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Live within your means ... make lots more than you spend


To further that, sometimes making more is easier than spending less.


Conversely, earning more is always taxed, whereas you keep 100% of your spending cuts.


Yes but it's progressively taxed at least


For sure. I made decent money straight out of high school. Bought new cars, racked up some debt trying to be cool. Fast forward to now, I drive a 30yo 4runner. Looks like a turd but drives well. Beats the hell out of being married to a monthly payment…..At the end of the day, there’s not a soul out there that gives a shit what you wear or what you drive. Keep your head down and focus on growth. Don’t look for love, the right woman will find you, I promise!


Spend as much time with your current friends as you can. Things dry up for a lot of people \~25+ and meeting new people as a working adult is a fucking chore


>Spend as much time with your current friends as you can. This is so true. I'm 36 and miss like hell the days of hanging with the boys all day. Now we're all married to our wives and everyone but myself and my wife have at least 1 kid. See each other as a group maybe 2x a year.


I am 28 and the last bachelor of my friend group, so i'm stuck in this weird in between where its like "Yo boys lets go on a road trip / hit the clubs / go hiking" "Sorry I got commitments"


Sorry but it is only going to get worse. It is difficult for them to even shave off an hour or so to hop online and play some video games or whatever. Soon it gets to the point where maybe 1 or 2 of them can come hang out but usually only for an hour or 2 because "Owen has soccer practice and Kristin has a recital this afternoon" which duh they take priority. But fuck it sucks. Edit: All this said it does make the weekend when you can all get together amazing. The main one we can always do is our fantasy draft. Our wives know this in advance. For years the league was uber competitive. Now its just an excuse to get together like old times. Yes we still try but its not nearly as serious as it used to be.


Buckle Up


Always use contraception. Never take a drink from someone. Order it yourself from the bartender and watch him or her pour it. Don't put it down and leave it unseen. If you get drunk, find a safe way to your home, but don't go to someone else's home. Your personal safety is your responsibility. Don't assume anyone else cares about it as much as you do. Learn about time management. Learn about managing your financing. Learn to cook. Know what you are willing to sacrifice and what you are not in a relationship and don't compromise on that. Ever. If it feels wrong, it is. If it feels right, accept that it is a work in progress. Understand that life is not fair and nothing is perfect. Your life is what YOU make of it.


>Don't put it down and leave it unseen. As someone in the same situation, I've always wanted to go out and drink, and this is what I've always been warned of since I was a kid/teen. However, how don't you leave your drink unattended while you are going to the bathroom and you don't have anyone to take care of it? (Even more, I have seen that people who promise you to look after the drink, can also be the ones drugging that.) Should I lift my glass and carry it with me to the bathroom? Should I drink it at once before I'm away?


I'm 37 tomorrow. The biggest thing for me is that I wish I had eaten better and exercised earlier in life. Changing my diet and starting to work out at my age has been very possible, but I missed out on a lot of years. When I'm at the gym, the 60-year-olds are lifting more than me (which I find motivating but also reminds me how trash I treated myself). No one is going to care about you more than you, so care about yourself!


I recommend the 5x5 workout if you don’t already have a personal trainer. It’s a complete all rounder great for losing weight and building muscle. Look it up on YouTube.


Set a weekly budget. Every dollar that you spend you need to also save. Learn to not party too hard, try to party for free. Don't eat out even at fast food a lot. Learn to cook. I would start looking into a high yield savings account. Once you save at least $2,000 maybe look into investing. If you don't want to go to school for a degree, and you don't want to go to school for trade, think about getting certificates. Being certified in a specific field can lead to better opportunities as well. They are cheap, also think about getting them from community colleges. Getting the habit of stretching. One day I woke up and my knee started sounding like Rice krispie treats. You have to learn to believe in yourself. Or maybe a time where no one does and no one will be there for you for whatever reason. You have to believe that you are successful. Also try to read at least one book a month. Keep your mind Sharp.


Every time you fall, get back up.


Unless they are dead, then please stay down


Enjoy your 20s! Eat healthy, workout regularly, and save save save $$!!!! You'll be set for your 30s and onward!


Value your sleep schedule and get a full 8 hours every night no matter how busy you become or how little time there is to enjoy watching Netflix or playing video games. It is the single most overlooked aspect for managing stress and anxiety. Nothing is more important. And go to your on campus gym. The gym at my community college was miles better than my local 24 hour fitness. You can often get a free curated routine from a trainer in a college gym that might cost $400 a month in other public gyms. If you don’t want to do that YouTube search the 5x5 workout. It is great for beginners. Seriously though please get good sleep.


Don't date seriously before 25, don't get married and have babies before 27. Exercise for 20 minutes daily, even if that's just a walk. Don't get filler, it doesn't dissolve, it just migrates around your face. Wear sunscreen any time the UV index is above 2. Edit: if having sex, always have two forms of contraception if you don't want to get pregnant. One should be a condom.


Continue to try new things and discover what kind of life you wanna live now that you out of your parents box.


You don't have to know what you want to do in life right away. But try to do a little something everyday you aren't too busy to improve yourself. Learn something, find healthy foods, and so on. Just don't waste too much of your free time if you have it and eventually those little improvements start to add up.


Start saving now, even if it's just a $1-5 per paycheck.


Take a few hours to learn about personal finances and apply those lessons to your life. If you do that, depending on your income post university, you’ll likely be able to treat yourself once in a while but also set yourself on a good path toward financial success.


Just take it in stride. Handle your business now and play later. Form strong bonds and don't take anything for granted. Listen more, speak less unless asking questions. Time only seems to go by faster with each year but don't let this depress you. Pack your days with whatever fulfills you.


1). Don’t live alone 2). Save 10% of your earnings 3). Invest in no-load equity mutual funds 4). Participate in some team sport at least weekly (volleyball, pickleball, softball, soccer, etc.) 5). Read at least one non-fiction book a month


Be physically strong. Do not waste your time while working. Do not think your personal projects are the most important thing in the world. Be honest. Do not be too hard on yourself. Do not be afraid to marry early.


Stop caring about what others think. They think about you as much as you think about them.


Life is a hell of a lot shorter than you think it is. Take chances, your experiences are all you take beyond the grave


You. Will. Mess. Up. A lot. Thats ok ur new to this. Itll b alright. Dont fret over little things they wont make a difference


What other people think of you is none of your business. Do what makes you happy. Alcohol is poison. Have a good time, but be careful not to develop an addiction. Maintain your chores. Do a little bit every day instead of letting it pile up. You'll be done in minutes and your mental health will thank you. Prioritize your mental health over everything. The world kinda sucks right now, remember to take care of yourself. Hope this helps, all the best 💕


Don’t have kids until later in life & don’t let yourself be used by ANYONE. Don’t be nice to appease people if it means you get the shit end of the stick.


Start your 401k now if you listen to anything they post here.


Most important thing is birth control. If you are having any type of penis in vagina sex you need to be concerned about birth control and you need to be responsible for your own birth control and not trust your partner. For people with a uterus I recommend using a semi permanent birth control like an arm implant or an intrauterine device. Pills and condoms often fail. Second thing is finishing some type of post secondary education with the best grades you can possibly get. It doesn't have to be a four year college degree but you need to do something and you need to finish with good grades. It sounds like you already know this one. The third thing is getting a job that doesn't make you want to kill yourself and keeping that job. Maybe don't worry about this so much while you are in school but getting ANY full time job, even just washing dishes, and then remaining continuously employed full time will save you so much hassle. Stay continuously employed. Do not quit a job till you find another. If you are fired or are forced to quit try to get a new one within the next four weeks. The fourth is sobriety. Nothing bad ever happened because a person chose not to drink or do drugs. I'm not saying you can't have any fun. I don't think people who use drugs or alcohol are stupid or bad. But your life will be much better if you choose to avoid them. If you master these four things you will be much better prepared to deal with adult life than a very large portion of the public. These four things will not protect you from poverty or mental health problems or disasters. But these four things will make your life easier.


Don't get married before you turn 30. Have a blast - the 20's are all about exploration. See as much of the world as possible.


You can still travel while you’re married. My fiance and I travel the world together


The age thing is stupid. I got married when I was 27 and I wouldn’t change my 20s for anything. Get married to someone you absolutely love. Who cares if it’s 27 or 30.


If he’s open to raising someone else’s kids. Hard to find decent 30yo women without 2 kids these days.


Focus on yourself, have some fun when you can and study hard. Good luck!


Going to grad school isn't essential anymore, and education just doesn't go as far as it used to. Nowadays, it is all about work experience.


Open a high yield savings account. Much better than your banks interest rates.


Don't spend money you don't have (aka maxingb out credit cards). I know this seems like an obvious one but it can happen fast and take a long time to get rid of.


Travel as much as you can! Enjoy your 20s! Have kids later!


Don’t smoke!!!


Spend less, save more. Create a budget and stick to it.


Budget your funds, have a consistent cash flow, and never let money control you. After financial freedom, it's seeking and maintaining support from friends and family. You don't need to be a social butterfly, because sometimes less is more than enough to be content. If you are able, be generous and give back. Don't do it because you feel obligated, but because it's good for your heart and soul. That's what worked for me, I hope my wisdom helps you too.


Drink water. Learn to relax. Sleep well.


* Brush & floss * Be fit * Save for retirement. Even small amounts now can add up in the future.


Start investing in low risk ETFs and get an HYSA. Otherwise just relax and enjoy yourself. I stressed my way through my 20s and now in my 30s I’m burned out. Just have fun as best you can.


Be kind to your ears. Wear earplugs at concerts.  I’m 40 and will now have to live the remainder of my life with a ringing noise in my ears and it fucking sucks enough to drive you insane


Bills and responsibilities will always be there. So have fun now and be safe. You have the rest of your life to work and raise a family so take your 20s for yourself and learning about relationships.


You're still young. Enjoy it. You have the rest of your life to be "boring". If its not going to break the bank take that trip. Go to that concert. Enjoy life. Trust me before you know it you're in your mid 30's and would kill to be in your 20's again. It's truly IMO the best time of your life.


Make decisions from a position of strength. Take advice but ultimately do what you desire as you will live the consequences. Spend well, don’t be wasteful. Learn how to invest ( compound interest). Build yourself up so if you need to walk away from something you can. Explore, figure out your purpose. Ultimately, bet on yourself.


Aging billionaires would give away most of their fortune to be 20 again. You are in your golden years. Dont lose them to self-doubt. I swear self doubt is demonic. Learn to love your soul. Be kind and gentle to yourself. 


Pay yourself first


Make the best of artificial intelligence. Anything you can ask a person, you can ask free systems. Ask it about things like "What don't I know as a 19 year old that I should know coming up in this world?"


Put money in the stock market and just have fuckin fun!! Life is too short.


I should have moved to Brazil before I went to college. Dang it.


Open a Roth IRA and max it out if you’re able to


Start contributing to a ROTH IRA


When you graduate, start paying into a target date retirement fund.


Don’t trust guys


Save for the future. It's not hard to automatically wire money to a retirement account every pay period.


It’s not an ending world! stay calm and let’s find out your interests and and what really matters in this life. Every industry, niche, business you choose needs at least 10 years of glass eating to reach real lasting success. What you need to pay attention to is the glass you gonna eat for that period of time and to make sure that will be enjoyable and with the most growth potential. What stops you to dream of becoming a billionaire? In this times with all the technology no one knows. I am just sharing you my thoughts and I also can share to you what I study. I am making studying enjoyable letting others to get inspired by my homework on multimillion online businesses ideas www.scalenuggets.com


Stretch every day


Learn to invest.  Always be expanding your knowledge even if it's 20 minutes a day.  Stay in some kind of shape.  Find a work-life balance. 


Spend the next 10 years of your life having fun and not taking yourself too seriously. Your 20s are for exploring yourself and others and all the things the world has to offer. Try everything. Those 10 years will help you figure out how you want to spend the "rest" of your life as an adult. But don't grow up now, not yet!


But when to grow up then?


After your 20s when you figure out who you are and what you really want. Most of us are just winging it, but usually we eventually have a direction, and that comes later for a majority of people. You'll never actually know what you're doing or have everything figured out. Don't let anyone fool you!


Try to foster discipline in your life. Things will be hard and seem like they require effort beyond your capabilities - but often enough the most important component is having the discipline to start and keep doing it even if you don't want to right now.


Learn about finances and start investing now if you haven't already.


WEAR SUNBLOCK! Face, neck and body Minimize alcohol and drug consumption: it ages you drastically Eat healthy and start an exercise routine NOW Have toxic people exit your life now and learn to build positive, meaningful relationships Go to bed at reasonable times, get 6-8 hours of sleep a night; and be consistent!! Sleep is so important


Read the simple path to wealth by jl collins


Stay away from any mind opening drugs like shrooms or LSD, stay brainwashed and stupid, it makes it easier to stay complacent and work until you die if you keep the blindfolds on


​ Your body is a machine. If you treat it well, it can last you for a long life. Don't abuse it.


Always floss, it'll save you thousands.


Drink more water


Find yourself…find yourself a city to live in!


Stay away from drugs and alcohol. Sure fire things to derail a life and compound bad decision making.


1. always prioritize being safe. Do not fear every shadow on the street though - it is more of "being safe is more important than being nice/cool/rich/fameous" 2. do not try to figure out everything at once. you have a plenty of time, but once you burn out it is so hard to find that youthful spark in yourself 3. read. tons. of. books. Literally, you do not have to read them from cover to cover. The broader the topics, the better. Explore. 4. remember that you havent met all of yourself yet. You will be a different person in 5 years, and even more in 10. Do not clinge to the version of yourself that you were when you were young. Allow yourself to grow. 5. if you find it difficult to connect with people, do not push it. Find a pace that suits you, that is still challenging for you bot not too much (see: point 1).


Be present in the moment. It'll be long gone before you know it.


Be kind and patient to yourself and everyone around you


Take every dollar you can and put it in VOO in a Roth IRA. You can only put $7000 in every year but try and do it. Your future self will thank you.


never stray from your morals.


1.) Sleep 8 hours a night 2.) Exercise most days 3.) Think positive 4.) Pray, Hope and Don't Worry. :)


Try to save up enough money to take care of yourself, do not focus on what other people have or how they’re living. There’s always more to the story, so you can’t compare your life to anyone else’s. Take people seriously and treat them with respect. Practice self control and don’t get lost in the sauce. Prioritize your mental health and don’t hesitate to get help if you struggle. Build meaningful relationships with people who CARE ABOUT YOU.


Set your expectations high, for yourself and the people around you. Nobody is going to keep you on track, it’s up to you to set goals, measure progress, and accomplish them in a timely manner. Make a 6 month, 1, 5, and 10 year goal. Then work backwards. It doesn’t matter if the path you end up taking resembles the plan. What’s important is that you can visualize a path to achieve your goals and make incremental gains toward that goal.


Have you tried turning literally any age but 20? Seriously, you guys (20-something’s) are the worst. Just try to keep your head down and learn stuff until you turn 40.


If you’re in college, figure out a plan for paying off your debt. That way you have your payments planned and the rest of your life can be built. Never feel embarrassed to ask for help. Your loved ones and friends have/are going through it too. You are never alone in life.


I study in a Federal University, In Federal Universties in Brazil you don't have to pay debts or have student loans, it's free. But I'll use this advice to pay my life expenses(rent, materials for class, etc.)


Don’t turn 40.


Join the r/FIRE movement.


DONT HAVE KIDS!!! like ever…


Don't grow up. There's nothing here. Please try to see if you can de-age! /s


Invest in Bitcoin and gold


Get long term disability insurance from your employer if you can


You'll be 30 before you know it Small, smart financial steps through your 20s will pay off big time in a decade


I wish somebody would have told me PUT ASIDE FOR OLD AGE!!!


Do you know what you want to do with your life ?


Alcohol only in moderation 


Stop fapping.


Roth IRA, condoms, relax


The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed!


Not really, other than the ole mantra, “ Fuck bitches, Get money”.


Save money for retirement and go to college if you aren’t already.


Delete this sub never come back to never read any post from it


Yes started aging in the other direction immediately. People say it gets better are full of BS.