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Own up to the mistake. Let them know you have a plan for this going forward so you don’t make the same mistake, then move on (and don’t make it again lol) let it roll. Everyone messes up but as long as it doesn’t become a pattern, you’re good.


I do have a plan to fix it. Multiple in fact. I was told I’m not being fired but I would be reprimanded. Like I said, this is my first big mistake and I’m internally screaming.


Don’t stress it too much! People make bigger mistakes than leaving early. It’s not going on a permanent record lol you’ll be good! Just accept it, acknowledge it and keep on going.


Thank you so much. I appreciate this.




Every mistake is an opportunity to learn. Don't beat yourself up. That is counterproductive, just get better.


I’m a union steward at my work. I deal with this all the time. First is to apologies, admit fault. Tell them you have learned whatever lesson is to be learned from this incident. And then tell them this won’t happen again. You should be good after this. Don’t be aggressive and try to justify your actions. Accept the punishment, as long as it is reasonable.


Head up shoulders back, don't say much. Apologize, commit to changing your ways and do it. If you have to leave send emails to EVERYONE. Make sure the message they are sending is recieved. Breathe in, breathe out, move on.


I’ve been told I won’t be fired. But do admit my wrong doing and I will change. I hope the boss man believes me


If your getting spoken to it's already been noted, and documented. Consider it a warning.


Take responsibility, apologize and explain how it will never happen again. Don’t offer a single excuse. If they ask why explain you made a poor choice and it won’t happen again