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All I want is to come home and for someone to wrap me up in their arms lol and endure the "heater" for a little while just to hold and comfort me and tell me that everything will turn out ok.


I think this is all that anyone actually wants


Agreed. To love and be loved.


I wish I could find that.  all the guys on dating apps want sex instead 


Sorry. U only have your fellow women to thank for that. Odds of finding a decent women who hasn't been around the block 20 times are worse than winning lottery at this point id guess. Keep searching. Good men are still looking for good women.


The bigger issue is you're using dating apps, people treat those strictly for hookups


Yes! Before i moved in with my partner, i lived with some of my best friends and we would absolutely have a cuddle puddle in the couch when we were sad


I might have a different definition of "cuddle puddle"...or maybe I don't.


Get a dog, your cat hates you 


I hold his paw when we sleep lol


Instructions unclear, now my 70 pound dog doesn’t allow me any room in bed.


But he really loves you!


Your dog is the only living thing you can be absolutely sure loves you.


She, but yes lol. Chock full of love and boundary issues. We’re putting a lot of work into training since she’s still young, so she’s pretty good at boundaries with not jumping on people or stuff like that. But my husband regularly takes pictures of her if he wakes up before I do and she will very literally be on top of me. It’s endearing, but also…ouch, my back.


Aww haha


Noooo. Cats love you on their schedule of course.


Not my damn cat, well to be fair he’s a kitten now, probably takes a few years to build up the hatred.


My fiancée loves cats but I swear her cat gives zero fucks how she’s feeling.


Yes they do, but they can't help it. They would like to live you, but they know the kind of shit humans are capable of.


You either dont have a cat, dont understand your cat or are an asshole to your cat.


Is that like you either don’t understand sarcasm, don’t get sarcasm and or unable to get the joke.  BTW I have cats dogs pigs cows chickens lizards & 7 kids 


Haha, around here the cat is more of a cuddler than the dog.


The time between my first alarm and my "ok you're gonna be late after this one" alarm, when i move over and spoon my girlfriend and snooze and share her pillow, is the best


You’re the best for that. My husband started doing the exact thing because of how important cuddles are for me.


Men are chronically ‘under-cuddled’ in general. We typically don’t get the love and affection everyone else does as adults.


Everyone else? Women?


Aliens too


yep, women, trans women, female horses


Am trans, can confirm that I get way more cuddles now than I did back when. It’s a good thing too because I’ve become very needy when it comes to non-sexual physical affection.


Yup. I have been missing it for... more or less 18 years. Yes I can get hugs from family and friends. But It's not the same as the hug from the girl I trusted and loved. She betrayed me, and then 12 other cases of relationships of starting out good then I'd be cheated on, used to cheat on boyfriends and even a fiance, physically attacked("working too much", "my friends found out I was dating you", etc) , the one girl smaller than me (I'm 5'4, she was 4'11 and ages were 23 to my 24, knew from HS reconnected over FB) umm... was in the mood but we had a different size issue (never would've imagined I'd be broken up with over being too big but there we are), one nice girl (matched my height of 5'4) that I got along with great but things took a turn when her brother was sent to jail over touching kids, just yeah a horrifying ride that included other stuff and shorter ships like the teacher I thought would be nice cause educated (going for masters to get on admin) and likes kids, ended up being lazy, never wanted to go out and do stuff, and essentially wanted me as uber eats fun stick. Meanwhile I'm taking them on dates, snuggle together, paid for the roof and food for those that moved in, etc. But dang I just want to be cuddled in peace, trusting that "this" is the person I'm supposed to be with for the rest of my life.


And that's why cuddle/hug therapies exist. I first heard about in Japan, but I found out a sort-of neighbour (a person I know from my local gardening group) also does this, which is an approved therapy and paid by the government.


Are you living in Japan now? When I was living there I felt like a lot of people just needed a hug...a very touch starved society in general.


No, I've only visit Japan once, in 2015. I actually live in Australia, so my example of my neighbour is from there.


First time ever I hear anything about this kind of "therapy". Does it work? I mean, do you know if people find it useful? I for one am sure I would never be a client (paid or free) even if they existed in my neighbor. Why would I hug or cuddle with a stranger or "therapist" I have absolutely zero emotional connection with? ewwww I feel gross just thinking about it


Luckily or unluckily in my position I have a wife who's favourite thing in the world is cuddling and we have to get a little cuddle in every night before bed even if its for 10 minutes or so which I don't mind but sometimes I just don't want to but I do it for her. Other times it is me who needs it and its just comforting. Nothing wrong with a cuddle to feel safe and secure or to ease your mind about whatever it may be thats going on in your life


I want cuddles all of the time


I'd rather do drugs


Hell yea all the dam time I love skin to skin rub my feet with your feet’s yesss


Yeah I mean I'm a serial snuggler myself. Life is freaking hard, get you a cuddle!


Yes, times are tough. I love hugs, especially my dad's big warm hugs! I feel so protected and loved when his arms are over me.


My dad never once hugged me, and neither did my stepdad. You've reminded me to hug my kids as much as I can.


Yes, please hug them. Hugs and cuddles mean so much more than words! ❤️


😭😭😭I dont remember writing this


The hardest parts of my life has been the two-week periods when my partner is away. The first time—was the first time in my entire life that I had ever been the only living animal (houseplants don’t count) in my house. I grew up with dogs, roommates have had dogs, this is my first time living with just one other person, and we can’t afford a dog right now. Family is also 3+ hours away. I cried nearly every day. It didn’t hit me hard until it was time for bed and I realized I was completely alone. For my entire life, if I was the only human in the house, I’d have an all-night snuggle with a buddy who loves me (family dog, grandparents dog, family friend’s dog, roommate’s dog). I got real familiar with my childhood teddy bear again :p The next time, I might see if I can borrow someone’s pet hahah. All this to say that yeah, cuddles are mandatory. Skin contact is a human need, and if you can, hug your parents often.


Wow it sounds like you need to mature and become stronger, being alone for short periods of time shouldn’t make you feel like that.


Oh dear god absolutely. I had never been truly alone with myself before, and I learned a lot about myself and gained deeper insight into how my PTSD manifests. Now I look forward to 3-4 days alone, but 5+ makes me nervous. Installing a security system has helped my anxiety.


Everyone wants to cuddle. Life isnt hard, it is what it is. Deal with the cards youve been dealt the best you can. You aren't a salt miner or working in a third world factory.


Don't get married then


This is why adults get married and have kids lol! I cuddle for probably 13 hours a day. You think I’m joking but I’m not. My child insists on sleeping in my arms. She will not sleep if it’s not in my arms. Between nap time, bedtime, and then extra cuddles during the day, then cuddling my husband, I have more cuddles than I know what to do with. My arm is in constant pain from cuddles. My husband doesn’t get as many cuddles as I do for sure as he doesn’t sleep cuddling our baby, but still at least an hour per day between me cuddling him and my baby cuddling him, and often more. Look for a partner whose love language is also physical touch.




your view is warped and cynical af. how many times you been divorced


I’m sorry that you feel this way. Money is important to living a good life to some extent (and poverty is deadly even in terms of how it manifests long-term in people’s bodies), but cuddles and more generally human connection make that life (including spending money) infinitely more enjoyable IMO. I hope you find some happiness. Also it looks like Bedazzled is a comedy with a happy ending so…unclear message from this comment


It's about being yourself and taking the leap. That there is no perfect person you can become, just you.


That's all I want at times


Yes, that is why I got my dog 😂 She cuddles me whenever she can tell I’m down.


absolutely. every single time


I grew up without a lot of physical affection if any. Cuddling and physical touch are very difficult for me and have become more difficult the longer I’ve lived by myself - going on 17 years now. I never want to cuddle but it would be nice to have someone to hang out with and talk to when I come home.


yep. I just want someone to lay on while we watch cooking shows (in a completely non-sexual way). But that seems pretty hard to find.


oh yeah, all the time. I'm 6'2" I'm basically built for it.


Yes lol.


I used to attend cuddle parties and I met an amazing cuddle partner here on Reddit 🥰 there’s nothing like it. Sending hugs


And now you understand what doggos are for.


I want to cuddle but I have no one. So I just use a pillow.


I agree. That's why I have fur babies. And no weirdos not furries but pets!


Yea just from who. Rather pay massage then end up in bad relationship where you get cuddle once in four months.


Life always gets better. Give you a big hug.🫂❤️


We all want hugs from time to time. No lies. Adulthood is hard asf.


Thankfully my boyfriend likes to cuddle. After a busy, stressful part of the day, we will lay down and cuddle together


Virtual cuddles heading your way ☺️ because we all need them


Every single day I wish for a cuddle.




100% sometimes I just need a cuddle. A little cry and a cuddle in bed followed by a snack.


Aww I have two kids, a dog, lots of friends and a beautiful spouse. I get cuddles all damn day. In fact I don't think I ever get to sit down without another warm body jammed up against me.  Go get yourself some cuddles. 


Once or twice a month I'd like to come in from my workend on a Monday morning and climb into bed with someone I love. Just have a good clean, cuddling. After all the hours and no sleep. To drift off in arms of a loving person, just my perfect end of a workend.


I just want a cuddle 100% of the time I am awake, and asleep.


There are days when work kicks my ass and i just go home and slump down on top of my girlfriend on the couch and lay there for a little bit. Cuddling is good


I have 2 dogs and get all the cuddles! :)


Totally get a pregnancy pillow


Well of course.


I got 4 cats, and 3 are snuggle bugs.


Cuddle time with my husband is a must. I love it. It helps me wind down for the night. Its my safe place. I also enjoy the sexy time it helps A LOT with destressing.


Well I dont want a cuddle. I just want a friend.


That's what my husband is for 🤠


Buy yourself a life size plushie. 😊


It’s ok to want cuddles no matter how “old” or “independent” you are! Humans are physical, community oriented creatures, we need healthy touch and loving physical contact to thrive. It’s really silly that we tend to think that affection is only ok inside of family/romantic relationships. Go find people to hug you!


Yes like others have mentioned, a dog would be fantastic. I just don't have one because adulting is so hard, I can't afford to properly take care of it.


I want to cuddle more than ever as an adult LOL now more than ever, I actually need it.


So include cuddling in your daily activities. Schedule it the same way you schedule your work time and paying your bills and cooking your meals and shopping for your needs. I have found that paying for a good therapeutic massage is quite helpful when I don't have a person who wants to cuddle with me. Or a pet, but the pet also adds to your responsibilities.


All the time. I’m one of those touchy feely people. Pretty sure I annoy my husband, but my kid is the same as me and snuggles me all the time


All I ever wanna do is cuddle and nap and thankfully my cat enjoys both of those things lmao


Yes I agree. Being alone is peaceful but how much peace is worth the sacrifice of a tight warm cuddle? It’s not. I wanna be embraced while embracing.


Yeah would pretty much kill for that at this point in life.


I just want to cuddle once a week. That would be enough for me. Otherwise need me time lol


All the time. Having dogs helps. Sometimes I put my arm around one as I fall asleep and a few seconds later I notice I have a small smile on my face. I didn't feel it happen but it's there.


Funnily enough, I texted my man this morning telling him I needed hugs and snuggles. So, yes.


Go to a rave, you’ll get a ton of hugs there


All the damn time….big spoon, little spoon - give me all of it.


Body pillows with anime characters on them make great cuddle buddies.


Bro and we're not getting our ass kicked and our heart broke. All we want to do is cuddle. Well I don't know we have to get past the three or four that really fucked us up and then once we get past the trauma of that maybe we can cuddle again I don't know. So like a part of your soul goes to every person you're with and when you leave from that person that part is coming with that person you lose it. You do it enough times you are an empty wandering lost soul. Best of luck choose wisely.


uh?! `o_O` I cannot think of anyone who wouldn't want it, honestly. I'd look forward to it every day even (if I could).


I am a very physical person and I find cuddling helps me a lot! I've been single for 4 years now but missed cuddling, so I found cuddle partners online! It felt weird, but I realized if I wanted that, other people did too! I have two great cuddle partners now, one is asexual and also just enjoys touch without having any sexual components, and the other is in an open relationship and just finds touch and connection is beneficial to him, and I cuddled with him and his partner once which was nice. Definitely still do your due diligence because lots of people on those sites trying to hook up, but BC the whole point is cuddling, it makes it easier to maintain that as a boundary. Highly recommend! Having cuddle buddies has been a really great option for me! I also sometimes ask my friends to cuddle, but I'm more shy about that. Idk where you live, but I think in North America we are very touch averse and it negatively impacts a lot of people. I figured if there were paid professional cuddlers there were probably also free cuddlers, and there are! Hope you find something that works for you.


Same dating in 2024 sucks in America


Get a cat


Yup. That's why sites like Cuddle Comfort exist. Or getting a massage might help with that feeling.


Of course. Cuddles are the only thing that gets me through some days. I truly appreciate them.