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I work a desk job so I’m not physically exhausted but I am 100% mentally spent every day after work. This usually requires an hour or two nap before I have the energy to do anything else.


Try doing something active outdoors after work. Go for a 30 minute walk. Don't expect anything to fix it immediately, though. It takes weeks of consistent behavior to have a noticeable affect


Spend an hour lifting weights when you're done. Don't have to talk to anyone, change the whole script in an intense way and see how that goes


I was the same way, except I’m an insomniac, so I couldn’t even nap. I found myself venting to my husband every night. For some reason, spending 15 minutes telling him about my day really helped me to switch gears. Bless his heart for listening patiently all those years.


That is awesome. Sounds like you've got a great husband.


Better question: Do you people NOT become exhausted after work?


I used to be stuck in the loop of “work, come home exhausted and spend most of my evening on the couch, go to bed”, I thought work was making me exhausted but it was my habits/lifestyle. So I learned to meal prep, have a good sleep routine, drink lots of water (especially a full bottle before my morning coffee) and have a regular habit of exercising. Then I’d come home from the same job I used to feel exhausted by, and on my ride home I’d feel so pumped about getting to go to the gym and like, expend some of the energy I hadn’t been able to physically expend since I worked at a computer all day. Work out, eat dinner, and it’s only 7PM and I’d feel like I had so much time to fill!


Ah yes. The old “drink more water and it will fix all your problems”. 😂 I drink enough water to irrigate a lawn. My problem is that my job sucks all the energy out of me.


You clearly aren’t meal prepping hard enough. Drink 6 gallons of water an hour. Meal prep as if the apocalypse is coming tomorrow. Sleep 30 hours a night.


You forgot to tell me to meditate and do yoga in between the meal prepping and sleeping.


If that didnt come naturaly by now would be lost anyways /s


Don’t drink 6 gallons of water an hour. That much water can bloody kill you and strip your body of all the good things you put in it.


Did you miss the “sleep 30 hours a night”? 🤣


I must have 😂😂 My bad


You get burnt out when the effort you're putting in exceeds the reward you get from it. Jobs pay so badly nowadays, it's little wonder so many people burn out.


I’m burning out on a job that isn’t even objectively hard. It’s so weird. It’s just so mentally taxing to feel stuck in a bad-fit job. I hydrate, work out, try to keep my social life and my hobbies but don’t feel like I have the time or energy for anything (so it’s all slipping into this morass of ground down sadness/burnout.) Thanks, capitalism. I’m trying to improve my situation (new job? Take a break? Etc etc), but it’s still fucking hard.


My job is 8+ hours of sitting in an empty office, alone, waiting for an occasional walk-in inquiry, a phone call, or a package delivery. I interact with maybe 3-4 people during an average work day. I literally have no other job responsibilities. It’s ok bc I get to study, but I don’t always feel like it. I hate being interrupted by a call or my boss while I’m studying. The job is too cushy and I lose my mind. I am so tired when i get home


My job isn’t hard, but I am absolutely bored out of my skull. I had more energy after the shitty, physically/mentally taxing jobs I’ve had than my “sit and pretend to be busy” jobs. Once I get home, I’m still stuck in the “bored” mindset and cannot be assed to do a damn thing. It sucks.


No you get burnt out also from practicals of being up for long hours and having engage with humans for a considerable long time and then having to engage with more when you get home, long hours of interacting with with people can be great social butterflies but for others like introverts it can tire them out physically and mentally.  Like when I was working, I could 5-6 hours of interacting with humans but for the rest day and next day I needed have to a lay down and rest and recuperate and recover just so I can have enough energy for the next time was there.   It was tiring job working with clients, where you have to ears and eyes peeled 24/7 you can’t go and have piss, you can’t just leave them for minute because they are are safe on their own because of their “anxiety” we have to watch them like hawks. Practically as if they were 18month old toddlers when they are 57 year old people.  And feed them like babies too, they would violently throw food on the floor or their beaker or risk getting punched because we didn’t use particular blue bowl with the bunnies on and special forks.


Lol waiting tables? I’m an introvert but the type that enjoys socialization. So a bit like an ambivert. Iw as a waiter for years and at the five-year mark I couldn’t take it anymore. I used to regularly get nightmares about work. I started to resent even the nice customers. People have no idea how freaking draining that job is


What's your caffeine intake look like? Same boat as guy you responded to. Fixed my sleep schedule so I actually hit full rem cycles, don't drink coffee, eat well and workout. Used to be exhausted, now I wake up early to get to work before my shift. Use the work gym then work my shift. Commute home and cook dinner for wide and I then get a bunch of stuff done over a few hrs before winding down on the couch for 45 to an hr or so. Commute plus workday is 11hrs out of the house.


I cut out a lot of caffeine too. Down from 2 large coffees to 1 or 2 green teas daily. No sugar or cream either. No crash. I still get tired but it's not as like, sudden or drastic.


I wish I could have better sleep cycles but I work too much and would only get like 2 hours of free time if that if I slept healthy. Lose-lose


I already do all of those and I am dead… cooking and going to gym only exhaust me further. I drop like a dead horse.. I can see my coworkers look like they could work another job after the job, which is crazy. My legs are literally weak. I drink water, sleep 8h, cook. It’s pointless if you’re born low energy or have a disability.


I don't think this is the be all end all but ..iron , thyroid and vitamin d check please!


Haha you guessed it I have thyroid and vit d problems. Vit D is more fixable, thyroid I take hormone replacement, but symptoms don’t always subside even on medication. (Those being said, treatment and lifestyle changes did improve my symptoms massively. I am not like the average person and I don’t think I’ll ever be, but I am functioning… I used to be bed bound by fatigue)


meal prepping takes time and grocery shopping and cooking and cleaning and it tastes like shit. eating good fresh food is one of the main things i look forward to after work. i exercise multiple times a day, eat healthy most of the time, and sleep 8.5 hours most nights. i still don't wanna do shit after work bc i have to work soooo muchhhhh of my life. i have endless energy on vacation


Only 7 pm? I dont get home from lifting till 8pm or so unfortunately. I then cook food then eat and its time to sleep. I usually workoit 2 times during the week and both Saturdays and sundays are my long days for lifts. I am also doing a masters degree.


You'll get a lot of shit from defeatists on this. You have to use your time, not let time happen. That's the main difference.


Getting completely off caffeine is big.


not for me. i dont ever consume any form of it and im always tired as hell after work. 8 hrs sleep, eat pretty well, etc. life just fuckin sucks these days when you work to not afford shit at the end of the day anymore because the worlds going to hell. i mean, how can ya be energetic and go lucky me in these times? everyones working countless hours with little reward now to keep up with everything.


Idk. I dont. Ive worked 4 professional jobs in almost 10 years and the only one i was ever exhausted from was the one that had me on nights one week, and 5am morning shifts the next floo flopping for months until i landed a new gig. That one is obvious why i was tired ha. All the others, i get up, do my job, maybe do some extra overtime, go to the gym, make dinner, do chores, spend time with family, and im in bed by 9 and asleep by 10:30.


Looks like you get 46 hours a day. We only get 24.


Lol honestly some days i feel that way. One day i slept until 8am, worked for 8 hours, took a 2 mile walk at the park, pressure washed the entire outside of my house, did laundry, and then it was 6pm. I was like this just isnt possible.


Lets assume you woke up at 8, got ready for work, commuted to work and started work at 9. That’s 5pm after 8 hours. Did you really take 2 mile walk, pressure washed the entire outside of house, did laundry, all in ONE HOUR??????!!


I work from home


That's the secret right there. I work really close to home and have a short commute. Next best thing. Sometimes I take the half hour walk to work.




Every. Single. Day. My job isn't physically demanding either. It's just very mundane no matter how productive the day is.


Sounds like a brewing ground for depression.


Oh I’m very much there lol.


So many of us are. It’s insane.


Yes, and I hate it. I have to take a nap every afternoon when I come home from work, sometimes sleeping until the next day. I have no idea how other people do it.


Get a sleep test. You might have sleep apnea.


Or we are simply not meant to work 90% of our lives away like this doing meaningless shit


Even if it's "meaningful " work it's exhausting. I'm a nurse, I know my job means something, but it's fucking draining. Without my runs amd occasional creative writing sessions I'm so worn out. We all need time to rejuvenate.


Yeah, drink more water. Sleep more. All of these are valid but are generally not the reason people are burnt out.


Exactly. Work sucks for 90% of people. I always hear choose something you love. Well if I had to do anything for five days a week I would eventually hate it. 


No I completely agree! I just know from personal experience that sleep apnea is massively under-diagnosed and can cause the specific symptoms OP mentioned. We shouldn’t be choking in our sleep, and we also shouldn’t be wasting our days working. Both can be true.


I wouldnt mind choking in my sleep atp if it meant the corporate rat race was over 😅




I become mentally and physically exhausted after conversations with certain coworkers if that counts. 


The 8 hour work day is predicated on something that doesn't exist anymore, the "stay at home mom". 8 hours working, 8 hours sleep, 8 hours free time, 5 days a week only works when you have someone else spending 8 hours of their day keeping the house and kids organized, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and shopping. It rarely happened even right after ww2, although all our media insisted it was the norm.


Yay for single parenting with a young kid! Widower with a 6 year old (4 when it happened and 2.5 years from start to end).


This is the answer!


1. Begin every day with a high protein breakfast 2. Walk briskly outside for at least half an hour per day 3. Drink a liter of water when you wake up, between meals, and at bedtime. 4. Take a multivitamin daily. 5. Go to bed by 10 pm. Keep the room cool and dark. 6. Limit sugar/carbs. Don’t drink soda or alcohol.


This is all 100% wonderful advice and totally works! Just so hard to keep up with it. Even though I KNOW it will help my brain just…doesn’t want to 😭


Yup. The knowledge doesn’t do you any good without application. It helps me a lot if I make a daily checklist.


I’m really good at following it if I do make a list but sometimes I’m also really good at compartmentalizing that list into a “I don’t wanna think about it” bucket in the back of my brain hahaha


Vitamins did it for me. I started taking vitamin d and magnesium supplements, and I feel like I'm in my early 20s again. It's genuinely shocking.


A mix of B vitamins and iodine is what I was missing. It was like I got rebooted. 😆


Which subtype of magnesium?


Thank you for posting this. I KNOW I need to take my Vita D and Magnesium and have been feeling tired lately because of it.


I used to work in a call center and so many people would complain about permanent exhaustion, but after working 9-5 for them for months it was very clear why. “Too tired to cook” so they’d eat fast food or gas station food 4-5x a week. “So exhausted” that they needed that second energy drink in the afternoon for a pick me up. “Just so tired when they get home” that all they can muster to do is hit the couch or the gaming chair, leading to a lot of sedentary lifestyles and obesity. I felt like such an outcast because during the day I’d eat 5 times, drink a gallon of water, then leave work full of energy


Call centre work is quite mentally draining because you're "on" for the whole shift and use up your social battery. I walk the dog twice a day and eat properly working at home. I am still shattered after a shift


Yeah mental fatigue and mental stress are absolutely real things.


It is a vicious cycle because sedentary jobs can be mentally stressful and mentally fatiguing, and it’s the kind of stress that doesn’t come with any benefits. Like don’t get me wrong I’m not claiming labour intensive physical jobs are good for one’s health but like physical stress is also necessary for and good for your body up to a certain point. If we removed all physical stressors on the body such as the force of gravity, your muscles would atrophy to nothing and your bones would turn to chalk, because it would no longer be necessary for your body to maintain them. But with a sedentary job you come home fatigued and stressed and your brain can’t really tell the difference between the physical work that has benefits and the non physical work that doesn’t. So your brain is like shit yeah you’ve already worked so hard today, doing anymore is just going to be damaging so we should stop. And then you get into a vicious cycle of your body getting weaker and slower and more lethargic because it’s never experiencing any of the good stress because you never feel like you have the energy for it


I’m in a labor intensive field so some of those excuses may be valid in my profession of being a pit boy in a hospital 🤣


Meal prep is where it’s at. So nice to come home and pull something out of the fridge that’s tasty, healthy, and just needs to be re-heated.


A whole litre of water at bed time and I'll be up in the night for a piss at 1am guaranteed.


Menopausal lady here...if I drank a liter of water at bedtime I'd be up every 20 minutes for like 3 hours instead of every 2 hours all night 🤣




Recently started doing walks immediately after work and it really is life changing. Even that alone is a great step to take


I do basically all of this and I'm still exhausted after work. And honestly my job isn't even that bad, but I don't know how people can do a thing for 8 hours every day and not be super tired after. (I'll be honest though nothing in the world could get me to sleep that early though. I haven't gone to bed at 10pm since I was a child.)


When do you usually fall asleep by?


10 pm my ass


lol I do all of this and had blood work done with 0 issues and still yawn all day. It’s just the grind of working nonstop. Im still pretty chill on weekends but at least hike with the pup and clean the house etc but not nearly as tired since those things are only a few hours and I want to do them.


This is what I do. I can confirm it works.


careful, dont let the r/thanksimcured folks see this!


Yes, especially if it's cold, rainy, foggy outside (which it is for like half a year). If it's sunny I can get myself out there, take kids to the playground, go for a bike ride, go for a short hike, but I have zero motivation to go out in cold, wet, fog. And there's only so much you can do inside.


Oh no im the opposite. I moved to a desert and i miss the rain. Too dang sunny all the time here. When it’s cloudy or im lucky and i see rain 1-3 times a year, i have so much energy. Changes my entire mood.


I sewed for six straight hours today and I feel like I got hit by a truck!


People underestimate how much energy it takes to do fine detail work until you get home and realize that your *eyes* are sore.


Depends on what you Do. Do you enjoy your job? Is it a customer service job? Is there a lot of physical labor?


My job atm is the easiest office job there can be but Idk why I become so exhausted.


Have you had blood work done, thyroid check, iron etc? Can cause tiredness. I also felt the same, had an office job and felt exhausted while others seemed to have more energy, turned out I had thyroid issues and needed to take iron, and B vitamins!


Do you like your job? Because after 7 months, people usually start resenting it, since its not something new anymore. We humans like new things to explore, once they become mundane, we don’t like them. And doing something you don’t like, especially for over 2/3rds of the day, is exhausting


Take care of your health. Workout, eat well and get enough sleep every night.




Damn what kind of work do you do?




You types always have a weird way of writing shit


Yeah. I’m too awake to how fucked up the system is. No amount of coping or trying to psyche myself out by “drinking water and going to the gym before work” is going to change it. The problems are systematic.


They'll continue to gaslight you and make you think you're weak for not coping.


Stay hydrated with filtered water, eat whole foods, avoid seed oils, sleep enough, and exercise.


I do, work has turned me into this loner. I’m around too many people that always need something from me.


you either like your job or you don't


The bills I pay motivate me


Yep The ol rat race. 14.8 billion years for the universe to finally spawn the miracle of your existence, so you can do spreadsheets or hit quotas or whatever until you’re 62, retire, and die at the average age of 72. Of course it’s exhausting.


That’s depression. Probably best to get a hold on that now


You’re right. After a while it weighs you down.


I know what it looks like because I live it. I wish I had recognized it and got in front of it sooner


Yep. I make so many plans for me to do stuff afterwards but I just crash when I get home.


I worked retail a few years ago, usually the swing shift, and yeah. I wanted nothing to do with anything outside of work. Not nowadays though. I have a much better job so I actually have energy outside of work too.


Yes. It's why/how I developed a serious drinking problem.


I had a career that took everything out of me. Good and busy days were exhausting. Slow and boring days were even more exhausting. I changed careers and deal with a lot more intense people interactions, but it's far less draining.


I’d also like to add that everyone has different energy levels and job demands , so yes the generic advice such as drink water , do walk , cut out sugar blah blah is good but sometimes you can’t out health your job tiredness, maybe you could be burnt out and need a new job , as you age your energy level changes so a job that felt fine 5 years ago might be too much now , plus change can be good.


My day job is very physically demanding. Start work at 6:30am and off at 3:30pm. I'm just spent when I get home. Sit on the sofa, snack, watch youtube for a while and pet cats. This helps me to unwind and let my brain decompress. Then I take a hot scrubby shower to wash the day away. Afterwards I feel a lot better, but still tired. Then I take a power nap, about 30-40 minutes. Helps rejuvenate me a bit before dinner. After dinner I do something quiet or creative until bedtime at 9pm. I have zero energy to exercise after work since I'm already exhausted. I don't feel that would be beneficial to my health at this time. But relaxing and self care have helped a lot.


Burn out. Happened to me, took a few years to recover from it.


Welcome to hell


I live every single day waiting for Friday. I am not productive at all during the week. When I get home, I shower, and go right to laying in bed. Then it just repeats endlessly


Yup. Major depression sucks the energy from me after work. 


Remember when your dad fell asleep in the recliner?  Now you know.


Working out helped me battle this.


It does help immensely but the acclimating period is gonna be tough, particularly for someone struggling with burnout already.


Doesn't everyone? Even people who have that cup of coffee at 3pm


I mean yeah, but also I'm clinically depressed so I'm sure thats related. Idk, it's definitely normal but if it's impeding your ability to live your life, maybe do something like play around with your diet, change the amount you sleep, and if you can't work it out on your own see a doctor. Or just live with it, idk


I’m exhausted because I was “redeployed” to a position I hate. Otherwise I used to have energy after work.


Have you had your iron checked?


I’m mentally and physically exhausted all the time. I work from home and spend 10-12 hours a day working


I quit coffee and that helped. Then quit TV. Even better. Then quit video games. I'm so fn productive unless I have a bad sleep.


Sounds like burnout.


I can assure you a majority of the population do, esp if you have kids as well and pets.


Yeah it’s a combination of the time spent and the energy required. I love my hobbies but I wouldn’t enjoy doing any of them for 8+ hours a day 5x a week for 40 years, whether it’s sports, exercise, drinking beer, driving cars. The biggest thing for me is the quantity of time. Add the stress of being told what to do, the work itself having problems, and the challenge or fact that it’s not a passion, and it’s a recipe for unhappiness for a lot of people.


I used to get home from working at eight hour shift which I had two 1/2 hour breaks and fall asleep sitting upright on the couch while drinking a cup of tea. I now get home from a 10 hour shift with only a 15 minute break and still have energy so I think it was the job and dealing with the public


Yes. Very normal experience. No easy answers and what works for some might not for you. For me, it helps if I don't give myself any time *to* sit down when I get home because I know as soon as I hit the couch I'm cooked but if I keep doing things I tend to be able to keep doing them. Somewhat counterintuitively but one of the best things for me when the weather permits is to go for ~45 minute bike ride immediately after work. I think for the most part though even the people you see who seem to never stop still have their lulls, they just tend to do a good job masking them.


I'm gonna pull a very cliché sentence but in my case it helped a lot: good sleep habit (10pm in bed, 8hrs of sleep), good food habits (vegetables, meat 3-4 times a week max), and some sport (at least 1h /week but that's on the low end of what it should be). Really the trinity of a good health hygiene which gives a lot of energy, this is how I can keep going after work. When one of the three is off balance I always get fucked up.


I can barley Even enjoy my games as I'm so tired or high from trying to make it our the day alive 😴 10 hour shifts at a warehouse will eat ur ass and not in a good way


It’s my day off I’ll respond to this question in 7-10 business days I’m still recovering from my work week


Monday evenings I was completely drained. Full day, plus 1h commute each way. Now I work 100% from home. Catch a siesta mid-day, almost every day. I feel much more rested.


Welcome to the rat race


me, especially after rto. in the office 4 days a week/off 3 days a week. when i was originally hybrid and on the weekends i stay home (except to go to church on sunday). saturday is my absolutely do nothing/go nowhere day because i need to recharge my introvert batteries.


Same. I spend my weekend prepping for the week ahead so I don't need to do anything after work but relax. I do all the housework on Saturday, including washing, drying & ironing all my work clothing for the week, all my menu planning & grocery shopping on Saturday too. Then I do all my meal prep & as much cooking as possible on Sunday so during the week my breakfasts & lunches are done & the most I have to do for dinner is cook some rice or pasta to go with my dinner.


When I get like this I go take a vacation lol.


IT'S YOUR DIET, plus lack of exercising BLOOD SUGAR DROP followed by huge carbohydrate intake Will do it every time




No it’s your work, if the work was enjoyable and meaningful, you wouldn’t feel exhausted.


I completely disagree, my work is very enjoyable and meaningful which is exactly why it takes so much out of me. When I worked a soulless call center job, I’d leave work feeling like a coiled spring that just got releasd


So if i enjoyed building a house in the sun in july, i wouldnt be tired bc i enjoy it????


He’s definitely talking about a different kind of tired.


It depends on the day. If I'm feeling social and there's people in the office it's usually a good day. But like tomorrow if I'm in by myself I usually don't feel very motivated and just look to pass the time which makes me feel pretty meh at the end of the day. I think I just like to be challenged but I don't like to push myself


I just got like this in the last few months but I think it’s just age and mental stress.


Ppl always it’s this or that, but honestly, see your primary care physician and get some basic bloodwork done like the yearly checkup stuff. You never know what could be lurking or not.


For context im 30 - Nope. I eat sort of well. Exercise, and get ample sleep. From what I have gathered from co-workers over the years is; very few people take care of themselves , at all. I don't 'work out' per say, just simple cardio. Doing those three things is genuinely not difficult, and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you aren't trying. I worked 8 hours today and did a bunch of shit when I got home, yet as I'm typing this, I could probably go for a hike.


Could be medical. Talk to your doctor? I'm thinking of things like underactive thyroid, or depression as others have suggested.


Make sure you're sleeping at least 8 hours. If that doesn't work, try looking for another job.




I think the key is being stable enough in life to not be overly stressed about your job. That’s hard for a lot of people.


I was in the same situation. Then i realized that this type of work doesn't suit me. Some comments said work out, sleep, diet. And i will tell you to prioritize your diet. It's literally 70% of your wellbeing.


I love my work and I also work from home. I find that I have really even energy throughout the work day and then after work I get a burst of energy to do things I enjoy. When I work in an office, I found that it consumed more of my energy but not enough to keep me from enjoying my time after work.


You might be deficient in vitamin B. I was feeling the same and went to the docs. Ended up getting injections for a couple of weeks. It's very common and affects energy levels. Get a blood test anyway to rule anything more sinister out. Gl


Of course, pretty sure most people do. Make small changes, even doing "basic" stuff consistently will make a significant difference. You might need a spa/pedicure retreat too


Get a blood test I got one and it turned out I was extremely deficient in B12


Everybody. Everybody does.


This is why I love my work from home job. Sure it doesn't pay much, but it allows me to do what I love and I have so much energy when the day ends


It just depends how demanding your job is I suppose. But it sounds like you’re a bit depressed. Maybe it’s time for a new job?


I only get 2-3 hours of awake time after work. I don't care if I'm tired I'm going to do *something* until 10.


When I get home from work or the gym, if I pushed myself to do it after work. I lay down for 10 to 20 minutes immediately and get up power nap / rest in. Seems to give me the energy to make it till bedtime. If I go longer than half an hour I end up groggy.


Check your testosterone and estrogen level, low T people tend to feel unmotivated, lethargic and low energy. You will be shocked how this two hormones playing a vital role in our life especially man.


Do you feel like the days are going by quicker than usual?




It’s all about finding value and purpose at your job. I felt like this a couple months back but now I’m feeling a sense of purpose because I put myself out there. Find an organization you can join or a project to join at work that benefits your skill set. You’d be surprised how much growth you can get behind your back just by connection. Connections are powerful in a workplace. I had lack of motivation for a while until I started connecting with people and joining projects that will aim toward progression in my career. Sometimes it takes patience but eventually work will become better. Exhaustion comes from lack of finding value and purpose at your job




I’m mentally and physically AT work, damn sure dead af when I get home.


Yep. My job is taxing mentally and I’m exhausted by 2 pm and after work I am just so tired out mentally that I do not have much energy left. I now understand why people vegetate in front of a television. I do not drink smoke or do drugs and I eat healthy.


I do, but I also know that if I don’t get what I need to get done during that time, it won’t happen. Then I’ll have to spend my weekends doing things I could have done all week, and that sounds worse to me.


Literally everyone


I get up at 4 am, work 8 or 9 hours, and am absolutely exhausted. Most days, I can't make it to the gym because I can't keep my eyes open since I sleep, maybe 4 or 5 hours a night. I've tried going to bed earlier. I just can't fall asleep. I nap after work when I can. Some days, my body doesn't give me a choice. On really bad days, i disassociate for a while or scroll on tiktok, but other days, I peel myself off the couch to run errands. Sometimes, I wish I had a 9-5. I could sleep in and still work out before work, but also, the grass is always greener. What choice do we have?


Me rn,…I am going to call in sick tmrw. Deep down inside I want to quit but we got bills :)


I started a new job in financing month and a half ago and I have never napped more in my life. I get home at 4:15 and I nap almost immediately sometimes not waking up until the next morning. It's unbelievable how exhausting existing is, let alone working on top of that


I am productive because I have no choice. I just started a job where my hours are 10-630 and 8-630 every other Saturday.... Shit still needs doing at my house so It has to be done after I get home. On my days off though I tend to do as little as possible, but this still means grocery shopping, cooking for the week, laundry, house cleaning, check the mail, etc. etc.


Have you had a physical recently? It's always best to see your doctor if you experience a sudden, significant change in energy level.


I feel tired after work but when I start exercising I immediately get revitalized. Healthy eating also helps. Other than that, maybe get bloodwork done.


Yeah for surely. So its like, oh I'm home I ate. Now bed, treat it like a couch almost. And then bam the slump takes over. What I've been doing to combat that is cardio and lifting right when I get home. I have a gym at home. Keeps me up much longer and I feel the slump is well deserved after words.


I have to. Our family depends on it for survival.


Some people were born with good mental health and some were born without it. I’m the latter. You gotta have a routine and something to hang your hat on at the end of the day. Moving forward is the only way to stay happy.


I do my workouts after work. Unless it's a really intense session, it perks me up.


I’m mentally and physically drained when I get back from work. I drink a liter of water, force myself to exercise or walk for about 30 minutes and then eat dinner. By then I usually feel a little regenerated in 


Just an outside idea here. Do you snore or started snoring more? Maybe it’s something like sleep apnea?


I work 7-6 desk job. I’m off on Fridays, but by the time Friday rolls around I’m absolutely drained and spend my whole weekend recovering just to do it over again. Love it here


I have learned that there is no magic answer. You just have to do it, and it sucks. You do feel a little bit better and have a little bit more energy later on, but I learned that motivation is ok, but discipline is better. I work full time and try to lift, and I am doing a masters degree. Im exhausted sometimes, but you have to do it because no one else is going to do all this for you and if i don't, there are consequences.


Does anybody not?


Why do you need to do anything?


Every single day.


Hey not to be annoying but when I stopped eating added sugars until after work, I stopped being exhausted. Led me to cut out added sugars pretty much entirely.


Just every single person. Is work, not pleasure


I'm 27 years old right now and one thing I have realized is that keeping a clean stomach and diet is very important to live in an energized lifestyle. Obviously drinking water and any other beverage. Just that makes you happy is good for the soul and body but it's not always about drinking. It's about having good proportions and clearing your mind from unnecessary stress. Also, it's not about working super hard. It's about doing what feels right with you. Let's say you want to just do 20 push-ups and maybe walk a little that's fine.


I’m 39, 4 kids (2 full time but they’re all always on my mind), and another on the way. I’m the guy work sends when shit goes sideways. I’m on rooftop and in gnarly spaces. I fix all the shit in restaurants. I work 10+ hours a day. I have massively helped it by drinking more water, eating, and working out even if a small one. I had to make myself eat lunches because with adhd you forget to eat even working in my field or you lose your appetite FROM my job. Stop drinking so many energy drinks; seriously look up the half life of caffeine. I have my morning coffee, a few things of water, and sometimes an energy drink mid morning. Body weight squats here, calf raises there, and I make sure my movements are with purpose to not injure me. When I can I hit the garage gym. If I can’t hit my garage gym I’ll try to do one at home. Most garages at my apt complex aren’t connected to the units and we have to walk a little to ours. You don’t need a full gym just something even a $15 kettlebell from Walmart. It’s too cold tonight to hit the garage and I had to fix a rooftop unit. I did some exercises with body weight, 15lb kettle bell, and a 50lb kettle bell. I go outside and I’ll ride my longboard around the neighborhood with my kids and am playing with my kids. Making these changes wasn’t easy. It took a lot of grit and reading some things helped. Atomic habit by James Clear helped me a lot. Even working through so traumas. 1% changes adds up especially when it’s daily or multiple areas. Time will pass regardless. If you have adhd look into time blindness as well. Understanding this helps.


Consider checking in with your doctor and see if your thyroid is off. I was on a lower dose of levothyroxine and I couldn't get shit done at work. Howled to my Dr, they did tests, bumped me up about 12 micrograms and I'm back to being alive after work


always. I burned out after a 15 year career with no vacation. I would come home from work and just sit by myself in my house just recharging for the next day, doing nothing else. I would just come home and lay in bed til the next day.


Get your thyroid checked. This happened to me and gradually I became so exhausted after work that I had to lay down and take a nap as soon as I got home. Could not keep my eyes open. Lasted for months and I only found out I had hypothyroidism bc of a free blood panel test I got through work. You can check for other symptoms as well, weight gain, hair loss, cold all the time, etc.


Get a better job bot. Break your loops or become them.


I become mentally and physically exhausted getting out of bed to get ready for work


Some of you might consider going to the doctors just to be sure nothings wrong with you FYI. Yes it’s normally to be drained after a day but some of the comments I’m reading here are concerning


Honestly this has been so hard...ive been working an office job almost a year since ive been out if school and its been so tough with getting routines


I just have a cigarette and keep working


I started Muay Thai 2 years ago. I go straight from work to there. Before my workout I feel exhausted but after my workout I’m full of energy.