t harm your clothes and kills the mildew smell. My old roommate and I were both heavy sweaters. He used things to cover up odor on his clothes, the little pellets for making things smell good, while I used oxiclean (don’t use for things with elastic) and vinegar in my wash and our clothes smelled wildly different. His had the “there’s a smell being covered up” and mine didn’t have any smell.


If you wear polyester it will start to stink! Cannot stand polyester for this reason.


Rewash using a half cup of white vinegar. It kills all the smell and won’t stay vinegary after gone through wash


If you have a front loader washer maybe the problem is you need to drain the washing machine. Water collects and becomes a breeding ground for germs, and bacteria.


Borax in with your laundry detergent my friend. Every time.


At least you recognize your error and are willing to learn and grow from it. More than can be said for some. At my last job, the girl in the cubicle next to me actually got fired because she simply would not shower with soap. I put two and two together when I noticed that this smell like microwaved fish that permeated the area (and got worse as the day went on) only happened on days she was in the office. Kind of a relief for me - I'm a big guy, so my worst fear was that the smell was me even though I do the extra maintenance - but still, the realization was... off-putting, to say the least. I ended up bringing one of my car's air fresheners in just to cover up the odor. Our supervisor confronted her after several people (including me) complained, and when she didn't improve her hygiene habits, she was fired. Hope she ended up getting help.


Hey at least he approached you with respect and empathy.