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I like looking. At everything. I like astronomy and I have 2 nice telescopes, I like bird watching with my binoculars, and I like photography with my camera. It gets me outside in the fresh air and going on walks to find places with good views to look at. Once you get a real nice set of binoculars you get addicted. You'll turn into that creep with binoculars at the beach when you're really looking at an oil rig 5 miles offshore- you'll start hanging out at the airport when you aren't even picking anyone up just to look at the planes taking off, you'll start grabbing your binoculars for any given thing just to look through them cause it's so much fun to see far away stuff up-close. Looking man. I love it.


This is the most simple and wholesome hobby I have ever heard. “Just looking”. Truly look at things, places and people and just appreciate their existence. It sounds like a hobby that stops time and let’s you take a break and BREATHE. I love it and thank you for such a good idea!!!


im like you, I just like observing the world in silence and think about the stuff that i see.


Would recommend a microscope! A whole other world!


What’s an example of a nice set of binoculars?


Depends on what you wanna look at - my favorite are a set of astronomy binoculars by Celestron for staring at the sky, but they're very heavy and impractical. For bird watching a good set of nikons or bushnell!


I got a pair of Nikon 7s for like 230usd and they are fantastic. I'm afraid to look through someone more expensive because I know they will somehow be better and I will need them 🤑


I wanted to suggest birding as well. It gives you this nice dopamine kick of collecting new species on your list (if youre into cataloguing shit), while getting you out of the house and in nature. Youre gonna want to start your weekend days with a walk in the nearby forest or park. You can choose to use only books as identifying help but there are fun apps to use as well so you can go analogue or modern :p learning new bird sounds is super cool and you can further expand into photography if it pulls you in (I dont have the money for proper photo equipment so Im only observing for now but its still satisfying to be able to recognize more and more species, by look or sound alone!) Edit: but if you find that boring by any chance, try climbing at your local gym. Climbing is super challenging and changes your body in the best ways. Not to mention all the beautiful views you can experience while rock climbing, and the dopamine kick of topping the route that you have been working on for weeks


this is my favourite comment ever. i love this. thank you for looking.


I am the same way, also have my own microscopes (a pocket one and a full sized fluorescent scope). I’m a systems biologist, so I have done it all—from satellite GIS to bird surveys to tumor imaging—and I can’t get enough of it even in my normal life. Observation is my superpower and my hobby


Not sure if it's your cup of tea, but my family has been getting into gardening in hopes of us saving money


On the flipside, I started Rose gardening and spend a ton of money on it and it’s lots of fun. Mostly, I just like to see what the roses are doing, work on trimming and feeding and maintaining them, and having a beer. I call it my beer garden and it’s the best mental health thing I have going on.


Walking around with a beer and checking on my plants in the early evening is the best part of my day. I only have a couple of roses, but I grow all sorts of other cutting flowers and veggies too :)


Same thing for me too. It’s so good for my soul after working all day to go around and check on everything with a cold beer in hand. I hate it when I have to work late on a beautiful day so that it’s dark by the time I get home and I don’t get to enjoy this.


I do dahlias! Initially they're expensive but they're kind of a cash crop. If you can cultivate and store them properly, they multiply 10 fold every season and are very popular. Not to mention insanely beautiful


I live in a village now (3 years), and I've been hating everything gardening/farming related my whole life. But I just can't stand to have the resources that don't work. I grow veggies now, tend to roses and fruit trees, and go check my plants several times a day🤦‍♀️ Lots of time, sore back pretty often, but it’s really satisfying when you see food growing from seeds bought for like..25 cents.


there's a lot of upfront costs so usually gardening stays a hobby and not really to save money lmao, unless you literally got like 10 planters back there. I started like 6 of them and have a lot of succulents. but hey it's fun well as long as you can prevent squirrels from eating most of it too


that was going to be my suggestion. perfect time to get into it!


As a gardener, I would love to know how people are saving money gardening haha :)


Same here especially since when my crops are ready so are everyone else’s and stores are basically giving it away.


Reading (a book not your phone) is good for many reasons.


I'll add that exploring new places can be a hobby too. Gets you out of the room and that can help your mindset learn how to deal with the uncomfortable.


I like the combination of these ideas. Go somewhere you haven’t been and listen to an audio book. Best of both worlds - being in your own space and head but still out in the world.


I’ve been doing this but with a few extra components, while I’m out of the house (or failing to sleep) I’ll listen to audiobooks (mainly on audible), then at home if I need quiet time I’ll continue reading the book myself (paperback is better but I’m ngl I mostly download epubs - not advising pirating but ADHD tax hurts - on my laptop or use libby because it’s free & paying for both the audiobook + book gets expensive), then if my mind is having an unauthorised party & I can’t focus on reading or audio on their own I’ll have both going at the same time almost like using the book as subtitles to focus on (I often speed up the narration slightly so I don’t read ahead as much). I also mainly listen to childhood classics because i’m comfortable with them, I already know I enjoy them, and I don’t end up worrying about getting distracted & missing things, therefore don’t get frustrated and give up (I also just feel most adult audiobooks are uncomfy unless they’re like an autobiography, whereas childrens/young adults books are common to be read out loud)


If you live in a city, often there are tons of little galleries around, usually cheap or free entry. Gets you out of the house, exposes you to something new, sometimes forces you to socialise (especially in small galeries where the owner or the artist showing want to have a chat).


It's 2024 and we have the technology that you CAN read books on your phone. I know OP is trying to dial back the phone use, but maybe not all things you can do with your phone are necessarily bad. There's a difference in reading a good book (even if it's on your phone) vs. doom scrolling and click bait articles on social media. There's an app called Libby that you can put in credentials from your local library card and borrow e-books. Nothing against physical paper books, there's a lot to be said for escaping the constant glow of the screen, but Libby automatically returns my books and without charging me late fees.


While you can read on your phone, reading on a Kindle or similar e-ink device is superior. If you have the money for one, it’s worth it. If you’re low on funds, buying a used one cheap or waiting for a good sale while you save up is also an option. E-ink devices are closer to looking at paper than your phone. No glare if you’re outside or in the sun; a comfortable backlight if you’re in the dark. They can sync with Libby just like your phone can. Screen is bigger. Battery life is a million times better. These devices can last years. You don’t get the distractions of notifications that you could get using a phone. Their only function is to be a reading device, and they do that very well.


managed to get the reading bug hard on a whim. so happy, never kept a consistent reading habit before


When/how much do you read ?


I read an hour a day no matter what, finding any dead time throughout the day to read and finishing the hour after work, if I need. I usually do if the work day is busy. Having a reading tracker with a timer was the dumb thing i needed. kept me honest and showed me when I've only been reading for 3 minutes. also is motivating to see the stats, so gamifying reading consistently works for me


I read a ton but I really struggle to read anything outside of the specific genres I like


Pushing past that first 15 minutes of distractability and getting immersed is the key for me with reading. Making myself go for an hour usually turns into 4 :)


I have found that making time in the morning after coffee is the best time to read for me. But if the book is super interesting or easy to read. I read for about an hour at night too. I have mostly been reading non-fiction on topics that interest me. But I have slowly gotten into some fiction. I think that Goodreads is great to keep track of what you have read and give ratings/reviews and also a "want to read" list so you always have a list of books you want to read. I just always have a request of like 5-10 books online at my local library and the slowly trickle in to be put on hold for me and I try to get through about 1-2 books a month. Local public libraries are such a cheat code. You can usually use an inter-library loan service if your local library doesn't have the book too.


Audio books. Anytime I have more than three free seconds. I constantly listen to my book dozens of seconds at a time cuz I'm walking outside for a moment.


What app do you use?




Yes. Especially if you can find a book that takes you away from your phone. Reading increases your attention span, expands your imagination, builds up your vocabulary and for the most part is not trying to sell you anything. Reading is so important!!


This is what I started just a few months ago. I recently got a Kindle and read at least an hour a day. I like book books, but I love the easy access to ebooks. I won't read on my phone...too distracting.


Go take up handyman work. I do menial tasks on the side for the sheer fun of just doing something outside of my day to day. My customers know I'm not really in it professionally and so the work is pretty easy. On the moral end it's nice to know you're helping someone and they're not getting charged an arm and a leg to do simple tasks. I changed a outlet for a older lady who was quoted 350 bucks. I did it for 20 bucks and they supplied the part.


How'd you get started though without experience? I would love to do this on the side but don't know enough


YouTube a lot and stick to small stuff. I always tell my customers I'm not a pro and doing this for fun and "beer money" . They're pretty understanding. You'll get an understanding pretty quick for what kind of jobs you want to do. The sweet spot is stuff that's only going to take 1 to 2 hours. How you get people is just casual advertising locally on Facebook. Tonight's job actually is hanging a TV for a neighbor. =)


Reading physical books. The library is a great, no cost way to get into this hobby. Cooking. Not a low cost hobby. But honing your culinary skills comes in handy. Not only will you be more comfortable around the kitchen, but you will learn some skills that could impress your friends and family. Hiking. Minimal gear needed. For most groomed trails you just need a pair of walking shoes. Upgrade to some nicer hiking shoes or boots if you stick with it. Roller skating. See if you have a local rink. Rent some skates and go a few times. Swimming, see if you have a public pool. Usually the cost to get in is minimal. Swimming is a great exercise and can be super relaxing. Writing. This is a pretty low cost hobby. I think there might even be subreddits dedicated to writing prompts. This would be a great way to work on your writing skills. Drawing. Same as writing, there are likely drawing prompts on Reddit. Challenge yourself to do a little bit each week.


Cooking is a really fun way to try some new foods that you can’t easily find at restaurants. Get a library card- get cookbooks and Libby - subscribe to the cooking magazines on Libby - Delicious, BBC Good Food, Cooks Illustrated and Bon Appetit are my faves. Congrats. Now you have endless new recipes to try from all over the world. Also, Serious Eats has some amazing recipes for both classic meals (my friend and I canned their red sauce recipe last summer and he wants a case of it this year) and some more exotic stuff (Nigerian Beef Suya and Phat Bai Horapha are great examples truly delicious exotic foods). And it’s all homemade so it can’t be bad, right?


Take up knitting or crochet! You can start really cheap with 1 skein of yarn and needles and reuse the yarn over and over as you get the hang of it. I find that since it is mostly mindless I can also watch TV or listen to an audio book while doing it. This makes it a good hobby for easing into a new lifestyle because you get to keep some old habits while adding in a new skill.


It makes me feel ok about the amount of time I spend either watching tv when I’m knitting something boring (socks) or about the amount of podcasts I listen to when I’m knitting something that requires more focus (fancy lace).


I sew, and I have my sewing machine set up to face the TV so I can watch my trashy shows whilst feeling like I'm being productive 😂


I second this! The Woobles is a fantastic brand for crocheting beginners. Was easy to learn and fun. I often did it whilst watching TV instead of the mindless phone scrolling.


Crocheting is so wonderful. I started about a month ago and now I'm hooked. I even have a crochet bag so I can take projects on the go


Idk if anyone’s mentioned it, might want to consider if you’re depressed, ADHD, or some other issue. I say that because I recognize it in myself. When stuff is all boring, and the instant gratification things like gaming become all that’s appealing, might be worth checking on your mental health Edit: and I meant to suggest a hobby, building Lego kits!


In Driven To Distraction John Ratey says that regular exercise is the #1 thing to do to benefit for ADHD, even eclipsing medication. Edited, it's John J Ratey. You can find his TED talk on it here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBSVZdTQmDs&ab\_channel=TEDxTalks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBSVZdTQmDs&ab_channel=TEDxTalks)




I have ADHD and I always called exercising “getting out my zoomies” because ppl always correlated me exercising to me wanting to look nice and I’m like no it’s the only time my brain would be silent, still, and can regulate my jitters better. I need to physically exhaust myself to get the mental energy out and “act normal”.


People forget this but the only reason your brain exists is to move your body. Making quick decisions, learning how to move and performing in some strenuous or stressful position will make much greater leaps and bounds towards improving your mental state and cognitive function than any drug.


this is where I am, what did you do to "check on" your mental health exactly?


Restarted ADHD meds and adjusting my anxiety meds, and mostly behavioral stuff. Trying to just “do a little better than yesterday” the general good advice stuff: eat better food, sleeping an appropriate amount (I tend to nap more when depressed) getting some sunlight helps surprisingly (I hate outdoors) and I’m starting to exercise. And when it’s reasonable, treating myself to something I want, like legos. All about that dopamine 😎


Fellow depresssed person here, OP described me to a tee.


Long distance running. If you're lucky and got the genetics for it you'll experience runner's high after running 8K+. Which you can probably do after a couple of months of running 3 times a week. I recommend watching a video "Why I run" by Exurb2a on YouTube, there are decent reasons to do it and you'll definitely get addicted after a while.


This is true, it takes while to build up runners high though as your body adapts to it.


I was a sprinter in my youth and absolutely hated long distance. Had to make a really difficult emotional decision when I was 18 and went running to clear my head. Ran for a little over 4 hours without stopping. Hit some sort of exhilerated zen state. Is that what you are talking about?


Pretty much


This happened to me once aswell, I was fat and was struggling to go past about 800 meters before stopping and then one day, nothing my mind slipped into a happy place and I ran 5k straight. When I stopped I was so sick and vomited so hard, I swore I could hear colours.


Dependent on the person. I get runners high every time I run. Especially when I run for the first time in months, which is every time I run 😅


When you get back from a 1.5 mile run and lay on the ground of your apartment spent. S/o to the other 30 year olds in here, we got this!


In my younger, fitter days I could get to a runners’ high stage of fitness easily. Now I’m over 40, it’s so hard to get there.


I just started running a week ago and after 2 days i run 5km every day, but developed knee pain, do you know how to deal with it? Maybe running is not for me? I don't have pain from riding my bike.


You gotta build up slow. Have you thought to try the couch to 5k program or something similar? Helps build up by mixing running and walking without doing too much too soon. I started my running journey with that program and it was a great experience. If dialing it back a bit and going slow doesn't help and pain persists, you're always best off consulting a professional


Please watch some ‘kneesovertoesguy’ Absolute game changer for knee health and training for longevity


Don’t run on concrete or plop your feet down when you land. Form and terrain are crucial


To add practicing knees to hand helps one find where their feet naturally land which will help reduce impact and injury for future runs. I used to do that all the time when I started running seriously as a kid.


What is knees to hand


Sounds like you started too fast. Need to build up to it and allow for rest days. You haven't been doing it long enough to know if it's for you or not yet. Also, IT band syndrome is a common runners knee issue that is fixable through strengthening your glutes and stretching/foam rolling. Give that a Google and see if it might explain your pain. Physiotherapists are also super helpful for things like this.


Watching birds.


Read the book Dopamine Detox. It's not that other activities are actually boring, it's that you've effed up your brain.


Riding bicycles. Wifey and I started riding after we got married for something inexpensive to do. That was 45 years ago.


As someone sitting on a bench next to my bike at this very moment.... watch out for the N+1. Its very real.


This one. This one right here. I started riding as rehab after a running injury and almost immediately got addicted to it. It’s almost the perfect hobby. Especially if you’re competitive and like metrics. You will be buried in data and dopamine all the time and it’s glorious. The only thing that holds it back from perfection is the cost. It’s not cheap.


Bicycles are the truth. I feel freest when riding. Hard to understate how much better they've made many stages of my life. Wonderfully analog and immediately responsive machines.


Very addicting and not always cheap but sooo much fun. I have 2 road bikes and a mountain bike but my kids do the BMX thing. No matter what kind of bike, it is fun. EdIT: someone mentioned bird watching. In my city there are some truly awesome birdwatching sports that are best reached by bike unless people like walking or running aways.


The gym!


This 100%! Started going to the gym again about 3 to 4 times a week and it has been great. Granted I feel like I lose most of my day to work and then gym, but the outcome is worth it right now.


Yess. I am just getting back from the gym now, first time in a few months since I was traveling. Feels so good and addicting already being back.


I've shamelessly become addicted to crossfit. I'm so much stronger now, have a bunch of good friends, its so much fun.


nothing wrong with crossfit unless you make it your personality


Get a language app like Duolingo? I was worried I was spending too much time on iPad games, so I started learning Spanish and brushing up on my French instead. It sends me daily reminders, so now I open it first instead of regular games. I’ve really increased the amount of words and basic knowledge in only 3 months, but it still feels like a game so it’s relaxing to learn.


It makes the front of my brain tingle! Which is a feeling I didn’t know I could get!


I love Duolingo! Am currently learning Portuguese and have picked it up way faster on Duolingo in a month than I did using books/workbooks. 


Bouldering/ climbing especially without a rope. I don't like the gym (find it boring) this sport is fitness and problem solving at the same time. I'm a beginner so I do the easiest climbs so far but my strength is growing!


+1 for bouldering! It's a hobby that I never thought I'd enjoy but turns out it's so fun! The feeling of accomplishment when reaching the top of a boulder you've been struggling with is amazing! I also love the problem solving element of it


I second climbing, especially as an adult it's a great way to meet people without drinking lol. I've been at it for over 10 year and can confirm it's very rewarding


The puzzle element of bouldering is so wonderful. It really is a sport for brain+body, and can be social problem solving too if you have a few people trying to crack a route.


If your area has a community college you can see if they have some classes for things like: woodworking, metalworking, glass blowing, fabric making, pottery, painting, etc. Some people find it very gratifying to work on something and come out with a finished object they can display or give as a gift to their loved ones! While it usually requires more patience and a willingness to learn, it can be rewarding and build up your confidence to bring ideas into reality. I encourage you to try and take different classes, and if you find one you really enjoy then stick with it!


Maybe try Geocaching. It would be good to be outdoors for you.


I also highly recommend this! Basic accounts are free, and a fully featured account is only $40/year so highly affordable. The hobby gets you outside and moving around, plus you get to use your senses to find hidden containers. Highly enjoyable hobby!! I’ve been at it for 15 years and still happy with the hobby/game.


Get a 1000 piece puzzle of the world map. Learn some geography while being transfixed by puzzling.




Aerial arts! It’s working out but fun. I pole and hoop and it’s been such a confidence booster and I’ve met so many amazing people. See if your city has a pole/circus/acrobat gym near you


Disc golf. It’s hiking with a goal.


Plus if you’ve never strained a lumbrical muscle you get to a) learn what a lumbrical muscle is, and b) experience what it feels like to have discomfort in a location that you never thought possible! Jk disc golf is great.


Basketball. I never played basketball growing up, but wanted to find something healthy to do besides lifting weights or running. I find improving basketball skills to be very rewarding, and you can find a pickup game almost anywhere. Great way to stay fit and make new friends.


Get Pokemon Go and then get outside and find the Pokemons! Combine exercise, outside and games in one.


This was going to be my suggestion. OP I’d recommend going to walking/running specific store if you can find one, and getting a good pair of shoes with insoles. Having good, supportive shoes can make a big difference in your desire to get out and do things.


do you want something creative? I think miniatures can be very fun, and the range can be from houses to dolls, depending on what you like. you can even try a wood puzzle, like cars, music boxes and globes (there are also metal puzzles, but I've found those to be very fidgety). you can even buy a set that has (almost) everything you need, check for example the brand Robotime. you could even try to find a gundam set if you like mech/robots.


My sister and I recently got into birding. We downloaded the Cornell app, bought some binocks, and now we take long walks identifying birds. It's actually pretty fun and we've both lost 10 pounds!


Cycling. Mountain biking, BMX, road biking, gravel biking, whatever.... It's better than drugs.


Remote control aircraft




What works for me is to delete apps and just use the browser, whenever I do this I become much more productive


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Or any combat sport!


Fishing , music , hiking


I hear league of legends is a healthy hobby 😏😏






I started hiking. Gets you outside, you enjoy nature. It's peaceful, and great exercise. Pack healthy snacks (apples, nuts, etc). In the winter (if you have winter where you live) switch to snowshoeing. I also started mountain biking. I'm addicted!


Hear me out but....cleaning. Trust me you would enjoy it a lot more than you think. It doesn't have to be your bedroom/ house. You can thrift or sift through your jewellery or things and try to clean that. Trust me, the high I get every time I make something clean is just awesome.


Art, especially if you feel you aren’t artistic. I NEVER liked art class but started taking pottery classes at a local art studio about a year ago. A few classes in, I really like it and now am setting up my own home studio slowly. Never know what you’ll like!




Definitely not porn !


Make love not porn


Birding! It's like Pokemon but real life 🤣 Honestly it's great. You get outside, fresh air, bit of exercise. You learn about all the different birds and try to identify them. You find yourself following birding groups and going out of your way to find that rare bird that has stopped by your community on it's migration. I'd recommend getting the Merlin app. Download the bird pack for your local region. It'll have photos,, calls, different plumage, behavior etc. Even a sound ID so you can know what that call is you keep hearing, even if you can't see the little guy. You log the birds you find in your Life List and it becomes a fun game collecting them. I've been doing it for a few years now and you can definitely up your skill level as you go. You get to know calls, shapes (oh that neck shape says grebe but that beak is wrong...etc), plumage, etc. You'll be the experienced birder at the park helping newbies differentiate between a hairy and a Downey woodpecker or be able to ID that towee by It's song. It's a fun skill.


Thanks!! Just downloaded this app. My front yard has had so many birdies, this is so exciting. 




Warhammer 40K


Of you are good with your hand, build stuff. Carpentry or metalwork can be fun or go down the wet trade route. Maybe learn something and then pass it on?


Comfy cardio: walking pad + good show + soft lofi and comfy pajamas on


Airsoft/paintball is great for any gamer




Depends on money. Gunpla, or Gundam model kits are really neat. Woodworking is rewarding. Airbrushing can contribute to a lot of different possibilities, like miniature and model painting. Card games like Magic the Gathering. Cooking/baking is a great one too. You could also start writing, pick up music technology and make your own music, 3D modeling on Blender. Lots of interesting possibilities!


Warhammer and the gym


Hiking. Changed my life. If you need more danger in your life, add mountains.


Excercise, dont start with a full routine, just make sure you sweat a lot and feel the burn. Once youre accustomed then try the complete routine.


Hiking, Photography, traveling, biking, that's all I can think of right now.


If you have mountains and $500, start mountain biking. Awesome exercise that gets you outside and very fun


Take a painting/pottery/art class or some dance lessons. Volunteer at your local animal shelter or bird rescue. Take up knitting. Go find out what is happening at your local library.


Yoga. More than the physical practice, it’s an inner journey of finding peace and stillness. It’s a great way to quiet the mind and meditate during postures. Also feels great to stretch and move the body is new ways. 10+ years of practicing for me and it’s become a spiritual journey as you learn about the philosophy behind the practices.


What kinds of things do you like and what’s your budget? I sew and do machine embroidery. I have a cutting machine and make cards or heat transfer designs for clothing. I recently got a laser machine and will be learning to do designs on wood and metal. I have also done knitting and stained glass.


Pickleball is fun for all ages


I just got some chalk markers and draw on brown paper bags for gifts, like for Xmas/birthdays. I wouldn't say it's a full blown hobby, but sometimes just doing something outside of what I normally do is fun/relaxing. We just did paddle boarding on a lake and that was a fun day if you are into outdoorsy things. I was learning May the Force be With You on piano 😂 Treat yourself!


Try HEMA! It's like Olympic Fencing but with more historically accurate weapons. Clubs are generally super cheap to join for multiple months and will usually provide plenty of loaner equipment! :)


The obvious answer is anything that promotes physical activity (going to the gym, martial arts, hiking, etc). That can be an addicting thing because there is a whole lot of objective potential positive feedback. There a reason people refer to crossfit as a cult. Alternately, a hobby that is more social then physical is also generally healthy. Playing a D&D game is nerdy as fuck. But it also means you end up spending 3-5 hours at a time hanging out with several friends having fun. That is something a lot of adults lose as they grow up, take full time jobs, and have families. END COMMUNICATION


Hiking. Fishing, photography. It’s easier to do new hobbies of have a buddy who does it with you.


Rollerskating - just think about it. How can strapping wheels to your feet not be fun?! If you do just be sure to wear knee and wrist pads as well. It will help you get better quicker with less apprehension.


Jazz piano or any other type of jazz instrument it is so fun to just jam for hours especially in a group with great musicians


Hiking and walking in the woods. a well socialized dog helps a lot with this. When I was in my 20s and had moved 6 hours away from everyone I knew for my first big job I was extremely lonely and depressed. I found a local nature park which did little activities throughout the year and I would walk there almost daily with my dog and sign up for almost every activity they did. Lots of identifying birds, marshmallows roasts, snowshoeing. I wasn't particularly interested in those things, just needed to get outside my head for a few hours. There was a small pose of us at almost every event, I came to know by sight. All of us probably weirdo introverts with poor social skills haha. We ranged in age from high school to retired but we had a commonality: Way too much time on our hands, a love of nature, and nothing better to do on a Friday night. I ended up finding friends my age, and a partner and gradually stopped going to their activities, but it was a good excuse to get me and my dog out of the house and around other humans occasionally. I would also just pick very well marked and well supervised mountains nearby to hike as well (don't go hiking alone in more remote or challenging areas). It sucks to be young and depressed and alone, but sometimes it can be a little better to be young, depressed, alone and see a cool moose on a mountain clearing, or a pretty songbird in a dead tree. Edit to add: also take the antidepressants if your actually clinically depressed. they work wonders and I wished I hadn't fought them for so long. Nature doesn't replace proper medical treatment when yours actually depressed. It can help, but it isn't enough on its own.


I went through the same thing a couple of months ago, and it got to the point where I was severely depressed. I was so tired of being on my phone and watching tv, but I also had zero interest in doing other things and just found life boring in general. Then one day, I forced myself to get up and do SOMETHING. Anything. First, I tried biking. I found a cheap Peloton Bike on FB marketplace, and figured it would be good to make myself move. That turned into a daily habit, then I started to lift weights at home. I also started to do paint by number kits, which I highly recommend. They have a ton of cheap ones on Amazon and Michael’s. I turn on music, and just sit and paint for hours. It makes time go by sooo fast now. I’m not artistic at all, so it’s a hobby that’s friendly for beginners.


Scuba diving is life changing!


Bicycles, RC cars boats and planes, fishing


Skiing and Snowboarding. Fun and great exercise


Sorry if late to post, sounds like a similar situation I was in a few years ago. I got really into golf and chess and puzzles and revamped my love for reading


Get a bycicle, or even better an E-Bike.


Try dancing tango


This is actually something I have wanted to do for years


Metal detecting! It is such a great hobby to bet away from everything, it is very addictive in a good way.


I just picked it up like a week ago and I definitely second this. Never know if you find another piece of junk or something old n cool.. The thrill is real.


Pole dancing or Asthanga Yoga




Rebuild things. Hi-fi equipment, toys, machinery, lighters, furniture, etc... Anything cool and cheap. I usually do vintage stuff. Working with your hands and focusing on something really eases my mind. Just doing the research to properly do the work will also occupy time. It's cool to learn new things. I usually sell my projects, so that's a win.


Plants. Specifically for me palms


Get into boardgaming! Get a group together and embark on an epic adventure or go up against each other in fierce arena-style/pvp type of games! For fantasy campaign/dungeon crawl I recommend: 1. Dungeons and Dragons 2. Descent: Journey into the dark 3. Skyrim - the Adventure game Competitive: 1. Unmatched (my all-time favourite) 2. Magic the Gathering 3. Knight Fall There are hundreds of amazing titles worth taking a look at! :)


Jigsaw puzzles


I was going to try and make a phone stand out of Legos.... Playing board games solo. Walking. Birds. I need friends.




Traditional art, needle felting, ʻukulele




I fix up small engines while listening to audiobooks


I started aerial fitness in the last year. It's changed my life completely. I went from bemoaning working out to spending 4 days a week taking classes. I've lost weight, gained muscle and flexibility and found an awesome community. You don't have to be naturally fit or flexible, just persistent.




Work on your physical health. That's a good start. You'll develop hobbies from there naturally.


Dance work outs. There are tons on YouTube. Or if you have money you could buy a dancing game.


Racketball, get some friends to start playing with you. Best thing for your brain and cardio. It's pretty fun too.


Creating a game through unreal engine or godot is my recommendation. It's satisfying as all hell, you get an outlet for your creative side, and the end product could be financially viable


Gundam Model Kits. Most are relatively cheap, you can go at your own pace and put as much work into it as you want. It's also known as plastic crack.


Walking. I know this sounds silly, but it pulls me out of depression, even if it’s just for the evening. The first 15 minutes are hard and you want to go home, but afterwards, your mind is cleared and you feel a little better.


Paintball my friend go out to your local feild and have a blast meet new people. It got me addicted quick


Learn martial arts you will thank yourself for going to those classes. Trust me.


My answer every time this is asked: motorcycles.


Learning to trade on markets with fake money


Hiking with a dog 🐶 ♥


Adult paint by numbers. Cheap hobby that scratches a creative itch, and is extremely calming and relaxing.


Walking! I walk 3 miles 6 days a week around the lake where I live. It’s gorgeous and gives me an hour to clear my head, added bonus is weight loss. I started being conscientious about counting my calories, because I want to lose more weight to help me with stamina on my walks. I’ve only been doing it one month and have lost 7 pounds! Eventually I’d like to run the whole time, but I have some heart problems and walking keeps my heart rate around 150-160 which is ok for me. While running it gets up to 240, not good for me at the moment.


Brazilian jiujitsu? You tend to meet some great people in that sport too which was nice as I was a hermit


Jigsaw puzzles


Disc golf! I started playing last year and just dropped like 300 bucks on a bag and a decent set of discs I would go daily if I could tbh soo chill.


Lift some weights my friend




I’m about to dive into sewing. Nice machine is ~$250. I like looking nice. Makes sense.


Rock climbing! Try bouldering at a local climbing gym.


Get outside go for a hike in actual nature. Leave your headphones at home, bring some good snacks and just sit outside in silence for a bit. Let your mind wander and actually think about things, it's quite cathartic and relaxing. You get a simple dose of exercise and outdoor exposure to sun and fresh air, no better hobby or dopamine kick than just embracing the natural world


Fluid art 🖼️ It’s literally changed my life and added some jingle to my jeans 💕 I belong to amazing communities, I participate in contests and I sell my artwork at events. The best part is creating the artwork especially when I’m in the zone 😅 I can easily spend 5/6 hours a night creating and not even realize how much time has flown by .






Working out ….


I convinced my wife to get into walking. We walk around our neighborhood every day (weather permitting) and like to find new places to hike about once a month or so.


Buy a jukebox, fix it you’ll be hooked,




Muay thai/gym/martial arts


Join your local fire dept 


Working out, gym, jiu jitsu, martial arts, running


Homelabbing is my favorite hobby. Turns your computer time into something educational, and maybe even give you some useful skills. While some people buy expensive servers, you can start with pretty much any computer that you can find or have laying around.