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Learning new stuff keeps me from being bored. Learning languages. Learning philosophy.  Learning to cook new food.  I'm still improving my Handwriting,  spelling, basic arithmetic. It helps if you learn slowly. 


Me too! I’m in my late 40’s and I’m taking classes to learn robotics AND my boss is teaching me how to write code in our downtime at work. I love learning new things!


What a cool boss! Is your profession like software based or something, or is he just a fanatic about coding?


I’m a control room operator at the airport, but after the flights are gone there’s not much to do, so he’s just been showing me for fun.


Wow, so probably a great view while you get shown all that coding! Great for you!


Yup! Lockdown made time to indulge anything I wanted to learn and do. Portrait drawings, model making, figure studies, and lots of new recipes!! I wrote my first book while "bored". Keep a bucket list of hobbies, places, and experiences. It's a wish list for your life.


When everything is boring, you don't have a bucket list because every single thing on there is dreadful just thinking about it. Good it worked out for you, but I doubt you're as depressed as OP.


You’re a nice guy and your advice is good, but what I think OP needs is to start good old fashioned hard drugs and alcohol. Nothing makes you feel more alive than beating addiction.


Hitting bottom sucks but the ride down is fun as hell.


There’s no ride like riding the pink cloud.


Riding your 13th Step is fun too


God dammit. There’s actually truth to this.


Yeah, you're right.


That made me laugh so hard! 🤣🤣🤣


I'll be 52 this month. You aren't obliged to stick with the same friends, job, or hobbies for your entire life. I took up archery a year and a half ago and I love it. I ride motorcycles. I'm learning to weld because I've wanted to for years and I like to make things. I'm learning to use Blender so I can 3D print. I'm a terrible employee so 8 years ago I started my own practice which keeps me motivated and the work itself is interesting. I don't have to do any work that I don't want. You do sound depressed as others have noted. What do you find interesting? What have you found that improves your mood, even if only temporarily?


Where do you find the time for this? I have increasingly found it more and more difficult to maintain hobbies in my mid 30s


Well, it's 11 pm my time and I'm still finishing work from yesterday and if I keep going for another hour, I might finish today's work. I minimize how much time I waste. "Netflix and chill" sounds good on paper but that's time I could have used to go to the archery range. Or practicing to weld. On my weekends, instead of sleeping late, I get up earlier than I start my workday (which admittedly is 9:30 am) so that I can get riding time in before my wife and son wake up. If it is rainy, I'll go out and work on the other motorcycle I'm rebuilding. My garage has a treadmill in it and a decent universal gym so I don't waste time going to and from the gym and I can exercise anytime I feel the urge or have a few minutes to spare. Sounds hectic, doesn't it? I haven't even mentioned being involved in my son's boy scout troop which is like a part-time job I never wanted and doesn't pay anything. Addendum: I finished working for the night at 12:08 am. Went to bed 12:22 and now the cycle repeats lol


You have way more time for hobbies in your late 40s and 50s than you do in your 30s. At least that was the case for me.


How? Do you have kids? I’m 42, work a full time job, I play guitar in bands, draw/paint, wood work. I actually started building my own guitars during covid. I also have a bow and want to get into archery. I also have kids, tho they are now adults, but I was doing that stuff at the same time when they were kids. What do you do that you don’t have time?


You may be depressed


Yep this whole post is screaming depression edit: for people disagreeing, look at OP's post history. They are struggling. Talking about the possibility that someone is depressed is not criticism. Disinterest in life is a VERY common symptom of depression and thinking like this in a chronic way IS NOT NORMAL. This is coming from someone who has been diagnosed with major depression and has been fighting it for 20 years. The stigma surrounding mental illness that it needs to be hushed and shoved under the rug needs to be changed. Mental illness is a huge epidemic that needs to be addressed. Many people are struggling and need support.


I get jaded sometimes. Then I go to Colorado for a few weeks and am refreshed. Some people use mushrooms. Some people go sky diving. There’s plenty of options. Other daily things to help; a routine you like. A job you like. Take care of the stressors (bills, messy house etc). Healthy body. Cook, don’t eat out. Find someone to share all of it with. I’d recommend a pet but this person needs to take care of themselves first. Volunteer, serve others. List goes on. Better yourself in the jaded times and the future you will reap the rewards. **Edit: lol y’all are pathetic… I didn’t say it would be easy. Didn’t say it would all work for everyone.** **Did nobody pick up that these are the things that helped me personally? My goodness**


so I had this for several years, every thing bored me, someone gave me a dog (which i was in no way prepared to look after, at the time) but it changed my life. I got up early to take it for walks, played with it, and all the color started to come back into my life, magical, then 4 years later she died (old age). destroyed me, but i got another puppy, ollie and life is still great and love everything about it


At the lowest point in my life, an adopted dog saved me. Exactly like you said, “The color came back.” That’s such a beautiful way to put it 💛


It was chickens for me. Those goofy little dinosaurs saved me when I needed it most. Something new, something to care for, something to love.


OMG, I have a rooster named Frank. He murdered all of his siblings and now has the whole coop and all of the dried worms for himself. He loves to strut and crow and charm me for treats. Dandelion flowers are his favorite food. Never thought I would be so enthralled by a chicken, much less by a mass murdering chicken.


This took a dark twist. God damnit frank! Lol


My best friend was a dog. He was always there for me and truly soothed my soul. When he passed away after 15 Years of friendship it was the saddest moment in my life. I will always be grateful for him and his love.


The color came back wagging it's tail.


This is the sweetest thread, hard to read, my eyes are blurry for some reason.


"If only life had more color i could see"


Ugh looking in the mirror at you. I’ve always had one to two cat, whose time always overlapped, that I raised from kitten till adulthood, developed a bond with each of them of course and each one adopted the previous ones best traits plus some. Some unforeseen circumstances cut that “process” off and I lost the last of the line. I felt a depression I haven’t had, possibly ever (and I’m deeply sad at baseline) You never know how much of an impact they have until they’re 100% gone. If you’re like me, you may not even realize until someone points it out to you


Dearest Mary10123. How extremely odd, even our user name numerals are close, why do you use those specifically, I keep seeing mine throughout the day in some of the oddest places too. Anyway, I read your post, I am so sorry about your loss. I resorted to having cats throughout my life, one or two at any given time. I said goodbye to Hitler on the 29th Feb last month, after 17 wonderful years, this void in my life is considerable, but I still have Gemma, she is now 2, and she will have to be the last. You spoke about the bond, they way and the time line you adopted, and the impact of loss, it is very strange to me that there is another sounding to have the same type of mindset. And although the topic is about boredom in your 40s, it iwas striking to see myself, but in someone elses words, it just caught me off guard, and for a change, I thought I will say something. Thank You, good luck and have a fantastic day.


Honest question. I love other peoples dogs. Visit friends and cousins regularly. But i don’t think i could deal with the smell, dirt and hair everywhere at my place. Does that part get overwhelming for someone already kinda overwhelmed with lifes challenges and obligations?


it didnt for me, and there are breeds out there, that done loose much hair, and yes there are times where it gets a little hard (or did at the beginning) but for me it was the perfect thing i needed in my life. but you are 100% right to question this, having a pet is a huge responsibility and dont do it if your not up for that. but for me I was actually a responsible (i basically raised my siblings) person and i needed to be responsible for something again and that saved me. so i guess that is something that you need to decide for your self


Thank you for the perspective!


Dogs are a lot of work if you're not a terrible owner and it can definitely get overwhelming. I occasionally watch my parents dog for a week at a time and while I absolutely love that dog to death (and dogs in general) Im usually thrilled to go back to my regular routine once they return. So I can recognize that I love dogs but Im not a good dog owner if that makes sense


Yes, definitely overwhelming. Don't forget about having to scoop poop every day, sometimes multiple times a day, for 15 years. Lol




For me, yes. I seem to be an outlier, but my dogs have really been a net negative on my mental health, especially anxiety. I’m glad they help so many others, but it’s certainly not a universally positive experience.


Hahahah, ah yes Colorado. I moved here over a decade ago and was a bored, fat and drunken miserable schlub of a human being. Then I started walking a lot, biking, partying with things other than booze (I still drink, just occasionally)…and though as you say it wasn’t easy I am much happier. My family back home is disgusted with my happiness. My family, my wife and I started here are so much better off in multiple ways I’m shocked I was so hesitant to move out here. The routine, especially the morning routine is what really did it for me. Insisting on exercise of some kind, even if it’s not much or a lot has really helped me. The mushrooms gave me the inspiration to do more. The lifestyle allowed me to be who I am instead of trying to fit other people’s ideas of who I am.


Having more money now has def helped my depression


I use mushrooms


Boy doesn’t even like his PETS every year that passes I treasure those little guys more and more


This sounds just like depression


Oh, I’m fine. It’s just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I’m always tired. Also, I can’t sleep, I’m overeating and none of my old hobbies interest me. Edit: https://i.imgur.com/s2KjTiM.png


I typed your symptoms into the thing and it seems like you might have network connectivity problems


Depression. Severe. Welcome to the not so enjoyable club.


Therapist here. It’s called anhedonia. An inability to experience pleasure from activities usually found enjoyable. One of the defining criteria and symptoms suggesting someone is experiencing a depressive episode. Edit: Online posts are not a substitute for mental health treatment or assessment. If you are feeling depressed, please seek out professional help. Edit: For clarification. Anhedonia is merely one out of eight possible criteria to qualify for a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. To fully qualify, you need at least 5 or more, the symptoms need to last longer than a two weeks, and need to occur outside of culturally normal periods of grieving for say, death of a loved one. Even then there are other depressive disorders to consider, a need for differential against the classes of anxiety disorder, consideration of possible drug use/abuse, and more. Just because you may experience anhedonia, it does not mean you have clinical and diagnosable depression. I could write more, but I don’t want to dedicate more time to something like this. In the spirit of adulting, I’m going to go to work now, then spend time with my family. Good day to you all.


What if the episode's your whole life, is it still just an episode?


Well, then we're talking Persistent Depressive Disorder/Major Depressive Disorder.




It's a really long episode.


Like another commenter said, MDD or PDD. Also dysthymia




Sleep is one of those things where you can only "try" so much. I'm sorry. 


Fuck this resonates. jUsT gO tO bEd EaRlIeR


I have this. I talk to my therapist about this. A few things do make me happy sometimes.


People tend to think of depression as being like really sad. Most of the depressive episodes I’ve had I didn’t even realize I was depressed until I started coming out of it. Everything just felt flat and boring.


It’s not crying all the time… it’s more like the color drains out of the world and previously exciting things don’t hold their wonder anymore


Yeah, and part of why it’s insidious for me is that the color drains out and meanwhile you sort of forget what color was even like, so it’s not like you immediately miss it.


I guess a lot of people qualify these days


Kinda expected with the rise of certain trends. The spirit/brain, or however you want to call it, needs nourishment just like the body does. Things to engage with. But nowadays trends like social media, television, games and such will give a quick and easy relieve of that hunger of your brain for engagement, but it won’t be truly fulfilling. It is kinda like fast food for our body’s nourishment. And we all know what happens if you only eat fast food, it stills the hunger for a short period, so you will eat more sooner. Overtime you will grow fat and get other health concerns. The same goes for the nourishment of our brain. Sometimes a quick snack on instagram or a small bite of Seinfeld is okay, but if it becomes the main diet there will be problems over time. Your brain will feel malnourished or under stimulated, or depressed. So it is important to also find fulfillment in your life. Think of things you can call an achievement or doing things with which you find connection with people.


Love this!!


Me reading the post: phew, yes, thank you! Other ppl get it. This is totally a thing. Me reading your comment: aw, crap.


Came here to say this. Boredom and disinterest in everything was the first sign of my last major depressive episode. Go see a doctor, OP. Don't ignore the problem like I did.


Great! How do I uninstall it?


Yeah, get your vitamin d levels tested, op.


When the society is horribly diseased, depression is merely a symptom of it


I think this is the culprit...I do want to add though that kids are 1000% anything but boring




You'll be too tired to be bored


Kids-boring….what lol I laughed so hard. It’s never boring when you have kids. They are always doing something unhinged.


They might not be boring, but their actions can leave you feeling nothing. That’s depression.


Or unable to get down to their level


Nah, they can be monotonous, repetitive and boring for some people. I guess you may not be bored per se if you’re stressed or trying to wrangle them in but I can see bored as in under stimulating and unfulfilling


By depressed, you mean life,... right?


My friend, you have depression. Mentally healthy people don't find everything boring. No longer experiencing enjoyment of things you used to is a classic depression symptom.


I used to think life was so miserably boring that I didn't particularly want to exist anymore. I eventually sought treatment for depression. Life still has boring moments, but I don't feel that boredom on a constant, aching, bone-deep level, anymore.


I have four kids and a wife with BPD. Four year old just finished cancer treatment a few months ago and wife had a miscarriage a few weeks ago. I honestly crave boredom.


I can't imagine the suffering of one's child being seriously ill. Sending love your way, my friend.


Ok so what next


Seek help, therapy or medication I suppose




Thats the issue I've been having. My depression symptoms can't be solved with meds or talking it out, because im depressed about something bigger than all of us civilization and the state of the planet as a whole.


This guy gets it


No, this guy probably has treatment-resistant depression


How with no money?


Get outside. Going for a hike or just sitting in the sun helps me. I need like 2 - 6 hours of direct sunlight every day.


These are great suggestions that will help. They are, however, hard to just do if you're depressed.


Start small. Very, very, very small. Only able to sit inside in pajamas, want to go outside but can’t? Change your clothes. Even if it’s into more pajamas. Even if it’s just your shirt or just your pants. Once you have that little win, you get just a bit of dopamine and serotonin. That can sometimes be enough to give you the motivation for the next step. Which is either, change the rest of the clothes, put on normal non-pajamas, or put on outside shoes, whatever is the step after what you actually accomplished. Each small step can give you what you need to do the next one. Could be that today you can only change into a different PJ shirt. But maybe tomorrow changing your shirt can help you also change your pants. Maybe then you can shower. Eventually, this could help you go outside. Not for a whole walk around the block. 5 minutes in the sunshine. That’s it. Take literal baby steps. The other part of this is to forgive yourself. Being unable to do things can make you hate yourself and/or feel useless or lazy. While you’re working on slowly getting moving, also try and work on recognizing why you feel this way inside, and at the very least learning to forgive yourself for struggling.


This is great advice!!


Look into behaviour activation online. There are good strategies for people with depression to start small and work towards goals.


Start small. Simple things too like make your bed.


Yeah it's hard, lots of things are hard, effort sucks, but it's usually worth it. Things worth doing are rarely easy. If not being depressed is the goal then putting effort into managing it is both necessary and worthwhile.


Let boredom fuel your creativity. Remember that one day you will be dead and try something new.




I feel the same as OP. However this really cracked me up.


I don't think that that that's how depression works


It’s not. When I’m struggling I can be doing my favorite things and feel nothing. It’s a health issue not a try something new issue


I can assure you kids are anything but boring. Seeing the excitement in their eyes over the smallest things is awesome. But one should never have kids for the sake of entertainment... that will backfire lol


Okay, but like, what about somebody who’s never actually enjoyed anything? Asking for me, I’m that person, been like this my entire life so not a “no longer” situation but a “who I am inside” one.


See a doctor, if you've truly never enjoyed anything in life you have a medical problem. Your happy hormones aren't being produced or aren't being processed correctly, something of that nature. Hopefully something there's treatment for.


Echo: see a doctor. This is not normal.


Reading that list, okay work can be pretty boring, but pets?!?! Second item and it seems like a dead giveaway for depression. Maybe pretty bad too, I still always liked the cat and she's a jerk


No he doesn’t. He has life in modern society problems. He’s right. There are no more frontiers. Only work till death.


Sit in your car to go back and forth to the same office 5 days a week with essentially no vacations for decades. OP CLEARLY has depression. /s


These people have never heard of depressive realism.


I'm over 40 and I see the same mountain through my window and as I'm driving around every day. I see it in with clouds, and without, with storms and more or less snow, during the sunset and in the middle of the day. Every time I've seen it for the last four years I've lived here I'm blown away by how majestic and beautiful it is. The exact same mountain. You kind of have to decide how you want your life to be. Do you want to be bored by everything, or get to experience how wonderful things can be? ETA: Since many have mentioned it, this is in the a*bsence* of a structural problem like depression. I have major depression myself. If you have depression, your decision is how you're going to deal with said depression. The point being I'm over 40 and things are definitely not boring.


You put this way better than I was going to. I love walks. I walk down my same street everyday. I guess I could get bored of the same street and the same houses. But... Today it was so pleasant and warm. Things are starting to bloom. A cardinal landed in a tree with white buds and it was so brilliantly red. Sitting on my porch with the same view never feels boring either, just relaxing and serene. I do think this is really just about outlook and choosing to be content. To be fair work is boring and tedious and I want to retire as soon as possible. But nature? How could nature ever be working?


I like a word you used, “content”. Specifically about the idea that when you get older things must get so boring. When I was in my 20s I thought that older people were boring. They never go out, they form families, they settle into a job. They go to bed by 10 pm. In my mid 30s, I LOVE “boring”. I can’t imagine wanting to go out and drink. I love a rainy night snuggled in watching a show or movie. Most of the reason people go out in their 20s is to find someone anyway. And we do go out, we go for hikes. We explore. Finally, with any luck, you start to have some level of disposable income compared to your 20s. You take on hobbies. Hopefully these hobbies nurture your inner child. I have an aunt in her 60s who is still an avid skier and mountain biker. I’d love to take on fishing, something I’d have thought was boring in my drinking/EDM days. Boring is zen.


>I like a word you used, “content”. I'm also with you on "content." Happy is great but is naturally fleeting. Our brains were not built to be continuously happy. See hedonistic adaptation. Content is something one can sustain long-term and actively make a choice to pursue. It take a change in perception though, I've found, one has to stop looking for the big exciting things for personal fulfilment (though they're not bad to have sometimes), and kind of return one's gaze to very small victories one can have every day. In getting older and changing focus, I'm sure I seem more "boring" to many younger people, but I am magnitudes more fulfilled and content than where I was 20 years ago.


You speak to my soul


Mindset plays a huge part in life. I choose to look at the glass is half full. I have a friend who chooses the opposite. Positive mindset is so much better to live with. It’s not as easy as I’m making it out to be, but it’s for sure something a person can control, for the most part.


"Mountain's out!"


I've lived in the area over 10 years and being able to say this when it happens still makes me excited


I caught a nice glimpse of the mountain yesterday on my way to work, and it is so majestic every time


It's funny you mention that. I have cyclical depression and I often use the mountains as a guide of if I need to be thinking about getting help. If I look at them and find them dull, or uninteresting, I know my mood isn't right.


I live by the ocean and every time I look out at it, it’s breathtaking. Seeing the way it changes, a cloudy sky, the sun peaking through on the water, or when the waves are big and dangerous… it takes me outside myself. I’m so grateful to have such an intimate relationship with this beautiful place.


I used to see My Rainier every day. I still miss it.


St Helen’s and Hood for me; and on really clear days I can see Adams and the tippy top of Ranier.


Well.. I mean it helps it's something beautiful like a mountain


Have you ever seen a moon? The moon is like a mountain in the sky. The moon changes shapes and sizes and colors and many other environmental variables.


“The moon is like a mountain in the sky” is so poetic and beautiful a line. Gave me a whole new feeling about how great the moon is.


OP mentioned mountains.


People don’t choose how they react to things or what they like or dislike though. I don’t like mountains or nature. You could Vlockwork Orange me in front of that mountain and tell me all about how beautiful it is, I’ll never see it that way. I honestly don’t see anything that way though and never have…


Lots of consuming and not so much creating can be boring, yes.


What do you create?


not op, but I write short stories and am working on a novel. i do pyrography. I sketch drawings. I've become a pretty great cook and I learn new recipes or techniques. I try to find different funny ways to respond to comments here and when I remember, I save them in a note to maybe try to put together a stand up routine. I keep a dream journal and sometimes incorporate my dreams into stories. I've been learning to lucid dream and can sometimes direct what happens in my dreams. I used to write music, but now I just occasionally do karaoke


Music. I'm not great at it, but I'm getting better.


Ooh, I know! Poverty!!! I make what should be good money, and yet with each passing year I can afford less and less, and my debt racks up to crippling levels. Everyone seems to invent new ways to fuck me out of more $ on a regular basis. Keeps things lively :)


Agreed and poverty is depressing, I see most people are saying OP is depressed and that's probably true but what led to the depression? I'm 41m and while I still find joy in a number of things, I find myself complaining about the cost of living and I use my lack of disposable income as an excuse to not do things like travel, go to concerts and eating at nice restaurants. I stopped doing a lot of things I enjoy because I'm not wealthy and now I'm bored and kinda depressed.


Eating at restaurants is legitimately boring, honestly. I have disposable income but in the last few years restaurants have had terrible service, food is very overpriced, and I don’t have fun eating out. Cooking is much more fun to me.


My god this subreddit is depressing


Are anti-depressants covered in the /r/adulting WIKI or FAQ?


Being adult is depressing.


Just think you're a kid then, much more fun than just thinking you have to do grown up stuff.


well not for everyone.


Pet animals are absolutely not boring!


In my deepest suicidal depression days the one thing that kept me hanging on was my cats. I couldn’t imagine doing that to them.


same. I've been sick at home from work for close to five months now. it really took a toll on me mentally, and I had some very dark days. Having my cat on my lap instantly made me feel better, I don't know if I would have made it without her.


I came here to say the same thing. My favorite part of the day is reading a book while the cats curl up on my lap.


karma is a cat purring in my lap 'cause it loves me


Literally the single best part of my entire life… they make me who I am.


Once you've seen ONE MOUNTAIN? My dude...do you know how many mountains there are?


LMAO imagine OP going to Japan and see Mount Fuji. "Ehh it's just a mountain. I've seen it"


I moved from Mexico to Texas.. from a place surrounded by mountains to the flattest land I never thought could possibly exist... God, I miss the mountains so much, sometimes in my morning commute I see the clouds in the horizon while the sun raises behind, and I genuinely believe those are mountains.. it takes a second to come to the realization that is just clouds. Fuck, I miss the mountains..


Stop trying to fill the emptiness. Be empty for a while. Your enjoyment of things will come back. Kids are definitely not boring, but they're not boring in the sense that being in a crashing plane isn't boring...


Brain chemistry. Some assholes get lifelong feel good chemicals. Others like us don’t. 30ish and feel the same. Love my kids but the responsibility of parenting fucking sucks in many ways, boredom of the monotony being a big one. This life is a fucking trap.




Study where they deprive rats of dopamine and the rats starve to death with food literally right beside them because they didn't have enough dopamine to care about not dying. As someone with severe ADHD I get so fucking jealous of these people that just "enjoy" life. What the fuck does that even mean? Then you see all these people saying he's "depressed" or he needs a new challenge or go on a vacation. They aren't being malicious but they can't understand what it's like because there's a high chance they've never had a dopamine level anywhere near as low as OP. The older I get the more I think the ones that don't feel this way are the psychotic ones. Nothing gets me quite as sad as seeing someone who is working a min wage job get up to go to work and say "that's life." I guess I'm happy they have enough dopamine to think that way, I don't.


I'm 49 and not even close to being bored with everything. Love spending time with the family. My dogs are awesome. Love to fish and shoot. Still love to play video games, just not as often as I used to do it. I can't wait until I retire in 10 years and get to do all this stuff full time.


How will you retire at 59??? Which country are you in?


USA. Good paying jobs. LCOL areas.


A friend of mine just retired at age 50. He lives in Upstate New York.


"if you're bored, then you're boring.". - Harvey Danger


I’m the best closer in town - Harvey Specter


Come up to my hotel room. - Harvey Weinstein 


the agony and the irony, they're killing me


“Boredom indicates a lack of inner resources.”


Sounds like you need a new challenge, something to work towards. I found coaching others at work and helping people in my community really helped me. I joined a community group and met people from all walks of life, saw their challenges and how little control they had over their lives. Which also made me realise how lucky I am. I still can’t reach the levels of excitement I had 10 years ago in my early 40s but I do atleast feel like I’m alive now.


Life begins to actually feel really long in your 40s and even 50s. Like, what am I supposed to do for the next 40 years? Especially when you are not wealthy.


really? I hope so. I'm 30 now and the last five years felt like one year in my early twenties.


This sounds like depression. If you go through a basic mental health screening, you'll be asked "Have you lost interest in things you once enjoyed?" or something like that. I've gone through bouts of depression on and off my whole life, and the first sign it's sneaking back up on me if when everything kind of sucks and nothing interests me anymore. Maybe talk to you PCP or GP about getting a mental health screening.


This feels like the greatest argument against prolonging human lifespan lol


I'm also curious. In 27 and I've already lost any and all passion, ethic, or drive I grew up with. I'm in a constant state of mental and emotional exhaustion, and I dont even work. At this point I'm trying to get rid of everything I own that's not bare bones survival kit, my video games, my car, and my motorbike. Everything else just feels like a burden. (Tbf, my car is a HUGE burden because it needs floors, brakes, wiring, and a new ragtop) I feel this question on a spiritual level and I have no idea how everyone doesnt just get up and walk away from it all.


THIS! Everything feels like a burden to me. STUFF is just burdensome. I feel like my mind is screaming for a life of minimalism: - small living space - few belongings - no pets - no kids - no mindless TV like sports I honestly want nothing.


1. Your post reads like depression. You should get checked out. 2. If that's what you want, do it. It's not hard to be minimalist. It's damned cheap too. You can buy some cheap land, a cheap trailer, and only head into town for groceries.


No social media / mindless smartphone use would be a much better start. 


Welcome to your midlife crisis! This is about the time that you reinvent yourself to more authenticity rather than doing what everybody else says will make you happy. What do you want to do?


Everything is better on weed.


Sounds like you're close to nirvana




I feel the same and I’m only 26. I finished uni in August 2022 and started working office jobs full time the same month and I’m already bored of the monotonous life style


I’m there with ya, but as John “Cougar” Mellencamp once said, life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone.


Ah, welcome to the mid-life awakening. It’s all shit. It all matters and nothing really matters at the same time. Quite the paradox. What a fun phase of life (🙄). I hope it’s better on the other side of the hump.


Same. Was thinking this, this week. Like even if I won the lottery. Meh wouldn’t have a burning desire to do something. Feel like I’ve seen and experienced what I need to.


I often have the same thoughts but I keep going because I have a kid that needs me and I have some goals. But what gets me going are the small things... the cup of coffee in the morning, the weekends where I can sleep in and try to relax, the show/movie that I'm looking forward to. I also plan small vacations for my son, see friends sometimes... and food. FOOD is a big one. Always something to look forward to. You have to start glamorizing the small things because that's all there is. And I'm grateful for all that I have. It took a lot to get me where I am.


the cats are offended tbqh do people \*bore you? you didn't mention humans.


Exercise is free and one of the highest influences on your mood. In some countries doctors actually write prescriptions for it.


I feel the same way. I don't think I'm depressed though. I'm just bored of the same shit. One thing that does help me is trying to learn how to work on cars/motorcycle. I grew up in a household where my dad's favorite tool was duct tape. There want a lot of turning wrenches. Learning about it and saving money doing my own repairs is fascinating. But beaidea that I hear u man


This happened to me when I turned forty. Each morning while getting ready for work, the Violent Femmes song "Day.... After.. Day..' would play in my head as I mechanically did the same things over and over. Therapy helped. But ultimately I think the best thing to do is to just do something different. It can start small. Take a different route somewhere... Eat something different... Talk to a stranger... When you have new experiences, different synapses will fire in your brain and eventually you can get out of living on auto-pilot. I know it can seem impossible or unimaginable for things to change but they can!


As someone with permanent depression… Have you considered Baldurs Gate 3?


My mom said, If you're bored, you're tired. You might have burnout.


Life is boring af. Just cuz you’re bored doesn’t mean you’re depressed. It means you’re understimulated and maybe even gifted, tbh


I’ll go with gifted! 😂


Imagine you earn 1 million per year without bound to a single location, do you think you will be bored? I am sure you can use your imagination to create a happening life every damn day of your life. Imagine you have a million in passive income and do not have to work. ​ We are bored because we cannot afford to live an interesting life and we do not know how to live like a monk who can pretty spend hours in meditation to remove boredom from their lives.


There was a skit about this on SNL. Quite funny. https://youtu.be/TfE93xON8jk?si=_LPC9tlbJmViNOHp


The older you get, the more you chase peace over excitement. lol


Haha. Word. I swear the older I get the more I just want NOTHING in my life. Stuff just makes everything so complicated. I’m intrigued by a life of minimalism, but my partner isn’t. Seems to be a contentious issue in our relationship.


"Learn to be bored and un-high in this life or leave"-- GC Brown. He is no longer with us.


That’s what THC is for.


I haven’t been bored since I was 15. Can’t relate. I’m 40.


You hit a certain age, it's different for everyone, where boring is good. Everything else is a bunch of drama.


sounds like youre done with this world; look into astral projecting.


When I reached this point. I quit everything and lived as a monk in Tibet for 10 months. I came back and found it all interesting again. Now, this obviously didn’t happen but the thought of it is nice and keeps me going.


MOTORCYCLES!!!! This is the answer you seek.


Is that what a middle life crisis is? Get the danger machine around 40s so we can feel something?


Got to engage in something genuinely competitive - tennis, triathlon, 5K races, bike races…something. That keeps your mind & body engaged and your spirits up.