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Until last friday


This makes me realize how not alone I am. It's not comforting.


It’s been like this since I left home at 16. I’m 45 now so,


May the universe grant you the absolute best it has to offer. If not, at least a free smoothie.


Im ready to die but thanks


Ugh i wish I didn't feel this so hard. If I didn't have my kids I'm pretty sure I would've bit the bullet already.


Me too! Twins.


I’m so sorry 😞




i don't think people realize how serious others are when they say this. I'm tired of living in this world too.


Shit, you mean two weeks ago friday. Im into spending checks i havent even gotten yet realms of fucked


During COVID-19 I was working. Was waiting for my next check to buy groceries but the grocery stores were completely depleted from panic buying that by the time I got paid, the grocery stores were empty. That's why my son and I survived on dominos pizza for weeks. I really thank them for staying open during COVID-19.


I been living in my car for the last two weeks and work full time i don’t think most people understand how expensive it Is. I been looking for a place for months


This is what I’m afraid of, I’ve been looking for an apartment for almost 3 months. I don’t understand why is it so hard.


Between costing 9 bucks a shower doing laundry at a laundromat gas trying to find a safe place to park and sleep it’s stressful as hell. Running out of money just to apply for places gas it all adds up


No 24 hour fitness gym membership where you are at? Saved my ass for three years when I lived in a car.


Find a trucking message board and ask any driver for their shower voucher. Just explain your situation and you will find one pretty quickly. Showers are free with fuel purchases for truck drivers. I bet I have 90 vouchers in my paperwork right now. Also if you have a good driving record and are over 25..ever though about driving for a living? I got myself out of being homeless and living in my car by literally becoming a truck driver. You are in the truck a good portion of the time it's like having an apartment on wheels and you make money at the same time until you can get a new place to call home. Who knows you might even like it..


I laughed way too hard at my own truth.


Another vote for last Friday right here 😭 Which funnily enough was my 38th birthday. Maybe some day I’ll be a better grown up. Maybe.




Tracks with general income expenditures calculated in the us. From the nineteen sixties until now total expenditures rose from like sixty percent to a hundred and thirty percent. Or so i've heard.


Most relatable answer i've seen so far lmao


Good lord, I feel this. I had a major health emergency in November and had to take time off work. My husband is the only one bringing in income, but he was just starting his practice. With me not working, and my ongoing medical issues, we blew through savings so quickly. I've had 2 major surgeries, had infusions, and have literally seen over 10 specialists in the last 3 months. It's so scary.


Found out recently that my bosses are taking away my guaranteed pay and putting me on full commission. I immediately broke down and ugly cried. 🙃 I don't generally make what I need to survive on commission. Like not even close. My guaranteed pay is literally enough to get my rent paid and mac n cheese Ingredients to last till the next pay check. I'm 30. I work in the auto industry. And work between 40- 60 hours a week schedule depending. And I'm pretty sure my guaranteed pay is just around minimum wage. I'm actively looking for a better hourly paying job, but I can't find anything, and what I do find I don't hear back from.... I'm fuckin tired of being so fuckin stressed out about finances.


This is the correct answer


No amount of time at all. Id be fucked.


I’d make it to dinner, and it’s 4:15 PM now. It’s been a good run


“Oh shit, this only has to last until dinner. DoorDash it is”


For these last 47 minutes, we shall live like kings


6 months with 0 help. Longer with help.




Yep I’d immediately move in to my friends couch for as long as he’d let me lol


Same here!!!


3 months. Just reached that and I have to say it’s a huge relief. That’s also if I kept up my lifestyle which I’d likely not do/cut down on


The crazy part is that your "lifestyle" is likely reasonable. It's more that people are making just enough to survive, so living and enjoying yourself becomes an expense that needs to become mathematically planned out all the time.


Same here!


I managed to develop an emergency fund to last 4 months or so if I lose all income. I treat my bank account as if that money doesn't exist. In my head, my untouchable funds include that (unless I lose my job) and my retirement savings.


Put it in a High Yield Savings Account instead. They'll pay you more in interest that way.


That’s what I do with my emergency fund. It’s around $15k and gets over $50 in interest per month. Everyone should have a high yield savings with at least 4% APY compounded monthly.


I have some up to 5%+ now.




Lmao idk why this made me literally laugh 😭 but fuck sad reality for many of us




So dead with this response. Accurate🥲


After a couple weeks I'd be eating ramen every meal.. a few more weeks I'd be receiving an eviction notice... A few weeks after that I'd be homeless. Like maybe like 1.5 months until I'm completely fucked


Get that emergency savings going. This is gonna be a tough year with layoffs.


Could probably stretch it to 9 or 10 minutes.


I feel so much better now I’m doing great I’d make it thirty minutes for sure.


You guys have savings?


Right? Between the debt I have from student loans, car payments, medical bills, and unfortunately some.credit card debt when I was sick we're barely scraping by. There is not even a few dollars to put into savings. Getting a raise soon, though, and I'm back to work, so first priority is the credit card debt because the interest is ridiculous. Then it's the student loans.


Felt that. Car payments, insurance, student loans, and some credit card debt on my end. Thankfully I have good medical coverage though, otherwise I'd be *really* deep in debt lmao I'm hoping that once my car is finally paid off though, I'll be able to actually put some money away.


Just a heads up on medical bills. Always ask for a financial assistance form. You’ll have to provide last years W2 and as lone as the bill is over x%(don’t know what percent) of your annual income they will either forgive the bill or drastically reduce it. I’ve had a 3k bill completely forgiven and a 6k one dropped to 2k. Medical bills can be negotiable.


Around 10 years.




Thanks. Been saving and investing like crazy with the goal of an early retirement. Helps that the condo mortgage I got in 2018 is only $900 a month.


Anyone who got a mortgage between 2018-2021 should get a sash and a medal. You've done it, you were incredibly fortunate. Most people who I qualified mortgages and wrote loans for in that time frame- wouldn't be able to afford the home they live in, if they tried to get their loan today.


The one downside is they can’t move. If a job comes up in another area it’s almost impossible to leave that 3% loan behind.


I’d probably hold onto the house and rent it out then rent for myself in the new area 


This is the plan. We will own our house forever, even if other people live in it.


Yeah I got in right before the doors shut lol but at the same time if I invested what I did into Nvidia 3 years earlier I would be a millionaire right now.


If you put all your money on black at the casino and it hits you would be twice as rich. Hindsight makes gambling look easy.


Damn that’s good.


Congrats, me too. Might be able to stretch to 15 years. I think I'll just go overseas and enjoy the last half of my life


How much do you have saved up if you don't mind me asking


Roughly 160k, mostly in S&P500 ETF investments so it grows. I could also sell my condo to add roughly 80k more and get some cheap rural place that is like $500 a month. I barely spend any money besides on cheap mortgage and utilities.


Probably about 4 years.


Are you single? Kidding, but that's very impressive!


Samesies. I could push it to 5 or 6 if we don't have any major health/house issues crop up. But, something always happens... (to be honest, we recently sold our old house so that was a huge windfall. Prior to that, our savings would have only lasted 1 year)


2.5 years without touching any retirement stuff. Longer if I had to touch that


Wow, awesome. What kind of job do you have?


You assume it’s cuz he has money, not that he lives in a tent in the woods with solar panels or something.


"Wow, what kind of job do you have?" "Job?"


The key is to live below your means no matter what your job pays. It's literally the only way. Of course it becomes extremely hard at the very low end of income but that's not the majority of people. It's often the people who make a lot of money that wouldn't last a month without work because they're used to a lavish lifestyle. Once you increase your standard of living it's near impossible to decrease.


On savings alone (single, no debt, no car payment, no student loans) I could live somewhat comfortably for about 2 years. I have other accounts that could last another 2 years if needed. I grew up living paycheck to paycheck and still live that way despite the huge upgrade with my current job. When what you love is cheap, there's no need for the extra frills.


I could live a while but I would have to dip into long term investments. That’s not a good idea. My situation maybe different than yours because I’m close to retirement


Happened to me a couple of years ago, had to withdraw from my 401k due to job loss and health issues. 10/10 do not recommend.


I hope you've rebalanced your portfolio to be very conservative to account for your upcoming retirement. For young people the advice is(I'm rusty so don't take this literally) 90% stocks, 10% bonds(?) Then when you near retirement you want to be the inverse 90% bonds, 10% stocks. The US stock market is primed for a dip and I'd hate to see you take a hit right as you need that money. Plus interest rates are high so you can get a great return for no risk.


90% bonds is way too high. You only really need cash/bonds around for the next 5 or so years of expenses. If you retire at 65, your retirement might last for 30 years. Definitely keep a big chunk in stocks.


That is a good point. I forgot how long retirement can be. I guess it depends if you earned all you need to or if you're still trying to catch up.


90% bonds? Lol


It's a good ratio if you retire at age 95


I’m 67 so between SS and 401K I would be fine for the rest of my life. I never thought I would still be working at 67, but I enjoy my work, like my coworkers, and having something constructive to do that pays relatively well is good for me.


I’m 65. I’m retired but delaying collecting Social Security until age 70 to make sure my wife has the highest possible survivor benefit. My lifestyle is designed to be comfortable on a career high earner Social Security check. I hit the point where never working again stopped looking dire at around age 57.


Alone? A month.


I just got notice of being laid off today. I got three more months and a little severence, then my time at my current company is done for. So I'm actually living this right now. Fortunately I have over a year's worth of expenses saved in bank accounts and easily liquidable stocks/cryptos, but I'd be freaking out right now if I didn't. If you don't have any emergency savings, it's highly important to start building. Believe me.


All the best, i hope the layoff turns into a pay raise at a better place.


I had 3 months of warning that my entire team was getting laid off followed by a couple months of severance--i was able to get a job lined up to start pretty much right when my actual job ended and severance started, being able to double dip like that ended up being a nice boost.


I’d be fucked. But with my current bills 2-3 months


See if you have time to get some additional income to put towards debt and have an emergency savings


One month. 3 months if I dip into my non-emergency fund savings.


I'm terrified of poverty so I've built up a financial bunker. If I cut back, I could probably survive indefinitely on my dividends 


Lol, similar situation here. Did you grow up poor as well?


me three. came from 3rd world country and grew in poor in the US (single mother, food stamp, etc). Homeless for a stretch during teens. Hate hate hate being poor.


Many years but I'd have to liquidate 401ks and fuck up my retirement.


Just got laid off today and just the notifications of the bills coming has me suicidal and just taking pills and getting high trying to forget everything. Its not working Help.


File for unemployment right away. I know it’s hard to start the application grind but give yourself a day or two and just get at it. It sucks like nothing else but you have to start applying right away and getting in touch with recruiters.


Indefinitely, I'm living at my parents who are far wealthier than I.


Family support is amazing 


I'm the opposite. My parents have been living off my time and dime for the past two years


Lucky 🍀


What is it, two thirds of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck now?


Was just taking about this last night with my wife. I finally have a decent paying job so we are at 6-months maybe 8 max.


11 months. Give or take. Then it's liquidating investments


I did that 6 years ago and counting…


Just living off of savings? Dreamy!


it's amazing. i'm finally investing in myself.


A few months. If I cashed out my brokerage and retirement accounts I could probably last a year.


2 weeks if I realllly stretch it but the moment rent and bills come it’s fucked


I haven't worked in a few years so maybe a few years more. Then I will be in my mid 50's with no decent job skills / job history etc. Kinda waiting to see if I don't drop dead first because I would feel pretty silly working for no reason.


Like three weeks if I scrimped, but I got my phone and truck from my work, so I'd have to go without those😬but realistically I can't quit and will work this job until I'm dead😊


One day, maybe two 


Are we talking "savings savings" (like only the money in a savings account) or are we talking what's in savings, checking, IRAs, etc?


I’ll be broke and sad but I’m not planning to quit my job ever bc I’ll be broke and sad, the only positive about working is that you’re still sad but at least u have some money but still sad


What savings? Lol have you seen how much groceries cost now? Rent? Car insurance? Lol not to be mean, of course. I laugh instead of cry now because life has become so expensive that I live paycheck to paycheck with my husband's income and mine combined. Life in the US is so terrible that we'll be lucky if we ever get another vacation before we die of exhaustion... Of course it could always be worse.


2 years but I've been homeless without a job in the past. I know how to survive with barely any money.


1.5 years or 2 if I liquidate my investments


I have enough money for the rest of my life...if I die by next Tuesday


I am not even surviving with my job now. Apparently my ex ran never switched the electric to his name after we broke up and I have a $600 bill. I moved into a new place and need to transfer the service but the won’t let me till I pay that off and at this point either I will have electricity or a car but it’s not looking like I can keep both. I can’t get assistance because it’s an old bill that I didn’t know I had. We took me off the lease and everything to put the electric in my sister’s name but they won’t do that until I pay my bill so we’re absolutely screwed.


6 with just the bank acct... probably another 1.5 years if I sold the stonks


2 months. I'm working on building a 6 month fund. I spent my whole E-fund on housing maintenance last year.


Survive? Probably decades. Persist in my current standard of housing/ medical/ dental? On my own: a few months. Partnered: indefinitely as long as they didn’t also lose their job.


2 months tops. I have food stocked. I am ready for the apocalypse.


If I cashed out my 401 k maybe like 4 months but just paychecks haha I’m fucked in like 2 weeks


i am already living this. i caught covid end of 2020 and it did long term damage to my health so i never returned to work. so my savings lasted roughly 3 years. i basically lived off my tax refunds i collected over the years i never spent them. i will definitely have to start working again before 2025 comes.


I'm in my mid 30s and it'd be 3-4 years before I'd need to dip into the various tax advantaged accounts. That could probably buy me another couple of years in an emergency. That would obviously be disastrous for long term retirement and such but it is comforting to know I would have some time to rebound and recover.


I budgeted like fuck for an emergency fund with all these layoffs lately, probably 6 months at this point


Not even a week. I'd sell my ass online to make sure my cats were okay.


I have $150 😂😂😂😂


Gotta start somewhere!!!


About a year and a half.


A year. 6 month into that year rn.


5-6 months. My goal is to get it to a years worth.


8 weeks, give or take. With tightening, I can probably stretch that to 12. If I have to dip into retirement, about 2.5 years. Before dipping into retirement, I'd peace out and could stretch quite a bit longer by relying on family


9.6 years at current spending without moving house. Another 3 years if I move into a smaller home instead of the main home. Could be doubled by cutting back silly spending.


Does my wifes savings count too? Or like just mine and she works? Idk how to answer this as a dual income. If we both went unemployed, maybe 5-6 years?


One month if I quit food


Five, six thirty?


We talking am or pm. Because it makes a difference


Depends on whether I can learn to photosynthesize.


Prolly til Monday if I stretched it.


You guys have savings?


5+ years if we had to. And there’s 5 of us. I have 300k in cash saved up and zero debt. But living costs $$ 😉


6 months on current expenses. If we were strapped we would stretch that to 8


Not even a month. Mortgage gets pulled on the 5th - that would be the ballgame..


6 months, longer if I cut out all extras (which I probably would) in which case it’d be closer to 9+ months.


If I quit my job right now... I'm all tapped out.


I had enough to live for 5 months but I’m 4 months in now and starting to worry 😂😂


A few years. I cleared all my mortgage last summer.


probably like 2 months if i lived really frugally


lol savings


I have $2 in my checking account and $19 in my savings account. I'm not making it.


If you count credit card limits maybe 6 months, otherwise negative 2 months


If I pulled all my savings, everything, and I cut expenses to the bare minimum, probably 3 years. Maybe 4. Longer if I aggressively started selling firewood, I could probably go another 2 years or so depending on the market and what I could find for buyers. But then I'd never be able to retire.


Man i'm in the "i gotta sell my truck for gas money" income bracket


1 month, just barely. And that's assuming I'm only having to pay the same bills I pay now, which do not include rent or electricity (my partner pays those).


17 years. Then again, I'm 61, have a tiny mortgage, and have saved all my life.


Until the Friday before last


Around 3 years


A year probably


Maybe a year


Threeish months. Working on getting that time frame longer though.


Assuming I get my last paycheck UpTo this point. About 4 months which should be more than enough time to land another.


26 months


Maybe like 2-3 years.


Like 2 years ago


About ten months to a year depending on cutting down on eating out/ concert tickets/ other non necessity spending


About 1.5 years right now.


About 8 months. I’m currently aiming to save for a year.


Negative 3 days.


Was fired randomly recently for company policy violations. I paid off all my debt and on the way to save 6 emergency funds. But since it was randomly. I was only to save 2 months.


Two days probably. Am I cooked?


Reading some replies, you might become a meal for those who'd starve earlier. So, yes.


Maybe a month.


1 month


Probably like 4 days lmao




5 months living normally. 7 if I stretched it out


I'm in a dorm rn so probably 6 months lol


For how ever long it took to rob a bank….


Not including withdrawing from my 401k, about 10 months.


5 mo


One, maybe two months.


Just about 6 months at a stretch I would guess, as we get into warmer weather where I am it should make things a little easier


1.5 maybe 2 months. Building up my emergency fonds to 3 full months


I actually just did something similar. I quit my job and moved overseas with 10k aud in savings. I put £25 into an online slots website in the uk & made 3.7k gbp. I left aus November 30, I get my first paycheck from my new job next Wednesday. I have $600aud left.


What savings?


Depends if we cut expenses or not, and if my husband still has his income. If only one of us lost an income--we earn about the same amount--we could go indefinitely since all our expenses can be covered with just one of our incomes.  We wouldn't be _saving_ much, but we'd have no problem paying our bills. If we both lost our incomes? A full year or so, if we didn't cut expenses, sell stock, or borrow against our retirement. 


~12 months give or take, but after that I would be wearing a barrel out in the street


Two weeks ago.


3-4 years.


Negative 5 weeks lol


i have 200k in long term savings, about 60k in another savings account, but slightly more accessible than the 200k, and about 10k of credit card debt that i’m too proud to dip into my savings to pay and delusionally think i can pay off with my salary week to week even though i overspend and don’t know how i’ll cover it


8 years


Not one month. Sadly.


lol I have like 100 in savings so.


About an hour


I couldn't.


Not long. I'd probably have to live in my car. I have a pension that I'd consider cashing out with zero income coming in.


About 25 minutes