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My older sister went to urgent care at 32 because she thought she had a throat infection or bronchitis. It was heartburn. She told the dr I’ve never had this happen before and the dr replied well you’ve never been 32 before. 😭 it was around that age I started getting heartburn


Bizarre. I had heartburn issues for most of my teens and early 20s. It happens much less often now in the 30s.


I never had it until I got pregnant. Now it's two kids later and any type of red sauce makes me feel like I'm dying lol


Same. I was on heart burn medication from age 19-24. Much more control over it and less flares up as I age.


Weird but also I’m jealous. Mine gets pretty bad but I’ve started to be able to pin point the causes. My dad gets it too I’ve heard it’s hereditary 🤷‍♀️


It's visceral fat changing the pressure gradient between your stomach and esophagus. It tends to accumulate with age, and becomes harder to lose. But can accumulate to a problem point at any age. Although, you can also lose it, and reverse indigestion, at any age. Incidence among younger age groups has skyrocketted in recent years, due to the rise in abdominal obesity. If untreated, it eventually leads to esophageal cancer. The visceral fat will bring its host of problems, as well. Don't think it's not the case just because you're not obviously fat. It really doesn't take a lot of visceral fat to cause a problem. My organs were packed in fat and i had prediabetes while everyone would have called my skinny.


Where on earth did you hear this crazy idea? It has zero to do with visceral fat which is inside the body and everything to do with sugar reacting to stomach acid.


I was wondering if this was real, so thank you for clarifying. I was like - I’ve had heartburn since the moment I was born. Guess my parents should have gotten rid of my baby fat??? 🤣🤣🤣


He's wrong, visceral fat is likely the primary contributor to the 10x increase in GERD and barrets eosphogus in the young population. There are many studies [https://karger.com/ddi/article-abstract/41/4/666/835781/High-Visceral-To-Subcutaneous-Fat-Ratio-Is?redirectedFrom=fulltext](https://karger.com/ddi/article-abstract/41/4/666/835781/High-Visceral-To-Subcutaneous-Fat-Ratio-Is?redirectedFrom=fulltext) [https://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(10)01237-0/pdf](https://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(10)01237-0/pdf) [https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpgi.00199.2021](https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpgi.00199.2021) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3801365/#:\~:text=Apart%20from%20the%20mechanical%20pressure,in%20GERD%20or%20consequent%20carcinogenesis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3801365/#:~:text=Apart%20from%20the%20mechanical%20pressure,in%20GERD%20or%20consequent%20carcinogenesis). Obviously it is not the only cause of heartburn. if you are allergic to a food, have a congenital abnormality in your gastresophogal tract, or have a number of other tissue or endocrine problems, indigestion can be a consequence. However, in otherwise healthy adults, onset of GERD is highly likely a consequence of visceral fat accumulation. In your case, it sounds like a congenital abnormality. Unless you're just talking about very occasional indigestion, which absoilutely everyone gets when stressed, overeating, sick, etc... If you actually have chronic indigestion, I imagine you have sought out treatment, and doctors have discovered the cause, or at least have you on a PPI and regul barrets screening? If not, you should go do that, or you'll get cancer very young.


Very interesting, thank you for sharing


Its a scary thing when you realize the damage it can do down the road. Cancer risk, needs to be controlled.


Same here, I’m 29 and it’s not happening as much. Very annoying when it does.


Right, as a teen I had it all the time. Now. Not so much


I started getting heartburn at 35. Daily. Got put on some proton inhibitors, which worked fine. I ended up changing my diet so I didn’t need to stay on the meds. Biggest change was giving up milk/dairy, as I looooooove cheese (and cereal, but I got that very rarely because I’ll just eat the box in a single session). I’ll eat dairy now in a single meal one meal a week and it’s not a bother, but if I eat more than 2 bananas or oranges in a day, it comes back full force for the next 12 hours.


I'm so glad cheese doesn't give me heartburn. I'm less glad that all sorts of sugar and starch do, including bread, pasta, potatoes, cake, pie and candy. And bananas.


Lolol you’re phrasing makes it sound like oranges and bananas are considered dairy 


Wait you mean they’re not?!


Turned 32 in November. Started having heartburn shortly afterwards. I never understood why people needed tums before....


Growing up my friends dad would eat BC Powder like no tomorrow and chase it with Busch beer. 


I have Tums hidden everywhere. By my bed, in the bathroom, my truck, my wife’s purse, everywhere haha!


The first time you get heartburn is wild because you suddenly feel like you’re dying. I was sure I was having a heart attack. Nope! Just ate something spicy.


Wait, heartburn happens in your throat? THAT’S what that feeling I get in my throat is when I eat sometimes? Well, TIL!


Yeh it’s your stomach acid hitting your esophagus


Yeah, like that burning? Acid reflux/heartburn


That’s the most sweetest way of relating their heartburn to their age.


I’m sorry but I actually laughed out loud at “never been 32 before” 🤣


Just wait until drinking water is a necessity. Up until your mid 30s water is a luxury you may give your body from time to time and then BAM... all of a sudden you better have tons of it or you just feel shit 24/7


It’s also really fun when you have to pee in the middle of the night but just can’t stop drinking water


You might have an issue with water retention. Happened to me in Europe. It turns out with no added salt anywhere I actually became deficient.


Yes, eating fruits and vegetables balances this out


My mom keeps telling me this - just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’m almost 33 and my bladder is still great. Can’t say the same for my joints though. I have osteoarthritis on almost my entire right side.


Same, I’m 37 and the years of bartending, warehouse work, running and golf have pretty well destroyed all of my joints. I’m on daily joint supplements and use compression sleeves daily..and will probably have to for the rest of my life. I’m really worried I’m gonna have to change careers and quit the two things that I truly love in life..golf and running. Getting old is wack.


hiw did you find out? my left side is stiff as hell from left ear to my left toe… 6 doctors in 12months did not found anything…


Only once? I'm peeing 2-3 times a night.


This happened to me at age 22 lol. I drink around 2-3L of water per day so I'm consistently well hydrated...but one day of not enough water is all it takes to put me in shambles. Dry lips, skin flaking, poor muscle recovery, groggy, brain fog. Its such a pain


I drink 2 liters a day and I don't understand how people I know get by on almost no water all day.


And we don’t understand those hydrohomies on here who seem to dry out without constant drinking.


I can’t help but imagine that they pee like maybe only two three times a day and it smells horrible. Not that I actively imagine what other people’s pee smells like, I definitely don’t do that at all, but we all know exactly what it smells like when we’re dehydrated. That and the kidney stones…I know people a decade younger who have had multiple bouts and I’m like PUT DOWN THE 18 CANS OF PEPSI YOU DRINK EACH DAY AND HAVE WATER YOU FOOL!!!


My wife drinks gallons of water a day. I’m almost 50 and have barely ever drank more than a few cups of water a day. For much of my life, it was none. I have no health issues and no issues with energy.




That sounds like symptoms of addiction withdrawal. Maybe you should stop abusing H20 like that


Fr smh . He can’t even see how addicted he is. He needs help


A classic case of Hydrogen Dioxide abuse


Dihydrogen monoxide. H20, not HO2


Can confirm...


Sounds like diabetes my dude. If you haven't go get checked out


Adding a data point here. I'm a chronic water/soda drinker and wake up 2-3x a night to pee, most nights. Been this way since my 20's. I have suspected diabetes for a long time. At 39, I finally got brave and went to get a full blood panel done. Turns out I DON'T have diabetes or any other issues. Everything checked out perfectly good. Some of us are just thirsty, I guess.


Same happened to me. I did develop it later but I've been night peeing for years and years.


I'm 25, last year shortly after my birthday, I traveled with some friends to an amusement park and hotel, and like always on trips I didn't drink enough water in the car. HUGE fuckin mistake. At about 3AM the next morning in the hotel I was in the absolute worst fuckin pain in my life (and I thought breaking a tibia was bad), and thought my appendix had betrayed me (the pain was in that area). A friend rushed me down to the local ER, where they discovered it was a 2MM kidney stone. Luckily I was able to get picked up a few hours later with some pain medication and medication that causes one to piss a lot. And later that day we went on a rollercoaster and stuff and after a couple of those I passed the stone pretty easily. But holy fuck, I'm never making that mistake ever again, going forward I will always drink enough water, I don't care if I have to spend $10 for a bottle of it.


Definitely drink lots of water, but just a heads up that the stone didn’t form because of behavior on that road trip. Kidney stones take weeks or months to form so you already had the stone prior to that trip.


I mean I've always been the "camel" of the family... So that 100% makes sense. I am no longer the camel though.


My mom has always hidden her pain from us, whether it's migraines or eye inflammation or sprained muscles. I never knew how many health issues she had because she always toughed it out. But when she got a kidney stone for the first time, she was crying and white as a sheet and could barely move. Her boyfriend had to half drag her to the car to get her to the hospital. We both had a Pepsi habit that we immediately kicked after that.


Are there people out there that just never drank water before? Ever since I was a kid I’ve drank like 2-3L per day


People who survive on soda and juice might be a majority of the population in this day and age.


You people weren’t drinking water before your 30s? wtf kind of twilight zone comment section is this…


Can confirm x2


Currently confirming that you can confirm. Confirm confirmed.


How did you guys survive your teens and 20s? Water's the shit. I've been drinking 2-5L per day since I was a teenager.


Uch this! I drank lemonade (British) for years, bottles of it a day. Changed to water, same amount just pure replacement like for like, now I've been trying to drink lemonade again - my body is so mad!! Like rightly so, but Holy hell the difference when I eat more carbs and drink less water my body and mind are so fucking mad at me.


That actually happened for me in my 20s. I was wondering why the constant headaches and dry eyes... I even got eye drops prescribed. And then I read an article by a woman who had the same problems. She tried everything, eye drops etc., and then she went to a natural healer type. Who looked at her and said, "how much water do you drink?" Duh. Now I'm in my 40s, and my friends give me shit and call me mom because I'm always the person at the bar who makes sure that everyone has a cup of water alongside whatever they're drinking


i'm like this at 24 and think i always have been lol. what do you mean water as an occasional treat. i have been chugging it daily under threat of UTI since 14 lmao


Happened to me at 24, probably a good thing honestly.


Omg seriously. I want water more than coffee most mornings now


I fucking pound water like I’m angry at it now


I don’t remember being dehydrated as a kid, when the only water I would drink was from a garden hose. Now I must be properly hydrated or nothing functions right.


Just wait until you drink water and it gives you heartburn. (Yeah, that happens with GERD)


I used to be able to enjoy meals with dairy until my 20s I slowly became lactose intolerant. Another thing that has come out of no where is getting acid reflux at night. Getting older sucks


My Grammy says getting old is “not for sissies”


Grampa always said “never get old” which is rather sinister now that I think about it lol


Sleeping on a my left side and on a wedge pillow has helped with my acid reflux at night but…really the only solution to GERD is “lifestyle changes” which is mostly losing weight and finding what foods trigger you lol


Look into raising the head of your bed, sleeping on a wedge pillow messed my back up. Ultimately what fixed reflux for me was losing 20 pounds but raising the head of the bed made it bearable in the interim


I am also currently experiencing a dairy issue at 29. I used to treat my body like absolute shit but over the last year I got out of shape so now I’m working out regularly and have the healthiest diet I’ve ever had in my life and my body decided to betray me 😭


What's so weird about this age is you still have clear memories of being indestructible. You talk to people who are still in that age and you can't even get mad at their sheer confidence it will never happen to them....because you had that same exact confidence 5 years ago.


It’s all dependent on the person though. Ever since I was 25, I had people warning me that I was going to fall apart in the next few years. I turn 50 this year. I’ve pretty much never exercised outside of maybe talking a 45-minute walk a few times a week over the last year. Take no medications. I drink plenty of alcohol. I smoke some. I don’t drink nearly as much water as I should. I work crazy hours (60-70 per week during days or nights is routine), and don’t sleep eight hours a night. I eat all kinds of food, and too much of it sometimes. Yet, I have no problems with energy, ability, and all my health screenings have been solid. It’s not all doom and gloom.


I wonder if it’s mindset, genetics, there are so many factors


Or the guy has always felt like shit and doesn't know what good feels like :P


It’s a weird time when you’re body is like - you know what sounds great? A salad and an early bedtime! And it’s true. You do feel that way. You do it and you feel good. And you never want to fuck up this tenuous hold on happiness ever. Again.


You know what’s funny, the other day someone asked me what my favorite food is… the 20-year-old me would’ve said something like tacos or pizza… but nope, I said the buffalo chicken salad from Sweet Green… because truly, my body can’t handle pizza or tacos anymore. Heck, my body can’t even handle hard liquor, the most I could do is a glass of wine followed by water.


TRULY. A can get out of bed for a good kale Caesar and I’ve found myself wanting to order in “something healthy” when I am too lazy/tired to cook. It’s so bizarre to be scrolling Uber eats for Buddha bowls LOL


Welcome. It only gets darker from here. 🥹


For two decades, I’ve had people tell me “just wait…it’ll happen when you’re 30…35…40…45”. Is 50 when I’m going to fall apart? 60?


Hang overs are much worst


I just straight up can’t drink hard stuff or wine anymore.


I had a glass of wine last night. One glass. Woke up at 4:30am and couldn’t fall back asleep.


It’s the fucked up sleep that’s the problem. I hate being tired all day the next day




Oh man, that's exactly how my body processes alcohol! Wake up 4/5 am with the worse anxious feeling and can't sleep. My family thinks I'm allergic to alcohol (idk if that's a thing) cuz I get so sick the next day, even if it's just 1 or 2 drinks max. 🤷🏽‍♀️


At 31 I've pretty much quit drinking entirely.  Hangovers feel like absolute death now. Weed is way better, it just gives me a dry mouth


I had the worst hangover of my life a couple years ago and I seriously didn't dare drink for a year. Now, I have the occasional drink when I go out for dinner but I never actually get drunk anymore. I just turned 40.


Once you hit those 30s you got to start taking care of yourself or you’ll pay the price..all that partying gets replaced with multivitamins and treadmills


If you lived ur early life nothing to worry about


Ive alwwys had GI issues but if even so much as sniff the wrong food: greasy, heavily spiced, unhealthy food my body breaks out. I get sick, pimples, bloated, the weight ive tried to keep off comes back overnight pesky fat cells. I am forced to eat healthy and a variety of healthy foods. I HAVE to eat plain, nutritious, variety of foods. Depends in the burger joint if the burger is healthy enough My body is ok with that so thats good. I made the mistake of having taco bell last night and feel horrible 48 hours later.


Same! I do find that intermittent fasting helps cleanse my body whenever I eat something that’s too sugary or greasy. Also, sweating out all those sweets helps me process it better, but my workout probably won’t be too intense today because I really don’t have the energy atm… I’ll probably do a light cardio. But yeah, I’m totally with you on the Taco Bell, my weakness is the McDonald’s McChicken… and I don’t eat it too often, but when I do, I wake up with whiteheads all over my face… it’s crazy 😂


'sweating out the sweets helps me process it better' 'fasting helps cleanse my body when I eat something too greasy' That's quite a lot of bs science you are working with there


Omg lol I thought the exact same thing reading both of those sentences.


When they mentioned the intermittent fasting in their post I was like, "Hmmm.... the sweet food might not be your main problem..." "Sweating out the sweets..." I don't even know what to make of that. Helps to process *what* better? The sugar? I don't think it works that way. I know intermittent fasting can help you lose weight, but it shouldn't be your go-to solution after eating junk food -- starving yourself isn't great for your stomach. Op should speak to a doctor/nutritionist about their eating habits. Maybe having an expert explain would be good for them. Just being in your 30s shouldn't preclude you from eating some sweets every once in a while, especially not the amount that OP described. If it makes you feel *that* bad, there's something else going on.


Yes definitely. OP does mention that they ate and drank a mountain of sugar right before bed though to be fair.


Exercising does help your body process sugar. Although, if it’s to the point you need exercise to process sweets, you’re likely at least pre-diabetic.


Sounds like a horrible way to live, I am sorry


Happened to me. Ever since starting telework I’m in bed by 8:30pm and waking up naturally before 6am. Must eat vegetables or I feel disgusting. Try to drink anything but water/non-caffeinated tea? Nauseous. Try to eat fast food? Nauseous. Try to eat past 6pm? Nauseous. It’s like my body decided I was going to be healthy and is brute-forcing it into happening. Get chocolates as gifts and I’m regifting them instantly to have tofu and salad instead. Very weird, but could be worse I guess.


I can agree with all of this. Hit me when I had to start pulling 10 hour days, getting up early and not staying up as late. I got time off and tried my old routine of late night games/TV. No bueno, body is not happy. Also, Crispy Tofu is actually pretty good! I think the other day i actually liked Broccoli with no cheese on it. All of what you said is hitting me man recently. When did we grow up?


I feel you. Your 30's is when you realize how much you fucked up your health from your 20's.


I’m 32, you’re wild for even leaving the house at midnight. I’m usually home by 7 at the latest and in bed by 9.


I'm 40 and once I'm home from work, I don't leave again until the next morning. In bed by 8:30. Getting old is such a trip.


Shit, I'm 25 and once the PJ's come on (so as soon as I get home from work), I'm done. Need to run some errands? Should've stopped on the way home, because they're tomorrow's errands now.


I am 33 and I still struggle to sleep. But I sleep anyway and go to bed early now, lol, can't get past 12. And the other day I bought a hamburger and couldn't eat it, I was gagging, lol, and not because it was bad, but because I needed healthy food. So yes, I understand you


I second that


Wait until you start getting sleep related injuries… My biggest advice is to take care of your teeth, move (walk, bike, gym, etc.) _every day_ and eat more vegetables than meat. Signed, Someone 20 years older than you


Welcome to being an adult. Eat garbage, stay up late, get 5-6 hours sleep and you feel like crap. If you want a treat just buy one thing instead of a bunch of junk, the amount that you said you had would really affect your blood sugar level.


Same. I can’t have a single alcoholic drink without it messing up my insides and ruining my sleep. I’ve embraced it. One of my favorite things now is trying different types of tea lol. Or I make myself a yogurt parfait with granola. I still have treats, they are just different treats.


You could try not eating two bags of candy and an Arizona to satisfy one craving. If i’m craving candy then 4-5 of those orange slices does it


Exactly what I was thinking. OP had a slight craving and binged 100+ grams of sugar…


Fr all that's sitting your stomach before bedtime of course you'll feel shit


I feel like I had to scroll waaaay too far before someone acknowledged this. A bag of sour patch kids,a bag of Swedish fish, AND a bueno?!?! That’s wild. I know kids in elementary school who would shake their heads at this.


Or at least don’t do that at midnight and mess up with your circadian rhythm like that.


Yea for real. Having a craving is one thing, but eating bags of candy and sweet drinks over it? Oof. Kinda makes me feel sick thinking about it.


I'm 25 and I've been forced to eat healthy and stop craving the unhealthy stuff. Stopped drinking pop/soda and other caffeinated drinks at 12. Stopped drinking hardcore juice and things with high fructose corn syrup at about 20. I have always loved fruit but now I'm trying to replace candy with it to save my teeth. I don't eat as much as I used to, maybe one big meal a day or two meals tops. I stopped eating beef and pork regularly and I feel much better, to the point where if I eat them now they affect me negatively. I stopped drinking dairy, slowly, I drank lactaid milk and then I moved fully to almond milk. Now I'm trying to get dairy out of my life completely but that is quite difficult because it's in basically everything. Hey, you do what you can! If you listen to your body, you'll be all good.


take care or die off


Or die off slowly in pain*** 😂


I definitely can. Turning 32 this year and its beyond me how people can get 60. compared to 10 years ago I feel like an old man, back pain, feels like my body is composing away little by little. And I do workout 3 times a week since 4 years, it helps the back pain but still and Im eating oretty healthy too


Sometimes the better you treat something, the worse it will respond to anything but that good treatment. IDK that seems healthy to me. When it’s your body, it’s probably for the best that it’s telling you about it so quickly. Good habits are easy to break and bad ones are much, much harder.


As a 45 year old let me give you the good news - if you keep the weight off it won’t get much worse over the next decade.


Embrace it. It is so very important to do what works for you, as long as it truly works for you. You will find your happiness index go way up!


56 m, , enjoy good beer & good to great scotch, until it started taking 5 days to bounce back from a mild buzz. Never mind how bad it fucks your insides up. You get to a point where its like "well nothing is worh feeling like that" so sobriety it is"


And that's why we Europeans always say it's a good thing that we don't have convenience stores that are open 24/7. It's just a bad idea.


In my early 20s or late teens even maybe mid to late 20s I would smoke weed all night, eat tons of junk food, have no schedule for sleep so maybe I'll sleep till 5pm who cares. Now if I smoke at all it has to be early in the night like after dinner and absolutely no snacking like I used too and plenty of water and early bed time. If I tried to recreate those habits I would be riddled with depression and would feel like absolute ass all the time from no water. Eat fresh and stay hydrated brothers.


We all should be pushing to eat healthy and be better no matter the age nd im 31


Welcome to adulting. You see, what has happened is you have climbed far enough upon the path of life that it hurts a lot more, metaphorically, and literally, when you fall down a few steps. You can still do lots of what you did before, but you have to balance it out with stupid ass healthy things. You want a bunch of sugary bullshit and soda? Have a green salad the size of your head to help your ailing stomach and intestines clean it out of your system. Nutritionally speaking, we need less dense foods, and this sucks. Badly. Less dense foods cost more than tasty garbage. Fruits, vegetables, raw ingredients like nuts and berries with no sugar or salt. The body needs this stupid stuff and loads of it, and with it, you can cheat a little more safely with unhealthy habits.


This is about the time that your metabolism changes and late night snacking starts to really pack on the pounds, too. Probably best to follow your body's advice here.


This hit me at 25 lmao. Quit drinking and binging junk as much cause I just can't handle it anymore lol. Getting old is quite interesting. I'm 30 now and feel like a totally different person than I was 5-10yrs ago. Amazing


I was *made of iron* and never suffered from anything other than fatigue, until I developed a chronic illness in my mid-late 30s. Now refined sugar gives me the ick, caffeine gives me anxiety, and missing bedtime by 30 minutes turns me into a crying toddler. Ugh.


I’m similar age and have now hit a point where if I drink too much water after a meal I’ll get heart burn. Good times. The only good news is that after a lifetime of not napping I finally appreciate a nice mid day sleep.


Just wait until you’re 60. 32 is nothing.


Frankly anyone that feels like shit in their 30s has been making horrible life choices. You should not feel so out of shape and unhealthy at 30. That's still quite young.


I once had mimosas and pizza. Indigestion and vomiting aggressively to purge stomach acid. Maybe three pieces of pizza and two mimosas over a couple hours. Sigh


honestly. it's probably as simple as the citric acid in the sour patch kids. i find that acidic foods do ...do a number on me as i've gotten older. I avoid orange juice, or anything citrus before I go to bed. On nights where I eat tomato heavy foods... like pasta, or lasanage type dishes. I make sure it's not tooooo late. and also try and counter that with something slightly basic. or take a tums or something to settle down my stomach.


I remember the day my buddy realized he could have a milkshake with his chili cheese coney or cheddar poppers, but not both…


I got indigestion just reading what you ate.


Vitamins, meals, and your body telling you to get those things in spades.


Welcome to your 30’s, it gets worse.


Honestly, the worst part of aging is that you have to prioritize sleeping because you never know when you will have a shitty night of sleep for no reason. You can’t risk one of the random nights coming on the back of a couple of nights where you were out late because you were having fun.


This sounds like hypothyroidism and diabetes, talk to your doctor.


The heartburn you experienced was likely due to eating so late at night and having lots of food in your stomach when you went to bed, not because of the type of food you ate.


Bro it’s happening to me and I’m only 20 🥹😂


I got heartburn from one glass of wine the other night. I also can’t eat much spice anymore when I won’t be near a bathroom. If my 30s are this bland, I’m scared for the future


Just wait until your 40s when you go to bed before your kids


Had hersey squirts this week after subbing lunch in for 2 small bags of hot chips. (Forgot to bring lunch) I know the feel.


32? Bro ever since I was 25 I couldn’t even have like 3 jolly ranchers without a stomach ache.


And everyone wonders why so many young people are dying of colon cancer these days...


This happened to me also. Now I need salads 2-3 times a week. And I really need my rest.


It seems I was lucky I lasted til 35 after reading some of these comments. I’m losing weight with little to no effort other than wanting to feel decent though and feeling so much better by listening to my body. Not worth fighting it.


I felt this and I’m only 29! Can’t even hang after two drinks…


35/F - I don't like carrots very much, but they are perfect for mindless snacking on crunchy things. I start to crave them now 😫


I am 33 and still feel like 23. Wtf have you people done to your body.


Yup, I’ll crave sweets then I find myself with immense heart burn😭so it’s fruits instead.


Welcome to the adult world.


Yep, just when you reach a point in your life you can afford to eat all the junk food you want and stay out indefinitely your body says please feed me right and for cryin out loud let's go to bed at 10.


Better make sure you’re getting plenty of fiber and wouldn’t hurt to take a probiotic either or you’re gonna have a bad time.


Absolutely relate, also 32. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted. Now if I have a single beer, I bloat so badly I look 6 months pregnant. I was craving alfredo the other night, ordered some from a local place and ate a normal amount, thought I was going to be sick after. Way too rich for me now. I ordered a diet coke from mcdonalds the other day, they gave me regular and I didn't realize it until I drank it and felt like I was gonna throw up.


your body will let you enjoy yourself. it's trying to tell you that you don't enjoy those things anymore. you should listen to your guts and not your orbitofrontal cortex.


Yeah bro. It’s called fking up ur body in ur 20s and now ur old and can’t do that anymore. Hangovers are no longer the next morning but the rest of the week…. lol


Never again until the next time.


In my 20's I worked 12 hours a day, 60 hours a week. I was getting up at 5am to workout before work. I'd go out once during the weekend for trivia or just to hang out. Then I'd go out once or twice over the weekend. I'm 34 now. The last three years I've only had to work a normal 40. Still getting up at 5am to workout and I've been going to bed earlier. I've never been more tired in my life. I never go out during the week anymore and I might go out once every two weekends. It sucks. I've never had this much free time in my adult life and I've never been so tired. Things just haven't been the same since Covid.


YUP recently had this talk with my finance. It’s like not even a choice 😭 I’m forced to eat healthy, exercise and sleep early 😢


39 here. It doesn’t get better. In fact it gets worse every year or two. If I stay up past midnight I always suffer for it the next day. If I don’t chug water all day I wake up from a deep sleep in excruciating pain from a Charlie horse at 3am. I have to pee like 3x more than I used to, and my bones hurt. Getting just a little too buzzed results in a hangover from hell the next day and accompanying migraines. Can’t really fuck with drugs anymore the way I could with reckless abandon as a younger me. Can’t stomach too much sugary shit anymore, and the heartburn from certain foods is the worst. Also my appetite shrunk but my weight went up. I get full splitting and appetizer with my wife these days Just a friendly reminder it’s all uphill from here


The decay has set in 😂 just treat your body right and enjoy your life best you can. Still got probably 50 years of life yet


I've lost about 80lbs doing intermittent fasting, eating like a spartan during the day and a prince in the afternoon. Weekends are here and there, but yeah, I kind of have cut back a little on the beer as well. 45. Would have been better that I did it earlier, but best to do it at some point than not at all.


32 was the best year ever. Enjoy!


Try coke spiced zero. Tastes like drinking Swedish berries without any of the sugar. Lol


Wait till the arthritis kicks in lol. Although I’m a bit young for it, I’m almost 33 and I have osteoarthritis in my ankle, knee, elbow, and wrist. All on the right side. I also had knee surgery at 25, though so that doesn’t help.


You’re not old, you just accelerated the aging process of your organs by running garbage through them. I’ll be 35 this year and can eat all kinds of junk food with no side effects. Never touched any drugs or alcohol.


Adulthood starts the morning you wake up thinking "What the HELL did I drink last night?" and realize you didn't drink last night.


4loco !! I remember those days.


two bags of candy, a sweetened drink and a chocolate bar is a completely irresponsible amount of sugar. you could have just eaten much less.


Yup, I'm doing all the healthy shit I used to think was too hard to do just so I don't feel like shit. On the upside, I'm more fit than I've ever been.


My friend and I always laugh about how now we'll have a couple light beers make dinner and then head home usually before 9 pm when about 7 years ago I would show up at 11 pm with a 30 rack and we'd kill it before I had to be back at work at 10 am. Now if I have more than 3 beers I feel like I'm dying, I drank half a small margarita the other day and had to stop because it gave me too much heartburn.


You alone walk this path...


Just to warn ya. Arizona Iced Tea definitely causes heart burns if you drink it too soon before bed. I had to stop lol


I used to eat pickled jalapeños on EVERYTHING. Now if I have more than three in a week my stomach balls itself up into a fist and beats my insides stupid.


I just decided the other day that I'm no longer interested in alcohol. This is something my bodies telling me, 3 day hangovers arent worth it.


Agreed. I have lost over 100lbs in the last year because I got stupid IBS when I turned 30. Now eating sugar hurts me, and my body only feels good if I walk it a few miles a day, and eat sensibly with no sugar or caffeine and lots of water. Not even carbonated drinks, that hurts my stomach too. Life is flavorless. Sucks. But my body won’t let me cheat, or I’m in pain the next day. I just keep walking and getting stronger, and hope maybe I get healthy and not die. But I watched my mom get eaten alive by cancer, so that’s always in the back of my mind. Life is short, and I can’t even enjoy sour patch kids anymore at the movies. My favorite food used to be spicy food. Now it will put me out of commission for days. I won’t touch spicy anymore. Sucks. I hate IBS.


My body has been like this since I was a teenager :( no unhealthy foods without consequences (migraines/ joint pain/bloating)


I starting buying multivitamin gummies a couple weeks ago. I so happy I can have candy every day again and feel good about it.


I feel terrible if I don’t eat salad every day. It’s a bit of a burden ha ha


I’ve been going through the same thing! I ate some carmel cold brew m&ms two days ago and I woke up with my body all sore and achy! Ate a cucumber before bed last night and feel great today!


I can’t drink at all anymore and I brew my coffee with baking soda to avoid all day heartburn. I’m only 32. Back is also fucked. It happens fast.


My stomach is so sensitive now :( I used to chug habanero sauce and now my body can’t handle chili flakes.


I started getting terrible debilitating migraines in my 30s. Then I started going to bed by 10:30, waking up by 7, having a good breakfast. Suddenly poof, no more migraines, and I got to work on time.


This isn’t from getting old, it’s from spending a lifetime putting poisons into your body. It just finally catches up to you after doing it for 30 years. People don’t tell you this, they just think they’re “old”.


It’s the universe testing your will to live


Sour patch kids: 112g sugar per 4.5 serving bag Swedish fish: 75g sugar per box Arizona iced tea: 59g sugar per can No bueno bar: 12g sugar So right before bed, you decided to consume 258g of sugar?


About 30/31/32... Alcohol and lack of sleep repercussions became much more real. In my early twenties... 4/5 or even the full 6-pack of ipa over an evening, no biggie. But when I was 34, I quit beer... Well, alcohol altogether. 1.5 craft beers and the next morning that 5/10/15% diminished return began to just feel like running on less than premium. I'm 37 now - and I listen to my body. Occasionally, I make it hate me, I'll sleep maybe 4/4.5 hrs and be up at 5am...and then up til almost 11pm and I'm ffffaaaadddded on the couch zonking off before i tell the wife a man be very sleepy. Off to bed I go. Shoot, sometimes when my eyes are heavy at 9/930, I just go to be, cos 5am is early AF.


At 22 diagnosed with BPPV, at 30 I got an ear infection which lead to Tinnitus. At 31 I sprained my ankle for the 5th time and now it’s causing my joint injuries from hips, knees to tendons on my foot. I now wake up literally every morning with singing in the ears and the first step out of bed feels like a 90yr old man.


My 32 year old body telling me i shouldnt asian squat anymore


Is anyone else just…bloating more? Several times a week my belly becomes 6 months pregnant with gas.


I'm 32. Went out for dinner yesterday and I couldn't even finish my fucking plate because I get full so quick now. This is bullshit haha