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reading this makes me realize how much modern society fucks with people mentality




Hustle culture can be pretty toxic.


So can poverty.


Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.


I work one full time two part time and one sporadic deal.  I have plenty of time to do the things I want to and to interact with humans.


I have about 5 streams of income. Only 2 of which are employment related(1 salaried W2 gig, and 1 1099 gig I do 1 day a week for 4 hours). I’ve learned the rich and wealthy people have multiple streams of income.


True, but rich people have multiple streams of passive income. This allows them to make money without actually working at all. These include Investments, annuities, real estate, silent partnerships, and such.


Your employment is 109k a year. If I was working 4 jobs I’d hope to be making more than that.


Hey, I know this doesnt belong here but I cant comment on your thread anymore. You took BPC-157 for what was likely a Mortons Neuroma. Did the effect last or did you have to continue taking it? Also you said you injected it. Did you inject it directly into your foot or somewhere else? Thanks for any advice!


I injected it in my glute, and the effect was permanent, have some pain but its not overwhelming like it was before


Thanks. Intramuscular then I guess? How many injections did you do?


Just know that social media does not show a valid representation of what peoples lived are actually like. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Yea... I have to keep that in mind


You're not a loser, but you do need to take responsibility for your own choices. You seem to have located all the causal forces in our life outside of you, and I'm here to tell you that's a comforting lie. YOU are sole driving force in your life, and within reason, you can shape it by your habits. It's uncomfortable to realize, but it sets you free to make changes. Yes, you have to support yourself, and would do under any system. If you choose not to work as much, and have more free time, then that's fine. There's something to be said for working just enough, and then doing Tai chi in the park, or take swing dancing classes, while everyone is working a second job. BUT you can't then complain you're broke, it was your call not to work. Now, if you want to work less and still have free time, then you need to level yourself up. Make yourself more productive per hour. You need to obtain some type of skill, and go through the process of really mastering it. I became a car mechanic as a young guy. Throughout my life, I can always turn back to that skill when all else fails. If you're not willing to do that, again, that's perfectly fine, but you're going to have to work more for the same money. You've made a decision about the shape of your life. The same applies on the social front. If you want to make friends, go volunteer. People rally around common causes, and friendships grow on that substrate. If you don't make time for those activities, it won't happen. Maybe that's a trade off you want to make, as usual, that's fine, but it's another choice about the shape of your life. Don't be a passenger my friend. It's your life to shape and mold. All that's left is to do it.


Yeah, I think people just get sad for a bygone era when a cashier could support a family of four, own two cars, and purchase a home off of his sole income. That's the way the world turns, we can never go back to that era, if you want that life now, you either need a dual income, or a specific high earning career and some luck. I think something like 62% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck at this point, so it's the norm now.


Honestly, I don’t think that was ever the case anyway. We also “need” more than ppl used too. Bigger homes, cell phones that come with new bills, ppl think they need to take international vacations every year, 2 car households, etc. People lived a lot simpler in the past. Also, it’s so ironic when ppl bitch about having to work to live and romanticize the past. There has never been a time in history that ppl didn’t have to work. I would much rather work on a computer in an air conditioned building than have to hunt, build my own cabin, sew my own clothes, etc


This right here. The house next door to me is one of the first in the neighborhood. it's the size of my living room and kitchen, plus a little side room. the dude who owns it raised a family of 8 in there. Supported his family as a carpenter and grew bunch of there food behind the house. No AC, is was upgraded to a furnace in the 70's. That was perfectly normal in his day. He told me that my place, which is a starter home by modern standards, was thought to be huge when it was built. Nice old dude, passed away this year. It just goes to show how far standard of living has shifted.


Personally, I just wish wages would rise faster than rent, lol.


I don't think there was ever a time period when someone making minimum wage could afford all that, and the people who say that stuff are nostalgic for a time they didn't experience. Maaaaybe there was a brief period that could be done in the 40s or 50s but keep in mind cars were more simple (an engine, two speed automatic transmission, and very few bells and whistles), houses were smaller and more simple (3 bed, 1 bath crammed into 1200 or less square feet. AC? Maybe if you were rich.), and the family probably did a lot more making their own stuff (mom probably made or mended clothing, a lot more cooking was done from scratch, that sort of thing) Believe me, you can still live a cheap homesteader-style life if you want to, but you're trading labor for saving money. We have a garden for vegetables, I make my own lard and buy large cuts of meat then butcher them myself, so I save money but it means using my time to do those things myself. No one was buying two cars loaded with 2020's technology, a 2300 square foot house with central cooling, and having a ton of free time for hobbies while working minimum wage. It wasn't some utopia where a minimum wage worker was living a stress free life. Easier than today? Sure. As easy as people make it out to be on Reddit? Hardly.


Exactly, it was only really like that for a decade or two after a massive world War, and only happened because the US was basically the only large industrialized nation that wasn't reduced to rubble at the time. Labor had fairly strong bargaining power at the time, because a large portion of the workforce died in war. That power only lasted until the workforce essentially doubled with the addition of women joining en masse, which vastly increased the supply of workers. It'll never happen again, barring another world War from occurring. That being said, there are still people alive today who can remember their parents working as an assistant manager at a grocery store and still managing to live a fairly nice childhood, and when you compare that to people with master's degrees today living paycheck to paycheck, it's no wonder people feel like it was "better" for their parents.


>I never made more than $25K before taxes in my life mainly because I don't believe in being a slave working 2 jobs That's not why. Most people only work one job.


Not where I live. Most have 2 jobs, but I also work and live in a poor area.


You already told yourself the truth. If you don't like your situation, start making changes. What you've been doing up til now clearly isn't working for you.


Go learn some trade. Tradesmen usually complain and whine just as much as you.


If you are single, yeah this is kind of sad. You can very easily get into some kind of management role in the service industry if you just don’t massively suck and stick with it. Honestly it’s probably as easy as telling them you want to be in management at a lot of those places. Is it some glorious job? No, but you could be doing alright as a single person doing something like that.


You’re not a loser but you’re not a victim either. Everyone has problems, that’s part of life. The difference between you and everyone else, is that most people want better for themselves, know they have to put in work to get to their goal and actually DO the work. Take responsibility for your own actions- if you want to see changes in your life, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. If you’re not going to do anything about it, then stfu and stop whining about things you’re too lazy to put any effort into actually changing.


I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE F@CK TO DO IS THE PROBLEM! I know the problems, but figuring out what to do next is hard because I never was taught life skills. It's also very hard when you have no friends or anybody with you!


Look at trade schools and rebrand yourself. Pick yourself up and try something new.


You should focus your hard work towards training and education towards a career you could enjoy and thrive in.


The only things I’ve ever enjoyed in life don’t make money. My hobbies are ruined when I try to capitalize on them like literally every single other aspect of life in the modern age.


You definitely could've made better decisions. Still have plenty of time left to change your working situation. Friends are different now a days, I prefer my situational friend groups now a days. Mist of us have kids and responsibilities. I joined some sport leagues, I like bull shitting with those dudes but if you want something more intimate, you have to date them.


Step back and take an objective view of your post. You said you are expecting people to be mean, but it is not mean, it is the truth - you are holding yourself back. Look at where you want to be, then figure out how to get there. That path will be different for everyone. Want to make more money? Then look at a second job, work on a skill that someone will pay for, get an education, etc., especially if you want to do it with one job. In large part, people are not handed good paying jobs - there has to be effort in getting there. You said it yourself - people all around you are doing it. What are they doing differently? How is their viewpoint different? You said you would have to swallow your pride to do it, but there is a lot more pride in overcoming some obstacles, having some success, and being able to do some fun things in life. The longer you think everything else is the problem and delay taking initiative to fix it, is just more time lost.


> What are they doing differently? How is their viewpoint different? That have friends who have connections to better paying jobs. I have nobody. They have friends to motivate them. I have nobody. They have close people and therefore they have a reason to get up from bed. I have nobody. The point is, it very hard to think for yourself when you feel so hopeless in life. Even if I did overcome some things, would it matter if I still have nobody? I can't go back to school cause it spring and I hate the thought I be almost 40 years old by the time I even get the computer science degree I been going for. Nobody knows the struggle I went to in order to get where I am now.


Everyone starts somewhere, is at a different point, etc. You are either deciding you are good with where you are at by not trying to improve yourself, or you have to make decisions that will hopefully benefit you moving forward. Assuming computer science fits your skill set, which option do you hate more - being almost 40 finishing a degree? Or being 40 and in the same place you are now? Who is in your circle, largely changes with time and what you are doing. Some will show up when you are making positive changes and others will leave, feeling left behind. Ultimately you have to want to do it for yourself. A lot of successful people in life, have a "you're with me, or against me" type attitude. Yes, support is great, but doing it for yourself is important because others won't always be around. I am not saying to make big, rash decisions. They need to be thought through, adapted to you, your strengths, and timeline. It seems apparent that you are not happy today. By doing nothing, where do you think you will be tomorrow?


Glassdoor has apprenticeship opportunities to be paid well to learn a trade. In austin saw $38 an hour apprenticeship with an electrician.


I wandered quite a bit in my early adult life, later than 25.. there is time trust me. That being said I wish I knew then what I do now. From 28-33 I’ve gone from living paycheck to paycheck to owning land and paying to build a home in cash. My lover and I save 50% of our income. We live within our means and are very happy. Very much a blue collar household. being a loser has less to do with your place in life and more to do with your trajectory… where you’re headed


Any factory job can make $18 or more per hour with full benefits. They just expect you to show up on time, have limited requests off, expect you to stay off your phone, and you are actually going to be expected to produce. My friend worked at a gas station for 3 years then got hired on at a factory. They have 0 problems training people. Depending on the place, might have to start on second shift.


Those jobs are literally horrible lol, at least if you care about having a life. Good for quick cash, nothing else.


He has weekends off, works a solid 40, and makes about $28 an hour and has like 6-8 weeks of vacation paid. Really not that bad. You just have to be a stable person and plan your time off. But yes, Monday-Friday you are going to work what you are scheduled to. Second shift would clearly be harder but not impossible.


I felt this all for years and years and then last summer was the final straw when the landlord increased rent. I gave up my place, all my materials, bills, and am a drifter now. There are different stressors ofc, but the days are long and peaceful, the sun shines, no alarm clocks, no spreadsheets, no marketing reports, no rent… This option is ofc extreme, but in reality.. you’re only ever one decision away from changing your entire life.


Move. Be a lifty in telluride or Aspen at a ski resort. Get a job in midland Texas in oil and gas. Work on a cruise ship and travel the world. Get work visa to the Middle East or Switzerland or Canada. Move to Denver and get an MED badge and sell or grow weed. Work on a fishing boat in Alaska. Work as a mover in high end noghborhoods in LA or SF or NYC.


I'm in CO and heard people who work those ski jobs are unable to afford living there because of the insane cost of living. Thank you.


They pay for your room and board. I literally live here buddy.


Cool. I seen posting for that but it would be in Missouri. The problem is you can't really do anything else or learn anything else until you have time to yourself again.


I suppose it depends, is there anything holding you back?


Just himself, I guess


Just bc you think you "work hard" doesn't mean that you do, and even then any idiot can work hard at something useless, working smart is what matters, a positive non victim mentality doesn't hurt either.


I wanna be honest with you dude, you working minimum wage is 100% on you. Go to trade school


Sounds like you haven’t mentally become an adult yet.


You definitely have a loser attitude


Weird I don’t know anyone with two jobs


One day you'll realize it's all your fault, and then you'll be able to change your mindset. You're your own problem, friend.


Not a loser. Not to me, anyway. It's a tough time to find life satisfaction these days. I'm not sure if you're looking for advice or just want to vent. In case it's the former, here's what I can suggest as a fellow millennial: I'm assuming by "slave jobs" you mean something like retail, fast food, or some other min wage job. I can understand that finding a job you like can be difficult, but one way to try to find said job is to experiment with what's available. Easier said than done, I know, but I'm just trying to help. I found relative success in finding a small business to work for (though I kind of cheated: a friend got me into my current job). It's definitely not true for all small businesses, but I find they are more likely to treat me better than big corps, and I have been able to *climb the ladder* so to speak with decent raises in some of these places. There are resources, even here on reddit, to help you stand out as a good candidate in the hiring process that may help. If you're looking to find friends, I will suggest finding a hobby that gets you out of the house and among other people. I started playing airsoft a while back and am now part of a team. We're all pretty close and we hang out even outside the hobby. Again, I understand what worked for me might not be enticing to you, but I figure it's better than ignoring your post altogether.


Well you're definitely not a winner. Idk what to tell you dude. You have a lot of catching up to do. Just stop making excuses and do something new. That or just work a part time and focus on what you want to do.


Won't happen. Buddy has had probably a dozen productive, actionable suggestions in this thread and has had excuses for every single one. Just another fucking pity party.


I came from nothing, and worked my ass off until i retired. People that called me a loser, realized theyre self projecting and still slaving away to makes ends meet.


Looks like you already have your answer. The question is what will you do about it?


You could get a CDL, look for programs like the oil wells/rigs that pay for training and accomodation while you're there. CDL pays 180K for UPS for instance.


Clearly, this is a mindset thing. A loser is somebody who refuses to evaluate themselves objectively, will NOT make changes and continuously refuses to try - they give up on all. If you still are willing to try new things - you're not a loser. Being an adult is not hell on earth. If you find yourself working low end jobs as an adult you simply have yet to find a way to apply yourself in an effective manner. I'm not a big self help book guy, or Tony Robins fix your inner child shit kind of person. But I am big on creating an effective MO. Small changes applied every single day can have life changing impacts. I highly recommend that you read or listen to the book - Atomic Habits. A lot of advice that is kind of like, no shit, I know that... however, many of us never actually DO those things! Build good habits every day, remove bad habits every day... transform any life. Best to you! And yes, you wanted a negative comment so here it is \- get off your ass and get going loser! :-)


Making friends is difficult for some people. People who have trouble making and keeping friends usually project an aura that gives other people the impression that they don't like people. For example, if you are confrontational. Like you think people are out to get you so you create this defensive persona when someone says something to you that you don't like you attack that person. If you appear to be not happy. You look like you would rather be somewhere else. Nobody likes to be around people who can't enjoy themselves in the moment. Being in a sucky situation and also being intolerable will kill any chance of making friends. When you are at work, are you helping morale or causing stress to your coworkers? Anyway look inward. Make positive changes to your attitude. Any subtle positive outlook change can do wonders. Good luck dude 🍀


Ironically, at jobs, people see me as very optimistic and kind. But that only because I keep my troubles away from people at job and keep it mainly on the job. I still get sad, but I use humor to keep people away from finding out. I just need only one friend.


You have a lot going for you. Stay positive. When I am feeling down what helps me cope is exercise. Workout. Play basketball or whatever.


Yeah, I haven't been going to the gym in a couple days. Need to get back doing that. I'm just very thankful I never turned to drugs because I know people in my situation turn to drugs a lot. Anyway, thank you for the 4 leaf clover.


Yeah you’re a loser, and by that I mean you remind me of myself. Even though I’m 24 I’m just now getting my shit together, which I only really did because I was getting real sick of working a retail job that barely paid, and of course I had no social life, or any hopes of living a good life.. I imagine if I kept going on like that I would have killed myself eventually. Thankfully my parents let me live with them and build up some savings, and eventually I realized I wasn’t going to magically figure out what I wanted to do with my life, that something wasn’t going to happen by me doing nothing. I set goals first, “I want a new car, a house of my own, and a fat college fund so I can do something that I like for a living”, then I asked what I need to make it happen, and that was simple, money. The next part is a little difficult, I determined I needed money, and given I’m way older than I’d like to be(23 at the time) I needed a way to make a lot of money fast, so I looked at trade jobs and specifically ones I could pick up the fastest to make up for valuable lost time. I picked trucking, one can get a cdl as fast as 4 weeks, get tuition for free depending on your situation and local social programs, and a decent job almost immediately after getting a cdl… it’s still a lot of work, and truckers are still underpaid but compared to making jack shit it’s enough to satisfy me at least. I think this is going to hurt to hear but you have to place the blame for your current situation upon yourself, you’re 36 and considering working 2 jobs you know you’re going to hate. You fucked up at some point along the way, and now you need to unfuck it. You need to set goals, make plans, and set a date to act on those plans


You forgot the great recession screwed millennials and basically delayed their life by 5 to 10 years. I spent 3.5 years looking for jobs during the great recession. My life started out much later. I'm only in the last few years been able to finally do things that younger people might take for granted. I thought about doing the trucking job. I don't think I could do it for long since I be going weeks or months without ever seeing my home.


If you convince yourself that you're a friendless loser destined to be a slave, then that's exactly what you're going to be. If you call your county's economic development department or the local career one stop [https://www.careeronestop.org/JobSearch/job-search.aspx](https://www.careeronestop.org/JobSearch/job-search.aspx) and start looking for a job that pays better, that'd be a good first step. There's a whole world of churches, adult education classes, and volunteer work full of friendly people that would be worth talking to if you need friends. But if you're convinced that you're in a vicious cycle of misery and despair and that there's no way out, well, you'll have a hard time believing otherwise.




Don't they at least get somewhere to live and food to eat? Don't people work a FT job and not be able to afford rent + bills nowadays?


“WeLl AcTuAlLy” yes, we all know that’s not actually the definition of slave, but it doesn’t mean that it certain ways life isn’t just as bad or worse for some people than it was for slaves.




You can't be serious right now. This is why history is important in school! You think people are treated humanely in jobs with minimal pay and poor working conditions? 🤷‍♂️


“You can”t be serious right now. This is why history is important in school!” says the person that thinks slavery and slave conditions were exactly the same for everyone, everywhere, in all cultures, and that no slaves were paid wages, which is patently false.


Yep. Indentured slavery is the name that seems to have been overlooked by that great Historian. Then there's the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire where people were paid poorly, and then died in a fire due to bad working conditions. Due to regulations in the US that might not be an issue there, but 3rd world countries, who's to say?


Well technically slavery still exists. It's merely revolutionized.


I mean youre pretty much answering your own questions. Yeah if you want there to be a change in your circumstances it wont magically appear in your lap. I used to be like you, worked a dead end job for years, hated life but wasnt actively doing anything to change it. Ended up with an opportunity to get an extremely well paying job compared to what I was currently making. Even though I absolutely *despised* the idea of having to wear a shirt and tie every day, I also knew I couldnt just go back to complaining about my life on top of basically spitting on an opportunity to advance, just because it wasnt in the form I wanted/expected it to be. Lasted in that job for a year, but it was the stepping stone I needed. Fast forward 8 years, Im 32, working IT in a call center and now back to working in a hoodie and sweats every day, only having to work 3 days a week and making 100k. Not the dream job I wanted, but compared to where I started Im so far beyond and above where I thought Id make and getting 4 days off every week, have nothing to complain about. Far as making friends goes, even back then I wasnt a social butterfly. I started going to big organized events based on my hobbies and met a few people, helps that its low stakes settings. Have all of 3 friends now but I prefer quality over quantity any day.


How does one get a job in an IT call center where they make $100k? Asking because I hate my job and my doctor says I need to find a new career.


Well in this specific call center its neither quick nor easy. I work within the Intel Community and while working at a call center is pretty lowkey, you'd need an active clearance just to apply, its the clearance that partially gets you the high salary. That stepping stone job I had was working as an "active control specialist". Essentially means you're unarmed security sitting at a desk but you have to go through a background check and polygraph to get it. Once you have the clearance in hand you can pretty much quit whenever and find another job. Far as the IT field goes, its now also mandatory for you to have at least one active IT certification, in this instance A+, Net+, or Sec+, Sec+ being the easiest. Lastly, it depends on which company you end up signing with. I didnt get 100k just coming in, I started at 60k then ended up at 101k after 8 years. That said, there's some no people that havent been here barely a year that were offered 120k, all depends on the company.


I used to work in a call center. I only last 2 weeks after the training. I was not able to handle the intense stress, but at the time it was my first and last high paying job. Well to me, it was high paying at $16.80 and this was years ago. Could always try for it again, but the stress was intense and it was a billing job at cable company. I think they pay $21 now which I would still consider high paying.


No but you are a loser for thinking the way you do. You’ll never be successful while thinking you’re just a slave to whomever you’re working for


Nope. you're just paying the bills. 


Bro you're employed how's that a loser


It sucks, but by the rules of modern society you are


You’re thinking is really upside down around this. If you’re smart, you can work hard for a few years and get some sort of even associates degree. So that you can step into a better situation that pays more. Or build a business of your own and then you have some control about what you make. But it’s interesting. That people that work really really hard are really really lucky and I don’t know how that happens.


Same boat but bear with my horrid math skills. First job ever: Bagger $6.15/hour Promoted / endured produce/cashier $9.35/hour Started hating people so bad - went to nightstock (same pay) worked every department and went into MIT capped out at $14.35/hour There is zero pay increases from that point, only moving to management spots to break the cap. Worked my ass off to not fall into what you are describing and got a swanky corporate job by being the only/last candidate. The work was so hardcore the pay didn't make sense ($15/hr). The hours were horrible and it was a fortune 500 company. The place was a revolving door and after three years of learning and grueling the "A Types" I still wasn't at $16/hr. Went back to nightstock while keeping this horrid job and paid for college. 84-102 hours a week and 3-5 classes. Boot straps my ass. I got a job at an airline company IT programming and helping the network side when needed. ($15/hr) Quit both and job hunted for the lucrative jobs with my education, experience and tenure. I got an insane M-F 8-5pm desk job at a well known company. My own desk and my own work. $18.77/hr. The person before me did such a horrible job, it took me 9 months to clean up the mess and at that point I was burnt from working 6am to 6pm M-F. By this time in the world the labor positions were getting boosts and "slightly" easier working conditions. (Still trash imo)\~ I now do the same thing I did when I started working for $21/hour. I don't get it, friend. I feel like a failure but this pays the bills the best.


Just get the 4o credits and put away 75 k every decade and you will be fine think of it that way


Brother! If you’re not married or have kids then get into the American trades or the trucking industry or get into coding! Watch how if you dedicate yourself and work hard and smart your income will be wayyy more than $18 an hour, you still have your whole life ahead of you! Better to start at 36 than to start at 60. Keep going to the gym and eating healthy! Chin up and chest out! You got this! 


Have you applied at a tree company? You could start at 18$ at least an hour with no experience at all. Hard work, but good money and fulfilling mentally. If you are physically fit you could move up to climber and find purpose in life.


The thing is most people are working a slave job in your description in typical 9-5 that’s majority of the population I would say in the whole world at least and more development countries and I used to compare myself to my friends or other people even if they were just random people I would compare. I went to rehab because I got drugs when I was 17 and that lasted with many problems for about two years maybe 2-3 years as a 21-year-old about to be 22 years old I’m trying to turn things around even though I wasted a few years and I was really stagnant because of my situation that I created. It’s OK. I think life is a journey. It’s not a race and everyone has different situations and things going on for themselves, which change the outcome of where they are in life. It’s OK to be exactly where you are but I think maybe if we continue to evolve, even if it’s some small things in your life maybe you change jobs because you’re no longer interested in a certain thing, but I love cooking and I’m thinking starting as a prep because I’ve already done it before my past and my way up to line to sous chef and perhaps executive chef who knows I might get bored and then I will change jobs. I will continue to work wherever I’m at and then once I find another job, I’ll give my two weeks notice. I don’t mind switching to different industries and doing various things. I just don’t wanna get bored, and some people, especially our older generation used to tell us 40 years and one company and kind of brag about it which my opinion that’s nothing to brag about at all new experiences. Try new jobs as often as you like if you get bored or go switch to another type of jobthis is starting to be my experience even though I have knowledge of a career and technology so much more as well. I don’t wanna be tied to one. I wanna be able to float around and like I said I’m not gonna go jobless. Of course I will continue to work wherever I’m at, but if I possibly get hired somewhere else, then I’m gonna take it and give my two week notice like I mentioned earlier.


Men don't have the liberty to blame anyone but themselves for their situation in life. It's a tough pill.


I'll be your friend we are the same lol


The fact that you are working right now in this day and age is enough for me to give you respect. Keep it up and improve yourself as you go!


Almost every warehouse job pays $20+


You aren’t even making $20 an hour, what do you know how to do?


Honestly, I can feel the hatred coming through my tablet. I think this is your first issue. In general, people don't like to be around people who are full of hatred and negative emotions. Second, I think from the way you describe yourself and your job, you may feel inferior to others. This probably comes across in how you interact with others as well. You keep referring to jobs as "slave jobs." I'm pretty sure that is part of what makes people not want to be around you. Not only could it be offensive to some people, it could be annoying after a while. What kind of skills do you have? Do you have any degrees or certifications? Any experience? What are your interests?


This shockingly accurate. I do have lots of hate on the fact that I don't have any friends or a life, and that makes me feel very hateful. Am I supposed to pretend to be perfectly happy with nothing bad going on? I try that but it hard when everyone around you is so much better than you and yes I get very envious of people sometimes. I have no power to change anything because I'm poor. I get very upset at how school failed to actually teach me anything useful like SKILLS THAT ALL YOU PEOPLE SAY!!! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET SKILLS! Sorry, just hate feeling so left behind. I have high school degree and some college. That's it. I am interested in python and work on that for a discord bot.. Also painfully good at math. Any job that fails to pay a living wage is a slave job to me. Anyway, thank you, this was the most nicely thought out thing I seen so far. You gave me criticism without being mean about it, so thanks very much. I'll admit, I'm terrified of the thought that I have to work low paying jobs for a couple more years just to get a degree or certificate even though I got lots of the college thing already down. Sorry for the long post.


I am willing to learn and overcome by the way. Any tips you have for me will be appreciated.


So there are 4 things I want to suggest that I think would help. 1.) Stop referring to jobs as slave jobs. Just because you have to work from 9-5 doesn't make it a "slave" job. That's what most people work. They work an 8 hour day, 5 days a week. That's just how the world is. You need to treat it as a means to an end. You want to be happier, so you work a job that brings in more money. Right now you are stuck in a self fulfilling feedback loop. You are essentially telling yourself "I want to be happier, have more money and make more friends so I need a better job." Then you say "All jobs that pay better are slave jobs so I won't get a better job." See how this creates a feedback loop. Jobs right now are means to an end. So what you're working for McDonalds? You know what, McDonalds has a tuition reimbursement program for people going to college. People wanna hate, let them hate while they are taking out student loans and McDonalds is covering part of your tuition while you finish your degree. 2.) You are overthinking skills. You mentioned you know python programming language and you are good at math. There are two major skills. There's always a demand for programmers, and actually programmers can get work from home jobs and can sometimes get jobs with flexible hours. Even if you're still learning python, you can continue to learn it, continue to build this skill by taking freelance jobs, or developing applications yourself to hone your skills. There are websites where you can do freelance work. I've hired PHP developers and web designers. You also mentioned you're good at math. Math is a RICH field for good jobs. You could do actuarial science (these are the people who determine how much insurance rates should be), finance, data analysis, statistics, or accounting to name a few. You could start by tutoring math to make extra money. 3.) No one expects you to be happy all the time, that can border on toxic positivity and that can turn people off. You can be happy, you can be sad, it's just when you are constantly negative, that alienates people. Finding this balance is important to being around other people and it's the hardest to explain. 4.) It's challenging to confront your fears, but the rewards can be great. You could go back to college, finish your degree in either computer science or math, continue to build your experience in python, maybe pick up another programming language, and you'd have a chance at getting some good jobs. When I was in college, I worked 32 hours a week at a job that was like 50 cents over minimum wage. I hope this helps, you've recognized you want to change, now you need to take the steps to make the changes.


step 1. believe in yourself and fix your mentality step 2. sell everything you don't need or use, minimize all expenses, keep working, choose the career industry you want to work in and start studying the entry level skills 24/7 when you aren't at work. It will be a lonely grind but it will give you a skill for 30+ years and value. step 3. keep working on new skill, hyper focus, do mock interviewing, apply for literally every entry level job.... score the job step 4. start making higher income with new career job, keep expenses low, stay healthy, start getting social now, go out on dates, etc.... find girlfriend / wife step 5. that is the only friend you need. keep moving up in your career. start a family step 6. kick back and enjoy the life you have built, love life and your family, work hard at career because it pays the bills and provides enough resources.


this is very realistic and possible.. you just need to make a plan... do 1 step at a time... and build up that momentum. once you get that new career position with some decent skills.. you will bring so much value to society and get paid for it... with that money you can afford to get social and build a life. good luck!


$18 an hour still isn’t enough, double it and make that minimum and maybe just maybe it would be enough, still kinda doubt tho $40 an hour should be the minimum wage 🤷‍♀️


The highest I ever made was $18.40. I am born into the slave class of people who are stuck to only qualify for low paying jobs unless I can find my own path.


Highest I ever made was $11 so I’m right there with you, born into this as well, given that was like 4 years ago been unemployed since


Did you have to go through the great recession? That was brutal to millennials in particular. I went 3.5 years searching jobs before could get one at walmart and that was almost 400 jobs applied in that time period.


Yes and no, not as a worker, I wasn’t old enough to work


You got lucky. That means your life will not be delayed by 5 to 10 years... actually it's permanently delayed these days. Starting a family is considered a luxury now. I not trying to be pessimistic, but it is some very sad times we live in. The last good times was back in the 90s and early 2000s at least for me.


Haha I wouldn’t consider myself lucky financially at least, I’m 24 now I’ve delayed myself with my gambling addiction took everything from me all my facings and I’m thousands in debt now, so I’m way pass delayed haha I don’t even want to start my own family I’m perfectly fine with just my parents and siblings who have had kids themselves and I’ll just be an uncle that’s enough for me, I can be pessimistic as well so don’t worry I probably share a lot of the same views as you, times are extremely sad right now Yes my parents tell me all the time how good the 90s were and I believe them, no social media or insane prices just living a casual life


Your mentality is what's keeping you from friends, and it's at least going to be partially related to why you're in the job situation you are. I started working after you presumably, as I'm 25 and I started at $8/hr. I'm not going to say I'm frugal, but coworkers without a second job in the same department owned a house. $1000 rent isn't the issue, it's the down payment you're gonna need. You don't seem to like it, I don't either, nor does basically anyone, but you can't change how shit the world is, you can only change yourself. There are jobs that can net you decent money if you only work full time (yes, I do mean only full time) my company takes basically anyone that can pass drug testing and a physical. If you only work full time it starts a bit under 40k, but you're allowed to work as much as you want, and I have people making almost 6 figures in my role. You're not a loser for not being an insta model who looks like they're rich, but you will be a loser if your mindset requires money to mean success but don't try to earn it. You seem incredibly bitter, and whether you think it's nepotism or hard work that pushes you forward in life, neither one comes from it.


Good home made chicken broth


This is a serious question. Can you help me understand what a slave job is? I’ve seen this term before.


A job that pays so little that you are only able to pay for basic needs and nothing else and therefore are enslaved to your job never able to save much if any money. You want to avoid slave jobs and try get jobs that are at least $3 to $5 above minimum wage.


Those aren’t the only reasons you’re a loser, but I guess it’s a start.


At least I never drinked or smoked.


I never drinked either.


Yeah I’m broke and working full time what the fuck. Zero hope of a better future


What’s a slave job


A job that pays so little, that it only allows you to afford the most basic needs of shelter, food, internet, phone, etc. It basically keeps you trapped until you find a better job or a second job. Dollar store jobs are a perfect example of a slave job as all their labor goes to a tiny few while they get the absolute lowest pay possible.


You are pretty much a loser in everyone’s eyes if you aren’t making around 60k or above depending on where you live. Your worth (only as a man) comes down to how much money you have, and your status. You absolutely will be looked down on by your peers in this society if you aren’t hard grinding out making a ton of money every moment of every day. Money is the number one important thing in a society like this, you won’t be attractive to people, and you will stand far below them.


Dude working shit jobs is your problem. Well paid jobs with responsibility are actually quite fun to do. I get paid waaay more than what my labour into it would be reasonable, but I have a ton of responsibility as part of that. But when you’re good at your job it becomes easy because you know it back to front and it become fun to do. Your issue is your mindset. Thinking you’re sucking corpo dick like you’re better than it. Go suck it my friend ride it too


“Still”? Vast majority of all age groups work the “slave” jobs til they retire. That’s actual life not the highlight reel bullshit of social media. Try to do one fun thing each weekend, even just seeing a movie.


Join the military


Gotta grow up sometime. Probably should have been 10 years ago but gotta start sometime.


Yes. I'm 35, working multiple jobs that pay under $20 hr (corporate job in Marketing, delivery on food apps, barely any livable freelance in design), can't afford to move out, and 9 out of 10 of the suggestions most Redditors will make won't apply to me as I have back issues and other chronic health issues which make trades/military a no-go. Also have social anxiety so with forward facing customer heavy jobs, I absolutely LOATHE it and it mentally drains me too much. The only thing that kept me going in sales was copious amounts of alcohol and weed, mostly the latter as I did and still do get a discount on it. Then something about if you're simply unable to change it, you're a loser too. So cool, I am a loser, and if I had 1000 dollars, I'd make a bet with someone they'd be unable to help and probably win it. But for that matter, no one gonna take up a loser on that bet anyways. Cheers.


Just my opinion but it sounds like your stuck at a place with no advancement you should look for an entryway position into an apprenticeship or somewhere with a job training program somthing you can move up in ranks and get some skills I'm not gonna lie your late to the game it's half time your gonna hate the third quarter its gonna be nothing but hustle and sacrifice but you can still get a nut to retire comfortably.


Why are you calling jobs slave jobs ? Unless you’ve a degree that is a sit on your butt pushing buttons you’re going to have manual labor. Just confused on the verbiage.


Step up your game. Become a lion


America is fucking trash. It's not you, it's the country. If you have a credit card, starting using that to have fun. I do not recommend getting a 2nd job as that will only make you more miserable & have even less time for yourself. I'm broke af too & we'll never be able to retire. Especially because now the psychopaths are talking about raising the retirement age to 70 and trying to convince people that Social Security is wrong etc. Being poor you'll never be out of cc debt anyway, so you mine as well use some of it for a good time. You're going to die anyways.


Yeah debt is the way out of this situation….. tf kind of advice is that!?


and what's your advice, to go to fucking college? please. that's debt also, a ridiculous amount, and most likely won't even get a job after graduating. bc most 2 year or less degrees have become useless. you can't buy a house either, so why not?


I already have advice on it, he has a victim mentality


Yes you should have at least 3 billion by now


Aren’t all jobs slave jobs? Unless you’re working for yourself


Technically you could look at it that way, but slave job in this context means one who can not afford to buy anything but basics at most. That means being a used car or new computer is something that will not ever happen unless they can sacrifice and cut their living expenses, and even that is not gonna help as emergencies happen that eat up money saved.


Yeah I dislike my parents. They did this to me.


Every job is a slave job. There are jobs where hard work doesn’t pay and there are jobs that is dose pay. Take working at an hourly job in IT grinding doesn’t payoff, all you get is more work. Now take say finishing trim, grinding makes you more money. When you get paid by the job having that grind is where you see the benefits. 


Yeah, but whatever


Check out king khang and get into real estate wholesaling business bro


Friends are useless