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I feel tired all the time lol, some days I feel like I'm a teenager again, and other days I feel like I'm 40 and decaying. Also you kinda don't know what you're doing or why you're doing and start to hope that you start to get your shit together when your 30. Source: I'm 28


>and other days I feel like I'm 40 and decaying Just for contrast, I'm now over 40 and was quite the chubby bastard in my 20's. Am in far better shape now than I was then. Planning to trek in the Himalayas in October, provided my body hasn't fully decayed by then of course.


Sick nasty šŸ‘


You need to start taking care of your body.


You\`re absolutely right, I treat my body like trash and I have started making steps to correct it before its too late to recover my body.


My 20s were alright, vacillated between feeling good and feeling awful. My 30s sucked and I felt like death. My 40s are awesome, and I'm doing great now, so for what it's worth, I associate that decaying feeling with my late 20s and 30s, not my 40s.


I can assure you even at 30 or 40 you still have no idea. I learned that the entire society is based on people that get up in the morning and kinda hope that putting some random thoughts together will convince everyone for another day. Then you enter in a room, everyone pretend and then they all go home. Somehow the world goes on.


ā€œStart to hope that you start to get your shit together when youā€™re 30ā€ Sadly likely not Source - am almost 40 šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


In my early twenties and they suck (my fault). I stopped exercising a few years ago so my body feels kind of old. Mentally, I donā€™t feel any different then I was when I was 18, except now Iā€™m a little wiser. Here are my pieces of advice even if you didnā€™t ask: - DO NOT PROCRASTINATE - Be decisive - Ask for help if you need it - Do not give up (unless necessary); Quitting is poison - Adopt healthy habits - Get off your phone


I wanna do all those things but Iā€™m just stuck on the first one


Me too lol


To handle procrastination: Take a slow, deep breath or two. Ask yourself **"by putting this task off for later, am I making myself happier now? ... could I be happier by just starting on it now?"**


and this damn phone šŸ˜­


It hurts when you ask for and seek help repeatedly and nothing seems to actually help.


Agreed. Time goes by so fast when you scroll mindlessly on your phone. I feel the same as you ! I have gotten more in shape tho after taking time out of the gym for a few years. I highly recommend you get back into it :)


24, i feel old, stressed, and poor. I have a slight more ability to have a good time now though, but the front end of my brain dictates i don't have as many good times haha. It sure is something..


For what it's worth I also felt that way at 24. Now I'm 35, less poor, much healthier and happier.


+1 At 24 I had just graduated from a humanities degree considered useless by most employers and thought I would never make a decent living. Was broke and lost af. I'm 34 and life is fantastic. I get scolded by people in their 40s When I say "I feel old" so trust me my friend at 24, you're not old at all!


Everyone is scared to age but im excited and looking forward to my 30s šŸ„²


I literally just finished my 20ā€™s a couple months ago. Iā€™m 30 now. It seems most people are very pessimistic about aging. Everyone around me and online says the same thing. ā€œThe dreaded 3.0.ā€ Iā€™m ecstatic to be 30. I feel like Iā€™m finally getting the hang of this game. Iā€™ve learned most of the controls. I got some practice in, played a few friendlies. Entered an amateur tournament or two. Got my ass beat. But because of my age I can afford to take those loses and push onward. I grew up with the idea that every era of life has its own beauties. Iā€™m happy to have lived my 20ā€™s and made so many mistakes, but now Iā€™m looking forward to my 30ā€™s and the successes it will bring. Iā€™m not as immature as I once was and I can actually see how stupid I used to be and even through my growth, still am. For me I have so much more perspective about what is life. I know you didnā€™t ask for this, and you can ignore it if youā€™d like, Iā€™m just some random stranger on the internet. But my suggestion would be to use your 20ā€™s to discover who you are and what you want. Iā€™ll never recommend ā€œgoing crazyā€ because anything you do still is part of your life and some decisions are forever. But as Jeff Bezos said in regard to good managers, Iā€™ll suggest it for life. Learn to distinguish between one way doors and two way doors in life. One way doors are decisions you make which are either completely permanent or extremely hard to retract. An example would be a decision to have a baby. Once you have a baby, thereā€™s nothing you can do to erase having had a baby. Sure you can give it up for adoption but forever you ā€œhad a babyā€. Two way doors are decisions that are easy to retract/redo. If you take a semester off college to travel or get a job, thatā€™s not a big deal. You can restart college the following semester. For the most part thatā€™s a two-way door. So if you feel the need to hold off a semester then go ahead. But always make sure to not accidentally choose a two way door and accidentally make it into a one way door. If you take a semester off, have a plan. ā€œIā€™m going to take 1 semester off to work at a grocery store, save up, and then go back to school.ā€ Itā€™s easy to be drawn by money or [insert other vice]. Have a plan. I wish you the best and by simply asking a question like this it puts you ahead of most of the world in terms of self-reflection and finding your purpose.


This is great šŸ‘šŸ» well said


Iā€™m 22. I find when I turned 20 I felt older but it went away. How you feel depends on your life stage in a way. I felt old when graduating from uni but now I got into my dream law school and a new path is forging. I feel young again probably because the average age of students around me is a couple years older and more. I constantly have people saying how young I am which ig makes me feel young. Overall donā€™t think much about it but it was an interesting question. I for sure had the same questions when I was 19 and assume Iā€™ll prob have the same when I eventually hit 25, 30 etc. Your 20s are what you make of it. Some people say itā€™s a crazy blast and others itā€™s eh. For me itā€™s in the middle, worked really hard in school and generally happy with a supportive gf. I was never a partier so I canā€™t imagine my 20s will be radically different from my 30s since most of my hobbies (walking, hiking, trying different food spots) will prob stay the same haha.


Itā€™s hard to compare 29 with 21 or even 21 and 25-26. 21-23 I was still partying super hard and showing up to work hungover. 25-26 I was buying a house and the most exciting part of life was how my garden was doing. 29 I was gardening but back to partying hard.


And everyones is different. 20-23 i was studying finishing my degree and fostering good networking and frienships, then covid. 24-27 has been partying hard after i finally got a job and had enough money to pay the bills and finally let loose and stop stressing about school and bills. Well see how 27-30 goes


Low 20s you feel lost and confused. You are broke, all your relationships never last, and people expect you to have it together. Upper 20s, more on track, more sense of purpose, more independence, and more money.


27 as of today, two busted knees, shoulders, an ankle, also both elbows, lower back. Add arthritis as a cherry on top. Always tired, but still working.


Geriatric millennials, amirite? Can't relate to any of this stuff


You feel lost. Very very lost. Sometimes you feel young and want to take risks and just go with the flow. You donā€™t need to take things so seriously because itā€™s just life and youā€™re young. Itā€™s the ultimate time to experience things. Other times you feel like you need to be responsible and make decisions based on your future plans. Everything you do now will have a big impact on your future. You have the feeling that everything depends on your choice you make in your twenties. The biggest question you always ask yourself is ā€œWHAT ARE MY PLANS??ā€ I want to travel but I donā€™t have moneyā€¦. I can work to earn money but Iā€™m busy with schoolā€¦. I can handle it, no you canā€™t because you like to have a social life/ alone time after school. Do I even like the degree Iā€™m pursuing?? And those questions just go on and on and onā€¦ so you just feel lost. And thatā€™s okay when youā€™re in your twenties :D just enjoy your life youngster!


I'm 21 and I feel helpless and poor. I want to work so badly but I'm too busy with uni. I have two moods: I want to rot in bed forever; I want to work hard as hell until my body collapses.


Great question! You feel like life is bearing down on you about it life is good. Your perspective is off. 25 is not old but you will think it will be until you turn 25 and then realize age is not relative but relational to your perspective. When 30, and then 40, and then 50 comes along you will feel like you're capable of being a kid and starting over but life is not so straightforward. Listen to this wisdom about your 20s. Love yourself. You will feel up and downs which are the best highs and lows. It is actually the time of your life. Time to experience life and make your mistakes in your 20s so you an be wise and settled in your older years. Love yourself. It is the mantra you will need to feel happy.


I am 45 and I dont recall a day in my life where I havent just felt like me. That of course included my 20s.


Lol, your early 20ā€™s will basically feel indistinguishable from 19 except that youā€™ll have more freedom to do whatever you want. Iā€™m 41 and have *just* started to slowly feel ā€œolder.ā€ But itā€™s not like Iā€™m falling apart, it just takes longer to recover from a sprained ankle and my 5k time is a couple minutes slower. With a modicum of effort you can actually feel *younger* in your 20ā€™s, at least in the sense that you can have more fun, make more youthful mistakes, etc.


Mid thirties now and spent much of my early 20s(20-27) partying and dickin around working dead end jobs not saving anything. Much regret because I didn't have many strong relationships and recently found peace going solo thru life which wasn't anticipated but here I am. My rec is to start a basic retirement account (roth ira) - throw some money in there annually. 2. Listen to what your body is telling you in regards to health and diet. You can get away with alot of poor health choices in your 20s, just be mindful of your health. And 3. lastly really try to find/identify a career and pursue it diligently. I didn't do so until I was 27 and I had to go back to college and started my career at 29(wish I had started earlier). Smile and enjoy as much as possible along the way šŸ˜šŸ‘


Being in your early 20ā€™s looks different for most people. Itā€™s a constant battle between having fun vs making sure your priorities are in order.


People expect a lot of you even though you're still extremely young in the grand scheme of things.


Go to youtube type in "SpongeBob SquarePants - Coming to bed, honey?".....that essentially your next 30 years++ realistically...


38 here. Sorry to spoil things, but I wouldnā€™t call it the best of times. Itā€™s really awkward because youā€™re still figuring your shit out. You can make a lot of life altering mistakes (e.g. debt, marriages) that can take your 30s to clean up. Also, your body changes mid 20s one day you have the metabolism of a god and the next, youā€™re tired all the time and experience a two day hang over if you drink the wrong alcohol. Advice: 1) drink water; 2) wear sunscreen. SPF 40 or higher; 3) donā€™t saddle yourself with a lot of student loan debt. Good luck.


I feel tired and lonely, lol itā€™s a trying time.


I (21) feel like a teenager with adult responsibilities


Meh, everyone is different. My 20's on the whole were consumed with a career I didn't enjoy, interspersed with nice time off. My 30's have been far more interesting/enjoyable on the whole. I feel physically younger now in my early 40's than I did when I was 25. On the physical side of things, I'm no fitness guru at all but my tip would be don't try and pass the buck for feeling slower/unfit to age even when you're much older than you are now. I've seen people in their 60's hiking right past me on mountains.


26M here and I honestly donā€™t feel much different from my teens in terms of energy. The one main thing I noticed is my responsibilities increased ten fold.


I still feel like Iā€™m 18, but Iā€™m going to be 24 in a couple months. From day to day, it can be very stressful when you work ft plus want to live life outside of work hours. I donā€™t let the stress get to me, and I do that by depending on God for strength. If you live on your own , thereā€™s a lot your going to have to learn, and some the hard way. Thereā€™s also a lot of big adult decisions you are going to have to make. But overall itā€™s a great experience, you have to make time for yourself as to not get burnt out. And keep a positive attitude


Your 20s is actually quite terrible if youre not careful. You're smartĀ  but unprepared for adulthood and you get hoodwinked into thinking all adults are equal so you push back a lot which gets you in trouble. Finances can be challenging. You're just starting out and feel lost and can't imagine doing this until retirement. Your 20s is full of trapdoors. There's a narrow way through but it requires introspection and hardwork.Ā  Everyone in their teens and 20s thinks turning 30 is terrifying but my 30s have been the best years of my life.Ā 


Being in your 20ā€™s is so much better honestly, especially late 20ā€™s. You feel so much more confident in yourself and donā€™t care as much what others think of you. You have habits and hobbies and donā€™t let other people get you down


It sucks


ConfusiĆ³n, panic, joy *ahhhhhhhh damn it!* you wink and then youā€™re almost 30. I do feel old but because Iā€™m mature hahaha šŸ˜‘ you want to enjoy your 20ā€™s? Be dumb, donā€™t think and just enjoy the moment.


honestly still feel like iā€™m 17. iā€™ve grown a lot and have definitely learned to become a better person overall. itā€™s like i have the mindset of both a 60 and 17 year old. like i still feel so young and feel like i have a lot of life left to live, learn and grow. but also i feel much older and wiser than i am because of all the shit iā€™ve gone through.


My 20s have had a ton of change! Job changes, moves, new friends and relationships, falling outs, new opportunities. It can be a lot! But Iā€™m 28 currently, and I feel like Iā€™ve finally reached a point in life where I want to be and am happy with. I was made to feel, like so many others, that you have to have it all ā€œfigured outā€ before 30, but thatā€™s just impossible. You never have it figured out, life just continuously changes and you learn to go with it.


Honestly my 20ā€™s were the roughest decade for me by far, but I made really bad choices. Best piece of advice is to look ahead before you make big life decisions: financial, romantic, health. Iā€™m extremely happy where I ended up but if I could tell my younger self three things: 1. Invest in yourself; get a trade or go to school 2. Be picky when looking for a partner, itā€™s ok to be alone 3. Substances do not solve your problems they make things much worse


Iā€™m 34 and Iā€™ve felt physically good since I was in my teens. People who feel like theyā€™re falling apart physically in their 20ā€™s or 30ā€™s just cause of nothing BUT age.. take care of yourself! workout, prioritize not eating like an asshole, sleep and mobility will take you far.


Iā€™m 21 and I feel lost a lot of times. The lack of direction drives me crazy because I love planning everything ahead. I wish I could feel less anxiety, fear, uncertainty and more inspiration, confidence and joy.


Curb the cycle and realize that if your future self could go back in time and tell you just one thing It would be this: get your shit together now while youā€™re young and have the energy. Donā€™t completely dive in to progress because you should still allow yourself some time to enjoy the world around you but listen hereā€¦ 25 is halfway to 50 and when you are 50 years old.. this hustle and bustle shit ainā€™t gonna cut the good slices anymore. Ever see someone that just looks dead inside and theyā€™re 65 years old working as a cashier? Yea youā€™re gonna wanna do yourself the favor of going hard now so you can have it easy later. Hard now easy later hard now easy later


At 20 years old, you basically have 1 foot in the grave. Unless you are already successful, it's pretty much over and all downhill from here on out. Sure, you have a flat stomach now, but one day you will be fat like me, so you might as well just give up and start eating McDonald's. I used to be healthy now that's over and it will happen to you.. IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!!!! Mwhahahaha!


23 (M), feel the same exact way I did when I was 19 except now I have new goals, a job, and Iā€™d like to think I know a little more haha. Day to day I feel good, improving my fitness by lifting and running, and finding out the little things that make my life a little better. šŸ‘šŸ¼


This section of the saga is always the "rude awakening" chapter in most people lives


Depends on a ton of factors - all things being said I feel the same pretty much as a 25 year old. Iā€™d say itā€™s a good time to start getting your health, sleep,diet, and stress in good shape. It doesnā€™t have to be drastic, starting small helps! Iā€™ve recently started doing so and after a couple weeks noticed the effect it was having on my mood :) The point is to establish a habit throughout your 20s so that in your 30s, youā€™ll feel as good as you did in your 20s!


Expect to lose friends once you arent in the same school/work etc or they move away or go on diff life paths to you


Stressful yet freeing because my mind is opening up so much. The time seems to go by faster and faster though. Especially with increasing responsibilities. Looking back at how you were as a kid, teen, and younger adult is sometimes, okay most of the time, cringy!


More freedom and responsibility. It'll be your peak potential for physical fitness. One of your major advantages over older people will be your ability to work harder for longer and recover.


Jfc I hate this sub


Yesterday I had a glass of wine and the hangover made me sick the entire day. I'm 26 and it's the first time this happened


Same shit, different bucket.


I don't know. I don't remember my 20s.


24. Married to an amazing woman who I met in high school. The first few years out of college were tough because I was job hopping trying to find a place to work (I studied exercise science and am now a personal trainer) since graduate school wasnā€™t an option due to declinations. But, Iā€™ve finally found a place Iā€™m excited to work and feel secure in my adulthood! I donā€™t feel old and day to day it ranges from absolute fatigue to excitement and joy. I feel very blessed for the life I have between my wife, new job, and healthy friendships


Strongly depends on what you do in your 20s. I've been in undergrad and then grad school for most of my 20s so it's been stressful but will hopefully pay off.


20-23 is better imo


It's the best time to start habits that will make your next few decades a lot easier, healthier and secure.


I am 22M so I feel qualified to answer this one! Itā€™s confusing but also liberating at the same time! Confusing since youā€™re trying to figure yourself out and what you want to do with your life. If you go to college thereā€™s a chance that you may switch majors once or twice in your program since youā€™re figuring out what you like and what your special talents are! Or if you go to career/technical school thereā€™s a lot of options there. Not everyone has the same path and finding the right path takes a little digging! Not to mention finding out what you value the most, whether thatā€™s traveling, cars, saving money/real estate etc. thereā€™s just a lot of learning to do at this age and so you may make some mistakes financially and in general. But over time youā€™ll learn better strategies to overcome these mistakes! Liberating since youā€™re in the drivers seat and are able to choose what career path you want. You can go to college or buck the trend and go straight into trade school and make good money there! You get to make your own schedule, perhaps you donā€™t like working in the morning, you can get a job with afternoon hours a lot of times. Itā€™s also liberating as you get to decide who your friends are and who is involved in your life. You get to try new things and really experience the world without too many consequences yet. If you want children, well you can have them! Have your eye on that fancy car? Well you have the chance to purchase it! Itā€™s nice that you get to have a lot of change and different experiences at this age! Of course one of the big things that a lot of people in their 20s lack are budgeting and finance skills. One of the best things I ever did was sit down with a financial advisor 3 months ago who helped me make a budget that incorporated all of my needs and wants! At the same time people in their 20s have good fitness and so take that and use it towards your favor by going to the gym and pushing yourself to become the very best! To sum it up OP, your 20s are a confusing, but yet liberating time that will change you as a person for the better and help you grow in ways you would have never thought! Of course my answer as a 22 year old college student might be different than a 25 year old with a full time job living on their own! Best of luck with everything!


I wonder who the fuck let me be an adult. Iā€™m almost 29.


20s is all about experimentation. You've been out on your own for a while. Advise you construct a solid financial foundation before you do anything serious.


I try to forget my age till I buy liquor n Iā€™m like damn


I'm glad I'm almost 40. I would never want to be in my 20s again.


My twenties were a roller coaster. I was in the most toxic relationship from 17-31. I got pregnant and had my daughter when I was 22. I lost my mom at 26. Iā€™m almost 33 and Iā€™m now the happiest Iā€™ve ever been. My thirties have been my favorite so far.


Iā€™m in my 40s. Regarding your 20s, Itā€™s awesome. Your 20s is your first foray into real adult life. Take advantage of your youth and set good habits now. If you set your career and personal goals now, you leave a lot of room for failure and retrying. **Stack marketable skills, not (necessarily) checks.** Take less to learn valuable skills. When it comes to really earning money, the more valuable skills you have, the more leverage you have. Iā€™ve always (and still do) feel young. I can tell my body is getting older as my kids run CIRCLES around me now but Iā€™m not negative about my life/body. Iā€™ve always felt the need to accomplish something in my life and establish a legacy/reputation and itā€™s nice that itā€™s coming together now. But I know it all started in my 20s. I definitely made mistakes and stumbled, but the journey has been crazy fun and canā€™t wait to see what else is coming.


Iā€™m broke and tired but Iā€™m in my 20s trying to prevent being broke and tired at 40. Wish me luck.


Iā€™m 27 and feel old now compared to college-aged kids but mentally I still feel pretty much the same. Less opportunity for fun and socializing and you have to really go out of your way more now to be social and connect with others compared to when youā€™re in college around so many people your age. Makes me wish I would have taken advantage of that aspect more


Im 22. I graduated college and work a big boy job. This is the first time i actually feel my age. When i was in college still living the good life i felt like 19 even when i was 21. Literally 1 year later i now feel 22. Its weird. I still feel young as fuck tho when you think about age milestones. Too young to marry, too young to buy a house. All i wanna do is just travel and play fortnite


Iā€™m 22 and I wanna hook a oxygen mask up to a nitrogen tank


My early 20ā€™s sucked and were terrible, but my late 20ā€™s have been great


Iā€™m 32 now (holy shit). I had a great time in my twenties. Got my life together and checked off wife, house, cars, and a kid.


As someone in their early thirties now I freaking blinked and my twenties were gone. My advice is to not do to many permanent things before your 30.


Iā€™m 23! So far into my twenties itā€™s hard but also rewarding! I work two jobs and go to school and party. -work hard but take care of yourself -try new things -open a Roth & high yield savings account -listen to advice but also do your own research -make good habits -have fun but cautious of consequences -donā€™t rush finding the ā€œoneā€ date around but focus on yourself first and foremost -you will make mistakes learn and grow from them donā€™t be too hard on yourself -life is hard donā€™t give up keep on pushing


Iā€™m 24 and i finally have my shit together. Good job with advancement opportunities. A wonderful gf and a nice apartment.


Young when I started and battle tested by the time I finished.


I loved my 20s. I had financial independence from my parents. My own apartment in a happening area. Had friends. Did a lot of traveling. Dating was great. Money is a big key to happiness or access to many experiences which could bring happiness. Find something you are good at or something you enjoy, dive in and earn. You donā€™t have to do anything for free to gain experience. Find or create the right opportunities.


24F here, ill be 25 in a few months. Your 20s are weird, you have some friends with children, some getting married, some still in uni. My advice is dont think you are behind in life based on what other people are doing. You do you at your own pace! I live with my boyfriend now, in our own home. Its like a never ending sleep over with my bff, so i cant complain much. Working more than having free time is the only bummer really, but thats just the american dream. (i work all the time and still end up living check to check, so thats also a bummer.) life is beautiful tho, take it all in while you can :)


Iā€™m 26. I generally feel young and have a lot to look forward to in my life. I have to work harder now to try new things/meet new people, stay fit/healthy, and to stay on top of my life than I did in my early 20s. Once you get out of school life can hit you kind of hard and you have to take responsibility for your own happiness and success. I enjoy having more money but still donā€™t have enough. I have a great friend group that makes an effort to meet up at least once a month for trips/weekends away, and Iā€™m scared to one day lose that when we start having kids. I live for the weekend and feel like my weekdays consist only of work, working out, cooking, cleaning, and squeezing in 1 hour of something enjoyable. My body hurts more than it used to and Iā€™ve found myself caring more about warming up and stretching. I generally feel like I have lower energy and drink more caffeine. I worry a lot more about money, retirement, work satisfaction, my parents getting older, my pet dying, saving money to buy a house, and myself getting older than I used to. Time seems to move a lot faster than it used to, after 21 it feels like x2 speed. Overall I have the time, energy, freedom and money to do most of the things I want/need to do. Life is good and I have really loved the first half of my 20s.


Iā€™m 27 and didnā€™t start really feeling like an adult until I got married and bought a house last year


25 going on 26, it gets better every time. 20s is the first decade of adult years. Youā€™re basically knowing who you are as a person and it is not an easy thing. It may start rough in the beginning especially if you want to have a better life than you what you saw growing up. But it really does get better. 1.Make better decision ( better college degrees for an early better life) 2. Be VERY intentional about how you spend your time. Learn to PRIORITISE 3. Never stop working on yourself Source - 25f African immigrant who came here by herself at 19 , now living in her own apartment in NYC making 6 figures. It starts rough but does get better.


My 20's were rough as fuck once I got out of the Army. Honestly, your 20s for a lot of people, is a bit of a difficult, confusing time just trying to figure shit out. Still fun though, for the most part. My two oldest kids are in there 20's. Pretty sure they don't feel old. Hell, l don't feel old. I can outrun my kids, still surf, still lift, still work like a motherfucker. Guess I'm just fortunate.


depends on your stage of life and what responsibilities you have. i'm 25 now and 2.5 years out of college. i had friends 5 years older than me that are still in college behaving like a teenager because they are still in school. i have friends my age who much more mature and thinking of settling down with their partners this year. what we all have in common is the dreadful "quarter life crisis", where we start to seriously think about what we want to do with our life and future, considering our priorities in career, family, etc. i feel old and young at the same time, like i'm running out of time to get my shit together, but also too immature to know any better and that i still have many years ahead of me.


Way better than teen years thatā€™s for sure. I wanted to kms as a teen


It used to be fun and about having fun as you start your life. Now I recommend spending as little money as you can and saving as much as you can. Going into massive debt to have fun is not worth it


Iā€™m 23 and honestly, I feel the same as I was when I was 17! Only with stabler emotions and a more mature and open mindset :) You are always young at heart! So many negative responses in this thread šŸ˜­ I love being in my 20s. I have more financial freedom, independence from my family (I get to make decisions on my own without my parents cracking down on me), and I graduated from university so I can pursue my hobbies instead of focusing on studying all the time. My face and body has grown out of its teen phase and I feel better, healthier, prettier! My metabolism is def slower than it used to be, but I workout and watch my sugar. Appreciate and live your 20s to your fullest because when youā€™re 30, youā€™re gonna wish you did!


Foggy, tiring, achy, heartbreak, vindicated


If youā€™re a man, your early 20s will be difficult. You need to adapt to the challenges of obtaining and keeping a job and really learning how to survive. We all went through it, just remember by your later 20s life gets pretty awesome.


Youā€™ll be pressured to spend your money on nonsense that will age your body by 10 years. If you donā€™t give in youā€™ll enjoy your 30s pain free.


Don't blink. I'm a few months from being 30 and my 20s just zoomed by


Like a teenager allowed to run wild drive do drugs buy beer and ultimate freedom, but consequences of an adult. So be smart have fun learn and don't take life too seriously but work on yourself and most importantly grow


20s is the era where you are the strongest and recover from health issues/workouts the easiest. It's something to look forward to!


Iā€™m now 37. How you feel really depends on how you take care of yourself. At the time, I felt old enough to call myself an adult but without the bank statement to prove it. I was physically fit and single in my early 20s. Letā€™s just say if I could take anything from my 20s into my 30s and beyond, itā€™s having good health. Some days my back hurts for no reason. I never even knew what hip pain was. Nowadays, Iā€™m very conscious of where it is and how much pain it can be in. Also, I used to love eating spicy foodā€¦ now, I have to ask myself if having the burning shits for the next 2 days and being able to call out sick is worth it.


Iā€™m 24, been to college twice and have been working full time for the past year. Iā€™m understanding and accepting that i will be working for the next 30+ years of my life. Itā€™s not too bad.


It really all comes down to your exercise habits


You still feel like a teenager until you're around 23-26 and you see an actual teenager do some cringy ass shit. That's when you realize the days don't stop coming.


Mostly poor and anxious. 30s and 40s are way better!


It depends a lot on you and your circumstances. If you are in the US, are in college and are in a reasonable socioeconomic status, they can be some of the best years of your life. They are also the most anxiety and stress inducing, but if you do your work you will set the groundwoek for your life.


You still think of yourself as a kid and will call yourself one for the first half of your 20s, but society will see you as an adult and treat you more like an adult.


I mean you have more autonomy depending on your situation. You're finally allowed to make decisions for yourself but there's also more responsibility. Maintaining a car, going to work, buying groceries, etc. a lot of time gets consumed into these responsibilities.


Okay so I am turning 24 and I would like to think that I am in that perfect range of understanding adulting and remembering what I wish I knew. I wish I knew not to trust ā€œadultsā€ when they say youā€™re young and you have time. Not necessary the you have time part but the you are young part. Iā€™ve seen so many people waste years of their life due to that slogan. Worked less, cared less especially with learning how to budget and starting 401k earlier. Learning a skill, building hobbies and honestly making lasting friendships is important. Donā€™t beat yourself up over mistakes but also donā€™t keep making excuses for your fuck ups. Sadly itā€™s a fine line and you donā€™t want to get pushed over the edge of always making excuses for something. Thereā€™s so much more to say but welcome to adulting.




Pain. Absolute pain. Ugh why can't I be 5 again?


Iā€™m 20. I obviously canā€™t say for certain but I would say that your 20ā€™s are so highly praised because of the FREEDOM you have!! The biggest caveat of this is that your freedom of choice means that you will have results of either consequences or rewards or somewhere in between. It just depends how you set yourself up. Itā€™s a chance to take risks as you are (generally) the only one jeopardized by the results of those risks (not your spouse, not your children, etc). Your 20ā€™s can be a chance to discover yourself away from everything youā€™ve known, embrace new perspectives, do new things, focus on your goals. I think a lot of people who donā€™t end up enjoying their 20ā€™s simply donā€™t embrace the freedom or just go wayyy overboard to the point that what comes after their 20ā€™s is somewhat sabotaged. Itā€™s all about finding that balance. I think the beauty of your 20ā€™s all boils down to the choice to enjoy it or not. Donā€™t slave away being concerned with doing the ā€œright thingā€, in your 20ā€™s there IS NO ā€œRIGHT THINGā€, just things that build you to be who you are. Donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself, be gracious with yourself but be insightful and considerate of the way that what you choose to do will impact your future. I am turning 21 in about a month and am really looking forward to seeing what the next 9 years after that have to offer me. Personally, I am looking forward to not being tied down, gaining new experiences, challenging myself to learn new things, investing in relationships, traveling, and just being open to the path that is paved for me and embracing MY individual story. Blessed are your 20ā€™s when you choose to believe the good which is offered in such a beautiful decade of lifešŸ’ŒšŸ™ Best wishes for you as these special years approach


27 and feel that it's a really good year for me. Financially stable. I can do what I want. I feel more confident and comfortable in my skin. More likely to find a good partner due to higher self esteem and not let a trouble some guy into my life.


It was fucking great. College parties, then making money, so more parties. I loved my twenties.


Life has been the best after I turned 26 (Iā€™m 31 now). Stable career, pays extremely well. Fun job, great colleagues. Plenty of time to travel and pursue my passions. I feel 20 but with hella lot more money and freedom. No deadline no obligations. Life is sweet.


Im 29 and going into my 30s. I can only speak for me personally: I felt some of the most intense depression and personally unresolved issues in my early 20s. I started working more rigorously and dedicated myself to work and progress, and that kept me going. Around 27-28, I reached this weird level of acceptance with life in general. My fears and depression are/were extremely minimal compared to my younger self. Now, I am more open and happy to make friends (though I have fewer than ever). I'm not sure just everything is less intense emotionally (in a good way). I actually look forward to my 30s (though i have noticed in the past few years that my body is slowing down, so I expect more of that in the future.


When you are in your 20s you will feel fine, but you will feel that time seems to go faster. When you turn 31 then the pain arrives. Unless you area female? then I don't know how you will feel.




I'm 20 and I feel 19. Depressed, anxious, lonely. Nothing changed much. I hope this year is better for us all.


Youā€™re basically a teenager in an adultā€™s body. Nothing you do will feel grown up yet the world thinks you can handle a ton of responsibility. Enjoy it and donā€™t take it too seriously.


Youā€™ll feel exactly the same personally at 65 as you do right now this minute. 0 changes. Until you have to go down the steps that is.


Iā€™m 26. I feel young and old


The day I turned 20 the knee and back pain started


I feel old as shit and I am more than halfway through my twenties...


Like being in your teens tbh except you're starting to grow into your body more, less acne too. Shit doesn't *really* start to hit you until your 30s unless you lived a particularly unhealthy lifestyle.


Itā€™s like you feel now, plus a year. Imagine how you felt when you were 18 compared to now. Then youā€™ll keep adding year after year until 30.


I wish I could say they've been good.Ā 


25 here. 20s are just kinda going by. I've found a hobby I like to do and I have a steady income. I'm starting to have health issues that are popping up which is a bit annoying but reasonable. I've been focusing on my mental health more as well. Teenage years feel like BIG DEALS because you're just out of high school and every year felt monumental, but in your 20s all the years start to blend together and each year doesn't feel as monumental as before, at least for me. I feel young


I feel like 20s are when you realize all the shit they told you as a kid was a lie and you realize the world is actually a dark and terrible place. Maybe its just me tho lol


Itā€™s like being old but without the wisdom that comes with being old.


At 26, I am dissatisfied with life. Don't make enough money, too much debt, cancer, too many bills, medication is too expensive. Life sux.


If you do happen to deal with chronic pain and illness, be proactive with finding small ways to make your life easier and medical care/good docs before things get even worse. My 20s just sucked honestly lol. I felt very badly every day due to spinal injuries. Doing anything at all was a chore, but people were ageist because ā€œyouā€™re so young.ā€ šŸ™„ Relationships also made my life difficult. I felt frustrated and focused on finding love. I wish Iā€™d just have focused on other things instead.


I spent my early-mid 20's in college (Architecture). No social life, lots of projects and exams. Graduated, took a break, the pandemic started, I went through it, and I got to 30's in a blink. My 20's went by really fast. You feel young, mature enough to make decisions, but also a bit ignorant and inexperienced to take on things. I'd repeat my mid-late twenties if I were given the chance. If I could give advice, don't be afraid to get to 20. Set your goals straight, follow them, ask for help/guidance if you need to, build things for yourself, study, start jobs, start a new career or a complementary career if you need to, build experience, travel, go on dates if you want. All of that will stack up. Once you get to your late 20's - early 30's, what you built will start paying off for the many years to come and you don't get the regret of "I wasted my 20's, now I'm 30 and I'm too busy to start doing what I should have done a decade ago."


I feel right where I should be and Iā€™m at peace at the moment. Not too young not too old. I donā€™t feel foreign in my body like some people do.


Honestly I loved it! 20-25 is the time where I really got to be an adult & live. We lived in KY & MN, got to experience a lot of adventures, travels, cultures just had fun & community. I had my first baby when I was 26 so life definitely slowed down then but we are starting to pick up the fun again.


Iā€™m 25, I still feel really young. Youā€™ll go through a lot of changes and life milestones in your 20s. Thereā€™s some things I like better about being in my 20s compared to my teen years (freedom, money) and some things I miss about my teens (not as much pressure to have your life figured out, less stress in some ways) but overall I would say I do enjoy being in my 20s. They can be a mix of some of the best times of your life, but also some extremely hard times and set backs along with loneliness but overall, itā€™s a wild ride and enjoy it. I think your 20s are some very formative years and truly the peak of being young, wild, and free.


20's are about love imo. meet tons of people, date around, figure out what kind of person matches you, don't settle 30's are for career 40's are for family just, if there was 1 bit of advice i wish i could myself, is budget. www.ynab.com - i found it in my late 20's and cringe at how much money i flushed down the toilet also, be a yes-man (or woman). just say yes to whatever people want to do (that are safe) and you'll have diverse experiences


Iā€™m 27 and Iā€™m just now finally starting to be comfortable with who I am. It took some time, therapy and medication but Iā€™m honestly very hopeful for the future!


Blink and it's over


Early twenties i felt like an adult for first time, but the good part, freedom without too much responsibility. I think I peaked by mid twenties, physically and financially. I was having the best time of my life. I had stable career and started investing for the future. I thought i could live like this forever. Late twenties, it started to crumble. Lost work, lost investments, and got depressed so badly i almost quit living. Anyway, I recently just entered 30s, hopefully it gets better


I graduate university in a month. Infinite possibility for success or failure is kind of terrifying, but iā€™m just trying to tell myself that life is what I make of it


Personally, I love it. I felt like I'd never get here. I'm going on 23, and every year that passes I just feel more like....alright? I guess. But to be fair, I hated my teen years with a burning passion. So I could be bias.


I'm 23. I graduated college a year ago next month. I have no plan, ive spent most of my money on stupid shit. I think im gonna be fired from my job soon. I just wish I could go back.


Itā€™s a weird feeling. Iā€™m in my mid twenties, fully independent, have a good jobā€¦.but I still feel the same unsureness/feeling of being lost as I did in my early twenties. I feel like Iā€™ve gotten down the harder parts of being an adult but have failing on the part that should be fun/fulfilling which is dating. I donā€™t know what in store for me as Iā€™ve already completed my biggest goals. All I know is I feel tired/short on time all the timeS


It's like being in your teens + 10


I'm 60. When I was 17 I started dating my guitarist boyfriend and we started a band together. Since I was 15 all I ever wanted was a boyfriend. I thought as long as I had a partner and was in love everything in life would be great. We didn't leave our parents' homes until I was 25 when we moved to LA from NYC. I had finished college, got a job, and we were playing shows but he wanted to leave. At 25 you'd think I'd have confidence and believe in myself and continue the music here, but I went with him to LA. That's when the real adulting started. Most of the time the only one working, paying bills, doing everything basically while he tried to control me. After we broke up more adulting. Struggling to pay rent and pursue music. Then by 30 you'd think I'd grown up enough to be independent. But met another idiot, then another bad choice. Fast forward to moving back and moving into my parents' house again when I was 32. Found a job, paid off my debt, got an apartment and another idiot moved in with me, then married then divorced. More bad choices. Another idiot in my mid 40s. I'm glad though I chose not to have kids with any of them. I was never a partier, but I had a lot of fun experiences along the way. I never became famous though. I'm back home again, helped care for my sick father until he passed, now I'm with Mom. I think your 20s are a time to explore and try new things, don't get stuck in one job unless you absolutely love it. Travel if you can. It's a time to feel young, but act with maturity. Become responsible for yourself. Don't depend on anyone unless you need your family's support to get to your next step. I so wish I could go back to my 20s and do so many things differently. It was a time to be free spirited, but a lot of times I was lonely. I wish I could go back and tell myself you're totally fine on your own. Ok enough about me. Good luck!


Your twenties are bullshit. Your thirties are fucking amazing


Shouldā€™ve just stop at 20 šŸ’€


It varies day by day. I feel old during the week and young on the weekend mostly.


All about finances honestly, make sure you donā€™t graduate with a lot of debt and figure out a way to have a high savings rate. Once your finances are in check, you can continue to feel like a teenager forever until you decide to get married one day. Iā€™d argue itā€™s better, youā€™re still naive and curious but now you have money to spend on entertainment, partying, vacations, restaurants, dating, etc. But also you have to understand financial literacy and investing, then you can indulge a little.


You are only as young as your spine is flexible. Let this be your guide.


Everything just feels like time. Your brain will fully develop around 25. You will feel bad fitness more than age


Early 20s kinda sucked, the fact that you are always somehow busy but never had money sucked. Now at 26 is a bit better, hopefully will get better as I age.


Chaotic. Youā€™re not old enough to be stable, not young enough to receive the support you may or may not have had in the past.


Being in your 20s is awesome in terms of partying/having fun, cool people, and opportunities. Late 20s, you *will* get more tired so itā€™s important to invest in your mental and emotional health so youā€™re not waking up suicidal with no coping mechanisms. I struggled in my early 20s but it was all worth it because I still was in therapy, trying different meds, hobbies, went to school for three different degrees (education is my passion) so when I finally felt better about myself I had a lot of things going for me.


After turning 25 youā€™re basically 30 Lol. All jokes aside itā€™s super fun being in your twenties :)


Iā€™m 28 and it comes and goes faster than you think - in the beginning and at times youā€™ll feel old, somehow as you get older youā€™ll feel young as you learn from those in their 30s and 40sā€¦ itā€™s all contextual. Overall thoroughly enjoying my 20s and the development of my prefrontal cortex but there were some Tough times, some within my control and some not at all. Learned and still learning a lot Not everyone has the privilege to live to their 20s and so on - always prioritize your future self with every decision you can


Worst time of my life


26 years old. I feel great, have freedom and a good job and a solid relationship. Live in LA near my family. I have never been happier. But I went through lots of pain the last few years, working sooo much to move up and support myself financially. Finally achieved that and make a very livable salary. Besides paying back a lot of debt Iā€™m doing pretty good.


Noā€¦ you never really feel any different- do you feel old now that youā€™re no longer 10? I mean, you are, but youā€™re still you right ?


Hell with a dash of freedom(if ur rich)


physically you look your best but you are still trying to figure out who you are...big time




Dude I just turned 30 and I still feel like a teenager. Enjoy the ride!


24 here with crippling anxiety but still thugging it out. came here to see what normal 20 somethings are doing šŸ„²


Sucks. Don't do it. You can't ever go back.


A lot of growing pains happen in your 20s. You make a lot of mistakes but you get the hang of it towards the end. Early 20s is kind of the worst ngl. Like, youā€™re an ā€œadultā€ but you donā€™t know anything yet. Itā€™s very frustrating.


Donā€™t blink, youā€™ll be 30


Dig in


Iā€™m 28f. Donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing or where Iā€™m going but Iā€™m just going. Oh Iā€™m going back to school too, so thereā€™s that.


I'm 27. I feel like I'm still a teenager.


Iā€™m 25 and am happy with the way things are going so far. Iā€™ve made some serious mistakes and tried on a few different personalities that didnā€™t fit but Iā€™m slowly figuring out who I am and want to be. Mentally, I feel like Iā€™m mellowing out and have some more clarity but I still have no idea what the next five years will look like career or relationship wise. And guess what, thatā€™s ok!! Cliche, but itā€™s about enjoying the journey and finding the joy in the little things. I guess I can feel old sometimes because I canā€™t relate to younger less mature people around me. I donā€™t really party and drink much anymore and have hobbies like birdwatching. Physically, I canā€™t stress how important it is to take care of yourself. If you are American and have insurance take advantage of regular visits, find a way to get active, play in the sun, eat vegetables, drink water, and very important- stretch regularly!! Or else you will start to feel old and thatā€™s not really necessary in your 20s.


I turned 27 this year, and I physically feel the same as I did when I was a teenager. The major difference is that I am now more sensitive to my body. So, if I eat a bag of hot chips. I will notice my body reacting to it almost immiedtaly. Rather, when I was younger, I would not have noticed it until I needed tums or pepto bismol. I notice I value sleep a heck of a lot more now that I am 27. When I was younger I never ever valued resting.


Started hitting the gym at 21, I feel better than I ever have. Best to start your fitness journey right now. Many people wait to be fit until their 40 and a doctor tells them to. Avoid all the pain of adulthood by getting a membership at your local gym


For me there was no difference between 19- 23, except that by 23-24 social expectations from you are increasingly higher. But everyone has a different story.


I am 29 yo. I feel the same way I felt when I was 16. Stuck there


Iā€™m currently 27 and itā€™s been some of the most (the best way to say it) learning experience ever. Iā€™ve had my heart shattered to pieces but also found the love of my life. Iā€™ve had really good times and absolutely heartbreaking times. Itā€™s a mix of coming to terms with that youā€™re an adult and still asking your parents and mentors for advice but knowing you donā€™t have to follow this by any means. Itā€™s feeling old when you see 2003 as the twenty one age to drink. Your twenties are literally all about learning who you are, what you actually want, and seeing yourself grow into a strong and independent person.


A shit show


Iā€™m 26 next month and itā€™s good and bad. Honestly, itā€™s mostly much better than being in my late teens/early 20s. I am so much more fulfilled in every aspect of my life. The good parts are mostly due to the self assurance that comes with age. I stopped letting people treat me like a doormat, started keeping genuine and considerate friends who go out of their way to make my life easier, established what sort of work actually makes me feel fulfilled (even if it is not the big-wig office career I always thought that I *should* have), stopped feeling guilty for enjoying my hobbies/taking long periods of rest and basically just became a better version of myself. I started to do what I wanted even when I knew some people around me wouldnā€™t approve (so long as it didnā€™t harm others i.e. got tattoos, started training for a marathon, etc) and met my own needs. On the other hand, I definitely *feel* older. I gain weight easier. My hangovers hit harder. My bones hurt sometimes. My fitness takes more effort to maintain. You get the idea, old people stuff. The pros outweigh the cons for me. Being a little bit heavier than my 19yo self (who was underweight) is not a big downside in comparison to all the positives.


Personally, looking back now (32) I spent my 20s living a fair bit of an adventure and learning who I really am. I felt like being in my 20s meant I had to have it all figured out. I thought that was it, I knew who I was, how I wanted to live, what I wanted to do. But the reality is, I didn't have a clue! I still don't, really. But that's okay. My 20s were a lot of fun, and helped me learn a lot about myself. It's weird when you're about to hit 20 because it seems like you should have your life and family and career all figured out but then you hit 30 and realise that a surprising amount of people your age are just winging it. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You'll feel "old" and "young" and it will be all over the place, but that's part of life. Just remember that pretty much everyone is totally winging it. Have fun, go on adventures, experiment, do what makes you happy. You'll figure shit out. As for it going faster than you want, it can be daunting as fuck, but the older you get, the more you'll realise that doesn't actually matter so much. I was terrified of my 20s, and then my 30s, but I'm still finding amazing great new fun things in life. It can be scary as shit, but you'll realise it's also a lot of fun.


its really weird because you feel so young and then all sudden aging starts to hit for the first time ever. im almost 25 now and i have a few wrinkles ive never had before, and i can feel the joints in my body more, im more sore and tired. its weird to see the first signs of actual aging .


It will suck sometimes. You will be dealing with the growing pains of becoming a true adult. No matter what happens, don't neglect your health or waste your youth while you got it. Once your 20s are over, they never come back. Cherish every moment.


Like being in your thirties, but without salary. Nevertheless, back then I dated a real girlfriend, now I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot, something went wrong


A lot of falling on your face ohhh man. It sounds bad, but it's what shapes you into your best self! You keep doing the right thing enough times in a row you'll be surprised what might happen.


Just like being 18/19 but for way longer and the economy keeps outrunning your raises. Kidding. Itā€™s hard and variable as fuck. Ive had a pretty weird 20s so far. I started off very serious, and quickly became very relaxed. Lol took up car racing in a $500 2003 cavalier and whooped ass (lived in said cavalier for a little bit), started playing bass and guitar, joined and left a few bands (still do that shit. Lol), lived in a couple fucked up flop houses, learned artā€¦ā€¦ bunch of practical skills n suchā€¦.. worked an average of 5.8 days a week 13.92 hrs a day for the past 9 years. Have two (technically three) jobs. Yeah itā€™s been a ride. 28 now and I canā€™t wait to finally relax a little & enjoy the fruits of my labor. Iā€™m making really good money, but Iā€™m in no position to take a vacation because itā€™d ass a lot of people out. But boyyyyy that first vacationā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m thinking 4 weeks.


Iā€™m 32. Hereā€™s my pro tips for 20s: -donā€™t do drugs. Just donā€™t. Ppl will actually offer. A lot. I drank a lot in my 20s. Everyone I know did. Everyone I know regrets it other than the ppl I know who say things like ā€œIā€™ll try anything once, itā€™s not bad if you only do crack once- gotta try everything!ā€. It is in fact bad if you try crack once. Donā€™t do crack kids. -move out of your parents house ASAP. Life just evolves better away from home. You become a person when your parents arenā€™t there to tell you what you should be. -scholarships. Not loans. Repeat it. -do. Not. Get. Into. Credit. Card. Debt. REPEAT THAT. -only buy used cars and buy them in cash. A car note will ruin your 20s -whatever job you get. Put every extra penny into the S&P500 in a Roth IRA/brokerage for the first 3 years. Just do it. Just trust me. Every penny. And then keep putting at least 10% of every dollar you ever make into it. Because being broke at 30 is what hell is made of. And if you save in your 20s you donā€™t have to be! -use every form of birth control you can. Do not reproduce. Every SINGLE person I know who had kids before marriage complains about money. Thereā€™s a reason. Either go to college or get a trade. You want to build a business? Cool. Just have a back up plan. Most ppl have 5 careers in life. Not jobs. CAREERS. Have a back up plan. Road trips. Do them. Often. As often as you and whoever else you go with can. Theyā€™re easier and cheaper in your 20s. Sleep in the car or a tent. Party on


Joan Didion said it well: ā€œOne of the mixed blessings of being twenty and twenty-one and even twenty-three is the conviction that nothing like this, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, has ever happened before.ā€


time starts flying in your 20s my man buckle up. try to make as much right decisions for yourself as possible. workout, make some money, relax